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CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL CS411%8C.40 MAYOR ROBERT M 'BOBBY'DYER, 41 Large L VICE MAYOR JAMES L WOOD,Lynnhaven—District 5 JESSICA P ABBOTT,Kempsville—District 2 MICHAEL F BERLUCCHI,Rove Hall—District 3 U ,) S BARBARA M HENLEY,Princess Anne—District 7 LOUIS R JONES,Bayside—District 4 •a� //,:'i JOHN D MOSS,At Large AARONR.ROUSE,At Large " °U• GUY K TOWER Beach—District 6 ROSEMARY WILSON,At Large SABRINA D WOOTEN,Centerville—District I CITY HALL BUILDING CITY COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE ACTING CITY MANAGER—THOMAS M LEAHY VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9005 CITY ATTORNEY-MARK D STILES PHONE(757)385-4303 CITY ASSESSOR-RONALD D AGNOR March 3,2020 FAX(757)385-5669 CITY AUDITOR—LYNDON S REMIAS E-MAIL CITYCOUNCIL@vbgovcom CITY CLERK-AMANDA BARNES MAYOR ROBERT M. "BOBBY" DYER PRESIDING I. CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFING - Conference Room - 1:00 PM A. SOMETHING IN THE WATER FESTIVAL 2020 OVERVIEW Robby Wells, Chief Strategy Officer—i am OTHER II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING 1:50 PM A. CITY'S RESPONSE TO HILLARD HEINTZE INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF THE MAY 31ST VIRGINIA BEACH MASS SHOOTING Thomas M. Leahy, Acting City Manager III. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS 2:40 PM IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW VI. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 3:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Robert M. "Bobby" Dyer B. CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VII. FORMAL SESSION - City Council Chamber- 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Robert M. "Bobby" Dyer B. INVOCATION: Pastor Darren W.Nettingham Village Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SES IONS February 18, 2020 G. BID OPENING 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE USE—Telecommunication Services H. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Ordinance to ADOPT and INCORPORATE into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 and AMEND Sections 1.1 and 1.2 re Resort Strategic Growth Area I. PUBLIC HEARING 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE USE—Telecommunication Services GU HOLDINGS, INC. (GOOGLE) J. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA 1. CONSENT AGENDA K. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinance to GRANT a Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement with GU Holdings, Inc. (Google) re install,operate,and maintain network facilities for telecommunication services in the public streets and rights-of-way 2. Ordinance to AMEND City Code Sections 8-69, 8-70, and 8-72 re consolidate four divisions of the Board of Building Code Appeals into a single, unified Board 3. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to EXECUTE a Lease with Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC for 5.45 acres at Lynnhaven Inlet re temporary construction office, vessel loading,and laydown site 4. Ordinances to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to EXECUTE a Sponsorship Agreement re Something in the Water,LLC a. $250,000 (approved in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget) and in-kind contributions (Alternative 1 —Staff Proposal) b. $250,000 (approved in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget), in-kind contributions, and TRANSFER$650,000 from Tourism Investment Program (TIP) Fund to FY2019-20 Convention and Visitors Bureau Operating Budget, which may be increased or decreased so that the total financial sponsorship equals the exact dollar amount of the admissions taxes generated by the festival (Alternative 2—Requested by Council Member Rouse) 5. Ordinance to AMEND the Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations re open air café size criteria 6. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE and ACCEPT the dedication of 1.7 acres (+/-) at 4549 Revere Drive from Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. re public park 7. Resolution to SUPPORT Limited Access Fence Modifications for VDOT's I-264/Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange re install Lynnhaven Business District gateway sign as part of CIP#9- 028 "Lynnhaven Parkway Corridor Improvements" 8. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $528,172.50 of insurance proceeds to CIP#2-022 "Major Bridge Rehabilitation II" re reimburse expenses incurred due to damage to the Pungo Ferry Bridge fender 9. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $1,000 from Families Forward Virginia to FY2019-20 Public Health Department Operating Budget re purchase welcome resource bags to participants in the Healthy Families Program 10. Ordinance to TRANSFER$4,078,031 from CIP#8-042 `Replacement for the Rudee Inlet Dredge"and APPROPRIATE $549,636 in fund balance of the DEA Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund to CIP#3-122 "Police Department Helicopter" re purchase of helicopter with manufacturer savings L. PLANNING 1. PRINCESS ANNE/WITCHDUCK ASSOCIATES 1,LLC C/O ROBINSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP for a Conditional Use Permit re eating and drinking establishment with drive-through window at 5161 Princess Anne Road DISTRICT 2— KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL M. APPOINTMENTS 2040 VISION TO ACTION COMMUNITY COALITION ADVERTISING ADVISORY COMMISSION BAYFRONT ADVISORY COMMISSION BIKEWAYS AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS —BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION —ELECTRICAL DIVISION —PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL DIVISION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITIZENS COMMITTEEE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION GRANT REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION IN-HOUSE PHARMACY EXPLORATORY COMMISSION OLD BEACH DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SENIOR SERVICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION WETLANDS BOARD N. UNFINISHED BUSINESS O. NEW BUSINESS P. ADJOURNMENT *********************** PUBLIC COMMENT Non-Agenda Items *********************************** *********************************** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 ***************************** The Agenda(including all backup documents) is available at https://www.vbgov.com/government/departments/city-clerk/city-council under the eDocs Document Archive. If you would like to receive by email a list of the agenda items for each Council meeting, please submit your request to pmcgraw@vbgov.com or call 385-4303. 02/27/2020 PM MAYOR ROBERT M. "BOBBY" DYER PRESIDING I. CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFING - Conference Room - 1:00 PM A. SOMETHING IN THE WATER FESTIVAL 2020 OVERVIEW Robby Wells, Chief Strategy Officer—i am OTHER II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING 1:50 PM A. CITY'S RESPONSE TO HILLARD HEINTZE INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF THE MAY 31ST VIRGINIA BEACH MASS SHOOTING Thomas M. Leahy, Acting City Manager III. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS 2:40 PM IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW VI. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 3:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Robert M. "Bobby" Dyer B. CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VII. FORMAL SESSION - City Council Chamber- 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Robert M. "Bobby" Dyer B. INVOCATION: Pastor Darren W. Nettingham Village Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS February 18, 2020 G. BID OPENING 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE USE—Telecommunication Services i'`' ' r S. r a• REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR THE USE OF CRY RIGHTS-OF-WAY The Cily of Virginia Beach has received a proposal for a non- exclusive franchise to use and occupy the Ci y's streets and public rights-of- way for the purposes of constructing installing and maintaining network facilities for telecommunications services within and through the City A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk Additional bids will be received by the City until the date below. All bids must be in writing.The right to reject any and all bids is hereby expressly reserved Further Information, including a copy of the proposed franchise agreement may be obtained by calling the Department of Information Technology at(757)385- 1381 Bids shall be read by the Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach at the regular meeting of the City Council,which will be held in the Council Chamber,City Hall Building(Building 1)Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia on March 3, 2020 at&00 p.m., and after reading of the bids,the Council will either proceed with the consideration of the ordinance awarding the aforesaid franchise agreement or will defer the matter to a subsequent meeting. BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 28,2020. AT 5.•00 P.M. If you are physically disabled or *malty Impaired and need assistance at this meeting please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at385- 4303, Hearing impaired call 711 (Virginia Relay -Telephone Device for the Deaf) All interested parties are invited to attend Amanda Barnes,MMC City Clerk Pilot 2/16/20 Beacon 2/23/20 H. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Ordinance to ADOPT and INCORPORATE into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 and AMEND Sections 1.1 and 1.2 re Resort Strategic Growth Area r 4 A Sikti�� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Tuesday. March 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at which time the following application will be heard Pnncess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LC c/o Robinson Development Group [Applicant] City of Virginia Beach [Owner] Conditional Use Permit (Eating and Dnnking Establishment)5161 Princess Anne Road(SPIN 1466783845)COUNCIL DISTRICT-KEMPSIILLE Also, City Council will take Public Comment on the following City Of Virginia Beach-an Ordinance to Adopt and Incorporate into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 which will supersede the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2008 and to Amend Sections Li (Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map), 12 (Urban Areas)Strategic Growth Area Locator Map,and text pertaining to the Resort Strategic Growth Area All interested parties are invited to attend Amanda Barnes,MMC City Clerk Copies of the proposed ordinances, resolutions and amendments are on file and may be examined in the Department of Planning or online at htto//www vbEov com/ors For information call 385-4621 If you are physically disabled or visually Impelled and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLEWS OFFICE at385- 4303, Hearing impaired call 711 (Virginia Relay -Telephone Device for the Deaf) BEACON:FEBRUARY 16&23,2020 -1 TIME EACH ;, ij`[ /12; , CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT AND INCORPORATE INTO THE VIRGINIA BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THE VIRGIIA BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2030 WHICH WILL SUPERSEDE THE VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2008 AND TO AMEND SECTIONS 1.1 (PLANNING AREAS PLANNED LAND USE MAP), 1.2 (URBAN AREAS) STRATEGIC GROWTH AREA LOCATOR MAP, AND TEXT PERTAINING TO THE RESORT STRTEGIC GROWTH AREA. PUBLIC HEARING: March 3, 2020 MEETING DATE: March 17, 2020 • Background: In 2008, the City of Virginia Beach adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan. Since 2008, a great deal of development has occurred and the need to adapt to changing lifestyles and preferences persists. Therefore, City and Resort Area leadership agreed that it is time to refresh the goals and initiatives, establish updated priorities, and review the existing Resort Area boundaries. The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP) 2030 goals are designed to reflect existing conditions with residential and commercial development, and to establish a transparent, inclusive, comprehensive process that defines and prioritizes the goals of the stakeholders and the City. The end result is a plan that has clear, measurable initiatives for implementation. • Considerations: The public hearing will be held on March 3, 2020. The meeting date for City Council's consideration is scheduled for March 17, 2020. Key changes to the Plan include updated and clear goals and actions for the next 10 years with an expanded Resort Area boundary to include the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center. The RASAP 2030 action items are: adopt the best practices of a Central Management Entity, develop a comprehensive Mobility Plan, design and implement Streetscape Improvements, enhance and develop connected Green/Open Spaces, design and construct a Gateway at 21st Street that provides a sense of welcome and arrival, support Impactful Projects that benefit the Resort Area and City of Virginia Beach, and support Residential and Mixed-Use development in the Resort Area. Based on stakeholders' concerns and input, the updated Plan places a strong focus on the provision of key services such as transportation, parking, safety, enhanced outreach and engagement with homeless persons and panhandlers, beautification, green open spaces, maintenance, connectivity; and, the city-wide issue of Sea level Rise and Coastal Resilience. Page 2 of 2 The Plan is a culmination of a 15-month planning process led by City staff, supported by the Work Program Architects (WPA) consultant team, and guided by the RASAP 2030 Steering Committee. Public outreach consisted of monthly Steering Committee meetings, stakeholder interviews, presentations to civic groups/professional organizations, two public workshops, and two online surveys engaging over 3,000 people. A web page was created, www.VBQov.com/resortsQa to aid in disseminating information to the public with regard to meetings and information sharing. Emphasis was given to note that renderings in the Plan are conceptual to solicit public input only and that each action item will have its own public process. ■ Recommendations: Staff recommends approval. The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda at its meeting on February 12, 2020, passing the item by a vote of 9-0. • Attachments: Staff Report& Ordinance Draft Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Recommended Action: Staff recommends Approval. Planning Commission recommends Approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department 717 City Manager. Vii, Applicant City of Virginia Beach Agenda Item Public Hearing February 12, 2020 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 6 City of Virginia Beach Request An Ordinance to Adopt and Incorporate into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 which will supersede the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2008 and to Amend Sections 1.1 (Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map), 1.2 (Urban Areas)Strategic Growth Area Locator Map,and text pertaining to the Resort Strategic Growth Area. Summary of Request • In 2008,the City of Virginia Beach adopted the "Resort Area Strategic Action Plan." Since 2008,a great deal of development has occurred and the need to adapt to changing lifestyles and preferences persists.Therefore,City and Resort Area leadership have agreed that it is time to refresh goals and initiatives,establish priorities and review the existing resort area boundaries.The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP)goals are to reflect existing conditions with residential and commercial development,establish a transparent, inclusive, comprehensive process that defines and prioritizes the goals of the stakeholders and the City to produce a plan that has clear, measurable initiatives for implementation. • The planning process kicked off in late 2018 and consisted of three phases(understanding,exploring/prioritizing and deciding).The process was led by City Staff,supported by the Work Program Architects consultant team, and guided by the RASAP Steering Committee.The first phase reviewed the 2008 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan for a detailed understanding of the challenges,opportunities and goals of the stakeholders.The second phase evaluated and prioritized feedback from phase 1 to establish development/design strategies and project priorities. Lastly,the third phase narrowed the development strategies and prioritized projects to produce an initial draft Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030.The public outreach consisted of monthly steering committee meetings, stakeholder interviews, presentations to civic groups and professional organizations,two public workshops with approximately 350 attendees,and two online surveys via publicinput.com with approximately 2,600 participants. • The resulting Plan is a strategic plan that sets goals for the next 10 years based on a clear vision established by the Steering Committee and vetted through the three-part planning process and a series of public workshops and surveys. Public engagement included participation by over 3,000 people, resulting in a clear set of priorities to guide the Resort Area to 2030.The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 priority action items are:adopt the best practices of a Central Management Entity,develop a comprehensive Mobility Plan, design and implement Streetscape Improvements,enhance and develop connected Green/Open Spaces, design and construct a Gateway at 215t Street that provides a sense of welcome and arrival,support Impactful Projects that benefit the Resort Area and City of Virginia Beach,and support Residential and Mixed-Use development in the Resort Area. • Based on stakeholders'concerns and input,the updated Plan places a strong focus on the provision of key services such as transportation, parking,safety, beautification,green/open spaces, maintenance,connectivity, City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 1 and stormwater management.Although implementation of this Plan is largely dependent on private initiatives and market forces, public projects can be phased strategically to incentivize private investment in the area.The Plan divides priority projects into three separate phases:Short-Term projects(6 mo.