HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 8, 1983 SUMMARY • • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY uF VIRGINIA BEACH • DATE : August 8, 1983 VOTE RECORD ac D W V W Q C C=./ C=.; W►=+ H NMO O J AGENDA " '" W►- v c� � ITEM' NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY 8o m cw _ �fc a ai c Briefing 1. "Conflict of Interest Act": Commonwealth Attorney advised Council of changes in Act effec- tive July 1, 1983--new Handbook available//reporting forms/method: revised//forms to be filed with City Clerk (not Clerk of Circuit Court as previously)//forms to be filed by January fifteenth annually//forms to be of Public Record for five (5) years//three definitions of "Personal Interest` //3% total equity exceeding • $10,000//competitive bidding// no opinions direct to Attorney General--opinions to be rendered by Commonwealth Attorney--only those contested to Attorney General//Commonwealth Attorney represents "bar of prosecution" 2. Landscape Ordinance: Proposed ordinance discussed/ will be reviewed by Planning Commission for recommendation to Council. 3. Definition CZO: Proposed revisions discussed/will be reviewed by Planning Commission for recommendation to Council. 4. CIP Process: Future--Plan- ning Commission will be included in "process"//This year, Planning Staff will present CIP to Planning Commission for their recommenda- tion to City Manager/his recommendation to City Council. 5.Building in Flood Plain: Proposals discussed, including boundary lines/developed/deve- lopable/non developable areas// City Policy to limit development in flood plains but allow increased density on balance of parcel(s)//PDH-2 Zoning//Planning Commission to review/make recommendation to Council. 6. Major R/W Improvement Policy: Discussed in Executive Session Informal Mayor I.D.1. Council Meetings: 9/5 (Labor Day) See Formal II.H.1. 9/19 (VML Annual) Farm Bureau BarBeQue 6 p.m. , Tuesday 8/9/83 I.D.2. Council 9 a.m. 8/9: Pavilion Board Room: LCAC Special Briefing 8 a.m. 8/10: Main Tower, NAS: Special Navy hosted trip to Panama City, FLA, re: LCAC • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 8, 1983 VOTE RECORD oc C C CO N J C _ et W W 0 CO W d C V 5 W " H N d� N W W 41 .4 W WC.iT AGENDA a U- w <o w W � r.13 ¢ ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c c CO c3 s '", u Zc I.E. City Manager I.E.1. "Ambassador Program" - Presenta- tion by Director, Economic Development I.E.2. Marine Science Museum: see II.E. 14. (Consent) City Manager recommended awarding bid/identify projects later if State funding is not realized I.E. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers ADD ON Colonel Hudson - will address City Council 11 a.m. , Monday, August fifteenth Discussion of Council "Briefings" (former policy--1st Monday each month) FORMAL II.E.1. Resolution: Accept and Approve the Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Recommendations-Water and Sewer Bond Information Committee to Proceed with Court Validation Process II.E.2. Resolution authorizing Joint Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Powers Agreement with City of Chesapeake re Pendleton Child Service Center, known as"Pendleton Project" II.E.3. Ordinance, revise revenue esti- Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA mates and reduce appropriations Second Reading 83-84 FY Operating Budget (Constitutional Officers) II.E.4. Ordinance, appropriate $2,000,000 Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA School Capital Projects Fund Second Reading II.E.5. Ordinance Transfer $28,500 Off Approved 8-1 AYYYYYYYNYA Season Parking-Atlantic Avenue II.E.6, Ordinance, Transfer $44,768 from Deferred indefinitely 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Stumpy Lake Drainage to Oceana N.A.S. Entrance II.E.7 Ordinance, Temporary Encroachment Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA R/W Linkhorn Drive, Stephen C. Baugh, (Virginia Beach Borough) II.E.8, Ordinance, Temporary Encroachment Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA R/W Princess Anne Road, Cashvan Arabian Farms (Princess Anne Borough) II.E.9. Ordinance appointing viewers, Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA petition of Oxford Development Enterprises, Inc./ closure of portions of Pennsylvania Ave. , Maryland Ave. , Virginia Ave. , West Virginia Ave. , and First Street (Kempsville Borough) II.E.10. Ordinance, closing a portion of Deferred 3 weeks 9-0 A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y p, Poinciana Drive, petition of Merlin Van Statzer and Rita Statzer, (Lynnhaven Borough) • • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY Ur VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 8, 1983 VOTE RECORD ac W li O C .,.I " I W 1./.1 0 C� Z d VV ~ CW W WHWN JYZ AGENDA, !- ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a =s � u16 II.E.11. '83-'83 State-Local Hospitalization Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Contracts: Bayside, Chesapeake General, Children's Hospital of Kings Daughters, DePaul, Lake Taylor, Leigh Memorial, Louise Obici Memorial, Maryview, Medical College of Virginia, Norfolk Community, Norfolk General, Portsmouth General, Riverside, Virginia Beach General, Walter Reed Memorial, Virginia Beach Public Health (Clinic) , All clinic and emergency room rates II.E.12. Low Bid: Major T. Archbell, Inc. , Approved 9-0 A Y Y YA $667,860.64, Lake Shores Sanitary Sewer, Phase III,Contract I AND Low Bid - Crowder Contracting Approved 9-0 A Y h k k ' A Company, $81,300, Lake Shores Sanitary Sewer, Phase III, Contract II II.E.13. Low Bid-Suburban Grading & Utili- Approved -0- A y Y . . Iv Y A ties, Inc. , $225,953.18, Lynn- haven Colony Sanitary Sewerage Facilities, Phase III, Section 3, Contract I AND Low Bid - Woodington Electric, Approved 9-0 A Y Y h I K Inc. , $96,969.00, Lynnhaven Colony Sanitary Sewerage Facili- ties, Phase III, Section 3, Contract II II.E.14 , Low Bid-SR International Approved 9-0- A Y , I• A $4,678,000.00, Marine Science Museum II.E. 15. Low Bid - Todd Electric Company Approved 9-0- A Y Y Y y y y $88,324.53, Power Management System II.E.16. Low Bid - Asphalt Roads & Approved 9-0 A Y Y h , , A Materials, Inc. , $993,445.97, Seatack Neighborhood Street Improvement-Phase I Project II.E.17. Low Bid - Acoustical Installers, Rejected Low Bid/ 9-0 AVV h h p. Inc. ./Asbestos Containment Accepted 2nd Low Bid Corporation - $126,800.00, of WACO @ $145,000 Conventaion Center Insulation and Caulking Project II.E.18. Raffle Permit: Messiah Lutheran Approved 9-0 A V' y , IA Church II.F.1. Change of Zoning, R-9 to R-9, Approved 9-0 A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y A Donald L. Moore T/A Marsha Lynn Building Corporation, two parcels Indian Hill Road/Lakeside Drive (Bayside Borough) II.F.2. Change of Zoning, I-1 to B-2 Allowed withdrawal 9-0 A Y Y 1 1 three parcels, Lynnhaven Parkway/ Avenger Drive/S. Lynnhaven Road/ Homespun Avenue (Lynnhaven Borough) Lynnhaven North Associates, AND Change of Zoning, I-1 to B-2, threE Allowed withdrawal 9-0 A Y Y I A parcels, Lynnhaven Parkway/Avenger Dr./S. Lynnhaven Road/Homespun Ave. • • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 8, 1983 VOTE RECORD cc WL. G G CO V/ J C Z W W 0 CO Z Q C Wg VUW '=-+ NVfSQ'' C N W W ZWV: J= WWC� JOCC AGENDA v L� U.. W r-+ zzpZZ 1— C�c� It ITEM"NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/Blf d G O COCC.) = S •W9 ^DPDYSZ C II.F. 3. Change of Zoning, R-5 to 0-1, Denied 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Edith Lawrence White, North Lynn- haven Rd./Virginia Beach Boulevard (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.4. Change of Zoning, R-5 to B-2 Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Donna R. Goodson, South Great Neck Road/Potters Road (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.5. Change of Zoning, R-6 to A-2, Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Hickory Corporation, Barberton Dr./ "A" Street, (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.6. Change of Zoning, A-i to B-1, Denied 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Hudgins & Associates, Inc. Norfolk Avenue/Marshview Drive (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.7. Change of Zoning, R-6 to R-8 Deferred to 8/15/83 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA Heritage Construction Company, Inc Riddle Avenue/Air Station Drive (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.8. CUP: Auto Repair/Sales/Servicing Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA of tires, George Lee, T/A Economy Tire Center, Virginia Beach Blvd./ First Colonial Rd. (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.9. CUP: Duplex, Gary C. and Valerie Approved 9-0 AYYYYYYYYYA A. Madsen, Cypress Avenue/16th Street (Virginia Beach Borough) II.F.10. CUP: mini-warehouses, Colonial Approved 8-0 A * Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Self Storage, Village Drive/Laskin Road (Lynnhaven Borough) II.F.11. CUP: Auto Body and Paint Shop, Approved 8-1 AYYNYYYYYYA James Lee Pappas, St. Paul St./ • Virginia Beach Blvd. (Lynnhaven Borough) Atlantic Park Target Area II.G.1. VML Legislative Committee - Consensus Richmond - 8/10/83 II.G.2. LCAC Vehicles - U.S. Navy to Brief Consensus City Council 5:00 p.m. August 22, 1983 II.H. 1. Rescheduled Regular Council Meet- Approved 8-1 AYYYYYYYYNA ing of 9/5 to 9/6 @ 12:30 p.m. II.H.2. Cancel Regular Council Meeting Approved 8-1 AYYYYYYYYNA of September 19, 1983 (VML 78th Annual Meeting in James City County) II.I. Meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m *Councilwoman Creech abstained RHS