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SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 5, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One • w G N N .J Z C I— LC 21 =W z. - - Z w Q ¢>- z V) W w ZE W I-- z LU W j O CC AGENDAV) w w owz zzzc)ULU SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a w w ¢ CC LU LU ITEM NO. c a o o m c..) Briefing: l Itaioe-A-Vieek Garbage Collection I/II II/F/1 Recogniticn of British Snouts/Adult La ?erF_ II/G/1 PFCCLAMATICN: SAEEIY BELT KWH IN TIM- MER- August 1985 II/I/1 adinance closing a portion of Southern Armed extensicn/ETNAL 11-0 YY YY YY Y Y Y Y Y Baileverd/Mayr>ard Avenue in petiticn of Approval Ernest L/Phyllis A. a lscn (Bayside Bor) II/I/2 Ordinance closing a perticn of Btanksme Approved ext sial for 11-0 YY YY YY Y Y Y Y Y Drive in petiticn of R. G. Nbore Building ccztgli.arne to 10/7/85 Corp (Katpsville Bar) II/I/3 Ordinance closing a portion of Old Bollard Approved extension for 11 • YY YY YY Y Y Y Y Y Road in petiticn of Llarry L. Reiter aitpliance 9/16/85 (Katpsville Bar) 4 ; II/I/4 Applicaticn of Vincent W. Ctrnduff for a Allowed Withdrawal of ll • YY YY YY Y Y Y Y Y MINER CUP request for WAIVER NI) 002 AND Application for a OM frim B-2 to A-2 at nw coroner of Newtcc n d/Broad Meadass Blvd (Bayside Bar) II/1/5 RBINSECERAMR2N of applicaticn of Creative Qxdi.ticn of tine dear a 9-• YY YY Y N Y Y N Y Designs far CLD?: cutdxar advertising fru! 20 years (as appro- gss Rraad/Aragcn Dr ved 6/24/85) to 15 years (Bayside Bor) II/I/6 Application of Breeden Develcpre t (exp At ize5 ramal of 8- YYYYNYYNY N WAIVER to a GI faun B-3 to B-4: restrictive Ilse of pxcp- Virginia Beach Blvd, Rc .Gley Dr, Plat of erty fronting an Virginia Surnybro k (Bayside Bor) granted 9/12/83 Beads Blvd to depth of to International Parkway Invjestrrsit 220 ft//subject parcel Prcperties, Irr/Seven D Garp/Seven A Corp shall restrict o st i u - tial of any building l ding to ate story/not more than 8,000 sq ft//no more than 132 units cn re- ttai.nder of pccQerty II/I/7 Crdinanoe to arced Section 4.5 Subdivision Deferred for Ccutcil 11-0 X YY YY YY Y Y Y k Y Ordinari pertaining to Athlic Sites and Briefing CP31 Spaces II/I/8 Ordinance to amend Article 5, Sectials Aitpted 11-0 YY YY YY Y Y Y k Y 560, 561, 563, 564 and 571 of the xsive Zcning CYdinarce pertaining to R-7 and R-8 Districts to ratove cin pieces and garage aparttrents • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 5, 1985 • VOTE RECORD Page 'No w 0 Q N N _I Z C) I-- Q' 2L Z. ^ .. Z Q W Q Q_' U D' i-+ N N Q Z N W W ZWI-. Z W -I CC AGENDA cn LL. w = wZ ZZZWL) w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o o m �„u LLI o M, CO I II/J/1 Resolutions awing the igauanoe of 1 Trrl stri al Development Revente Et rls: I I I I A. itxolse Square 9 Center rg CaPdopted 10-1 Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y I Y` P Y $5,000,000 B. Nspolitao Ehterprisesi Inc $1,000,000 . ktpted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y C. t & 's Investment Corp $3,000,000 Pctpted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y D. Road B. Associates Office ittrehouse Park Acbpted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y $10,000,000 E. GC Associates - $4,500,000 Pdopti 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y