-2 yrs.), Mid-Term projects (2 yrs. -5 yrs.) and Long-Term projects(6 yrs.- 10 yrs.). Recommendation Staff recommends approval of this Ordinance for the adoption and incorporation into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan,the"Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030,"which will supersede the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2008, and to amend sections 1.1 (Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map), 1.2 (Urban Areas)Strategic Growth Area Locator Map,and text pertaining to the Resort Strategic Growth Area. City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 2 Ordinance 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT AND INCORPORATE INTO 2 THE VIRGINIA BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THE 3 VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION 4 PLAN 2030 WHICH WILL SUPERSEDE THE VIRGINIA 5 BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN AND 6 TO AMEND SECTION 1.1 (PLANNING AREAS PLANNED 7 LAND USE MAP), AND SECTIONS 1.2 (URBAN AREAS) 8 AND STRATEGIC GROWTH AREA LOCATOR MAP AND 9 TEXT PERTAINING TO THE VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT 10 AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2030 11 12 WHEREAS,the public necessity,convenience,general welfare and good zoning 13 practice so require, 14 15 WHEREAS,the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 has been 16 developed with extensive input from the community and stakeholders, in order to 17 refresh goals and initiatives, establish priorities and review boundaries of the Resort 18 Area;and 19 20 WHEREAS, the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 is in 21 conformity with the proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, attached hereto; 22 and 23 24 WHEREAS, the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 is a 25 strategic plan that sets goals for the next the years based on a clear vision;and 26 27 WHEREAS, the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 should 28 be adopted and incorporated as part of the Comprehensive Plan 2016 29 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 31 VIRGINIA BEACH,VIRGINIA: 32 33 That the Comprehensive Plan 2016 of the City of Virginia Beach be,and hereby 34 Is,amended and reordained by 35 36 The adoption by City Council of the City of Virginia Beach of the Virginia Beach 37 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 and the amendments to the Comprehensive 38 Plan and their incorporation into the Comprehensive Plan 2016. Such documents are 39 attached hereto and made a part hereof,having been exhibited to the City Council and 40 placed on file in the Department of Planning and Community Development City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 3 41 42 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,Virginia,on this 43 day of ,2020. APPROVED A�S/T�O CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: / Planning • =nt City A' s Office CA14983 R1 January 18,2020 2 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 4 Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan 2016 City of Virginia Beale Coinpredwtsirr Man-It's Our FuWrr:A Choice a .Yorrrnbrr 20,2018 11.1 — Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map City of Virginia C,_-ar•.-•far 4. r 11901111,411011011111r 4 f lir -A 41. { i F. le" s . Nita i y rs Pi . •wowow...minMO SO errs a • •�a�w n W $�wcr CwisY■ •ems. • Cra•v Planned l and Use Map Parma),"Areas/1 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 5 12tyofmpiris Bosch Co ps sirePlme-lesOurF ue:AChoicetit — — November 20,2018 City of Virginia Beach I __ 4Ntk r i* t Borten 9r.n i'. a nasal M« 1 e ~ 1e.4111110 � „ libr Is 1 Arrrac oars • CI\ .:46, ,t i . �! ; 4 . ok , - loss • %Ave Gera M*u H III Oft r r **calEmnan ..t G .M �•! j' ,., - '.- 1' an h«e 4 9.EsAen M.. _ D. SAW A..F.ereM.n IeUARaT Trtlk Me OTAI t al PMuu Anne C...rone T Trwoen Mao 111. IHpryl.ele4eo.e . Fe/.nl an.fa*. I \'- 3 Planned Land Use Map Maiming Areas/1 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 6 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan-les Our Future A Choice City November2O,2O18 X -! , ya O t u o c I ` 1, o m m m- ` ca 4 ® w` o lb f ploop, , -.,.,... .„. . 4 ! - • Q .i .1 il 1 - co a. a r 4 5 (t , ?? • it a O to i kl r , rya ifr 411.10fr 1,,e ,� t . Apii, ‘..) 1 „,- --‘,... 1,,,A , , ,t.,. Adh.wAit g.T4 E. i A .7 ° lit 1 I!, --6, t- \ r-- / .: - 4. 'ff 4fi4t\ :i _.__ ,400. c ��� 1 „,44 . . Urban el rfi, 1 5 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 7 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future A Choice Cite November2O,2O18 *. $ : yy • O / is c a to dUraK 40 f J. 14 0i Nr .� or,ao Ot V ili .0°4 i , 4 Tr s i , ' _A.9 - ., w'1 1;,,,, . a c e i h 4- ,. ti , \ A 1 te ., , _ A t. . is I, IP 01,1 . Q rco s li iit, .. , k 04,, _r . , , ‘ ..... .„ I ,,,, ,,,,r li •' 4.41 4, ... f t I g ,� Y • 14 1/4 - -T-- : _At,* , ,/,,,,, . .._ . , ,....._ „._ do at CtOove' / ., City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 8 City of YFrgima Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future:A Choice City November 20,2018 UPDATING THE PLANS t • • ,. Just as the Comprehensive Plan is 70-0 reviewed in five-year cycles as required by the Code of Virginia, - I our SGA Plans will require periodic updates to adjust to changing circumstances,community goals, c -t 0 and market trends. These are living documents that adjust as ....woe'- redevelopment evolves. All plan revisions will be the product of the same open,collaborative process used to prepare all of our City's long-range plans. , . • Citizens help plan the SGAs SGA PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS Master plans for each of the City's eight SGAs were prepared through extensive planning,research, analysis,and community engagement and have been adopted by reference as part of this Comprehensive Plan by the following amendment dates: • Resort SGA(Deeem 008 2020) • Burton Station SGA(January 27,2009),(Update November 20,2018) • Pembroke SGA(November 10,2009) • Newtown SGA(July 6,2010) • Rosemont SGA(September 13,2011) • Lynnhaven SGA(April 24,2012) • Hilltop SGA(August 28,2012) • Centerville SGA(March 26,2013) The boundaries of each SGA and the general area-specific recommendations from the SGA Master Plans are presented on the following pages.The detailed SGA Master Plans can be viewed at www.vbgov.com/government/departments/sga/Pages/default.aspx. Urban Area/1-14 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 9 Clof.f Virginia B..di taw4„eho a Maw-It's our Future;A Chace My November24 2018 RESORT STRATEGIC GROWTH AREA r t ' N f ` • f • :Art • • ►�N •'' 1-• `°co • it'•• t„s�S41�i r. 4 A x tr i 0 4 1 1'we1 ; F.. S q.' - MAP S' !�r• _• ; i City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 10 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Man-It's Our Fig ro A Choice QqP Norenber20,2018 .. .� � . to •.i CH r , t, d i 0,..&,. . - ' - 1011%... ' ;41'...:'..- ' -' ..... . ,. \\\I': z q• �"'M of cog 4„...,...:. .,, f .!- .. 4 't 44'as :-7' IMO roc"., 1r rM'ri.'� i, • ' T -.•,paws : -VICO. j t.• ENAS. .1. OCE4NA I:- .._. , It ;1.., p. . ' ! s-. 11 M .r , ;�V _; "� Ps_- a 0.25 05 1 / g ' '� ; .. le X �� _ *" City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 11 Cay of Yngrma Beach Conwrelensrve Plan-Its Our Future.A Choice City Novernber20,2018 DESCRIPTION The Resort area is generally bound by 42nd Street,the Atlantic Ocean,Rudee Inlet,General Booth Boulevard to the Virginia Aquarium&Owls Creek Area,and Birdneck Road.Revitalization efforts have transformed the Resort area into a major activity center,with strengthened neighborhoods,and increased economic growth The Resort Area SGA has received much capital investment in streetscape and utilities improvements, induding Rudee Walk,Pacific Avenue,and a new public parking structure on 25th St.An innovative, flexible Form-Based Code is enabling new private development that provides a variety of housing types and a greater range of year-round retail and entertainment for both residents and visitors alike. An arts community has emerged in the Resort's Central Beach District.called the ViBe Creative District, and,as a result,more opportunities and choices are enabled in creative expression.The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 was adopted by the City Council on .2020 and is available in the online document library at www.vbgov.com/Planning. VISION With a vision supported by the community,the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP)2030 identifies the potential for three fQnc distinct,yet complementary,districts/corridors,at Laskin Gateway,Central Beach, Marina.and Oceanfront(Atlantic and Pacific Avenues),The plan is a vision for enhancing the area by extending the energy at the beach into thiese areas.This plan develops synergies between the cultural and commercial life,the recreational and natural life,and an overall focus on drawing residents and visitors into the area. 2030 Vision • • r r • Create a unique sense of arrival • Provide safe and comfortable places for residents and visitors • Retain the feel of an oceanside resort with a sense of community • Preserve the feeling of Virginia Beach identity.culture and history through art and design • Provide a simultaneous sense of calm and renewed energy for residents and visitors • Address sea level rise and coastal resilience • Rehabilitate and preserve historic structures and properties Urban Areo/1 53 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 12 CSty of Krginia Beach Comprehensive Pion its 0„, F::, t A 0 -t rn November 20.2018 K, _i K i ., � 4 c A�yyr ► a_�} -,� � s 0 a'� off y�•,wi,, 'C". �► ...* .. 1 t,,k .;fir.. {{ o.{. 5.? t �' ",tom` I 7. " ..:� I '.4 sq -�`YYY��� 1.$ r'`.*, ._ y�� YY,�V • '� y• 1 1.... : . ,ti 0 ._.,-". ' ' Iq'.1.'-‘,4 #, !4.1: r1:1 It'll_ i '' ' ' ' IP 44,ti.,5 `• ' Oil ( i '0 '� _'ems -- _.. - _�-^ ' i, C" ,,A Wide sidewalks in front of retail shops on Atlantic Avenue-concept Y.- 1101 i► F , t . 1 • • ' e `lt'.� t j 11 cs■y�� • yr ,_ �, • 1111 "a! *► Future 17^Street Corridor-concept City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 13 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future:A Choice City November 20 2018 PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 boundary includes multiple sub-districts. Each of these districts has its own distinct character which.through additional placemaking efforts, will be the key to a diverse resort area that has something for everyone to enjoy year-round. 1. Central Beach • • • • • • .encompasses the 21st Street Gateway,the yjj ,Creative District,the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art(MOCA)and 19th Street, which is planned to be a key multimodal corridor. 2. Marina ' • showcases the working waterfront.There is great opportunity for mixed-use redevelopment that includes hotels,retail,restaurants, business and residential uses that are compatible with the adjacent Seatadc and Shadowlawn neighborhoods. All development should be connected with a public walk that offers recreational connections to Rudee Inlet and is integrated with future flood gates and barriers. 3. Laskin Gateway • • is a key connection point for North End businesses and neighborhoods and the Hilltop commercial area to the west Linkhorn Bay is a beautiful tidal backdrop to this gateway. 4. Oceanfront Corridor includes Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. This is the main north-south connector in the Resort Area and is the area where the maiority of visitors stay and gather. This corridor welcomes millions of people to Virginia Beach and must be a beautiful and inviting place forpedestrians to shop and dine.as well as carry a significant amount of traffic.A mobility plan and streetscape improvements are needed to accomplish these goals, Urban Area/1-55 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 14 City of Yrrgrma Beach Comprehensive Plan-Its Our Future. A Choice Czty November 20,2018 • • • PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES • Recognize that all elements of the Resort Area are connected and should be connected • Provide the highest quality spaces and experiences for locals and visitor to achieve a"Year- Round Resort" • Create great districts with distinctive character through placemaking • Comprehensively address mobility • Promote environmental stewardship • Develop passive green/open spaces that connect inland neighborhoods to the oceanfront • Improve existing connector parks by adding new amenities such as event and performance spaces,bathrooms and day-use showers • Establish a committee to oversee the design of proposed gateways • Preserve historic properties and the history of the Resort area through adaptive reuse projects • New residential should be located west of Atlantic Avenue Recommended Action Plan • • Urban Area/1-56 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 15 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Furure:A Choice Cin November20,2018 • Set aside key property for open space. • Implement the Rudce Loop Plan. • Finalize public private partnership to construct a new arena and surrounding infrastructure in the Central Beach District. • Adopt the best practices of a Central Management Entity • Develop a comprehensive Mobility Plan • Design and implement Streetscape Improvements • Enhance and develop connected Green/Open Spaces • Design and construct a Gateway at 21st Street that provides a sense of welcome&arrival • Support Impact Projects that benefit the Resort Area and City of Virginia Beach • Support Residential and Mixed-use Development in the Resort Area 0•'; a p � v� Asir- , . ;� fix' tge5•e -- 1-- - -s, t • - •\L. �. •'I' -'F `►'• ..+ 1.• `' Y fitK '_ • '`. ..` YY lm.. �1 I ' idiot • { • e r �, .� t�e{— M'k .►' �` • lit +� sT {�y ., • t 4 19th Street Concept-Central Beach District City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 16 Y9'of Mytha Beath Comprehensive Plan-tt's Our Burr:A dioiee My November 20,2018 r • oe§ x Nibt,444p. 44:01, wek Virginia Aquarium-Conceptual Expansion Rendering Programmed and Funded Capital Improvement Projects(CIPs) • 0 007000 Resort Public Transit Relocation.This project is for identification of sites and d...>..1.......e t o f Hampton Roads T„ansit(H T) Bus T„....sfer Station sti„g of two b Y Y shelters located o about o e half aepe of land • 2 093000 Buses for Virginia Beach Transit Extension This project funds 12 transit buses to ..rt,.nh ed.ublic t„..