HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 14, 1984 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH • DATE : May 14, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page One C W 4. C d CO V) J C 2 C O N C 2 = YZ A -,Z.� Z C W Q C W..) W o-4 V) <›- N W W XWVI a.iWJOC AGENDA vn u. u_ = W .. zzzzi— c)c.) ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY < C C ant) 7 _ 7YX,ZO Budget Workshop: 10 a.m. Informal I.E. City Manager I.E.1. Right-of-Way Acquisition Policy Rescheduled I.E.2. Policy for When Impact of a Road Rescheduled is Greater than Expected I.E. 3. Encroachment Request of Aqua See Formal II.G.6. Sports, Inc. Formal II.E. Proclamations: II.E. 1. Military Appreciation Week - May 13-19, 1984/Armed Forces Day at Fort Story - May 19, 1984 II.E.2. Rescue Squad Week - May 20-28, '84 ADD ON Municipal Clerk's Week - May 13 - 19, 1984 II.F. 1.a, Ordinance: Appropriations for FY Approved as Amended 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA 1984/1985 $335,344,326 for and with addition Operations/$110,531,879 in Inter- *** (Mr. Jennings fund Transfers regulating the registered "NAY" payment of money out of City on 7.5% across-the- Treasury, as amended. board personnel ***ADD Boards/Commissions - Wetlands increase) Board at $4,200 --Page 5: Increase FIRST READING $9,322 to $13,522/Total: $2,575,905; Page 6: Decrease $500,000 to $495,800/Total: $6,813,072 II.F. 1.b. Ordinance: tax levy on personal Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA property/machinery and tools - FIRST READING calendar year 1985. II.F. 1.c. Ordinance: tax levy on real Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA estate for FY 1985 FIRST READING II.F.2.a. Ordinance to authorize an Adopted 7-3 YYYNYYYNNYA encroachment into and to lease air space over public r/w of Ocean Avenue to Neptune Associates T/A Ramada Inn on the Beach II.G.l. Ordinance to amend Chapter Two of Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA the Code by ADDING Article XX Department of Housing and Commu- nity Development II.G. 2. Ordinance to amend Section 35-207 Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA of the Code pertaining to tax on Second Reading cigarettes II.G. 3. Ordinance to amend Section 21-75 Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA (c) of the Code pertaining to Second Reading local license taxes on horse trailers II.G.4. Ordinance to transfer $51,000 ; Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA within the FY '84 Community Second Reading Services Board budget II.G.5. Ordinance to transfer $284,000 Adopted 9-0 Y A Y Y Y Y y y Y A between Capital Projects to provide additional funds for Landstown Shop Modifications • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : May 14, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page two C W L& G G m tN J C Z CC C HC S � Z GC D W Q C S UUWN ..7;a1 Q� Z AGENDA, H </W W � WzJZ W zWic=2UJ L OW — zz Q W W QCW W W000--1UU Ca ITEM' NO'. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a. c o m c� x x " Y 22 O_ II.G.6. ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA -ncroachment into the r/w of eneral Booth Boulevard (1049 General Booth Boulevard) to Aqua Sports, Inc. 11.0. 7. Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA encroachment into City property adjacent to Lake Joyce to Joe B. Over felt II.G.8. Ordinance appointing viewers in Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA petition of Edwin B. Lindsley, Jr. for closure of a portion of Cape Henry Drive (Lynnhaven Borough) I1.0.9. Ordinance to authorize acquisition Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA of property in fee simple and temporary/permanent easements for Little Neck Road Bikeway Project, either by agreement or by condemn- ation II.0. 