HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 16, 1984 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 16, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page One W U- CM C m N J CC Z 0 G I-- CC = = YZ . .. -+ Z G W d CC UUW ►-1NNSd>- Z N W W � WLel J2WWUJ0CC AGENDA Cl) U- CDWI-. zzzzt4C U.J LU CC LW UJ GU CD CD _ .) — C-3cW G. G C 03UCCCC "D "D "DY == O ca ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY Informal I.D. 1/2 Mayor/Council Code Amendment ((Sec. 35-6(a)/ 35-37(a)) re taxes on personal property and real estate: ADD paragraph (c) re "'prior date of adoption. . ." (II.G.3) IDB's list of those approved since 2/28/83 at $335,101,090 total/ News article in Va. Pilot and Arkansas Gazette/per capita cap/ State and Federal legislation. Staff to prepare criterion for State Legislation when Legislators meet with Council 5/9/84. Councilman Baum complimented . news writer Olga Wickerhauser on her article on "growth" in today's Va. Pilot. City Manager's Reorganization of the Administration will be included for Council adoption with the FY 84-85 Operating Budget and hopefully effective by or soon after 7/1/84. I.E. City Manager I.E. 1. Proposed Bond Referendum 9/4/84 latest date to schedule a Special Election for the Referendum (approx. cost: $50,000). City Mgr. & staff to meet with new Bond Consul- tants 4/24/84 ADD ON Kempsville Greens requested City Staff to meet revision to PUD (Kempsville Meadow with Civic Leagues Golf Course) for their full under- standing & concurrence ADD ON Land Use for Timberlake - proposed Staff to handle location of gas station facility administratively on Independence Boulevard ADD ON Virginia Beach Racket Club - Staff to handle Great Neck Road/Thomas Bishop Lane administratively Difference in "attached"/"detached" facility I.E.2. Consent Agenda: II.G.3: add "after the first year Defer one week at the IRS published rate. . ." .ADD ON II.G.7: Verified cost at $435,600/ Represents savings reduce FY 85 budget at $453,000 FY 84 over FY 85 ADD ON II.G.8: Drainage at Ocean Park Council requested a (Low Bids) Briefing and defer item until Briefing with Mr. Fisher ADD ON CUP - Charity United Methodist City Attorney to Church -- Road dedication (improve-provide rewording for ments) may involve cemetery a/o condition of approval. septic tank drain lines • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 16, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page two cc W W O 0 m N J CC z CC UJ LAJ cC 0 -. ce S S >- Z .. ..CD - Z 0 W Q per' C-) UJ -+ N0124} z V) W W 2E W V) J z :U W U ...10 CC AGENDA L'2 u- t � W t7.1 E5 E5 c�c-3 W / LL 0 O m U S MC ''D "D '�� Y X= O ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO BY Formal II.D.2. Minutes correction of Item #21602, "Apli mxiRgxicka 3/26/84 "Inviting and encouraging. . ." SRHA issue to Rosegate Associates II.E.l. Public Hearing: Proposed budget No one represented increase for Police and Fire see II.G.7. Vehicles II.F.1. Resolution declaring need for Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY Newport News RHA to issue Bonds for Peppertree II Associates (Snyder-Hunt Corporation) II.G.1. Resolution endorsing the 7th Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY Program Cycle of Clean Community System Project: AND, requesting Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control, approve this application II.G.2. Ordinance to amend Sec. 18-108 (a) Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY of the Code pertaining to temporary and transient businesses; Ordinance to amend Sec. 18-93 (a) of the Coda pertaining to peddlers generally; AND, Ordinance to amend Sec. 18-94 (a) of the Code pertaining to peddlers of bottled drinks, hot dogs and wrapped sandwiches. II.G.3. Ordinance to amend Sec. 35-6(a) of Deferred one week 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY the Code pertaining to penalty/ to 4/23/84 interest when personal property taxes not paid on time; AND, Ordinance to amend Sec. 35-37(a) of the Code pertaining to penalty/ interest when installment not paid on time (taxes on real estate) II.G.4. Ordinance to transfer $37,573 to Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY Oceana NAS Entrance II.G.5. Ordinance to transfer $65,000 for . Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY a new meter reading system II.G.6. Ordinance to transfer $39,000 for Adopted 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY purchase of three trailers (Department of Public Utilities) II.G. 7. Ordinance to appropriate $435,600 Approved 8-0 , YYYYAYYAYAY for police and fire vehicles/ First Reading reduce 84-85 Budget by $453,000 II.G.8. Low bid Warbler Construction Co. Deferred for Council 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY Inc. , $651,842.40, for Contract I/ briefing Low bid of Crowder Contracting, Company, Inc. $363,700.00 for Contract II, Ocean Park Drainage Project, Phase I/authorize implementation of these projects. II.G.9. Bingo/Raffle Permits: St. Nicholas Approved 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY Greek Orthodox Church, Friends of Roller Skaters • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 16, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page Three cc W LL- C2 iC2 C3 CO N J CC Z CC LW LW O I-- CC 2 2 >-Z ^CD 2= Z D W Q CC UC) LU (snco = QD- z N W W 2W V; —J 2= W WUJOCC AGENDA N LL. LA- W --. zzzz — C LU GW W QCCW W WOO ►-s UL CC ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c c Co Ci = ^ CC 2 ^D '7 Y XX O` II.G. 10. Certificate of Public Convenience Approved 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY and Necessity: David W. Best, M.D. II.G. 11. License refunds - $768.19 Approved 8-0 YYYYAYYAYAY II.H. 1. FINAL APPROVAL, closure of a 20-ft FINAL Approval 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY alley: Arctic Ave/33rd Street, petition of Arthur S. Kreger, Shirley K. Levin, Ruth S. Kreger, Parker-Sparks, Inc. and Roger W. Miller (Virginia Beach Borough) II.H.2. CUP: addition to a church Approved 8-0 Y Y Y * Y Y Y A Y A Y (education building), Charity *Mrs. Henley United Methodist Church (Pungo abstained. Borough) II.H.3. CUP: home occupation (natural Approved 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY child birth classes) , Martha L. Kirtley, 4604 Gilling Court, (Kempsville Borough) II.H.4. CUP: line-of-sight relay device, Approved 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY CBN, Kempsville Borough II.H.5. CUP: auto repair establishment, Approved 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Harris W. Pardue T/A Westview Aut Center, (Kempsville Borough) II.H.6. CUP: rest/retirement home, Evelyn Denied 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY M. Fleming, (Kempsville Borough) II.H.7. COZ from R-8 to B-2, Harry T. and Approved 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Leatha L. Ferguson, (Kempsville Borough) II.H.8. COZ from R-6 to R-8, Heritage Motion to Approve Construction Company, Inc. LOST 4-5 YYYNYNNANAN (Lynnhaven Borough) DENIED 5-4 NNNYNYYAYAY II.H.9. COZ from B-2 to R-8, R. G. Moore Approved 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Building Corporation, (Kempsville Borough) II.H. 10, COZ from R-6 to 0-1, John E. and Allowed withdrawal 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Wilma M. Sirine (Kempsville Borough) II.I. Appointments: II.I.1. Community Services Board Rescheduled to 4/23/84 II.1.2. Housing Board of Appeals Appointed: Nelson 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Sabin 4/16/84 - 6/30/86 II.J.1. Charlemagne Associates, Inc. : Approved subject to 9-0 YYYYYYYAYAY encroachment onto a public pedes- Deed of Dedication trian access easement ADD ON CZO Amendment: Article 5, Sec. Deferred 60 days 573(f) by Planning Commissicn on 4/10/84 II.K. 1. Utility Extension Policy Presentation by Public , Utilities Director II.L. Recess to -Executive Session for Approved 8-0 YYYYYYYAYAY Legal Matter (4:07 p.m. ) Adjournment: 4:55 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: FY 84-85 OPERATING BUDGET APRIL 23, 1984, 2:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS DUO