„....o tation throughout the City' ddition to feed: Th T'd ••`rr"•••.••••••••�� •Y`•"••"••a.....r.................a.a.b,..,crczazc-osc�-iirFccrcnc:vmvrcrcnzr�rzrc-izcTc" light rail system. • 9 081000 Strategic Growth Area Projects.This project will provide planning and design services build o„replace public i..f„astructure improvements and acquire p„eperty as needed • 9 009000 25th Street Public Parking Garage.This project provides funding to purchase the land and parking garage at 25th Street. • 9 015000 Arena Infrastructure Site Improvements.On Site This project provide:, infrastructure ort for the A„e„a et- cludi„ streetscapc t th t closer to the Arena, • 9 017000 Arena Infrastructure Development.This project provides infrastructure support for the Arena project including strectscape improvements that are off site of the Arena. • 9 069000 19th Street Corridor Improvements.This project provides ongoing funding to is at the o „fro„t • 9 082000 Oceanfront Parking Facilities Capital Maintenance and Development.This project repairr improyeme+ntr de sign ..1.nnin nd „for th n �. t n „t r r o r b+ `b• ,6 .,d C..„dL..,.icIge Resort p rking g „d „king lots • 9 096000 Oceanfront Capital Projects Reinvestment.This project provides on going funding to reinvest in various high impact capital projects at the oceanfront.The primacy focus of the cide_st,•eets,and_boa d it 1 i t• •t, ffi t }�A}2E�-i5�9-YPplflf2 Y�il@ntiF Y�Yenk12- cu u5'viax's zig:;ilii�alis�:c:icieF cx::c:cxic attractive LED lighting. • 9 108000 29th Street Improvements.This project provides funding for improvements to 29th Street in the Resort Area as a continuation of the Laskin Road Gateway Project.The City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment-Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 17 City of Vrrgana Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future A Choice City Novenber20,2018 r . r • r • r • 2-138000-Atlantic Avenue Reconfiguration.This project will reconfigure Atlantic Avenue from 40th Street to Pacific Avenue,removing the Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Avenue intersection and providing a cul-de-sac of Atlantic Avenue at the Cavalier Hotel property.The project includes new left turn lanes and two new traffic signals. • 2-154000-General Booth Boulevard/Camp Pendleton Intersection Improvements. • 2-156000-Laskin Road Phase 1-B(VDOT).This project is for construction of an eight-lane divided highway,including bike path and sidewalk,from Republic to Winwood Drive,and a six- lane divided highway from Winwood Drive to South Oriole Road. • 2-165000-Laskin Road-Phase II.This project is for construction of a six-lane divided highway with a bikeway from the eastern terminus of Laskin Road Phase I(Oriole Drive)to the 30th/31st Street split A transportation corridor analysis is included,along with undergrounding of utilities. • 3-028000-Aquarium Marsh Pavilion Enhancements.This project will enhance the Aquarium Marsh Pavilion and include the creation of exhibit play areas for children,renovation of the existing exhibit areas,modifications to the trail to include the outdoor theater,a more welcoming entrance,landscape enhancements,visitor amenities such as a small cafe,and refurbishment of the Pavilion's gift store,support areas and theater. • 3-074000-Aquarium Marsh Pavilion Phase Il(Veterinary Care Center).This project will support the existing Virginia Aquarium by adding an entirely new building,a Vet Clinic,to the side of the existing Marsh Pavilion. • 3-161000-Aquarium Seal Exhibit This project funds the studies related to architectural and engineering needs of the Virginia Aquarium's seal exhibit and improvements to the front entrance. • 3-162000-Veterans Memorial Sustainment.This project will provide funding necessary to address identified and discussed maintenance issues and deficiencies. • 3-171000-Virginia Aquarium Enhancement Study.This project funds the study related to the architectural and engineering needs of the Virginia Aquarium[max theater. Urban Area/1 59 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 18 City of Yrrgrn,a Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future:A Choice City November20,2018 • 3-518000-Convention Center Capital Maintenance.This project provides funding for capital replacements of vital infrastructure for the Virginia Beach Convention Center. • 3-519000-Chesapeake Bay Aquarium Renovation.This project is to refurbish,repair,and/or replace the aquarium systems that make up the Chesapeake Bay aquarium. • 3-610000-Police Oceanfront Cameras.The Virginia Beach Police department is seeking to replace and expand the security camera system at the oceanfront and increase the number of cameras and video management capabilities provided. • 4-041000-Owl Creek Municipal Tennis Center Repairs and Renovations.This project funds capital equipment replacements for the Owl Creek Tennis Center and infrastructure repairs and replacements as required. • 5-101000-ViBe District Water Improvements.This project provides funding for the replacement of aging water lines within the ViBe District on 17th,18th,and 19th Streets between Cypress Avenue and Pacific Avenue. • 5-207000-Laskin Road Water Improvements Phase I-This project provides funding to improve the existing water distribution facilities on Laskin Road from Republic Road to Oriole Drive,and along portions of First Colonial Road. • 5-708000-Resort Area Neighborhood Revitalization.This project provides funding for design and construction of water mains within the oceanfront resort area neighborhoods of Old Beach,Lakewood,and Shadowlawn. • 6-019000-Resort Area Neighborhood Revitalization.This project Provides funding for design and construction of gravity sanitary sewer within the oceanfront resort area neighborhoods of Old Beach,Lakewood,and Shadowlawn. • 6-075000-Laskin Road Sewer Improvements Phase I(VDOT).This project provides funding to improve exiting sewer facilities on Lasldn Rd.,from Republic Road to Oriole Drive,and along portions of First Colonial Road. • 6-101000-ViBe District Sewer Improvements.This project provides funding for the replacement of aging sewer lines within the ViBe District on 17th,18th,and 19th Streets between Cypress Avenue and Pacific Avenue. • 7-005000-North Lake Holly Watershed.This project will provide for the study,design,and construction of an adequate drainage system to serve the Beach Borough neighborhoods which generally lie within the area bounded by Virginia Beach Boulevard,Parks Avenue,Norfolk Avenue,and Pacific Avenue. • 7-016000-South Lake Holly Watershed.This project will provide for the study,design,and construction of an adequate drainage system to serve the Beach borough neighborhoods, which generally lie within the area bounded by Norfolk Avenue,Rudee Avenue,Pacific Avenue, and Rudee Inlet • 7-041000-Central Resort District Drainage Improvements.This project will provide for the study,design,and construction of storm drain improvements to address drainage inadequacies in the Northwest Dome Subwatershed,the Southeast Dome Subwatershed,the Virginia Beach Convention Center Subwatershed,and the 2nd Precinct Subwatershed.The project area is approximately 304 acres and extends from approximately Atlantic Avenue along the east,the convention center to the west,23rd Street to the north,and 17th Street to the south • 7-054000-Lynnhaven River Watershed II.This project is for the implementation of water quality improvement projects and programs within the Lynnhaven River Watershed. • 7-059000-Lynnhaven River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Project This project is intended to restore approximately 38 acres of wetlands,94 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation,and 31 acres of reef habitat within the Lynnhaven River. • 7-064000-Central Resort District-24th Street Culvert This project is for property acquisition and construction of stormwater and roadway improvements at three existing culverts. • 7-072000-Lynnhaven River Watershed Stormwater Projects.This project will identify and prioritize smaller stormwater management projects in the Lynnhaven River Watershed. Urban Area/1-60 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment-Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 19 City of T'irpinea Beach Comprehensive Plan-It's Our Future A Choice City November 20,2018 from new sidewalks,LED lighting,bicycle facilities,street trees,crosswalks,accessibility upgrades and associated storm water,utility,and traffic improvements.The existing overhead power and data/communication lines will be buried in a duct bank. • 9-039000-17th Street Improvements II.This project provides funding to improve 17th Street from Cypress avenue to Birdneck Road and provides a rehabilitated streetscape through the undergrounding of overhead utilities,traffic safety improvements,better bicycle and pedestrian accommodations,utility and stormwater upgrades,and aesthetic improvements such as street trees and pedestrian lights. • 9-045000-Central Beach and Convention Districts Parking.This project provides funding for public parking spaces in the Convention Center District and the Central Beach District between 14th and 23rd Streets and Atlantic Ave.and Birdneck Road. • 9-050000-Dome Site Streetscapes.This project will fund streetscape improvements to support the development of the former Dome site into a mixed-use,high density development including space for residence,offices,retail,restaurants,a surf park,an entertainment venue, and parking. • 9-053000-Dome Site Entertainment Venue.This project will fund the construction of an entertainment venue as part of the redevelopment of the former Dome Site. • 9-056000-Oceanfront Parking Facilities Capital Maintenance/Development II.This Project provides funding necessary for the acquisition,development,equipment,capital maintenance, repairs,rehabilitation,improvements,design,planning,and engineering services for the Oceanfront Resort and Sandridge parking garages and parking lots. • 9-063000-17th St.Improvements II.This provides funding to improve 17th Street from Cypress Avenue to Birdneck Road and provides a rehabilitated streetscape through the undergrounding of overhead utilities,traffic safety improvements,better bicycle and pedestrian accommodations,utility and stormwater upgrades,and aesthetic improvements. • 9-065000-Dome Site Parking.This project provides funding for public parking spaces at the former Dome Site. • 9-069000-19th Street Corridor Improvements.This project provides ongoing funding to reinvest in various high impact capital projects at the oceanfront. • 9-100000-19th Street Infrastructure Improvements.This project provides for streetscape improvements including wider sidewalks,street trees,and under grounding of overhead utilities;a new street section;and associated storm water and traffic improvements. r • • 3~ 3� • . Urban Area/1-61 City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 20 • [ay of Pvgnaia Death Comprehensive Plan-tt's u,,Future A Choice city Nove sber20,20I8 m_ -t---e --- - cc - -No --in clo- -- -- ---- - -- --- --- p rf Resort SGA Master Plan-Conceptual Plan City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment—Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 Agenda Item 6 Page 21 Item#6 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to Adopt and Incorporate into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 which will supersede the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2008 and to Amend Sections 1.1 (Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map), 1.2 (Urban Areas) Strategic Growth Area Locator Map, and text pertaining to the Resort Strategic Growth Area. February 12,2020 RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL - CONSENT Mr. Weiner: Great, thank you. Next is item number six, the City of Virginia Beach. An ordinance and incorporate into the Virginia Beach comprehensive plan, the Virginia Beach area Strategic Action Plan 2030, which is supersedes the Virginia Beach Resort Area, Strategic Action Plan of 2008 and to amend sections 1.1 and Mrs. Warren is going to come up and read this into the record for us and tell us about this. Ms. Warren: Good afternoon Madam Chair, commissioners. Thank you for having me here today. My name is Kathy Warren. I am the SGA manager for the Department of Planning and Community Development. Today, as you have already read the ordinance,we are requesting an ordinance to adopt and incorporate into the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030, which supersedes the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan of 2008 and to amend sections 1.1 planning areas planned land use map 1.2 urban areas strategic growth area locator map and text pertaining to the resort strategic growth area. I'd like to briefly review the proposed priority items that the RASAP Steering Committee has established as part of this process. They are: to adopt the best practices of a central management entity, develop a comprehensive mobility plan, design and implement streetscape improvements, enhance and develop connected green and open spaces, design and construct a gateway at 21st street that provides a sense of welcome and arrival, support impactful projects that benefit the resort area as well as the City of Virginia Beach, and support residential and mixed use development within the resort area. Just a few additional comments about the process, this was a 15-month process with a Steering Committee that was in place that represented all facets of the resort area. Our public engagement included two workshops and two public input.com surveys; we were able to reach over 3,000 people with that public engagement process. And finally, one important point to make note of,we showed conceptual renderings in the plan,one of Rudy Loop,one of the Atlantic Avenue of what it could look like, and then one of the Gateway 21st Street and we just want to reiterate that these are conceptual renderings that we 1 showed in order to generate input from the public to see what they liked and did not like, and there will be a public process for each going forward. Thank you. Mr. Weiner: Thank you. Okay,is there any opposition this being placed on the consent agenda? Thank you,Madam Chair there are many items on the consent agenda are for short term rental. The planning commission places the following applications for conditional use permit for short term rental on the consent agendas. These applications meet the applicable requirements for section 241.2 of the zoning ordinance. Staff supports the applications therefore there's no opposition to the request and these are items number 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. That being said, I move for approval on the consent. I am sorry 25 is deferral, thank you. Okay. That being said, I move for approval on a consent agenda items, One, five and six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26. Ms. Oliver: Yes. Mr. Inman: I need a make a disclosure that at least one item on the consent agenda shows financing by Town Bank. I serve on the advisory board for Virginia Beach Town Bank, in that capacity I don't make any decisions on loans or merely an advisory position. So, I will be voting on these matters. Ms. Wilson: Those items are 10, 11, 12 and 18. Ms. Oliver: Yes. Mr. Graham: Madam Chair,I too need to disclose that I am on a board of Town Bank of the same items and I will be voting today. Ms. Oliver: Great, yes. Mr. Weiner: Madam Chair. I need to abstain the item number five Spence Crossing at the corner of Princess Anne Road Independence Boulevard, the developer is my client. Ms. Oliver: Anyone else? Okay. Make a motion. Mr. Weiner: I made a motion already. Ms. Oliver: Do I have a second? Mr. Graham: I second. Ms. Oliver: Okay. Thank you. Ms. Sandloop:The vote is open. By the recorded vote of 9-0, agenda items one, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26 have been 2 approved by consent with Commissioner Wiener abstaining from Agenda Item number five. Ms. Oliver: Great. Thank you very much. And I would like to thank all the applicants for coming down today who had a matter of them on the consent agenda and attending the hearing. All these items will be scheduled for hearing with the City Council to be announced. And so,if you'd like to take this opportunity to leave before we start our hearings, you are welcome to do so. Thank you again for coming down. The next order of business will address the remaining matters on our agenda. And I would ask the city clerk to call the first item. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 0 ALCARAZ AYE BARNES AYE GRAHAM AYE HORSLEY AYE INMAN AYE OLIVER AYE REDMOND AYE WALL AYE WEINER AYE 3 A ,`t`saw�hLg • 2 4: � u s VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2030 MARCH 2020 ___ ' _ .....7, ,. .rr, - „it . , I{ .. __ _, _ _, , . . .,.„. fit. re: or ___. • ,, , _ �� • G..� ,_� r g ,40-tv$0,.:ip `I •.' _ ,,. 'IA'1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED FOR: STEERING COMMITTEE: City of Virginia Beach Guy King Tower, Virginia Beach City Council Mina "Gary" Ryan, Virginia Museum of Rosemary Wilson, Virginia Beach City Council Contemporary Art PREPARED BY: Mike Standing, Jr., Virginia Beach Development Mike Inman, Virginia Beach Planning Commission The Strategic Growth Areas Office, Planning & Authority Community Development Department Elizabeth "BJ" Baumann, Resort Advisory Commission Randy Thompson, Virginia Restaurant, Lodging & &Travel Association Star Boyles, Shadowlawn Civic League THE CONSULTANT TEAM Gerrie West, Resort Advisory Commission Linwood Branch, Virginia Beach Hotel Association Kristina Chastain, 17th Street Gateway Association CITY STAFF: 1A01:; YARD Sal DaBiero, Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Ronald H. Williams, Jr., Deputy City Manager ��MFM1M, Center Foundation Robert "Bobby" J. Tajan, AICP, CFM Planning WORK PROGRAMARCHrTECTS Bill Gambrell, Virginia Beach Restaurant Director Association, Historic Preservation Commission Kathy Warren, SGA Manager • "s/G;A Laura Wood Habr, Virginia Green Alliance, Green Deborah Zywna, SGA Planner III Ribbon Committee George Kotarides, Atlantic Avenue Association Emily Archer, SGA Planner III / Urban Designer Preston Midgett, Virginia Beach Vision Ashby Moss, SGA Planning Evaluation Coordinator Elizabeth "GG" Mills, Seatack Civic League Karen Creech, SGA Planner III Nancy Parker, Resort Beach Civic League Jenizza Badua, SGA Planner I / Urban Designer Kate Pittman, ViBe Creative District Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 2 CONTENTS 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 4 4.4 Sense Of Arrival 1.0 The RASAP Steering Committee 4 &Welcome 43 1.1 Executive Summary Of The Consultants 5 4.5 public & private Development opportunities 46 4.6 Residential & Mixed-Use Development .54 2.REVIEWING THE 200E RASAP PLAN. 7 2.0 Resort Area Development—2008 7 5.IMPLEMENTATION. .52 5.0 Project Matrix _53 3.THE RASAP 2030 PLANNING PROCESS 10 3.0 RASAP Steering Committee Vision and Goals 10 6..AppendiX .. 54 3.1 Districts& Connecting Corridors .11 6.0 Glossary .54 3.2 Planning Process Phases 13 6.1 List of Figures .55 3.3 Public Input& Engagement .14 4.Priorities .15 4.0 Central Management Entities &the TIP Fund .16 4.1 Mobility Planning 20 4.2 Streetscape Design 26 4.3 Connected Green Open Spaces 39 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 3 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 THE RASAP STEERING transparent process/environment that was indicative dicative of the resort ' ", 1,', , COMMITTEE demographic—businesses, $•. .. residents and visitors. Further t The 2008 Resort Area Strategic + '` . outreach was completed with two • Action Plan was created with the ,!!k, well attended public workshops r - t! intent to provide a document to which resulted in approximately 350 w ,' �.' guide future growth and high quality 11F � � M attendees and 1,487 participants .� "" ' z; ` development within the Virginia < `� . ', . responding to the public surveys. " Beach Resort area. Challenges ifr is „ 4 -i-...__ One of the first accomplishments t - i, 'i and opportunities were identified, P . , _ ,., ,. from this committee was to �`� -. k - ,,. :� studied, documented and vetted by . ' the RASAP Steering Committee, city recognize that all elements of the , ,� '�»- staff members and stakeholders and resort were connected and that it was important to review all issues �tw resulted in a successful guide for the p - �, 1_ resort in the subsequent years. with connectivity and balance in ., ,' mind. Using that premise as a The 2030 RASAP Steering Committee guideline, the resulting document FIG. 1.1.0 RASAP STEERING COMMITTEE was purposefully designed to became a comprehensive and provide input from all areas of collaborative visionary plan that the the resort including stakeholders, residents, improving business opportunities and creating a vibrant entire community supports. community that all citizens of Virginia Beach can be proud of. resort professional organizations, museums, neighborhoods, the The RASAP Steering Committee has Resort Advisory Commission, a worked tirelessly with a talented city Virginia Beach Planning Commission staff, additional stakeholders and member and City staff. The intent professional consultants towards the was to create an inclusive and goal of enhancing the lifestyles of Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 4 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE to vacation in a place where the locals love resulting in a clear set of priorities to guide the their everyday experience? Resort Area to 2030: CONSULTANTS The 2019 RASAP Plan is a strategic plan that •Adopt the best practices of a Central The Virginia Beach Resort Area has seen sets goals for the year 2030.The RASAP Management Entity with increased funding tremendous progress and success since Steering Committee began with a clear vision: for beautification, placemaking,wayfinding, the first Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 1. Create a unique sense of arrival. events and programming, incentives programs, (RASAP)was written in 2008.This success can enhanced infrastructure and green infrastructure be credited to dedicated citizens, property 2. Provide safe and comfortable places for to alleviate coastal flooding problems. residents and visitors. owners, business owners, stakeholders, and city • Complete a Mobility Plan for the Resort staff who have spearheaded and supported 3. Retain the feel of an oceanside resort with a Area to form a strategy for traffic calming, the growth and transformation of the area. sense of community. pedestrian circulation, bike circulation, shared However, not all goals were realized, and the mobilitydevices, curbside management, need for the resort area to transform and adapt 4. Preserve the feeling of Virginia Beach g p identity, culture and history through art and vehicular circulation, public transit, and parking. to changing lifestyles and preferences persists. design. • Complete detailed Streetscape Designs for In 2008,the Resort Area was focused on high-prioritystreets such as Atlantic Avenue, attractingand retainingseasonal visitors, 5. Provide a simultaneous sense of calm and renewed energy for residents and visitors. Pacific Avenue, 17th Street, and the Central primarily through striving to become a world- Beach district.This design will be used to class oceanfront resort.Over a decade later, 6. Address sea level rise and coastal resilience. reinforce a unique sense of place filled with the goals have shifted slightly as the tourism 7. Rehabilitate and preserve historic structures public art, great lighting, resilient landscaping, industryhas changed. Cities that focus on p g� g and properties. and outdoor amenity spaces that are easy providing the highest quality spaces and to access and navigate with all modes of experiences for locals are seeing the highest The Consultant team tested these ideas transportation. return on investment with increasing property through a three-part planning process and a values,talent attraction and retention, and series of public workshops and surveys. Total visitors who return annually.Who doesn't want public engagement counted over 3,000 people, Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 5 • Provide Connected Green and Open Spaces necessity to achieve the goal of a year-round that connect west into the neighborhoods. resort and will enable the Resort Area to It will also provide spaces for residents become a walkable community, aiding in the and visitors to enjoy the outdoors in both alleviation of congestion and parking issues. programmed park spaces and natural, passive The coordination and implementation of green spaces that slow,store and filter storm the priorities will take time, but it is critically water. It will also provide a connected, urban important to begin with big-picture items wildlife habitat. such as the Mobility Plan that affects all other • Create a Sense of Arrival and Welcome by goals for the RASAP 2030 plan. Other priorities designing and constructing a large public art should take advantage of market timing gateway. There will be a primary gateway at and when new projects are presented to the 21st Street with secondary gateways into the Resort Advisory Commission (RAC),the RASAP Resort Area. Steering Committee, Planning Commission, • Support Impactful Projects that benefit City Council, and City Staff.The question should be asked, "Does it support one of the the Resort Area and the City of Virginia seven priorities of the RASAP 2030 plan?" If Beach.The focus will be to adaptively reuse these steps are followed, and the hard work of and rehabilitate historic properties whenever the RASAP Steering Committee and the citizens possible, as well as respect those buildings with new, contemporary compatible urban of Virginia Beach are respected,the end result infill projects.This type of development is both will hopefully be a thriving, resilient, coastal sustainable and authentic and will preserve the resort community that is a great place to visit, sense of place that so many residents love. and a place we d all love to live in 2030! • Support Residential and Mixed-Use —WPA WPL SGA Yard &Co. Development in the Resort Area.This is a Fesort Area Strategic Action Plan '030 6 2. REVIEWING THE 2008 RASAP PLAN 2.0 RESORT AREA The top priorities of the 2008 RASAP -:,s~ — - s 7;r ti-' n xy. -•> J' 1�' r and current status z'4 (, �. _ DEVELOPMENT- 2008 ` ., ' _' r�' - b � . = 1. Develop Dome site as .� �. r�4.:.=- - !C The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan major entertainment venue _✓ '�% '`'Y': ��� .b. (RASAP) was adopted in December (underway) ``' -�Al‘ ,'_..;:,.:-`';` � • of 2008. Since its adoption, a great 2. Build the Convention Center `,��►�-�� � ' . , *"" deal of development has occurred. Hotel. (not yet started) .k.. .4dit L., ~- ,-- ,, ;.,4,. + Virginia Beach Cityand Resort Area �� - x. y, �- g 3. Complete the Laskin Gateway - <�� * . leadership have agreed that it is :...• „, time to refresh goals and initiatives, street project. (complete) . establish priorities, and review the 4. Conduct EIS for Light Rail '" existing boundaries. The RASAP extension. (accomplished; ~ , update goals are to: 1) reflect per referendum on 11/8/16, .4;-.,;,:-..,:.. , . existing conditions with residential citizens did not support) t • and commercial development, 2) 5. Design & build Rudee Walk _r �., -+� establish a transparent, inclusive, (complete)- 1Cy comprehensive process that 6. Streetscape Improvements for -- defines and prioritizes the goals 19th Street & Central Beach of the stakeholders and the City, FIG. 1.1.0 2008 RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN and 3) produce a plan that has (underway) clear, measurable initiatives for 7. Form a management entity implementation. (not yet started) 8. Develop zoning revisions for Resort Area— RT form-based code. (accomplished) Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 7 e 0E02 ueld uoipv)!Eaw.gs eaiv 1Josa?j NVld 800Z— 2:10C118d001N083NV300 all '913 NVld 800Z— 10IdISIO VN1dVIAI OTT '913 I . 1111 .1111411."XZ": . . um — '14 /'.' • ---- -- .. , 11111.11.111111111111111r111146 .4*..,II . AL— . rib 4,10/b "lb r k ,- ,,, ,..,. ... -'',' '''.• 40.1:. — L ........ I 411R • •••• . 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'... ••••... •29th St. • - --i*--...-,, ••!'•:.,•..,ty--r-', Y:',.-,... f;,./......:i- . , \ ,.;-.. v.,,,,:;,.,'. i, .,-: '.e.,J,- ,-.;„.. ,,,.,. 14: •••.. • „,,..,, .:,„,,,. . ,•:„,;„tie• 1 Improvements • ....04` ';‘°---",' "0,•,,t-.... * .10...-0•,;*'', •i..:.;•-• r.,....., e-*), . .,,,,,-, - fr. ..- ,... ‘,,,,,, ... .01d Beach "-11"-•t.",., ;',A 004:** ' .,..VO;:' ' '4.14 k-'''r"$:IV 0.' ..t-,.•.)••:•-1.„,,,;"..:..•4•r-,r,.,,.-,,2.- t•',.,"-..,, -A i' Iv.••°.-•.-_"-1--4.>.c..10'-_..V--„b.r..--1t.--t•.-;,;,-, -4. .•I- ..-...%$,k.1.*. IL 0.',V. 24 ,ri..•:.....4• . ' ' 1 ... .'.7., .... •..• Neighborhoodt1 Revitalization , - , if Oceanfront;•:1'' .. •. x;• •.,.•!ki.••••• ,:,,,.....7-,. •i- .'. ,,, ,..„;.... ,,r,-.:•-•,,. , ,.. ° l'•40 mirk,' "se' "*? ;A : '•Donne Resort District t Site Form Based Code .. ., . - .- °",, •_ _.4-4.. -8,16katioiry„,-,... , °•••.:";,.. f*- r.X•1 - - Vi'-'4N1' A...., •• •. • Boundary P \ •,. .'..,Stollt,Vier, ,,,..4: . ', r'7 ,,I,' ' ,Iffr S.1:'I.' .lifr0.- ••• , Pacific Ave.rents ..: '-" ,:r "';'' '4 '..•'',:'''' ."-..•.:Aliil:sst91. Resort Area Development 2008-2018'' • - •o • ,%,:.v,, .4 . Improve • ./ Dredging ...t.\:\• • •c, '‘ , .110,......-,,,,* ' • Legend: Key Private Developments: . . • .C"`t ,- .. Boardwalk A-25th St.Development Rudee **••• .......... , .it.. c . , , ,I...i..... . .. Lighting Completed B-27th St.Apt.Development Walk-........• , ., ,.-'' ›...,,,-- . ,!.....• ..... - t' • •• .... 2.- . •. C-27th St.Hyatt House Rudee .-, • **•"••Pacific Ave.Trail • • Planned D-Summer House Development • Virginia Beach Fishing Pier Loop........ ',.."....,.4),;.- •• (Final approval received) E-Hillier Ignite Fitness Park ***..Winston Salem Ave. Improvements Renovation/Relocation ••• • ' F-Cavalier Redevelopment , (Location TBD) Proposed G-Multi-family Developments in,fin 10 Urotal ••••Rudee Loop Walk ' .„,.4............ (Has not received final H-Pier shops .. lio•-!-'74 ....•Grommet Island ..., .: approval) J-Runnymede Development FIG. 1.1.0 2008-2018 RESORT AREA DEVELOPMENTS Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 3. THE RASAP 2030 PLANNING PROCESS 3.0 RASAP STEERING COMMITTEE VISION AND GOALS RASAP Steering Committee Goals: Resort Area 2030 Vision Identify and implement public 1. Create a unique sense of arrival. amenities and infrastructure 2. Provide a safe and comfortable improvements and update place for residents and visitors. +i. --� codes, guidelines, and city review processes to encourage private 3. Retain the feel of an Oceanside resort with a sense of I. ` development, enabling the Virginia _ Beach Resort Area to become a community. diverse, world class, year-round 4. Preserve the feeling of Virginia Alt _ "�. coastal community for residents Beach identity, culture and .-y '"�' � and visitors. history through art and design. y`� ' ' 5. Provide a simultaneous sense ° of calm and renewed energy ' ' ' 10 for residents and visitors. FIG. 1.1.0 SOMETHING IN THE WATER FESTIVAL 2019 6. Address sea level rise and coastal resilience. 7. Rehabilitate and preserve historic structures and properties. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 10 3.1 DISTRICTS & LEGEND OCEANA BLVD CONNECTING CORRIDORS r=3, Resort Area Boundary Water The Resort Area Strategic Action Districts and Corridors Plan Bounds includes multi le �ii: Marina District ry p %//. Central Beach District sub-districts. Each of these districts 2 vii, Laskin Gateway District has its own distinct character ,,e' ; S Y r Oceanfront Corridor ON I Ville Creative Districtwhich, through additional � ' o a *Ito S „ placemaking efforts aimed at further Mt d `f hro distinguishing each district, will be r ,° , ', the key to a diverse resort area that cFtie I' ''-- has something for everyone to enjoy t°ee i-..,„"�,, , 0/ year-round. • 1. Central Beach encompasses ee,° •if 't •ems ..t. , r1% the 21st Street Gateway, the 0 A growing ViBe Creative District, , • the Virginia Museum of , g CYPRESS AVE / /.!.t } '��'" Contemporary Art (MOCA) and ,.b+f 2 MEDITERRANEA�N/Pr IL Z , 19th Street (which is planned 3\ // to be a key multimodal / ° BALTIC AVE HOLLY RD corridor). ARCTIC AVE 4� g LOOP , PACIFIC AVE i +.s- mar s�,.,,,, rn 2. Laskin Gateway is a key " ,�- =;•' /9; "` _ ATLANTIC AVE /,�; connection point for North End `'� -A a businesses and neighborhoods FIG. 1.1.0 DISTRICT&OCEANFRONT CORRIDOR MAP and the Hilltop commercial area to the west. Linkhorn Bay is a beautiful tidal backdrop to be connected with a public walk that welcomes millions of people to Virginia this gateway. offers recreational connections to Rudee Beach and must be a beautiful and Inlet and is integrated with future flood inviting place for pedestrians to shop 3. Marina District showcases the working gates and barriers. and dine, as well as carry a significant waterfront. There is great opportunity for mixed-use redevelopment that includes 4. Oceanfront Corridor includes Atlantic amount of traffic. A mobility plan and hotels, retail, restaurants, business and and Pacific Avenues. This is the main streetscape improvements are needed to residential uses that are compatible with north-south connector in the Resort accomplish these goals. the adjacent Seatack and Shadowlawn Area and is the area where the majority neighborhoods. All development should of visitors stay and gather. This corridor Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 11 z m IS I, co cOirlit V. CO m I 4 J Z Ui Q m co L e O W y n= « m _ J m PIcc mt. a 12 i d 1 `: -2 1S ONZ£ v , F .. _1 Rn W ..,‘,.,,4%..t c, , ,.. 