HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 3, 1983 SUMMARY • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL rCTIONS CITY uF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 3, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page one C] C m N J CC Z CC C] H CC S 2 Y Z Z G W Q CC La C-3 W►rNN2QY' Z N W W '2EWV; JZWWU -JO CC AGENDA a W QCCWWGU 2C W2C 2C OO•-- L.)C.; `c ITEM NO.' SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c CZ CO c�2 s '7 P, Y �� c Briefing Proposed Rail Line between Norfolk and Virginia Beach - TRT will conduct a feasibility study (no cost to City) Informal Mayor I.D.1. Mayor advised of a letter from Senators Trible & Warner and Congressman Whitehurt re air cushioned landing craft at Fort Story Mayor thanked and complimented Councilwoman Creech for her "touch" to the Neptune Festival and the part she shares in its success. I.D.2. Council Vice Mayor distributed the itinerary for the Back Bay Watershed Tour 10/12/83 Public Hearing at 10:00 a.m. 10/18/83 re Atlantic Avenue Beautification at the Dome City Attorney to review: (1) Resolution adopted 9/26/83 supporting Federal legislation that would reduce the liability of cities in certain civil suits and impose limits on awards of attorney's fees/(2) National League of Cities position re Senate Bill 141 re"good faith standard"/(3) determine from NAACP their position/(4) what position other municipalities around the country have taken Public meeting October 7th in Richmond re IRB's (General Assembly Building, House Room C) Old Donation Parkway/Baxter Road (--see new Business) Billboard Task Force: Public Hearing in Council Chambers - 2:00 p.m. October 18th/afterward to Planning Commission and then to City Council Breeden COZ-Reconsideration (see New Business) Mike Barrett complimented for cooperation and excellent assis- tance with Neptune Festival I.E.1. Status Report of Private Fund Raising Efforts of Virginia Museum of Marine Sciences Foundation, Inc. : Mac Rawls/ Councilwoman Creech - truly regional effort to realize a "living entity" -- opening scheduled for 10 a.m. , May 1, '85 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY iiF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 3, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page two C ca m N J C 2 C I-. C =S �Z w w,Zq Z C W Q C C.) (..) LL: 5-*NN = Q� V) W W ZWNJZ W Wt../ JO CC AGENDA ¢ UJ W a CC W W LU CD CD �Li ¢ ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c o m c� x x P2 '7Y M Z c I.E.2. Hurricane Evacuation Plan for Virginia Beach (see II.I.5) I.E. 3. Council of Civic Organizations' Proposal: City Manager offered alternatives/accepted/Staff will proceed and compile first draft, meet with CCO re their concerns and present draft proposal to City Council. I.E.4. Financial Statements, July 1,1982- June 30, 1983: Revenue exceeds both projections and expenditures I.E.5. Consent Agenda: Defer #1 indefi- nitely/vote #8 separately ADD ON Resolution re Sand Grading -- Emergency at Sandbridge Beach FORMAL II.F.l. Proclamation: Spina Bifida Month --October, 1983 II.G.1. Public Hearing: Budget Appropri- ations (see II.H. 1-5) II.H.l. Ordinance, accept and appropriate Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y funds from SEVAMP First reading II.H.2. Ordinance, to accept a grant of Approved $5,200 from the Va. Fire Commission First reading 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y for equipment for the Virginia Beach Fire Training Center II.H. 3. Ordinance to appropriate $932 to Approved 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y FY84 Clean Community Operating First reading Budget. II.H.4. Ordinance to accept and appro- Approved 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y priate a Federal grant of $15,000 First reading from the Division of Motor Vehicles for a regional DUI Task Force II.H.5. Ordinance to accept and appro- Approved 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y priate a Federal grant of $150,000 First reading toward the development of Woodstock Park II.I.1. Ordinance to amend Sections 21-423 Deferred indefi- 11-0 YYYYYYYYYY Y 21-425, 21-426, 21-428, and 21-429 nitely of the Code pertaining to towing II. I.2. Ordinance to amend Chapter 33 of Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY the Code by adding Article VI pertaining to encroachments into public streets and other public ways, places or property. 