HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 1, 1985 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : July 1 , 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One a w • ►+- p p (11 N J Z c,1 O C9 d O W Wc:3 ce w W Q ce U =U &5 wd>- Z fJ w w W F-CO Z W W J O CC NY W L- = w Z►-r ZZ Z UU W AGENDA W w d ce w w w o ULJ m ;TEM N0. SUBJECT _ MOTION TO/BY a p p m c)"s r' O BRIEFING: Interim CIP Twice-A-Week Garbage Collection 'II /G/1 Virginia Beach Safety Council Life Saver Award: Troy Williams :/G/2 Resolution of Appreciation to Louise 0. McManus :/G/3 Harry Paviour/Ronald Peake, British Fire Officers :/G/4 Cheryl Strange, Miss Virginia Beach /G/5 Donna Daout, Miss Tidewater :/G/6 Neptune Festival Presentation: King Neptune and His Court /H/1 Ordinance closing 30-foot unnamed FINAL Approval 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y YY -Y Y Y Y lane/cul-de-sac - Cavalier Park: petition of Estate of W. Taylor Johnson, Sr. (Lynnhaven Bor) :/H/2 Ordinance closing portion of Ego Approved 60-day 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ' , Dr. in petition of William R./ extension for com- Helen H. Holz (Lynnhaven Bor) pliance :/11/3 Inlynnview Company, COZ from R-8 Approved 5-4 Y YYY * Y N N N Y N to A-2: South Lynnhaven Rd/ * Ie 1. y .abs.a'n:d Lynnhaven Parkway/Silina Dr (Lynnhaven Bor) :/H/4 Ordinance to amend Sect. 4.5 of Deferred 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY the Subdivision Ordinance: Public Indefinitely Sites/Open Spaces :/H/5 Ordinance to amend Comprehensive Deferred to 8/12 11-0 YYYYYYY YYY Plan dated 1/23/85, re COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT :/I/1 Ordinance to amend Chapter 2, Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYY YYY Sect. 2-396 of the Code: composition/organization/appoint- ment/qualifications of members of the Planning Commission; iD Resolution proposing one Planning Deleted Commission member for each of seven Boroughs with four At Large members ! � I I/J/1 Ordinance to amend Sect. 21-364 Deferred 11-0 Y Y Y 'Y Y Y Y Y of the Code: General Parking Indefinitely Prohibitions I/J/2 Ordinance to add Sub Section Adopted as 9-1 YYYYYY V ;; 5-5.1 of the Code: Dog Killing Amended *$b: rrd rf . •s a'ned Domestic Animals — �; I I SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : July 1 , 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two LL.. C:1 p N N J • Z d' W W N c7 d O H- a Sw Z• - - p N W W f WJp cc AGENDA ¢ w w a ���Z,, W o Z C...)L.) 03 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY p p m (.' LI- O ADD ON Ordinance to amend Sect. 21-338 of Adopted 9-0 � YY! A Y Y Y Y Y Y� YIA the City Code pertaining to Chemical �I Test for Alcohol Content -- as I further amended to comply with the State Code, effective July 1 , 1985 II/K/1 Resolution of Appreciation to Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY Louise 0. McManus II/K/2 Ordinance declaring certain Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY property EXCESS/authorizing City Manager to dispose of same II/K/3 Ordinance to authorize the Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY acquisition of property in fee simple for r-o-w for London Bridge- Potters Rd Intersection Project/ acquisition of temporary/permanent easements of r-o-w by agreement or condemnation/to transfer funds for acquisition of land II/K/4 Appointment of Nianza Wallace as Approved 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY Assistant City Attorney, July 1 , 1985 confirmed II/K/5 Ordinance to accept/appropriate Adopted on 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY $9,685,684 from the U.S. Dept. of SECOND READING Education for Salem Junior High School II/K/6 Ordinance to accept/appropriate a Approved on 10-$ Y' Y Y Y Y Y A Y Yi, Y Y Grant Award from the Dept of FIRST READING Housing/Urban Development to the Community Development Eleventh Program Year II/K/7 Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 10-$ YYYYYAYYYY encroachment into a portion of the r-o-w of Pacific Ave to Ashburton Corporation II/K/6 Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 10-4 YYYYYAYYYY encroachment into a portion of the r-o-w of Atlantic Ave to Ice Cream Alley, Inc. II/K/9 Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 10-4 YYYYYAYYYY encroachment into a portion of certain City property known as 100-foot strip surrounding Lake Bradford, to Pleasure House Station, Inc. II/K/10 Ordinance appointing Viewers in Adopted 10-0 t Y Y, Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y in the petition of 24th St Associates for the closure of a portion of 25th St (Lynnhaven Bor) II/K/11 Low bid J. G. Horton and Son Approved 10-n Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y $186,205: Lynnhaven Park Racquetball Courts Project SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : July 1, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three Lct W W t/7 C.7 p O ^Q F- =W Z Z Q cc U CC ;n Q>- Z v, W W 2E W I--' Z - J c CC AGENDA ¢ W Q � W �" m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY �- p m m " ,.' '' o II/K/12 Raffle Permit: Messiah Luthern Approved 10-0 i ! Y' YI Y Y• Y Y A Y Y Y Y Church I II/K/13 License refunds $1,156.78 Approved 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y1Y Y II/L Appointments Rescheduled to 7/8/85 II/M/ADD Ordinance adding Sect. 21-259 to Motion to Repeal 5-6 NNNNYNYNYYY ON City Code re: Trucks on Atlantic Defeated Ave. II/N/1 Request of Franklin R. Wiley, Scheduled :-2 YYYYNYYYYYN Ramon Breeden Companies for waiver consideration of of a condition in a COZ approved of waiver 8/5/85 by City Council 9/2/85 II/N/2 911 Emergency Telephone System Authorized "Letter 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY of Intent" II/N/3 Legal Holiday - Labor Day, Cancelled 9/2 AND 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY Rescheduled 9/24 to 1 C 9/30 at 7:00 PM II/N/4 Council's Semi-Annual Meeting Rescheduled to with Direct Appointees August II/0 Adjournment 6:15PM RHS I � Ii