0 < CL < ..: w ig- g .,';--'7, ”" ' ce - M `fjr ; Q n ,, 4 ....,....... .,...„,„ ,..„..., is ONZZ ."i+'t S f Q if Q 1S'H16V CC Q - OA1B HOV38 VINI9thA. i-1S.H1LL� I- .t - -'t W C W W Q Q a 2 g CC y V to '' • "ry 3nyNio�aoN g, .-.r i. lkl_iIN.. gb,_ +E-4fiiiii-iiMK Q _ !!Cl) - 1 i" v W �.� /E ! ll , c N > 1. J i' "' cr H w 3f f 3 CC u ` :: o cu pr L Q a R4`` C� - t S•" f " " V5 c Q -- a o ` • 4 C Q J W 41 to , cc c 0- ••0_ a o _ @ Q W o n.o - OL V Fd ` _ • vw z / C 90 Q o a 1 v d 0� a--I rz o Q I o _ N• p LL i � 3.2 PLANNING PROCESS PHASES PHASE 1—UNDERSTANDING connectivity, streetscape improvements, The RASAP update effort began with an parking, mobility, development opportunities, Virginia Beach City staff, supported by organization and goal-setting meeting on public improvements, public safety and the consultant team, prepared an October 31, 2018 followed by monthly RASAP implementation strategies. implementation plan for the update using Steering Committee meetings, generally held PHASE 3—DECIDING recommendations generated through a citizen the first Wednesday of each month. During and stakeholder input.The planning process Phase 1, city staff worked to refine the RASAP The WPA Consultant Team, RASAP Steering included three phases: Steering Committee goals, developed tracking Committee, and city staff reviewed and 1. Understanding— Reviewed the 2008 and baseline maps of existing conditions, interpreted input from the first public RASAP plan for a detailed understanding started outreach efforts, and provided a RASAP workshop and survey results and developed of the challenges,opportunities and goals update presentation to the Resort Advisory a list of priorities and action items. In order of the stakeholders. Commission (RAC). to validate the final priorities,they conducted additional outreach to stakeholder groups. 2. Exploring/Prioritizing—Facilitated by PHASE 2—EXPLORING/PRIORITIZING Citizens were invited to a second public the WPA team, citizens evaluated andworkshop on Thursday,August 22, 2019 at prioritized feedback from Phase 1 to The WPA Consultant Team, RASAP Steering the Virginia Beach Convention Center where establish development/design strategies Committee, and city staff conducted outreach they viewed initial drafts of the renderings and and project priorities. to stakeholder groups to obtain input, identify plan elements.A public survey was released 3. Deciding—The WPA team, stakeholders, development and design principles and that mirrored the presentation and questions RASAP Steering Committee and city staff priorities for the Resort Strategic Growth Area. asked in the public meeting, offering residents, narrowed the development strategies and Citizens were invited to a public workshop on business owners and visitors the opportunity to prioritized projects to produce an initial Monday,June 17, 2019 at the Virginia Beach participate in the RASAP update. draft RASAP update document. Convention Center where they viewed work in progress and offered input on important topics like open space and recreation, placemaking, storm water management, Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 203C 13 1 . ,_,L,,, itiou •-• 3.3 PUBLIC INPUT & TOr_�t ' ENGAGEMENT ' <' . .. .,z kwi. „1„, A robust public engagement workshop was �.-- <d ',.•+ tro, t " 11 held on June 17, 2019 and August 22, 2019 at ''� `� \ r ". the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The first f . _ ; � j workshop had approximately 150 participants It \ ``�- r } i `�1 -' and the second workshop had over 200 active ' - r participants. A corresponding survey was =" -"" , �.- ""'' released with each workshop, garnering over 1,236 participants and 30,368 survey responses , in June-July and 1,351 participants and 29,607 �. j3 ii . , .1� survey responses in August-September.The . , ., jilt consultant team also attended the Seatack f' is . . Community Health Fair Day at the Seatack a' 11 �1 CommunityRecreation Center on June 1, 2019, ` --,-- "I j��,��; „ bringing total public engagement to just ",,,� �'> �� : /l over 3,000 people. From this input,the RASAP _ '' ' • r Steering Committee, the consultant team, and � �l v , city staff developed the RASAP 2030 Priorities. �,, ;k\ __/ J FIG. 1.1.0 PUBLIC WORKSHOP IMAGES Workshop held at the Virginia Beach Convention Center on June 17 and August 22,2019 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 14 4. PRIORITIES f 41. 4.0 CENTRAL MANAGEMENT ENTITY (p.16-19) P 4.1 MOBILITY PLANNING (p.20-27) \, 4.2 STREETSCAPE DESIGN (p.28 38) �, 1 4.3 CONNECTED GREEN OPEN SPACES (p.39-42) : I - '"� V�$e. i .. C -... 4.4 SENSE OF ARRIVAL & WELCOME (p.43-45) , :�_ -=I 4.5 KEY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (p.46-49) - \ 4.6 RESIDENTIAL & MIXED-USE (p.50-51) o \\ FIG. 4.0 RENDERING OF THE FUTURE 17TH STREET CORRIDOR Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 15 4.0 CENTRAL MANAGEMENT DUTIES/ATTRIBUTES OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT ENTITIES & THETIP FUND ENTITIES MAY INCLUDE: TOURISM INVESTMENT • Beautification PROGRAM (TIP): In order to maintain an attractive, welcoming • Placemaking On July 1, 2011, Virginia Beach City Council environment with clean, safe, pedestrian-friendly Wayfinding established the TIP (Tourism Investment •sidewalks and streets, a Central Management Program)fund by merging two existing Entity is needed to coordinate services. • Complete Streets Program funds:the Tourism Growth Investment Fund Central Management Entities exist within a • Facade Grant Programs (TGIF) and the Major Projects Fund. Revenue variety of operational structures. There are • Enhanced Infrastructure streams from both of these funds come from over 1,500 central management entities in Trustee Taxes,which were diverted to the TIP the United States alone.They provide services • Enhanced Communication fund operating budget upon its creation.The in partnership with the City, but above and • Enhanced Maintenance purpose of each fund is explained below: beyond what the City can typically provide. • Code Enforcement for Repairs and TGIF— Established by Virginia Beach They are especially effective in high-density Upkeep, signage, aesthetics City Council in FY 1993-1994. The TGIF and highly-trafficked areas such as downtowns Community Policing provided funding for tourism-related •and resort areas where enhanced services, capital projects and initiatives with infrastructure, marketing, and communication • Responsible Person-in-Charge dedicated revenue streams of ten percent are necessary to attract and retain talent and • Centralized Coordination with Increased of the Amusement Tax, two percent of the provide a high-quality environment. They often Funding and a Discretionary Budget Hotel Room Tax, and one-half percent of have a non-profit side to operations that allows Enhanced outreach and engagement with the Hotel Room Tax for Beach Events. This •the area to benefit from donations, volunteer program also included dedicated revenues and pro bono work. homeless persons and panhandlers for oceanfront entertainment events. • Coordination of a multi-stakeholder Major Projects Fund — Established The RASAP Steering Committee is committed committee to discuss and address to adopting the best practices of a Central behavioral issues, panhandling and the by Virginia Beach City Council in FY Management Entity in the most highly- presence of homeless persons 2001-2002 to provide funding for the trafficked areas of the resort. These enhanced construction and debt costs surrounding services and service area will be resolved in the • Coordination of the "How to give/How the rebuilding of the Convention Center, implementation phase. to get help" awareness campaign to the Sandler Center for the Performing disincentivize panhandling Arts, and the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center parking lot expansion. Using dedicated revenue streams of 80 percent of the Amusement Tax diverted from TGIF, 2.5 percent of the Hotel Room Tax, 0.56 percent of the Restaurant Meal Tax and 5 percent of the Cigarette Tax. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 16 PEACEMAKING q ' } Placemaking is a multi-pronged approach ',; , ',� f h if: itl �'" . e tr , i • �I` 'r i, , to the planning, design and management of "_ .' ,,��,r0+ public spaces. It takes into account the unique y. ;'71 1 ', ; characteristics, culture, art and history of a r- , , ' community. Placemaking inspires people to { � • 5.:, ��'1 '- ' Ia , , collectively reimagine and reinvent public ', �..., ;s aces, and aims to create authentic spaces . yl3..�.• r and experiences that build community and //��' — I promote healthy and happy lifestyles. FIG. 1.1.0 COLIGNY CIRCLE FIG. 1.1.0 BOARDWALK Placemaking is one aspect of an urban design Hilton Head,South Carolina Myrtle Beach,South Carolina process and can be led by a municipality or by , .- _ ._- a grassroots organization of citizens.Tactical - '.. -- urbanism is a placemaking approach that uses ,�"�"7, ,t `'' v quick pilot projects to test out ideas with paint, ..'� -d I sidewalk chalk, planters, parklets, etc. `' h s! ,' _ ,�'I' During the public input process, respondents ' f _ I overwhelmingly supported placemaking �- " ' -, — efforts such as public art, artistic and projected + ; ____,----- lighting, outdoor dining and lounge areas, and _ , - j� I i . I . small performance parks. _ FIG. 1.1.0 PROMENADE STREET FIG. 1.1.0 VENICE BEACH HANGING STREET SIGN Bluffton,South Carolina Venice Beach,California I ,LAI :' " L ': "ram ^ ' 04 y'�. O1 :• rif ,,,I.j__...1,, 7:...,.1..j.,,,.4:.- : ::,,"1.... .,,,,,...:‘ : ._ ;417.- , :;if IN", a , • .". Ir. it.,977.-- i' — w1 FIG. 1.1.0 PIAZZA DELLA FAMIGLIA FIG. 1.1.0 THE PLAZA IN CITY PLACE San Diego,California West Palm Beach,Florida Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 17 EVENTS -y;' P' '_1 . - • - �+ %" sueilt' .... The Resort Area is fortunate to have a variety ' of events to take advantage of every week. y N. ^ Y Visit Virginia Beach organizes concerts, - �. , festivals, fireworks, holiday lights, and Beach .' - � � vk A A 4 Street USA— Live! on Atlantic. The Virginia r+' "' '�'�' ° ;� Li. � ,' Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) hosts `"'_ lig '2-- _ . _ - . art exhibitions, studio art classes, educational �' I --,K,rrM 1 �. programs, and events.The Virginia Aquarium ' ..- " oilL .. — ' & Marine Science Center hosts daily events, FIG. 1.1.0 OLD BEACH FARMER'S MARKET FIG. 1.1.0 SAIL-IN CINEMA as well as special educational, community, and Virginia Beach,Virginia Toronto,Canada holiday programming. \r Predictable, scheduled events such as the R F. ' Old Beach Farmer's Market and the Virginia -- 14 , . Beach Flea Market in the ViBe District make -` . ,., r� ' ""�' ,.;,,,� `,•. the area fun for residents as well as visitors. As 1 li��i , 1111 ..r '::11t w .;, tourism trends shift toward travelers wanting : u.,,. e,<<-;. an authentic experience, it is even more .'i' A` " ems°"' '" i0 important that events be planned around what �`' ,,: _ _ 1 s it - locals want to see and take part in. If events _ w� ..• are planned with the intention of creating a ► w vibrant, year-round community that locals will FIG. 1.1.0 JAll ON THE BEACH FIG. 1.1.0 VA. MOCA'S BOARDWALK ART SHOW enjoy, it is highly likely that visitors to Virginia Naples, Florida Virginia Beach,Virginia Beach will enjoy the Resort Area events as well. IIP, w • r ..., N ' 4, k' . , '4 ill '''114' *4 : t* \104 Ar'irio'ku ‘ki PL.- FIG. 1.1.0 COMMUNITY YOGA FIG. 1.1.0 SPRUCE STREET PARK Virginia Beach,Virginia Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 18 SERVICES INCENTIVES Central Management Entities provide services ,° "�' .'. ""`'"`- "r""°" The City offers a variety of incentives to ate, in partnership with the City, but above and ''` qualifying new or expanding businesses: beyond what the City can typically provide. . . , 1,,--0 , ,,,vym'' • Tax advantages Services may include: � _„" `". 1 g • Economic Development Investment Housekeeping—employees keep the area Program (EDIP) clean by disposing of trash more frequently .. and picking up trash and recycling items left on r, • Funds to qualifying business locating or sidewalks and streets. expanding in the City Data Collection—employees report • District Improvement Program (DIP) on potholes, cracked sidewalks, broken matching grants for small and locally- streetlights, malfunctioning traffic signals, owned and operated businesses to assist illegal dumping, etc. FIG. 1.1.0 LAJOLLA BLVD.(BEFORE) with building improvements, modernization Bird Rock,La Jolla,California and façade improvements Enhanced Public Safety—by providing a recognizable presence on the street, • Business License Incentive Program for employees serve as the eyes and ears of an new businesses area, and a deterrent to crime. y ,° -T" Fast-track Permitting Program "1,6Enhanced Hospitality—Ambassador -' - ;,, It,1 • Energy-Efficient Buildings Tax Reduction programs (volunteer or paid employees) are a gy g great way to create a welcoming environment `✓ — • YESOceana APZ-1 Incentives to foster the for locals and tourists. They greet visitors, conversion of nonconforming uses into offer assistance and directions, and provide conforming uses suggestions on places to go and things to do. ( • Public-Private Partnerships to help Beautification— by working to keep / defray costs landscaping on streets and public plazas and Small businesses assistance to encourage parks in top shape by planting, watering, startups and business growth; including and weeding them, and by supporting public FIG. 1.1.0 LA JOLLA BLVD.(AFTER TRAFFIC financial assistance, facilities development art projects and street furniture installation, CALMING &BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT) grants,tax credits and exemption. Bird Rock,La Jolla,California employees of a central management p authority make the area a more beautiful and The RASAP 2030 supports expanding local, enjoyable place. small business incentives. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan '03C 19 • 4.1 MOBILITY PLANNING Y . A mobility plan is a strategic plan designed r: ` , a-A. tro to satisfy the mobility needs of people and - 4 '. R, businesses in order to provide a better O II i) " C Lc. quality of life. It prioritizes good pedestrian st„,;fi, _, N r, 1 connectivity,which allows people to have a r"``" `' ` �-.r broader and more in-depth experience in ‘l •_ - ` , discovering a city. It ensures that all citizens are '' ' All — offered quality transportation choices to key ,w . destinations and services, improves safety and FIG. 1.1.0 E-PIONEER SCOOTER �„Y security, reduces air and noise pollution, and y+', improves the efficiency and cost-effectiveness - :.