F. Booth Bill. Associates $2,750 P pted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y G. Qunley-Fain Associates - $850,000 Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y H. PHoo Inc - $3,595,000 Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY N Y Y Y Y Y I. LittletonAraliam Bins - $1,000,000 Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY WY YY Y Y J. IPS Margaret - $320,000 Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y K. I,yrn-Dee Motel, Inc - $3,750,C00 Papted 10-1 Y YY YY NY Y Y Y L. J & J pties - $500,000 Adopted 11-0 Y YY YY YY YY Y Y M. D & P As9o©atss - $1,500,000 Deferred 10-1 X Y YY YY YY Y N Y N. Coto, Inc t/a 're Dines Motel Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY NY Y Y Y $4,250,000 0. Endoroke South Associates - $10,000,(00 Adopted 10-1 Y YY YY NY YY Y Y P. Inpect Systems, Inc - $500,000 Adapted 11-0 Y YY YY YY Y Y Y Q. gitai Tawa.:s - $3,000,000 Adapted 10-1 Y YY YY NY Y Y Y R. 11M Associates - $975,000 Pa pted 10-1 Y YY YY NY Y Y Y 11/x/1 Resolution authorizing enlargater►t of Pkpted 11-0 Y YY YY YY Y Y Y Ian SIPILTUFE at 5625 Virginia Beath Blvd (property of John and Katrina Miller) 11/x/2 Resolution authorizing contract with Aicted 11 • Y YY YY YY Y Y Y MELPIlJ II/K/3 C rdin rxue authorizing agree rent with Putted 11 • Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Virginia Bead?Resort Cortfe rams Hotel II/K/4 Ckdinanoe authorizing oast pos<ti cipetiai Adopted 11 • 1 11 I Y'Y YYY YY agrees lts with R. G. Moore Building 1ding Corp for Ovate//sewer fari-titles II/K15 Ordinance authorizing dost participation Adopted 11 • I Y Y II YYY ► Y Y agregnant with SWAT Properties for Water far-i 1 ities II/K/6 Crdinarr:e authorizing aoq isition of Pdcpted 11 I Y Y Y Y Y YYY YY property fcr r.o.w. for Altertha's Dr/ Congress St Water & sewer inprovara its/ easements of r.o.w hx agreement cr by corriernation i I SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 5, 1965 VOTE RECORD Page Tyree m Q N N J Z W W N C7 Q o 0 I- = W Z. w wiZ Q AGENDA ¢ w ¢ mow wo Z m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o m C..) 'L �, o II/10 Ordinance to a +ate $727,415 for Pdopted 11-0 I '1 Y YY YY Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y FY 1984 Leamilkirrlase Assets delivered SHIM REIEKM in FY 1965 PIED to increase revenues by the sate amxait. II/K/8 Crdinanoe to accept,/appropriate $29,655 Adopted 11-0 Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y Grant for furling a Safety Kids Program SP30rD ROOM II/K/9 Qrdinanoe to amend Section 5 of the Pel ted 11-0 Y YY YY Y Y Y Y1 Y Y • Ckdinar r e iraking appropriations for FY SHIN)REPDIlG July 1, 1965 ending Jure 30, 1966 by adding retention of percentage for City and Sdcol Int Savioe II/K/10 Cuclinance AS MINCED to appropriate Pipted 11-0 Y Y Y YY YYYY Y Y $23,681,038 to various Capital Project SHIM MUM Fuzes for FY 1984-85/1985-86 11/x/11 Ckdinance to trate $27,839 to fund A±pted 11-0 1 11 11 1 1 Y 1 1 Y amen Pasouame program study/aid a =tract to PrIninistratilm ani Profes- sia 1 Saviaes, Inc II/K/12 Ordirarce to transfer appropriations be- 11 • Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y twee► Capital Projects to close-wt azrpleted Capital Projects for Ff:1964-- a5 II/K/13 Ckdinar-re to