11. I.3. Ordinance to amend Sec. 35-50 of Adopted 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY ' the Code pertaining to roll-back Second reading tax when use changes to nonqualifying use. • 11.1.4. Ordinance to appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYY $2,000,000: State contribution First reading to the Virginia Museum of Marine Science II. I.5. Ordinance to transfer $38,397 for Adopted 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y a Comprehensive Hurricane Evacu- ation Plan for the City SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY uF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 3, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page three oe G C m N J DC Z CC F- zz }Z W Q g i� C.) W N W W SWNJZWWC.) JOCY AGENDA 1i = W CLai WWOOI-+ c)LCC ITEM NO. SMELT MOTION TO/BY a- c c m C) x x r P,�c �� c I1.1.6. Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY encroachment into a portion of the r/w of Holly Road to Rudolph H. Koch II. 1.7. Ordinance to authorize a temporary Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY encroachment into a portion of the r/w of Rosemont Road to John Aspinwall, III II.I.8. Ordinance to authorize acquisition Adopted 8-2 Y Y Y N Y * Y Y Y Y N of property in fee simple for r/w of Landstown Road and Holland Road AND the acquisition of temporary and permanent easements of r/w either by agreement or by condemnation II.I.9. Low Bid: Asphalt Roads & Materials Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Company, Inc. ($218,770.54) , Park Connector Bikeway Project II.I.10. Confirmation of appointment of Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Cristel L. Lewis as attorney trainee. II.I.11. Permit for the Nightingale Air Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Ambulance Service to operate a Class F EMS Vehicle (helicopter) in the City I1.1.12. Raffle Permit - Women of Eastern Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Shore Chapel Episcopal Church I1.I.13. Tax Refunds - $366.00 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II. I.14. License Refunds - $6,206.80 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II.J. 1. Ordinance to amend and reordain Deferred to 10/17/83 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Article 2, Section 221 of the CZO pertaining to procedural require- ments and general standards for conditional use permits. II.J.2. Street Closure: undeveloped alley Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY bounded by Elm Avenue on the south and Dare Drive on the north, petition of John and Martha D. Franklin, III (Lynnhaven Borough) II.J.3. CUP: Church, Atlantic Shores Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Baptist Church, Centerville Turnpike, north of Kempsville Rd. (Kempsville Borough) II.K.1. Citizens Advisory Committee Rescheduled II.K.2. Community Services Board Rescheduled II.K.3. Hampton Roads Air Pollution Appointed Reid 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Control District Ervin to 2 yr. term to 10/2/83 II.K.4. Historical Review Board Reappointed Michael 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY B. Newbill and Florence K. Turner to two yr. terms to 10/2/85 II.K.5. Mosquito Control Commission Rescheduled II.K.6. Personnel Board Appointed Edward 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Lynk to 3 yr. term to 10/2/86 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 3, 1983 VOTE RECORD Page four CC W LL O Q m N J CC Z = O I- 2 = = Y Z ^ ^---- Z D W Q a' UU W 1--4Ur) N2QJ. Z . t/1 W W EW N: JZ W WU -JO or WENDA N L. L- WW1—. zz6z �— (c:3�UW TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ¢ W W Q 2 W W W O O IC Cd C. o O mU = = ''D77YX2O II.K.7. Board of Plumbing and Mechanical Reappointed James 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Appeals V. Powell to 2 yr. term to 12/31/85 CI.K.8. Transportation Safety Commission Rescheduled CLL. /M. RECONSIDERATION of a condition in Scheduled for agenda 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY application of Thalia Wayside 10/17/83 Corporation for a change of zoning approved May 19, 1983 ADD ON Resolution authorizing Sand Grading Adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY at Sandbridge Beach for 90 days ADD ON RECONSIDERATION of Breeden • Scheduled for 9-2 YYYNYYYYYYN Development Corporation COZ 10/17/83 Denied :,y City Council 9/27/83 .DD ON Proposal re Old Donation Parkway/ Referred to staff Indian Lakes Boulevard/South for review. Boulevard Adjourned: 4:08 p.m. RHS