HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 7, 1983 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 7, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page one cc W LL G Q cc Ct Z G G F- cd 22 >- W ¢ C4 UUWr-dNNSQ› V) W W 2 W J = _u W U J O a AGENDA N Lu = W zzzZu_ ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ¢ W W a. Q W W W O O .-. U U c: o o mvxs � �c � � �sc iriefings 1. PD-H 2 and P-1 Overlays: Robert City Manager to J. Scott, Director of Planning review Council's concerns/address their questions/get back to Council. 2. Drainage Ways: C. Oral Lambert, City Manager to Jr. , Director of Public Works prepare further map showing natural floodways/swails/ what to anticipate in future mainte- nance--going back to 50's Informal I.D. 1J2 Mayor/Council: Old Donation Parkway: Staff to review as orginally requested by Councilman McCoy/report in 1-2 weeks Kempsville Golf Course: Committee still working/R.G. Moore appli- cation before Planning Commission delayed one month//report in 1-2 weeks to Council Nancy Reagan's "Chemical Project" --City to look at Ordinance/ establishing Task Force to coordi- nate efforts (Committee previously served & disbanded) Letter from Saw Pen Point re "Park" area -- City Manager work- ing to resolve exchange of parcels and from "reservation" to "dedication" Norfolk' s lack of cooperation re Water Study/City of Norfolk did not pay for wells in western Tidewater/City to consider not only water supply, but treatment of same Public Hearing: Nov. 17 at Pavilion by Corps of Engineers// City Manager to advertise for benefit of citizens HRSD to determine source of project at Susquehanna Drive and Newtown Road I.E. 1. HRSD Development Plan: James Borberg, General Manager I.E. 2. 1984. Legislative Package: City Manager to arrange meeting of Council with Legislators and Staff ADD ON City Manager presented CIP Project Status Report -- to be discussed: informal 11/14/83 ADD ON City Manager presented Comprehen- sive Annual Financial Report for FY ended June 30, 1983 • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 7, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page two cc O C CO VIJ = Z C 0 0 Z Z S - C - 1 Q fY 55Wr•rHN= <>' Vf W W Z W Vt J Z ZZ W ZZW t..1JO WC' W AGENDA ¢ U- La; Q W W O O r- CW.3 m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c c m _ _"2 Formal II.E.1. United Way Ceremony--City Depart- ments recognized for attaining 102% of goal II.F.1. Resolution of Appreciation:Members of Mayor's Air Cushion Vehicle Advisory Committee: Tom Aiken Councilman Heischober Jim Kaiser Councilman Jennings Jack Whitney David Grochmal II.F.2. Resolution of Appreciation: W. S. Fenner, Retiring Chairman, Personnel Board II.G. Public Hearing: Proposed Budget Increases- II.G.1. Accept/appropriate $2,000: Clean Community System Program. II.G.2. Accept/appropriate funds from SEVAMP II.G.3. Appropriate $14,777 and transfer $16,917 to Emergency Medical Services II.G.4. Accept/appropriate $5,400 from VA Dept. of Transportation Safety II.G.5. Appropriate $10,000 to Pendleton Child Service Center II.H.1. Resolution requesting the Suffolk Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Redevelopment and Housing Authority issue its Bonds for construction of a Garden Apartment Project by Auburn Associates. II.I.1. Resolution of Appreciation: W.S. Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY Fenner II.1.2. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-49: defi- Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY nition of charitable solicitations 1I.1.3. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-51, Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY Subsec. (b) : exemptions: (re: Solicitations) 1I. 1.4. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-55: Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY investigations to enforce Article (re: Solicitors) 11.1.5. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-57: actions Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY to enjoin violations (re: Fund Raising/Solicitations) 11.I.6. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-60: publi- cation of warning as to unregis- tered organizations. 1I.1. 7. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-62: Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY contracts between organizations/ fund-raising counsel/professional solicitors. 11.1.8. Code Amendment: Sec. 26-70: Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY misleading solicitations generally 11.1.9. Code Amendment: Sec. 18-18: Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY proration of license taxes • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 7, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page three ac W O Li O CC N J CC Z F- SSl�Z "_-_,= 1W a V V Wr-eHNSi‹,'• = Cl) W W 'FWNJ= W WCJJOC= AGENDA .n u. i W7 z z��j f- v C3 4, ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY m d D D C.= =7 .) '-3 . 