-,°i' - _ of transportation.A successful mobility plan will enhance the look and feel of the resort ___. area for everyone, encourage commerce, and make it easy and desirable for resort visitors to get out, explore, and see all that the ---s C,"a �, M - Resort Area has to offer. It will provide ease 1 * �ii►i .. ' of access to resort attractions and the beach, - /., �. ' and convenient, easy-to-find parking. It will Y p 9 comprehensively address the following: FIG. 1.1.0 E-CRUISER FIG. 1.1.0 WATER TAXI • Traffic Calming o Bird The Wharf,Washington DC • Pedestrian Circulation • Bike Circulation E, N. -- -� • Shared Mobility Devices "411 Mr- • Curbside Management , , a , „ • Public Transit , 1 k - ., - ,'4, 1 • Vehicular Circulation ,`' x' ".. '"' • Transportation Network a • Parking Management (strategic land acquisition and solutions) FIG. 1.1.0 BIKE RACK IN THE VIBE Virginia Beach,Virginia ®Echard Wheeler Resort Arec Str,nenic Action nrar, '050 20 TRAFFIC CALMING: • They are frequently run by private VEHICULAR CIRCULATION: • Reduce speeds where appropriate and companies and can pose challenges • A mobility plan will need to address increase pedestrian, cyclist, and micro- to vehicular safety and curbside private vehicles, transit vehicles, delivery mobility safety. management. vehicles,tour buses, charter buses, • Divert traffic out of the neighborhoods. • These devices can provide the critical first designated drop-off and pick-up spaces and last mile connections to public transit and rideshare infrastructure. PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION: often lacking from service providers. This missing link is commonly attributed TRANSPORTATION NETWORK: • Streetscape design will need to address to causing the majority of stress and • a safe, pedestrian-friendly environment complications for transit users. A mobility plan will address the modes of where people feel encouraged to walk, transportation that will be emphasized in explore, and enjoy the experience of CURBSIDE MANAGEMENT: each area of the transportation network. traveling on foot. • Certain streets will emphasize distinct • Prioritizes reliable transit and safe modes, creating a safe, user-friendly and BIKE CIRCULATION: bicycling infrastructure followed by curb efficient transportation network. uses, such as deliveries, passenger pick- • A bike network plan will need to address ups, green storm water infrastructure, the range of options such as family- small public spaces and managed PARKING MANAGEMENT: friendly off-road trails, protected on-road parking. • A comprehensive parking plan and bike lanes, and on-road sharrows. Should be measured and kept flexible as strategy is needed to address: 1) equal •• A bikeshare program will provide a fun technology and modes of transportation distribution of parking spaces, 2) on- way for both residents and visitors to continue to evolve. street parking, 3) district parking, 4) event parking, 5)valet parking, 6) parking and experience the resort area, promote health and wellness, and reduce the need PUBLIC TRANSIT: beach shuttle services for employees for parking. and visitors, 7) protection of residential • Develop strategies in coordination with neighborhood parking, and 8) removal of SHARED MOBILITY DEVICES: the local transit agency to increase surface parking east of Pacific Avenue as reliability of service for all users. land is developed to its highest and best • Shared mobility devices use technology To increase ridership,transit should use, 9)future changes as parking evolves. •such as mobile apps to allow bikes, leverage technology and real-time data electric bikes, and electric scooters to be ,, shared among users. to provide up-to-date information on , * arrival and departure times.Transit should • They provide low or zero-emission be kept affordable for all users. options that are diverse, convenient, and • Identify a location for a central beach _ readily accessible.They allow visitors and mobility hub where multiple modes of residents to make short trips without FIG. 1.1.0 BEACH SHUTTLE needing a car. transportation can be accessed. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan '031 21 OCEANA BLVD MOBILITY& • TRANSPORTATION • ('° ROUTES LEGEND: • • • Major Roadways • • NZ Garage Public Parking 74 "" mmar• • A° WI Surface Public Parking f � e• ti a• 0 Proposed Water Taxi - Owl Creek S•Gen ceerse m o` : Cr6 2 O Trolley/Bus M �+eev Y Transfer Point • y 3 �� • 5 Proposed µ t NFC*RD � a. Bus Route { 1 I seeteck • • 20 Rt 20-Downtown Comm.P41k* w v°i Norfolk/VB Oceanfront T"its- ;44 ' Creek s s 0 tic> Rt 30-Atlantic Ave * ,.. ,. .'', atw, ! rM ! Trolley �9 Area Par,, O'Fti♦\°at'n t P 1.„* t ~.. w 31 Rt 31-Aquarium& FiQ ♦ 4g ♦ qsd t 4 . Campground Trolley $ �� ~ \"\�' " e' t J P �•:' N al 33 Rt 33-TCC/Atlantic Ave/ d8 •\e a e ,fi Park sPa x �l I NECK RD 68th Street Shuttle �O * Marshwew ¢ ti s, s :11 �= ' 5 Rt 35 Bayfront Shuttle '.1: Existing Multi Use Path ;f � m , , r -S'i �' 1.1' r. ��� ■■■■ Proposed Multi Use Path 11NS.4: .....: tiu J ■■ n-',„'ti, 'a� sna wi-n N WA.Beac II a,,,,. - Fk 4 ba `Parke2 f 1 toia u NBeae, w26 • = O Gar . yyg�+y�y -,a . 1 „ •• 1- Z oLD BEACH' },Park' it CNI • �turlee Haig - - "' , ° 1r" ar��� / '' �' BALTIC AVE �.. HOLLY RD s • ` 1 RUDEE ® oP t" rs 1 Ir IM I PACIFIC AVE ® �'`N LOOP.......... J ,,:��J � ATLANTIC AVE �r . 0 '' �,,,,��w„ � " �30 m Gloater Beach Pe k ..�..._.... - t c -a Pri,',. Helln,..a.. - 'li,ra End ® G'o 1"p"r'1 IT t Park Oceanfront Beach Paik Park B h Park ,. -., ins 15th St Pier FIG. 1.1.0 MOBILITY IMPROVEMENT DIAGRAM This diagram illustrates an overall connected network of transit, trails, and a new water taxi that enhance the existing road network. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 22 rs' L,';`-L:`"'*':' . ''' OCEANA BLVD +L _10. A" ' L :' Tr ''�f 3,4, �� h'RD „.,,,„.., A I o4.ee. x.}. ow OOT s: = w. N&RONEC,�RD t ` " ti o e. <-eO W 1 2 I >-1 FIG. 1.1.0 PROTECTED BIKE LANES—ARLINGTON, .. ,.a VIRGINIA I • CYBRE859WEV H " .,y 141:1/4 5 MED TERRANE:1 C C 0 -' BALTIC V-.A HOLLY RD in-5; ;: .RUDEE i•( flirt 1' ~ LOOP.... a i MIMIMMiVr.r I II ---, ,.. . .,,._ ,,, •,. OCEANFRONT BOARDWALK-3 BIKE.PATH_. FIG. 1.1.0 BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN/MICRO-MOBILITY . Multi-Use Paths CIRCULATION DIAGRAM Bike and Micro-mobility Pedestrian This diagram represents the need for the should be just as strong as the connection mobility plan to address the public's desire along the oceanfront. Multi-use paths denote for increased ease of pedestrian, bike, and protected, off-road options that are safe and micro-mobility transportation. The connection enjoyable for families and commuters. between the beach and the neighborhoods Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 23 OCEANA BLVD y Ni L. ''f"'! O z cst dS ,N RD 'k ' '/ .n,. 4 44 4 \ P Ixti �` I I I j( 41 ti� Ate) • II r `,w .7(A �10 I j sue; O 9 -v "^ i 81RpNECK RD,..,._. ._. O , f tts, prit, , , _ „„.„, . , , > .. _ , ,,,,,,„ . .,, ,.,,, 1 . ,t,, „, • on , _, . O CYPRESS AVE®I a NI ~ .4q VW ' - 7 MEDITER RAN EAN AVE N Z L..i- .�PI M T H rva i BALTIC AVE HOLLY RD ya, f O. ARCTIC AVE o % • s r • . RUDEE xui..u. .w..av '.� PACIFIC AVE ;� "' • �v- r -� LOOP yy '".' W .ems,� `�. #....Oww-sww..,. ,HOT PIPr'UGlniViii ei,•,.«1..a ..k?-` �f ,ii8 .4 � FIG. 1.1.0 PUBLIC TRANSIT CIRCULATION DIAGRAM —0— Intercity bus route FIG. 1.1.0 VIRGINIA BEACH RESORTTROLLEY 1:>— Bayfront shuttle 0 Oceanfront trolley rn( . Aquarium trolley Proposed expanded bus route 0 Bus/trolley transfer station This diagram represents the need for the mobility a new trolley route, and expanded transit services plan to explore the option of a new bus/trolley to the ViBe Creative District,Virginia MOCA,and transfer station at Rudee Loop and Arctic Avenue, the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 24 ,) As self-driving vehicles appear on the market, OCEANA BLVD there is uncertainty about the impact they / , will have on urban infrastructure and parking. While autonomous vehicles guided by a centralized parking system have been shown _____ o to be up to 80% more efficient in their use \N.se Y of space, these systems will not be possible R°""\�.RD / co to deploy until the majority of vehicles on ( the road are autonomous. In the near term \ ; future, systems such as self-driving valets can c�"F � 4— decrease the need for parking areas by up to e0 0 m N81RONECKRD 60% as well as decrease the amount of time �y < 1 — \ needed to store and retrieve vehicles. 5 \ Much of the traffic and congestion in the > I Resort Area is caused by people searching for parking. By adding systems as described above, 4 CYPRESS AVE N congestion could be decreased. = MEDITERRANE.N AVE m w BALTIC E•.. 't HOLLY RD �. ` ARCTIC AVE RUDEE N. LOOP..........:. MINIM Ir • FIG. 1.1.0 VEHICULAR CIRCULATION DIAGRAM Local Streets Through-Streets Interstate — -g1-o_ .loll ;,.;,i ,,- '''t Ill This diagram represents the idea of street for traffic going into or through an area. ,. , .S character (this is not a technical analysis of Interstates are high-speed, vehicular-focused. Or VDOT classifications). Local streets should In order to meet the RASAP 2030 goal of I be walkable and commercial or residential- increasing pedestrian connectivity, more streets . focused. Through-Streets are predominately need to be designed as local streets. ir NNW FIG. 1.1.0 AUTOMATED,SELF-VALET ®Stanley Robotics Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 A;. Microtransit, or shared mobility devices, is seen DCE^NA BLVD 44 as a way of extending the distance between parking areas and major attractions. The next j generation of micro transit vehicles are larger, , . , more comfortable, and provide an on-demand, flexible mobility service in smaller geographic .�-""''� sa, ` '4 x areas. They will likely require serious r-""°� "FckRo "' m ., k consideration of dedicated right-of-way, but t a �A ..* i their range, compactness, and convenience _ , , make them perfect for visitors to the resort c�4 ;• o area to get where they want to go without �< I_ • , 1. e�°`` ,, m vir., -,..,1„,„,,„............... • ^ requiring the significant parking structures that �m` ' � N., automobiles demand. Y s Ili or— ' 3 ii \ ` CYPRESS AVE S.4 Z MEDITERRANEAN AVE o ♦\ I I N_ r ...,„ *\• .. N ' BALTIC AVE HOLLY RD ♦♦ • • k a 0.. ♦� ARCTIC AVE 1— R�vE•• wuw.o.. P P I� PACIFIC AVE F ♦•.. q •• 'ATLANTIC AVE yl4 At . i s' V ,�..� FIG. 1.1.0 EXISTING PUBLIC PARKING DIAGRAM © Existing Public Parking This diagram gives a general overview of the location of public parking lots and garages found in the Resort Area. A more detailed look at parking can be found on the next page. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 26 PARKING AND PARKING TRENDS The City of Virginia Beach Parking Management .. _ 4 . Office continues to introduce new technology and Q 2019 Private services to improve the overall parking experience. Commercial New services include adding vehicle count L1 t I �.. r e Lot Permits systems at all locations to display the amount of ''S ''''� I -� ,•, Total spaces available to the public.This data is also �,ti '' '. LZ t t s Orr, P P •_ :it . s: s Estimated = integrated into two parking apps that allows users r *; 4,i•., L3 -, 2,238 spaces to efficiently plan their trip to a municipal parking >rw - .o•.d`16�r_ i :''`_ -'. location by finding available parking spaces with • 7. ,7 L4 2 7 i' '� ® Cityof digitized directions to the available spaces making ,o1 ` the trip to the resort and finding an open ace t Virginia p g p p 1-- Beach hassle-free. Future services will include enhanced «, Parking wayfinding and linking customers to other FIG. 1.1.0 SMART PARKING DISPLAY ,r .00 Garage/Lots mobility options to easily move around the resort. t` 7 t Total Estimated = CURRENT PUBLIC PARKING GARAGES: PAY FROM YOUR— 2 33 ,557 spaces 3 Garages at the Oceanfront PHONE • DOWNLOAD , * 1,701 spaces (943 reserved) T a .= PassportParking , `; . ' 'fit.• is -tA 340,600 vehicles park here annually "' CURRENT PUBLIC OFF-STREET LOTS: ppprk com e ,,,n d 5 Lotsco ZONE 856 spaces (117 reserved) 1 0 0000 FIG. 1.1.0 SMART PARKING APP CURRENT ON-STREET METERED PARKING: 680 estimated spaces Q ADDITION OF SEASONAL ATLANTIC AVENUE PARKING TRENDS: STREET PARKING(OCTOBER 1-APRIL 15): • Artificial Intelligence for parking spot "'`_ 201 estimated spaces locators • Smart Parking displays :: CURRENT DAYS/YEAR THAT PUBLIC PARKING IS • Reduction in space needed with FIG. 1.1.0 RESORT COMMERCIAL LOTS&VB FULL: 25 days. Examples: 4th of July/Patriotic autonomous vehicles PARKING Festival/Something in the Water Festival Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 c'7 4.2 STREETSCAPE DESIGN Great streetscapes create a unique FIRST PRIORITY STREETSCAPE ""' , , sense of place. They provide a clear IMPROVEMENTS: separation between pedestrians and • 17th Street/Virginia Beach vehicles to make a safe and family- Boulevard west of Cypress friendly street. They provide full Avenue •' accessibility for those traveling in -. 7,4 ,, ' Atlantic Avenue wheelchairs as well as other mobility , �� . : .- �'° - �=- 74% � ; devices. The design of a streetscape 15th-25th Streets) a: ;. may include: } '_ SECOND PRIORITY STREETSCAPE . • Bike Lanes & Multi-use Paths IMPROVEMENTS: +` v. • Streetscape Character and "` Public Realm • Atlantic Avenue , .Me : } (1st-15th Streets) ., `' 4a" ''. • .,, • Raised Intersections, Central Beach— North/South FIG. 1.1.0 17TH STREET(EXISTING CONDITIONS) •Crosswalks & Curb Extensions Avenues Cypress to Arctic • Landscape & Plantings 1 ' d; • Pacific Avenue . ' • Sidewalk Organization (5th-15th Streets) ,,,_ Standards • Pacific Avenue , A e IL' ,, ;. ' 01. ' " 1, • Pop-up Event/Entertainment p- p (25th-42nd Streets) +� f` ��' Spaces Jr- 11 ., • Outdoor Amenity Spaces/ mosis 1 ,, itiww, Outdoor DiningI t ilk -- — NOTE: Priority should be given to "'ice. • Pervious Paving complete the under-grounding of �\ • Site Furnishings utility lines on Pacific Avenue. `' MU 0 1 • Green Infrastructure for Storm Water Management ___ ._ ,,. .\�, • Original Art Displays FIG. 1.1.0 17TH STREET(CONCEPTUAL RENDERING OF FUTURE • Historical Markers STREETSCAPE—TO BE DESIGNED) • Outdoor Lighting Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 28 BIKE LANES&MULTI-USE PATHS Bike lanes and multi-use paths are a --:� '1w. ;,; convenient way for visitors and locals to M.1 # : . tv? explore a large urban environment like the e ©° r _it 'linuli� Virginia Beach Resort Area. They provide aui Alt l; t: {i *- • ""'—'` safe wayto walk, bike, scooter, and skate - , 1I �1 .11.1,1 ;�ir E a w s : ` .fir to restaurants, stores, the beach, and other i 777 ., neighborhoods. When people are on foot or on a bike, they move more slowly and can take in = IL. a t .-: more of their surroundings. Additionally, when �C� ' they see something interesting, it is easier for , - them to stop and interact than if they had to Y find a place to park a car. �"'� ` ~= _ == - Trees and plantings helpkeepthe hot summer FIG. 1.1.0 BIKE LANES FIG. 1.1.0 MULTI-USE PATH p g Coronado,California sun off of trail and path users and also protect o Jorge Salcedo,2075/Adobe Stock them from vehicles. In flat areas or where path users will be traveling long distances, curving r; . , the path in a serpentine fashion and subtly !, changing the elevation of the path makes . ,, 4 " - *'� for a more enjoyable trip in a more casual , m ; .-' environment. --• _s s,,_ r • ,- � ' 'yf'i 1.' �.i SII r — n ,.- FIG. 1.1.0 BIKE TRAILS FIG. 1.1.0 COLIGNY BEACH PARK Watercolor,Florida Hilton Head,South Carolina Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 29 STREETSCAPE CHARACTER &PUBLIC REALM A . " ' ' • "- z- c i a I E In addition to being a conduit of navigation, _.11 ��`, ��`.''\. _ `', the street is also a place for people to gather. ` • ? , �\ • It is very important to provide comfortable � . . : r and safe places for small and large groups :��, �•. 4.° of people to walk, shop, dine and convene. - �� _r �' Outdoor dining areas on sidewalks, seating ' t areas along paths, plazas, and courtyards - " 1 -++ - - provide these places. They should always be „� a designed to be comfortable—shade is critical, FIG. 1.1.0 COMMERCIAL STREET FIG. 1.1.0 POCKET PLAZA seating should be placed in clusters so that Solavita,Florida Watercolor,Florida people can interact and converse, they should _ _ be comfortably out of the path of travel, and 1 • "4' there should be nearby activity to observe. -\`t= - ., w rr' - _„ µ Y .. f T The streetscape must support all aspects .. ...&,1 1.� ' It -�o'l , .t; ,� -•i 44tikl 1 7 _ .,, of pedestrian life. Effective signage and wayfinding is unobtrusive, beautiful, and clearly ., • r directs people to public amenities. Bike racks, - L scooter stands, and other elements should be - ` ,' " _ •---- .. �' ,- , - , )_ .,.. -� used to organize forms of micro-mobility so `°� b �,,,�� that they do not clutter the streetscape. Trash , -, �= ` 4.... � sk and recycling receptacles must be conveniently FIG. 1,1.0 POCKET PATIO FIG. 1.1.0 COLIGNY CIRCLE spaced, appropriately sized, and Austin,Texas Hilton Head,South Carolina attractive looking. :%7-...'. • - "leill ill., 4' _ itO ' 410 - 0'... .-7' :'. . Jy- , — 1311I _ / k/11 ,.,/....I ' ,t . 1'..''... ‘it,''. 1." -:' ' . 