traisfer apfxcpriaticns Pdapted 11 • Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y $289,266 to establish water/sewer projects for Fouyil1 43ellary Plarta- • ns for cost participation agteenEnts with M.S G.P. Inc/Invastcrs Service Cbcp ACD CN Ckdinarne to tranSEer $227,616 fcuu the Actioted 11 Y YY YY YYYY Y Y S.P.O.T. Bu rueau to the Race thief's Staff aareaa due to rexganizaticn of the Police DEparbrent II/104 Ordinance to authorize a terperary en- ktpted ll • Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y croachrent into a portion of the r.o.w. General Bootle Blit to F. Wayne McCl eskEy, Jr II/K/15 Crdirarne t o authorize terpCrary en- PdcPted ll • Y YY YY YYYY Y Y croadrent into a portion of City prop- erty known as Boer COME 01f (Mose to Albert W. Pt7Cartty • II/K/16 Ordinance for appointment of viewers: Pd pted ll • Y YY YY YYYY Y Y Robert J. Soott/David M. Grodiral/Ckal C. Larrter't, Jr. for closure of portion of Knotts Island Road (Pungo Boy) I II/K/l7 Ckdi narroe for atpoantrtet of viewers: Pied 11 0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Robert J. Scott/David M. Ckod ural/Oral C. L mtert, Jr./closure of portion of Southern Blvd (Lyrxrhaver Bar) II/K/18 Ordirarce for eLpoirtment of viewers: Pcbpted 11-0 Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y Robert J. Soott/Lhvid M. Crodrral/Oral C. Lartert, Jr. for closure of portion of Old Providence Pt ed/Pro idenoe Eted I . SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 5, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Four I Q N N W AGENDA N W W ice- zNu w L,) L.L. U. = WZ ZZ Z U W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY < o m v, M o II/1(/19 Iav Bid Asphalt Marls & Material,s (pang, Approved 11-0 l Y YY YY Y Y Y!Y 1 Y Y Inc $1,128,993.90 Bittinus irx O r crete f Maintenance Resurfacing/Profile Schedule, Centrad I II/K/20 Icy Bid Cbrrad mets, Inc - $7,769,000: Approved Y YY YY Y Y Y Y ' Y Y Central Litrary Project II/K/21 laa Bid Asphalt Roads & Materials anp6ny, Approved 11-0 Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y Inc - $B15,600.90: 85-86 Varves Roads Ocntract II/K/22 Icy Bid Spars Enterpoises of Virginia, Approved 11-0 Y YY YY Y Y YY Y Y Inc. $19,667: Laskin Road Bridge Repairs II/K/23 Raffle Pmt: Aragcna Garden Chub Appraved 11-0 Y YY YY YYY Y Y Perrbroke Pyr Lhited Church of Christ Princess Anne Plaza Carden Cly II/K/24 Mac Refuds - $196,554.33 Approved 11-0 Y YY * Y Y y y Y Y II/L/1 Planning ca n iasicn: Appointed: 8-3 Daniel J. Arris t r h h h h a t h h h a :iva7 'a1 '(v _ ld 'a� '7 'a� '7 Ma: ig II/L/2 Resort Area Advisory Ocrrrnissicn: Appointed: 11-0 Y YY Y Y Y Y Y ► Y Y R. J. Nutter, II II/N/A:114 h City Attorrx'y to review Ordinance added 2/25/85 pertaining to Fruit Yard Seeth es I/M/ki:1-Qi City Manager to review heat perp situatiai in Lynnhavez Bon:ugh II/W1 Vinpnia Beach Caminity Develcpuert Qxp R rthPr Ocnsideratio:► 8/12, 8/19 II/N/2 South Walk Service Authority Scheduled Public Heariry 11-0 Y y y y y y y y y y y Analysis of Virginia Beach Transfer 8/19/85 Statian Site II/4/3 Basic4 aticnal Fire Prevanticn Ocde: Scheduled C rdinanc:e Read sr7ec7 charges to amid Sections 8/12/85 12-3(a), 12-8(a), 12-25, 12-41, 12-42, 12-43, 12-44, 12-45, 12-46/12-49 of Cbde II/0/1 Arljouament: 5:37 RI RHS/bc •