10. Ordinance to authorize acquisition Deferred indefinitely9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA of property in fee simple and temporary/permanent easements far Salem Canal Phase I, either by agreement or by condemnation II.G. 11. Ordinance authorizing agreement Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA between City/Tidewater Transporta- tion District Commission II.G. 12. Bingo/Raffle Permits: Church of the Approved 9-0 YAYYYYYYYYA Holy Family; Tidewater Radio Control, Inc. ; Animal Assistance League II.G. 13. Tax refunds: $371.08 II.H. 1. Ordinance closing portion of 89th Allowed withdrawal 8-0 YAYYYYAYYYA Street in petition of Endicott Corporation (Lynnhaven Borough) II.H.2. Ordinance closing portion of 14th Approved 6-3 YYYNYYANNYA Street in petition of the Sand- castle Motel (Virginia Beach Borough) II.H.3. CUP: recreational facilities of an Deferred to 5/21/84 9-1 YYYYYYYYYNA outdoor nature, E. S. G. Enter- prises, Inc. , South Birdneck Rd. / Bells Road (Princess Anne Borough) II.H.4. Modification to the Green Run Land Denied 9-1 YNYYYYYYYYA Use Plan to allow a car wash, application of Kenneth E. Malbon/ Wayne A. Smith, Lynnhaven Parkway/ Primrose Lane (Princess Anne Borough) II.H.5. COZ from R-6 to 0-1, Arnold T. Allow withdrawal 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA and Barbara T. Rogister, 1504 Kempsville Road (Kempsville Borough) II.H.6. COZ from R-6 to 0-1, E. Louise Allow withdrawal 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA King or Assigns, 1506 Kempsville Road (Kempsville Borough) • • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : May 14, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page three CC W LL G C CO CN J Z ce C H CC 2S >- ►-s g W Q UU W ►-+ N l <>- Z AGENDA N W W WN; JZwWUJ0ce N LL LL W r+ U W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c c m c�.� z = L.)1..) CO II.H.7. COZ from B-2 to A-2, Hoyt/Eliza- Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA beth Freeman, McDonald Road/ Mineola Drive (Kempsville Borough) II.H.8. COZ from B-1 to B-2, Dr. C. M. Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA McCoy, South Military Highway/ Alexandria Avenue (Kempsville Borough) II.H.9. COZ from A-1 to B-2, Congregation Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA of the Kempsville Chapel, Windsor Oaks Boulevard/Governors Way (Kempsville Borough) II.H. 10. COZ from R-6 to B-2, Kathleen B. Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Grier, at 5217 Indian River Road (Kempsville Borough) II.H. 11. COZ from 0-1 to A-2, Rose Holland Approved 6-4 NYYNYYYNNYA Associates, Chimney Hill Parkway/ Smokey Chamber Drive (Kempsville Borough) II.H. 12. COZ from R-6 to A-1, John G./Mary Allow withdrawal 9-1 YYYNYYYYYYA Williams, Holly Farms Drive/ DeLaura Lane (Bayside Borough) II.H. 13. Gallager Associates, COZs, Holland Defer to 6/4/84 .0-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Road/Landstown Road (Princess Anne Borough) : From AG-1 to R-8 on 42. 319-acre; from AG-2 to R-8 on 4.67-acre; from R-8 to PD-H 2 on 46.989-ac. ; from AG-1 to P-1 on 37.842-acre Appointments: II.1. 1. Advertising Selection Committee Appointed W. H. 8-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y A A Kitchin, III to unexpired term of Scott Sterling, effective 7/1/84 - 12/31/85 II.I.2. Community Services Board Appointed: Nancy L. 9-0 YYYYYYYYYAA Clark to unexpired term of Mary Anne Nixon thru 12/31/85 I1. I.3. Eastern Virginia Medical Authority Rescheduled I1.I.4. Historical Review Board Appointed Howard S. 9-0 YYYYYYYYYAA Meyers to unexpired term of J. Burks Withers thru 3/31/86 I1.I.5. Resort Area Advisory Commission Rescheduled (Atlantic Avenue Beautification) II. I.6. Southeastern Tidewater Opportunity Rescheduled Project 11.1. 7. Virginia Beach Task Force for Appointed: Thomas Youthful Substance Abuse Northern, Chairman; H. Jack Jennings, Council Liaison, Ms. Ann Sutton, Ms. Betsy Russell, Ms. Jon Withers, Capt. Ernest F. Buzzy, Ms. Lillian DeVenney, Ms. Joan Scholefield, Mr. Chuck Shelton, Mr. James Woolf, SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : May 14, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page four o: W LL CO N J CC Z C' C H • ce 2SYZ w ,ZtiZ D W Q C: t./ C..) W -rNN2Q).- Z N W W ZWv: JZ W WL .i0 C: AGENDA v) 4- 4- I— vc. W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ! G G LGA aoLJMC = ", e, D ZZ CD II. 1. 7. Virginia Beach Task Force for Appointments: (Cont'd9-0 YYYYYYYYYAA Youthful Substance Abuse from page three) Mr. James Spencer, Mr. Matt Vestor, Mr. John Ross, Mr. Robert McCrary, Ms. Meyera Oberndorf, Dr. C. E. Parker, Ms. Delores Delaney, Rev. Vincent Lasciole, Mr. Rudolph Russo, Ms. Laura Zambardi, Ms. Brenda Farmer, Mr. William Campbell 1I.I.8. Volunteer Council Rescheduled ADD ON PD-H2 Ordinance Advertised for 6/4/84 City Council • II.I.1. Briefing on Comprehensive Plan Rescheduled for 2:00 p.m. 5/15/84 ADD ON Abstract of Councilmanic Election To be made part of May 1, 1984 record II.L. Adjourn: 7:00 p.m.