1 1 "4. r.:.1 ' .1 Wkl:i. '-'r'' ' .." ., Amp" • FIG. 1.1.0 LINCOLN ROAD FIG. 1.1.0 DOWNTOWN STREET Miami,Florida Pensacola,Florida Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 30 CROSSWALKS,CURB EXTENSIONS .. Crosswalks alert drivers to the fact that the .1110 F .E roadway is passing through a pedestrian i '�` pathway and they need to be prepared to yield • NI '.! -�;. i •r iyy r ., •- to crossing pedestrians. Crosswalks should be -� j- ;-w s �,. !� 1 placed where people naturally want to cross __- - r r � .w ►,+,4; , the street, in line with sidewalks and pedestrian �4 w i ,,-;,:rr paths. Sometimes it is best to observe how a '° 1 crowd of people crosses the street and adapt I the crosswalk marking to that behavior. When FIG. 1.1.0 MID-BLOCK CURB EXTENSION FIG. 1.1.0 MID-BLOCK CROSSING block lengths exceed approximately 600-feet Birdrock,La Jolla,California Birdrock,La Jolla,California in length, mid-block crosswalks should be evaluated to support a healthy commercial or ; ,, neighborhood environment. ' �' # Curb extensions serve two primary purposes: - �=; - I P ,. � z x d,,• • ` 1) reduce the distance that pedestrians are • • "'�' exposed to oncoming vehicles, and r.; �.�� . . 2) constrict the roadway so that drivers slow ' "' '� �r down and drive carefully. Curb extensions can ` i �/ \ n I be effectively employed at mid-block crossings r'` ,- \, , and at intersections. / / e // Landscape and Plantings are a critical element FIG. 1.1.0 INTERSECTION CURB EXTENSIONS FIG. 1.1.0 MID-BLOCK CROSSING of any streetscape design. Tree canopies Cheyenne,Wyoming Birdrock,La Jolla,California provide shade for pedestrians and parked cars, "' - and also create a calm environment where r , - rt �\ /� drivers tend to drive more slowly. Plantings ,.y ''�•,-,-:-.'ris• �' j.,,,,iliil • along sidewalks and near crosswalks contribute - y , %� to a comfortable space for pedestrians. SinceP.-_ TZ- 41 - �riE1,1 people will naturally gravitate towards places r•., ' .1. ,� ry y i i+. that are comfortable, plantings can be used to ''O�r . ilik • ' ' �%s�#i:_.�i = � "— 'a ter a s, _.-- guide pedestrians to safe places like pedestrian '' .,F, f.. k =_ _ �_�,.""' • refuges, which they may be less inclined to use r mow, --�. e if the space is not comfortable. Additionally, "tip- �. plants animate the street, causing drivers to ��'� pay more attention and drive more cautiously. FIG.a 1.1.0Monica,FalifomiNTERSECTIONCROSSWALK FIa G s .1.0eet,viPLANTor �ED CURB EXTENSIONS or—South Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 31 PUBLIC REALM DESIGN GUIDELINES - •x.•a. '- A well-organized and designed streetscape111111 ' " 4 ih.., . ,, __* r- ' y6i I can be just as welcoming as a large gateway i _ , or public art piece. Quality materials, good f�. 4 branding, a coordinated color palette, and ,� �� - �� „ I -` useful amenities send a signal to residents I t,� t' .• , and visitors that a street is really a place, cared less, ,, for byits owners.The followingitems should �►:`��''� `~`� publicIr `"'fir design guidelines:be considered in creation of realm 'N ►a11110710-i.i I • • Approved Site Furnishings (color and FIG. 1.1.0 COVERED BIKE STORAGE FIG. 1.1.0 PROPOSED E-SCOOTER PARKING design should reinforce district identity) Virginia Beach,Virginia • Sidewalk Organization Standards/Public Space Organization and Management I./ ii I IQ • s b: (eliminate streetscape clutter) • �S� „ • • Bike Racks I t i " * �d �rL w` +4 I%. h ,., t • Lighting x:: Al Ilk • Landscape & Plantings . i ..� I "" P 9 �_ R • Public Art " t O. • Parklets41/ ii, ' kr • AIR • Shade Structures __. • Water Fountains/Bottle Fillers/Dog Water �' _ ae- iiiiiiiiii —ti..:, Stations FIG. 1.1.0 HYDRATION STATION FIG. 1.1.0 BRYANT PARK LITTER RECEPTACLES Combination bottle filler,water fountain,pet drinking station New York,New York • Waste and Recycling Receptacles • Security Stations • Central Newsstand ii A r.• ®k' it 4 • Wayfinding System (color coded/branded -a, 0 O j 1 ► r to districts) 0 11 • Flags and Banners (avoid pole clutter) • Smart Corridor Enhancements FIG. 1.1.0 NEWSSTAND(FRONT) FIG. 1.1.0 NEWSSTAND(BACK) Virginia Beach,Virginia Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 32 SEA LEVEL RISE&COASTAL RESILIENCE Virginia Beach faces several challenges in being "." on the coast. The combination of accelerating sea level rise and increased rainfall means that Virginia Beach Watersheds flood waters need to be kept out, without trapping rain water inside. `„ The Virginia Beach Resort Area covers several1,100ii ''°ind watersheds, however, the majority of the resort .: drains storm water out to Lynnhaven Inlet e ..... i through a series of pipes, culverts, creeks, and --- lakes.As the sea level rises, draining the Resort \ \ 40 Area through this system will take longer since x` i III 1/11,*much of the system will already be full of water Ior closed off with a flood gate.An alternative ;,drainage system is a possibility that is being • ;studied, but would rely on pumping water fromthe Resort Area out to the ocean. In either case, w�slowing the movement of water from rooftops, i cNv a ce...ww parking lots, and other impervious surfaces will be critical to not overwhelming the ability ...OM••••• 23 of the storm water system to drain the Resort Area. Storing runoff on-site or allowing it to be absorbed into a natural system until a rain event is over,then slowly releasing it into the storm water system will allow the most critical public _ 164 21 structures (such as roads) to be drained first. �� 2$ 1 O FIG. 1.1.0 WATERSHED MAP Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 33 The Resort Area is situated on relatively .,T►-- Ruoa ,► •_,'' �'� high land compared to much of coastal OKLal t Virginia Beach, but there are a few low-lying 411114211 I'`›ISZEIIII - .' areas which will need to be addressed with constructed flood protection structures. Rudee ma.;;;a -- Inlet is under study to have an operable flood LAKE WESLEY i 1 �aa 4,04 _ gate built to keep storm surge from flooding areas adjacent to Owl's Creek and in the Resort _ `7 »."'. Area. A seawall would need to be constructed .( .. =' along the boardwalk to tie this flood gate intoop, higher elevations north of the resort area in 4 ' tie— order to provide effective protection. Both the ` •• cx+ ►1'`` I'RAr'S 11 flood gate and sea wall should be designed r A V HORIZON'Al in ways that engage the public and enhance ` srORRGATE the recreational aspects of Rudee Inlet and the •' Virginia Beach Oceanfront. %AM)MINI-WI IN • SIR I I PII l ATLANTIC OCEAN A few buildings in the Resort Area will need to REINIOItU-NM1 be elevated to a level above the flood plain, or ►. Ahlik..`' modified to be wet or dry floodproofed. In all FIG. 1.1.0 RENDERING OF RECOMMENDED RUDEE INLET GATE TYPOLOGY cases, these measures should be implemented Virginia Beach,Virginia in a way that does not degrade the experience - - _ __ of the pedestrian walking by or approaching 404 *. i.« 1 the building. Care should be taken to ensure ., s that the lower levels of elevated and protected ir buildings do not appear as blank or unfinished :. walls that are unwelcoming to the public. -ti w+ NISI-AW>„1 4 +' EXTENSION Finally, it is important to remember that t' Federal Emergency Management Agency ��� 9 Y 9 i (FEMA) flood plains provide general guidance w on areas where floods are most likely to occur. ' .,,.: ,;,;,';,"`'., , `- . However, flood damage often occurs outside of designated flood zones, and best practices in coastal areas include elevating all structures LxlsuNc • or floodproofing the ground floor. HDARr)wAIK FIG. 1.1.0 RENDERING OF RAISED SEAWALL AND SLIDING FLOOD GATE AT OCEANFRONT BOARDWALK Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 34 RESORT LANDSCAPE&PLANTINGS PEARL BUSINESSES COASTAL FLOOD PROTECTION Plantings in the Resort Area should be a Lynnhaven River NOW recognizes that active majority of salt-tolerant, native plantings engagement of the private sector is essential •Dev„ T that are able to survive the winter. Landscape to truly move towards a sustainable Virginia should serve multiple purposes, providing Beach and cleaner waters. Businesses within beauty and enjoyment for all, and working Virginia Beach are already changing how as a component of the green infrastructure they work. Some are increasing their energy . system, helping to slow, store, and drain water efficiency, using resources more strategically, -- .-=`' during and after storm events. Landscape reducing waste and pollution, and becoming , should be as easy to maintain as possible, more sustainable. and there should be areas designated for The RASAP 2030 Plan encourages companies businesses to adopt-a-spot and share in the to become certified by Lynnhaven River NOW design and ownership of seasonal plantings as Pearl Businesses and be recognized for their �-: that make each district within the Resort Area unique with pops of color. efforts to restore waterways and sustain the �t a• natural beauty found throughout Virginia Beach. City-Wide Structural VIRGINIA GREEN Alternatives for Coastal Flood Protection City of Virginia Beach.Virginia _ Virginia Green is the statewide program that*, i''.: : ..1111....lic °ero ow�r1rn wy :' in; aild :ru IL works to reduce the environmental impacts DM:May242419 i iditsisia ,, '4 of Virginia's tourism industry. It is run as a S,ln�Ydb:CityAV.9n.Besh 4. partnership with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the Virginia Tourism Corporation and the Virginia Restaurant, ' �,�`. • _ Lodging and Travel Association. FIG. 1.1.0 CITY-WIDE STRUCTURAL ALTERNATIVES .4' FOR COASTAL FLOOD PROTECTION k , Virginia Beach,Virginia VI j �"ia, The RASAP 2030 supports the "City-Wide '4 ""11,4,f Structural Alternatives for Coastal Flood Protection" Report. ', , `i! i :.. . Ami...+ Virginia Green FIG. 1.1.0 RAIN GARDEN IN BAY AREA GREENBELT TM San Francisco,California Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 35 STREET LIGHTING PRESERVATION,CULTURAL IDENTITY& HISTORIC STRUCTURES Pedestrian-scale: Street lighting in walkable areas should be 10-20 feet in height to relate r' With development opportunities come the to the scale of a person. `:o. responsibility of respecting and rehabilitating Matching: All lighting used within a • the historic properties in the resort area. streetscape or character district should match . . • , Adaptive reuse projects are a sustainable each other by being of visually similar design, " "•' way to preserve the history of the area. New, :•.3•,�;.:.•••. .' . . •ii• . • • ' ' • • . . urban infill projects will need to take a look at construction, and color. 66,66,.,, ..,- historic structures on adjacent sites and respect Color Temperature and Brightness of • -• ,. "' those buildings both in massing and with a Lighting: Must be of a color temperature FIG. 1.1.0 OUTDOOR PLAZA LIGHTING contemporary compatible design. between 2,500 Kelvin and 3,000 Kelvin when Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania located in residential, urban and resort areas; 2,700 Kelvin is ideal. The City should select fixtures that have a good color rendering index , 9�- o (CRI) and low glare. i f i v $ 0 i i i ii : Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamp source: r..m ` �` r ' ■ • M ' Lighting should be LED in order to keep energy ' I \ `.� —i, _ i• , , , ,., $ 0 2 0 usage and costs low. •� o - - DECORATIVE LIGHTING ";T Al.. , 4 ,d ,�„ i +atb FIG. 1.1.0 THE CAVALIER HOTEL v n , All-Weather: Lighting used in an outdoor area .Y+ y jy I. ' d 1 Virginia Beach,Virginia must be specifically made for outdoor use, and "'; .e}�- , _` . ®YuzhuZheng must have a hardwired electrical connection. —jw4 - • ,a,,�-_�, - .." Matching: All lighting used within an outdoor `� area should match each other by being of FIG. 1.1.0 OUTDOOR DINING LIGHTING OF il visually similar design, construction, and color. Plaza Bib-Rambla,Granada,Spain _ Color Temperature and Brightness of Lighting: Must be of a color temperature between 2,500 m Kelvin and 3,000 Kelvin; 2,700 Kelvin is ideal. ..; All lighting must be dimmable, and must not i 11 nos - , I own overpower the public street lighting. -^M- .r FIG. 1.1.0 TAUTOG'S RESTAURANT Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 36 • •a ,, ".., -c /1.,'.',,,,t i i/I,f,r, '+wuittuMuufiawr-- x'vf r" .ram .k:■ .i.°• 1 ' LEGEND I- At+nfi nt.. 3 +M�da4��7R�I . � +!' _ •rfw...r l. o. l. v J ,' t - i A► 4`.. j"t r`',n5 .y " .rc,"" ",��7��"rr]]i p - n...«oa 9.6 le Ci iille !+ •:,;'� ' `a n .-, �: i " i • ' ,. ....1M,a..Ow Urea CREATIVE ._ , . . , �w � C �!F' is e. -rj m g "r......w.r..s.n.. ViBe CREATIVE DISTRICT CONNECTIVITY PLAN • k it 4 ` Om Cromeallis A•, ' k , ' . 0 ,. , ,0t l ", 1,�> '.'I(&l� • ' a.."....".. The purpose of the ViBe District Connectivity ,:$ y - __. Plan is to provide a vision for critical pedestrian • At& late r �,�, 1. ,„, ., �+% , , ;4 1� W , .1 t• ' : .�'`- and bicycle connections between ViBe business - :�'^ ! e "�"% 1.01' ;. a , I� f '' .A. ,',at L. .4 ....:.teat•! l h - .«as.^ ..... .. "W-.J. L..., . F +,w.a and community destinations.The major 1 , features of the Connectivity Vision Plan include: �"""`®'" . iaR ,;,, :��,- ;0 ,. .. .. r7+ i'^'± .__a i • Connection to the Virginia Museum ofist 11 r "wIttIris % w •,, •0•O / Contemporary Art (MOCA). _ - -. .� .. t � 4, . . i_;. .' ' . �4 _ l • A continuous sidewalk network and t .. z-._ ,--ry '*' -- 16 i { ' I*Milpt I: - accessibility upgrades. , ^" - - •" ry• 'h; � A • Crosswalks on all legs of every � s "-" . I - intersection. -- �"� , " ; j ; �.. ., _ i. ral £ 1N* • trees and pedestrian- ». ' * , r I j, aim t.,i._ iv"e scaled lighting. 1,,,,,„ _ wr. lit • Two primary north/south corridors --- ...... 4..-..-- , F--4„ 1*" '^, 1 =..' g." ii for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in ,m „ ' the form of on-street bike lanes on FIG. 1.1.0 2017 ViBe DISTRICT CONNECTIVITY VISION PLAN WITH 2019 UPDATES Cypress Avenue and wide sidewalks on Mediterranean Avenue. • Two primary east/west corridors for • More defined on-street parallel parking • Designated open spaces along 18th-22nd pedestrian and bicycle traffic in the form opportunities to support businesses and Streets for informal gatherings, events, of an 8' side path on 18th Street and wide residents on Mediterranean Avenue, 18th, outdoor art displays, and low impact sidewalks and on-street bicycle facilities 19th and 20th Streets. development (LID)facilities. on 17th Street. • Storm water and utility infrastructure upgrades. Resort Area Strategic Actor Han 203C 37 ,• • r, r1 � �•r T r 1" 1 1, ; ,„4 y +. ', F r 0 .. .� � •' L 9 r 'e� ',t w ," di% "�tr� a. t{�C"T!i£-Fr 1% � ,„„ .0 ,,,,..„ ,,,„ v r o., Y r� T . r �.,li,„ .., At'47,t ... ...- , ....../,.... t.. AIL • ,-l't lir'- Ih?----. „' ,„1„, -..- , lBr ^ .... _..,-,„„,, ,.:,... ,,,, -...1:,,,:,-;.., 4.„, ‘N ..,... , i ,, ,....... . ,‘. „,,,,, L ,_ __ , _. _ - :, , ,; ri ' ' /t 4 i J i 1 t. e soli" 78,20. —. �� Upgraded �a.xaix n-----.,_, W/oar Unitdies/o. q1.�,._g 10'•lf^-_w_ Flexible —^"'Y !••g' I ...�MF.., Seatln9 6' - y " Lan. Lane nas.Ns 9/k. Yg• tv&i." f -. oaeio,a �+ne atm.. *—_—______ -. Exisein9 Certpay Ri9bb07-Way by FIG. 1.1.0 ATLANTIC AVENUE AT 17TH STREET—EXISTING CONDITIONS(TOP LEFT)AND CONCEPTUAL INTERIM OPTION FOR FURTHER STUDY: Dimensioned street section—off-season(on-street parking and dedicated bike lanes) This conceptual rendering was used to solicit liked:bike lanes in general,expanded outdoor plantings. Participants did not like having a bike feedback for Atlantic Avenue during a public dining areas,on-street parking, organized lane situated between a trolley and vehicle lane(in workshop and in an online survey. Participants street furniture and natural, native,salt-tolerant the summer season),as it made them feel unsafe. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 3A 4.3 CONNECTED GREEN " OPEN SPACES �- tips�. .. _'_ � . .._ � y � +�' o. -"mom ' -. •scY , , • The number one topic to come out of the •-- ' '" r -- �"" public meetings and surveys was the need for 1 enhancements to the existing parks and the � � } ~ k ?• - creation of new parks and open space thatfi. t reach west and connect neighborhoods to — ill the oceanfront. .w-ak, It is clear that residents and visitors enjoy the beach but also need alternative places to go 111111111111111111111111111111111 to enjoy the outdoors away from the surf, FIG. 1.1.0 VINE CITY'S COOK PARK FIG. 1.1.0 QUINLI STORM WATER PARK Atlanta,Georgia;photo by Darcey Kiefel By Turenscape,China sand and sun. Respondents noted that there are different needs for parks located directly • ' • ;'" T` adjacent to the beach and boardwalk, and " ; .liY f. those further inland. et. t .,.