HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 6, 1984 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 6, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page One I O O N N - • Z o W W NLf3 C7 ¢ O w H � S W _ w Z N W W SWI- ZW W J ce AGENDA < w w ci LU LU )j m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY m u�- '� O I/II . Regular Session II.E. City Manager II .E.1. National League of Cities/Virginia Municipal League II .E.2. City Policy re Tax-Exempt Organi- zations II.E.3. Award MF1OA Certificate of Conformance. II.G.1. Street Closure: Trotter Drive Adopted 10-1 YYYY A 1Y (Formerly Leland Street) petition of Robert H./Mamie.P. Raymond/ Elvin F./Geraldine W. Lilley II.G.2. Variance: petition of Terry/ Approved 8-3 YYYY Y N , N Peterson Development Corporation Independence Boulevard/Green Meadow Court (Timberlake PUD) (Kemspville Borough) II .G.3. AMENDMENT R. G. Moore OOZ, Approved/Restrict to 6-5 YYYY N Bayside Borough (Sajo Farm) R-1/R-5 delete 78.198 acres (These applications were approved by Request for Zero Lot 6-5 NYYY N City Council November 23, 1983) Line Development referred to Planning Commission (Sept. agenda) ADD ON Refer PD-H2 Ordinance back to Approved 11-1 YYYY Y YYY Y Planning Commission for review (1) Open Space/(2) Amendments II.G.4. Amend Article 14, Sec. 1411, 1412 Adopted 11-1 YYYY YYYY 1413, 1414, 1415 and 1416 of Wet- lands Zoning Ordinance to bring the City into compliance with the Virginia Wetlands Act. And, Amend Article 16, Sec. 1601(d), 1601(g)/1602(g)/1606/1611/1612/ 1613/1614/1615/1616/1617 of Coastal Primary Sand Dune Pro- tection Act II .H.1. Ordinance to Amend Sec. 36-57 Adopted 11-0 Y YYY b Y YYY Y of the Code: parking or stopping chartered buses. II.H.2. Ordiance to appropriate $54,555 Approved 11-1 YY Y !Y 'Y Y Y YYY to refund the Federal Government First Reading for site development of Seatack Borrow Pit II.H.3. Ordinance to Transfer $40,000 Adopted 10-1 Y YYY YYYYNYY for Atlantic Avenue Beautifica- tion II.H.4. Ordinance to Transfer Appropria- Adopted 11-0 Y Y iY YY Y ,Y Y ,Y Y tions to close-out completed Capital projects for FY 83-84 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 6, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page two I • w p p N N -I. Z C H 2 W . W Q a' U LY �--�N w Q Y Z ER N W w z WF- ZW W JO r AGENDA v� w w = wz zZi w Q w W cr W O l U CO ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a p cn 6-.) II .H.5. Ordinance to Transfer $15,000 for Adopted11-0 fY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Lesner Bridge Boat Ramp II.H.6. Ordinance to Transfer $41,000 to Adopted 11-0 YY YYYYYYYY Y Lynnhaven Park (Racquetball Court Addition) II.H.7. Ordinance to Transfer $15,000 to Adopted 11-0 Y Y i YYYYYYYY Parks/Recreation Office Renova- tion II.H.8. Ordinance to authorize acquisitionAdopted 11-0 YY * YYYYYYYY in fee simple utility easements for Little Neck Road Sewer Extension II.H.9. Ordinance to amend the Community Adopted as Amended 11-0 Y Y 1 YYYYYYYY Development Budgets for Program (reallocate $10,000 Years 8,9, and 10 from 'Target History" to "Housing Rehabili- tation" II.H.10. Ordinance authorizing Cost Parti- Adopted 11-0 YY YYYYYYYY Y cipation Agreements with Housing Systems, Inc. for Water and Sewer Facilities II.H.11. Ordinance authorizing Cost Parti- Adopted 11-C YY YYYYYYYY Y cipation Agreement with Solartowne, Ltd. for improvements to Newtown Road II .H.12. Ordinance to authorize a tempo- Adopted 11-C YY YYYYYYYY rary encroachment into a r/w of ar unnamed 15' alley to Mary W. Rogers et al ADD ON Ordinance authorizing temporary Adopted 11-C YY YYYYYYYY Y encroachment into r/w of Ocean Hills Road to Ocean Hills Owners Association (Virginia Beach Borough) II.H.13. Appointment of Viewers: Lakeside Approved 11-C YY YYYYYYYY Y Construction Corp. for closure of portion of Painter's Lane (Princess Anne Borough) II.H.14. Authorization to publish a Notice Approved 11-C YY YYYYYYYY Y of Public Hearing for August 20, 1984 for K,JR,S Associates (Ports- mouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority) II.H.15. Low Bid of Rea Construction Co. Approved 11-0 YY TYYYYYY Y $109,998.14 for 84-85 Emulsified Asphalt Slurry Seal Schedule II.H.16. Low Bid of Rea Construction Co. Approved 11-0 YY YYYYYYYYY $916,667.05 84-85 Bituminous Concrete Maintenance Resurfacing/ Profile Schedule II.H.17. Low Bid of Keystone Painting Co. Approved 11-0 YYYIIYIYYYY $36,000 cleaning/painting of structural steel, Lesner Bridge at Lynnhaven Inlet • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 6, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page three W U. O O Nm CA Z W W N O C7 Q O W Q c U U N a>- Z N W Lai I— ZW W JO R' AGENDA a w w . cc L LU Lu 0 L)L o ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY II.H.18. Raffle Permit: Lago Mar Civic Approved 11-S 1Y Y Y Y 'Y Y Y Y Y YIY League II.H.19. Tax Refunds: $2,059.24 Approved 11-0 YYYY YYYYY II.I.1. Pelican Dunes Drainage Problem Residents/Developer to resolve problems/ City Manager to advise Council II.I.2. Drinage Problems Associated with Administrative appro- Lot Gradings val of certain recommendations as presented/Staff tc prepare Site Plan Ordinance as proposes II.I.3. Financing Alternatives for Lake Report of Finance Gaston Project Director II.I.4. Francis Land House Committee Staff to report back Report quickly re structural aspects/organization et cetera II.I.5. Fastern Virginia Ambulance Ser- Approved as Amended 7-2 Y Y Y Y . N • Ya Y vice, Inc. Rate Increases *(Louis Jones abstained) II.J.1. Commercial Business in residen- City:Manager to tial area: Eleanore Hanson Rock further investigate II.J.2. Capital Project Status Report Accepted for the Record II.J.3. Analysis of Tourist-Related Deferred to 8/13/84 Revenues and Expenses FY 83 by consensus ADD ON Holiday, "Labor Day" - Sept. 3, Council meeting 10-1 YYYYYYY YAY 1984 cancelled ADD ON C. E. McGuire engineering report Referred to 8/20/84 of City Manager by consensus ADD ON VML Legislative Committee Councilman R. Jones Meeting 8/9/84 re IRB's will attend II.K.1. Adjournment at 8:32 P.M. RHS I {