14zZO II.I.10. Ordinance authorizing a Permit Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY with Commonwealth of Virginia Marine Resources Commission for encroachment in, on or above subaqueous bottoms. (Lake Gaston) II.I.11. Ordinance authorizing an Agreement Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY with Endependence Center, Inc. (elimination of barriers to the employment of persons with disa- bilities) (Emergency Jobs Bill of 1983) (Contract: $50,000) 1I.I.12. Ordinance to appropriate $30,000 Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY to Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Second Reading Squad, Inc. : purchase of new ambulance I1.I.13. Ordinance to accept/appropriate. Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY $2,000 for Clean Community System First Reading Program 1I.I.14. Ordinance to accept/appropriate Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY $21,451 from SEVAMP First Reading I1.I.15. Ordinance to appropriate $14,777/ Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY transfer $16,917 to Emergency First Reading Medical Services for Communication Improvements II.I.16. Ordinance to accept/appropriate Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY $5,400 from VA Dept. of Trans- First Reading portation Safety II.I.17. Ordinance to appropriate $10,000 Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY to Pendleton Child Service Center First Reading for additional supplies, equip- ment and alterations II.1.18. Ordinance authorizing a lease Adopted 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY agreement with Virginia Electric and Power Company for a Substation site between 28th and 29th Streets II.I.19. Authorization to execute Agree- Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY ments for acquisition of twelve units proposed by American Fire Equipment Company ($1,847,150); AND, to arrange for lease/purchase financing II.I.20. Lease/purchase of a magnetic tape Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY cleaner/evaluator for Data Pro- cessing ($16,025). Southern National Leasing Corporation at 8. 75% 1I.I.21. Low Bid: Suburban Grading & Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY Utilities, Inc. ($298,823.62) Small Line Improvements Project - Contract 5 (CIP 5-304) II.I.22. Permit: Tidewater Ambulance Ser- Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY vice, Inc. to operate an Emergency Medical Services agency and vehicle within the City/allow interfacility transports and non- emergency transports within the City 1I.1.23. Tax Refunds - $1,914.06 Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY II.I.24 License Refunds - $6,701.63 Approved 9-0 YAYYAYYYYYY • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 7, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page four oc W C C W W O CSO Z C w 1..1 W 4 C Vt=.7WENNQ . Z AGENDA N W W ZWNJZW .JOoc WV Vf LL L+. Cue HVV W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a ''' W a J1' LTJWW ' "3•-• c�Z m Q. C C o] USS ''� ' r7�LZZ O II.J.1. RECONSIDERATION: Sunstream Park, Deferred 1 week 7-3 TYYYYYYNNYN Inc. , COZ from B-2 to R-8, (11/14/83) approved by City Council on Dec. 18, 1978. II.K.1. Subdivision Variance: Floyd Swartz, Denied 6-5 NNNYNYYYYNY William H. Barba and James L. Milligan, along the south side of Lakeview Drive, Southwest of Bromfield Avenue (Bayside Borough) II.K.2. Street Closure: portion of an Approved 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY alley 20' x 150' on west side of Arctic Avenue, south of 33rd St. (Virginia Beach Borough) : petition of Kreger/Levin/Kreger/Parker- Sparks, Inc. II.K.3. Street Closure: portions of Approved 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Pennsylvania/Maryland/Virginia/ West Virginia Avenues/ First St. (Kempsville Borough): petition of Oxford Development Enterprises, Inc. II.K.4. Amendment: Master Street and Approved widening 11-C YYYYYYYYYY Y Highway Plan (widening Independence to 8 lanes of Inde- Boulevard/relocating Baxter Road) pendence Blvd. from Jeanne St. to Edwin Drive Deferred to 11/14/83 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY relocation of Baxter Road II.K.5. Ordinance to encroach into a Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYNYY portion of City r/w known as Oceanfront Avenue: petition of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Capps • (The Breakers Resort Inn at Atlantic Avenue and 16th Street) II.K.6. Resolution authorizing the enlarge-Approved/adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY went of a nonconforming structure Resolution of at 2752 Ocean Shore Avenue: Authorization owned by Elvie Roy Bonney and Mardel W. Bonney II.L. Appointments Rescheduled II.M.1. Amendment to Master Street and Deferred for 2 weeksf1-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Highway Plan: re Feasibility Study for staff review to reinstate Old Donation Parkway and extend Indian Lakes and South (Southern)Boulevards by Staff II.N./0. Recess to Executive Session for a Approved 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY legal matter, after which to adjourn • Adjournment at 4:50 p.m. RHS