HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 22, 1983 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 22, 1983 VOTE RECORD W LL O Q m N J DC Z C C H Sl�Z � = C W g C 55WE4,1ti N W W FW V: JZ W WVJ0C AGENDA N 4- L+- W !MESS F- vc, ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY Lc' c o m � = � � X= c Informal I.D.1/2 Mayor/Council Requested Resolution recognizing citizens who participated in "Silver Haired Legislature" LACV-30: 24 hr a day/for 6 days training @ Ft. Story//18 complaints re noise//write Congress- men & Senators re concerns Hurricane Alicia in Galveston discussed @ LBAC/citizens concerned that City adopt Emer- gency Evacuation Plan/also C&P Telephone should print that Plan in next publishing of 'phone books --City Manager to coordinate// City to adopt Plan to save lives and protect property City Code section 38-6 -- see "Unfinished Business" Bond reissue -- charter does not allow -- Legislation to be included in next Legislative Pkg. Abandoned vehicle Franchise: report in 3 weeks Dumpsters - Summer Schedule vs balance of year disposal: City Manager to study alternatives/ re commend I.E. City Manager I.E.1. Atlantic Avenue Beautification • Project: July 1983 Report of Research Team on file in office of City Clerk/City Manager recommended staff proceed immediately with engineering work ($200,000) -- see Agenda Sept. 6, 1983 ADD ON Briefing 11 a.m. 9/6/83 - U.S. Navy/Adm. McDonald ADD ON Jobs Bill -- see Resolution -"New Business" Formal II.E.l. Presentation: Little Miss Virginia Beach: Vivianne DeVera-Hipol II.F.1. Ordinance to appropriate $3,529,130: Categorical Grants 1983-84 (First reading 9/6/83) II.F.2. Ordinance to appropriate $1,708,677: establish School Textbook Rental Fund FY 83-84 • • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 22, 1983 VOTE RECORD tx O G CO N J C' Z C O F- cl SYZ A Z0 W Q CC V SV N W W ZWfl1 -J3CWWC ..J0 CC AGENDA Q LUW QCWLTJLTJ -� VUm ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY 0. 0 0 m c.) x s r7r, P,Y Z, II.F. 3. Ordinances to accept and appropriate: a. $28,687--Employee Services Program b. $17,598--Emergency Food and Shelter Program c. $13,450--Family Violence Prevention Program d. $2,166--Department of Transportation Safety e. $2,000--Community Diversion Program II.G.1. Resolution recognizing James L. Adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Ogden II.G.2. Resolution authorizing TENPIN Adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY contract II.G.3. Ordinance to Transfer FY 82-83 Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY appropriations within various departments II.G.4. Ordinance to Transfer $222,724 Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY purchase of two park sites: Red Mill Farm, Saw Pen Point II.G.5. Ordinance to appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $1,708,677 to establish a school First Reading Textbook Rental Fund FY 83-84 II.G.6. Ordinance to accept & appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY a Federal Grant of $28,687 - for First reading an Employment Services Program AND Ordinance to accept & appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY a Federal Grant of $17,598 - for First reading Emergency Food and Shelter Program II.G.7,Ordinance to accept & appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $13,450 - Virginia Family Violence First reading Protection Program II.G.8. Ordinance to accept & appropriate Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $2,166 from Virginia Department First reading of Transportation Safety II.G.9. Ordinance to accept & appropriate Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y a $2,000 Grant from the Department First reading of Corrections for the Virginia Beach Community Diversion Program II.G.10, Ordinance authorizing a substitut9Adopted, as corrected1l-0 YYYYYYYYYYY agreement extending the franchise of the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier, Inc. for five years under certain terms and conditions II.G.11, Ordinance authorizing acquisition Adopted 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y in fee simple of property adjacent to Norfolk-Southern Railroad r/w for the purposes of locating and maintaining a water transmission line II.G.12 Low Bid: E. G. Middleton, Inc. Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $27,940 for Lynnhaven Park Soft- ball Field Lights SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH • DATE : August 22, 1983 VOTE RECORD W yti W W O 6 ....; c1 Q Q WeC CI 55W� NN2aa=Y � N W W ZWNJZ W Wi.� JOC AGENDA H {y�� �+- W z z� ��-- cW.)c.� ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY II.G.13. Low Bid: Winkelman, Inc.-$131,900, Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Stumpy Lake Watershed Improvements Project II.G.14. Raffle Permit: Thalia-Malibu Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Recreation League II.G.15. Tax Refunds: $9,612.83 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II.G.16. License Refunds: $2,359.07 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II.H.1. Street Closure: unimproved alley Deferred to 9/6/83 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY between Virginia Beach Blvd. and 18th Street: petition of Peter J. and Joseph J. Gualeni (Lynnhaven Borough) II.5.2. Street Closure: 24-foot unnamed Deferred to 9/6/83 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY r/w, petition of Richard H. Kline (Lynnhaven Borough) II.5.3. Resolution authorizing amendment Approved 10-1 YYYYYYNYYYY of certain restrictive covenants and conditions: Atlantic Permanent Savings & Loan Association (Corporate Designs, Limited, August 28, 1978) II.5.4. COZ from A-1 to A-2, Application Denied 10-1 YYYYYYYYYNY of John P. and Jeanette D. Highfill, Alabama Avenue and Garfield Avenue (Pecan Gardens) (Princess Anne Borough) II.H.5. OZ from B-2 to A-3, William- Approved as 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY r.bert and Company, Newtown Road modified to A-2 .nd Meadows Blvd. (Bayside Borough) II.H.6. OZ from A-1 to A-2, Chesapeake Denied 10-1 YNYYYYYYYYY Investment Corporation, College 'ark Boulevard/Chestnut Hill Road (Kempsville Borough) II.5.7. OZ from R-3 to A-3, John W. Smith Deferred to 9/6/83 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY AND COZ from B-2 to A-3, John W. Smith Shore Drive/Independence Boulevard (Bayside Borough) II.H.8. COZ from R-6 to B-2, Walter F. Deferred to 9/6/83 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Chow, Virginia Beach Boulevard/ Fair Meadows Road(Bayside Borough) AND CUP: mini-warehouses, Walter F. Chow, Virginia Beach Boulevard/ Fair Meadows Road(Bayside Borough) II.H.9. CUP: four-room addition to school Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Thomas R. and Joan G. Eckert, Shore Drive and Treasure Island Drive (Bayside Borough) II.H.10 Ordinance to amend Article 6, Denied Sec. 613(a) 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Sections 613(a) and 633(a) of Approved Sec. 633(a) CZO re minimum lot area in the A-2 and A-4 Districts II.I. Appointments Rescheduled SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 22, 1983 VOTE RECORD WCM CD CO un CY 2C LL W W O GOJ Z Q O O I- ce ZSYZ ZI G N W W 2E W N J Z :j W j ma C CC AGENDA a Li W Q W W W 1525' c(.3 OWD ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a CO c m G) x s Pa I'D " Y ZX o II.J. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ADD ON Ordinance to Repeal City Code Deferred for furthe97-4 YYNYNYYYYNN Sec. 38-6 re Purchase of Certain info from City Weapons Attorney II.K. NEW BUSINESS II.K.1. Clark-Whitehill Company of Va. Adopted 10-1 YYYYNYYYYYY Beach - proposal to develop apartment project: Rosemont Road/ Holland Road -- Resolution to allow City of Suffolk IRBs ADD ON Jobs Bill: Resolution authorizing Adopted as revised 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY an agreement with Arnold & Company Inc. subsidizing a project located in Seatack Target area for low income --$329,580 Community Development Block Grant Funds ADD ON Letter from Estelle Barr Burns re Babysitting Services: City Manager has assigned staff review/report to Council II.L. Adjournment: 9:42 p.m. RHS