-. . -•OCEANFRONT CONNECTOR PARKS: Cogive "`�. '.;� j i ["�'''- - 41a • Maintain public views to the water. '," �,i _ • Improve existing connector parks by _ ' . . adding new amenities such as event and - performance spaces, bathrooms and .> =/"M * "" ' day-use showers. FIG. 1.1.0 YANWEIZHOU STORM WATER PARK FIG. 1.1.0 PERREUX RIVER BANKS By Turenscape,China By BASE Landscape Architecture • Do not add private amenities such as lockers and changing rooms. NEW/OFF-BEACH PARKS: II II • Prioritize shade, public art, recreational ,•• spaces, and smaller amenities. ` ,J iii'iiri'' • Develop passive green/open spaces . r that connect inland neighborhoods FIG. 1.1.0 CONCEPTUAL VIRGINIA BEACH FIG. 1.1.0 CONCEPTUAL VIRGINIA BEACH to the beach. CONNECTOR PARK OCEANFRONT RESTROOMS Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 39 2% v ICJ m 1"aNNZ9t a Q s o l0 7 Z d a., . - re 1 k 0 co N .. 1 V We a ,, 2 '''^, O m WdW c COo °' �a i 0o6I•U—+ w Z w CI.I— z V W _LU ... :.*Ismsf. .15 .i �t E - ••�• N• to r.,,,,,,‘ _ .,., „.. 1.N Q2IHSVI. T �i2r�c� Q O �r I��i ^ -�+ . .. i =Q U O C.) c Q m •F g •Q N d o. k9t/ CO =m• n Z m . and 1S UNZZ e - • • • • d 8g31n0 A a a- 1S�161 e � b c ad IaIM�ai 9 r • lC1•••=•■ • . • • Se aAv8 H3V38 HINI�J2IIA • 1 -HILL • •rrrrr • 75i0 321A • ee9 e,ot rr•••rrrrr F.,- r1�• ' `_•. •. '3,3e,e,:e, 7 —it,..., - ,,,,,,„ • 1.•;: • 5Qo• ' - --- b)IlOda pN Q l . _ kp ire, a` t my • t •I1•� Q L_ S i a z ., • W 5 -• .. 9 r to ;`�Y LLI a O Y•' •. I•I w a V) _ I DO Z „ I a d LU a O Q # I w• �� m= ZLU oo I _....... tr c, \.. r, i C Q - C tea . ws ',N..," ti. m IJO r.— o d w u y I100 Z o, I v I .. cu fQ4 • i —ic.6 — o Awadso,d Ey CC RUDEE LOOP PARK In the 2008 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 1. (RASAP), Rudee Loop was identified as a future development parcel and a public promenade , t opportunity. Since then, citizens and the City `'\ p ' , .1,1 f i ( c ,r a' • ,!? of Virginia Beach have come to see Rudee -°\,% ''' — Loop as the best location for a permanent, �- — '4` ., _ may- world-class oceanfront public park. On this t 1 page, you will see the existing conditions s" ko,-,;.'' ` . including temporary art that has recently been \ • ; introduced. Current zoning (OR, Oceanfront r, . * — Resort) allows for mixed use development with • - '�!s� >�. a variety of building types. When considering any type of development, public views to the FIG. 1.1.0 RUDEE LOOP-EXISTING CONDITIONS FIG. 1.1.0 "WORLD BELOW THE BRINE"SCULPTURE water should be maintained. by WPA&Piece of Cake Productions—Virginia Beach,Virginia 0 Yuzhu Zheng The RASAP Steering Committee feels strongly that additional citizen input is needed before any decisions are made, or any design work .. ...- begins in the Rudee Loop area. -- - ..�. i ' -- ''''. . —. . °a I , - .---"---.-- 4 oc 1...... _.... * -,,41,6,: , - . "' 00,000 ---,-...._.... I r q FIG. 1.1.0 PRECEDENT IMAGE-SOUTH POINTE PARK by Hargreaves Associates—Miami,Florida ®Miami Paradise Pass Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 41 During the 2019 RASAP process, thousands of citizens weighed-in and stated that a Cox,. significant amount of open space should be ow. cm ATLANTIC OCEAN MOO x maintained in this area and that Rudee Loop ,,,,,, �x. , 1 should be converted into a public park. The .. adjacent rendering shows one concept of what ,,,.- .v xtxtvux "''� 9 F"L .0.1.1..0 xxx this park could be. f �'�� / The Rudee Loop Rendering was used as a '- 0.6o. 4 :,:(.'.. -,', H`44•, 4 " ',,.. -•.,.. G tool to elicit feedback on the proposed park ° 0 6 + �2 ". 4� elements during the public meetings and � � - ' ► - ii'> �,survey. Here is how the various park elements .� -I 'ranked when citizens were asked what they l:s.:: 2thought about the park amenities shown: - -{ - Q ►''`:, , isLOVE IT/LIKE IT T :«>w A K • Green /Open Space (88%) `V". • Stage & Plaza (71%) FIG. 1.1.0 RUDEE LOOP RENDERING—CONCEPTUAL RENDERING FOR DISCUSSION AND • Surfboard Storage & Outdoor Showers PUBLIC INPUT ONLY (71%) • New Parking Garage & Development 1. Parking Garage 11. Sculpture & Shade Structure (63%) 2. Park Parking 12. Accessible Parking • Skate Park (63%) 3. Fishing Opportunities 13. Sculptural Alley • Dog Park (63%) 4. Multipurpose Court 14. Surfboard Lockers & Outdoor Showers • Sculpture Alley (53%) 5. Public Seating 15. Stage & Plaza 6. Bike Racks 16. Surfing Area PLEASE NO 7. Discovery Meadow 17. Walkway&Jetty (Potential Fishing Opportunity) • Skate Park (33%) 8. Restrooms 18. Flood Gate • Basketball Courts (31%) 9. Game Deck • Dog Park (31%) 10. Playground • New Parking Garage & Development (26%) Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 42 4.4 SENSE OF ARRIVAL LEGEND OCEANA BLVD & WELCOME Gateways Public art gateways are a wonderful ., "°' r '' F 4 \ 'v way to create a sense of welcome « r ar ,`` 1 , 0 Z and arrival for visitors. The vision for '"e,RD the Resort Area includes providing • "FQ4-RD cAREwAVAVE " a simultaneous sense of calm and 4 17TH STREET, i renewed energy.There are several VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD , j GATEWAY key gateway locations in the Resort � t' w .k, Area and each should be designed to 9`e00 m "BIRDNEC RD define the character of each district. ry .,,� ? 0 It will be important to budget for and e`°o AQUARIUM m /��'''���GATEWAY assign a committee to oversee the ( )1 � � *" = 21 STI22ND STREET °sw/ �1� • z GATEWAY design of proposed gateways. Q > IA PRIORITY GATEWAY: , CYPRESS AVE r F °' IN- ASKIN._ • 21st Street i" ` MEDITERRANEAN AVE H o V Z GATEWAY - - �.� vi H N `ry' BALTIC AVE !1 HOLLY RD ; RUDEEtBRII GE'!5;.w�'- CT, NORTH END GATEWAYS FOR FURTHER STUDY: GATEWAY V ARCTIC AVE 0 GATEWAY RUDEE•.,` ..o.. PACIFIC AVE r 17th Street/Virginia Beach LOOP V ;O21ST GATEWAY r • ATLANTIC AVE Boulevard —� -- • Atlantic/Pacific—transition from North End into Resort Area FIG. 1.1.0 GATEWAY MAP Jiz.• Rudee Bridge c * • Norfolk Avenue it ��_ ,._ • • General Booth at the Aquarium __ • 21st Street at Atlantic/Pacific • Bay Bridge Tunnel (off-map) y• • •• • - . .= .0 L.:- .."' _ ••• . COMPLETED GATEWAYS: FIG. 1.1.0 "THE WAVE BYJEFF LARAMORE • Laskin Gateway Laskin Gateway,Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 43 ./ J PAVILION..•,.- ... ,, CEMERI _5t•.. , -. . PARKSAVENUE,. . R `,'�11A '12 `13 ,1.\`' W RaE . a . ..mac L l4 P.1: t' `R 4 ten, ,0 . .�a F ;.. $ ....`. �' -�` .rlotsi .•- a m^e"+*-�0. ��,� ,�; � . ors i , • Y o N.•' VIRGINIA REACH .�°�' . C.j .} ••,• CONVENTION CENTER FIG. 1.1.0 RESORT AREA GATEWAY—CONCEPTUAL RENDERING FOR DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC INPUT ONLY 1. Naturalized Area 8. Horticultural Display Gardens . ' 2. Storm Water Pond/ Floodable Gardens 9. Parking Lott' . `� 3. Deck Overlook 10. Fountain & Interactive Art _ °`` 4. Looped Trail 11. Projected Art ,r• 5. Public Park 12. Visitor Center/MOCA campus ,- 166 6. Public Art—Gateway Sculpture 13. Welcome Arch Pergola FIG. 1.1.0 21ST STREET GATEWAY— EXISTING 7. Turnaround 14. Perimeter Trees & Lights CONDITIONS NOTE:A majority of survey respondents supported the development of this gateway if the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) is the anchor for the space. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 44 GATEWAYS !4 `' `'' Precedents for public art gateways have ' • ! ` , been selected and shown on the following r y ' ,�� ''I i., Cr, :,: ,:�yS:-. - (' lia es. Theyinclude large arches, specialty ,;�,1 �,� ghhting, abstract seaside themes, and natural "' ,ty'' ,` �•. , , f-;a• :,r •�,., •c,v-.-'. I vegetation growing up into canopies. Organic AO , 'f. w11' ram:;`,• al}, ` ', forms and bright colors connect people s', • , ►., r ,,,: i,,,) ,: ;�r4 a .,.kr st6 ,1s to nature and let them know that they are k "I - ::• - ilk' , - entering into a special area. ° The conceptual rendering of the 21st Street FIG. 1.1.0 "GARDENS BY THE BAY" FIG. 1.1.0 UNKNOWN gateway (previous page) includes a large, SUPERTREE GROVE arched pergola sculpture with vines growing Singapore up and over the street, creating shade and slowing vehicles as they enter into the resort -- . ,,r~:r ',''0 area. Additionally, there is a large naturalized 0. ,,,`. • ? _ ow that puts Virginia Beach's storm water -a ,, s+`'p9t _ '"m^ green infrastructure on display for educational - � and recreational uses. ` " r ' . l I "Pa--'. ., . _. I . +aa w FIG. 1.1.0 GASLAMP QUARTER FIG. 1.1.0 PEMBROKE PINES GATEWAY San Diego,California Pembroke Pines,Florida i„ I .• i y I ....di At..., Ike. .. 1 / . V'y�Rt • +'f„4, IIIIIP '' r-;--, , I :....,;.„..........0„, , ' f'''' '. A... ., : ,,,..-i 440r. . .--,--;, y f V FIG. 1.1.0 WITCHDUCK ROAD FLYOVER FIG. 1.1.0 BROADWAY VIADUCT GATEWAY FIG. 1.1.0 LESNER BRIDGE—DONALD LIPSKI Virginia Beach,Virginia Council Bluffs,Iowa Photography by Craig McClure 18144 0 20 78ALL Rights reserved by City of ®2015 Ed Carpenter Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 45 4.5 PUBLIC & PRIVATE LEGEND OCEANA BLVD DEVELOPMENT ,_<< Resod Area Boundary Water OPPORTUNITIES Seatack Neghborhood Protection Zone Key Development Areas Key development projects will be - L Fom Based Code zone needed to increase density and t re Y Federal Opportunity Zone 442 achieve the goal of a year-round ejR0"FckRD �_,` g resort. Below are a few examples of developments in progress as well as 1 TNY 4 future opportunities: G4. ,� I t c . . >`1. Virginia Aquarium Expansion eo 0 i:-. •Oj. .r N.,t. _ 4 sN�RDNECK RD.„ 2. Atlantic Avenue Corridor ys j 3. Sports Center ��� j a'�/� 4. Convention Center Hotel , - /> j 5. Visitor Center/21 st Street A o j ` n CYPRESS AVE Gateway 2 tn F MEDITERRA AN AVE o 6. Marina District Improvements y - BALTICA �7y v = = AR TIC AVE F HOLLY RD 7. 17th Street Corridor � � k �' RUDEE LOOP... %j .,.��... ....�o.. 0 P'/CCIFIC AVE '�' •6- 8. Rudee Loop ,; ATLANTIC AVE ��� _ w A Z 9. Dome Site , amain. 10. Fishing Pier (private or ' public partnership; multiple FIG. 1.1.0 DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES MAP location options) 11. Potential redevelopment area With development opportunities come the responsibility of The Federal Opportunity NOTE: Numbers above are used to respecting and rehabilitating the historic properties in the Zones incentive is a key development opportunities resort area. Adaptive reuse projects are a sustainable way community investment tool to the map and do not in any way to preserve the history of the area. New urban infill projects established by Congress in represent order of priority or the will need to take a look at historic structures on adjacent the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of potential for public funding sites and respect those buildings both in massing and with a 2017 to encourage long-term contemporary compatible design. investments in low-income urban and rural communities. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 46 THE SPORTS CENTER a . , , K `'fig:' f';"i,,.., The new Virginia Beach Sports ;., Center will be capable of hosting National Collegiate Athletic , Association (NCAA) and World -, Indoor Track & field Tournaments - with seating for over 5,000 and . - will be the largest multi-purpose .`• - basketball/volleyball/wrestling I - ro .'.... . lg 4.4*- t ,j '.i Ti•111 il EA.' indoor facility on the East Coast. 'Ii 1 sr� „,yrkill� 1_ The Center includes courts, indoor '�" �[ �' ®" sue"""'"" sox 'T track, spectator seating, kitchen/ jimia,1117, A,' cafeteria, meeting rooms, an exhibit 101141ffig._ area along with an entry plaza area FIG. 1.1.0 VIRGINIA BEACH SPORTS CENTER directly across from the Virginia By Hanbury,Clark Nexsen,MEB&Eastern Sports Management Beach Convention Center. DOME SITE The redevelopment of the 10-acre Dome site aims to bring new life to a lili„ui i� • j, longtime destination site in the heart - ; „ ,,_ .., •,. Y "HEE i 1 of the resort area. The Atlantic Park ;:.. '�' :: g` ' "~ i1um1 I _ project includes a "world-class surf "'4_ MI�� , ,'"'' ' ' ;_-!I!,,""'". !""! "~` _` ;', "`',r�„ nit; _ park, a 3,500-person entertainment —sec!- --a ..�.. _�,,,,,;; �; . b. ■ s,' (Iliimi 1 t venue, office space, urban residential 1,°, ' l ei . , . units, retail, and restaurants—all °. • .. connected by a walkable, park-like van" '' ;. atmosphere.' 00 _ -» _ ' am sit. r � ' . : ' . FIG. 1.1.0 DOME SITE DEVELOPMENT Atlantic Park"By Hanbury&Venture Realty Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 47 THE MARINA DISTRICT `^"`' . F �-ee , :` s AK tea_ *� ."� 1^ c . ! `-. The 2008 RASAP plan called for , - « m :� 1 ' • , .,.� redevelopment in the Marina T ; i 1k ='— ` "s. District. Since that time, property +C s " 4 "� t� ��' i 1 • , 1i - • • �pVENsl Y" 1 �1 (H owners in this area have been - - a ESP"rER=r, °"�' `' '- .� working together to plan a mixed- cA_ � - - ' © use, walkable, family-friendly r, y ,•r . tat e µ �/a"fit '�, 1 + environment and have approached "` } �,,� �I `,J,j i citystaff about their ions. I,- y � 4, - ,,.a ;r 1 ' r tE `• tom"`, .O� ,�� The adjacent graphic depicts general �� ., .. 0, .f r• C ` k }",a ►` ,c1 \\°1 ',I 6 • ideas about the site as depicted on •.,,a - •. cP. , ''•SIX1 +1►a r•_ 4k4 %.‘ V f 1 ,, an update to a graphic in the Owl , "�'r{;� ,r.,"P+'� :........ ���1 • Creek Master Plan. The development 7 IIII ,p `'��' _ 1 ► , will connect to Rudee Loopand the '.. • '' �+ 11- "('� ' , : s _ ►►,• 1 %p greater Resort Area and will respectta 1 1 16 ``'�+ the adjacent neighborhoods by ( a• - i 1i, — wi providing adequate parking on site. _, l•�u 'w .� , The RASAP Steering Committee r `-�\ ow , �� highly endorses a comprehensive \ .'i+A 9 Y p .,e, lei�� , public process for this Ir 4 , , •:;..a.;, •, ""'`' I redevelopment. t" '��,+� "i ': 4'�' +r ' ` - - , J r t. xs. • 1. Winston Salem Avenue Improvements(CIP9-006) 7 Residential Above Parking(2 levels,27,000 sf.) 13. Existing Fisherman's Wharf Marina 0 20' 100' 200' 1100• 2. Existing Rudee Walk Connection To Beach Boardwalk 8. Surface Parking(40 spaces) 14. Existing Water Table Event Venue 3. 12-Story,120 sf office or hotel tower 9 Existing Residential Structures 15. Existing Rudee's Restaurant 1-000'0 4. Residential Above Parking(5 levels,67,500 sf.) 10. Existing Apartments/Codominiums 16. Arrival Court 5. Parking Structure(5 levels,320 spaces) 11. Residential Above Parking(4 levels,77,000 st) 17. Existing Rockafeller's Restaurant 6. Plata with Adjacent Ground Floor Commercial(6,000 sf.) 12. Parking Structure(4 levels,320 spaces) 18. Water Taxi Stop FIG. 1.1.0 MARINA DISTRICT—2019 UPDATE TO OWL CREEK MASTER PLAN Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 48 THE VIRGINIA AQUARIUM &MARINE SCIENCE CENTER I D RENOVAT ON I.. t The Virginia Aquarium & Marine _Ii _., 4, Science Center is the most NEW ENTRY& EXPANSION PINNIPED EXHIBIT BUILDING visited cultural attraction in the A Commonwealth of Virginia with approximately 700,000 visitors each year. Survey respondents c PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE and public workshop attendees overwhelmingly supported the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center's expansion plans. FUTURE PARKING B GARAGE LOCATION Pictured to the right is a conceptual master plan and rendering that shows a new entry with an exhibit FIG. 1.1.0 VIRGINIA AQUARIUM &MARINE SCIENCE CENTER—CONCEPTUAL EXPANSION MASTER PLAN for sea lions and seals. Adjacent to the new entrance is an addition on the existing parking lot, an interior yK it • renovation, and a new 1,800 space parking structure across the street, ..' . . with a landscaped pedestrian bridge. , ,e , "„ , � ., „ „,� _ - - '_--__._ . ::+'NYC I�.: �. ., �. .,,. � ,1f 1 - .d The parking structure could : = be multi-purpose serving the �;•� *. . , �� ; " � � M ' oceanfront during events, with M . , ,�, shuttles to the center of the Resort ',••. ;�*�i ' . ` 40E • ,, ,. ,• �'`�. A ., _+aid . . 14 I. e. r. U '` �N�r" I. aK it , e ' ,,a.,M �"---..�M1-. �s �/ r ICI {. !� , � 1, .41#+.4e ,lit ,,,fit - 4c` f �. FIG. 1.1.0 VIRGINIA AQUARIUM &MARINE SCIENCE CENTER—CONCEPTUAL EXPANSION RENDERING Image provided by the Virginia Aquarium&Marine Science Center.CRoTo Architects Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 49 4.6 RESIDENTIAL & MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT Residential developments will be needed to achieve the goal of a year-round resort. .. Market rate, workforce housing, affordable vit I/ housing, J-1 housing and office uses are critical 1 Qf 1 I _I components as they will enable the Resort Area I to be a walkable community and will alleviate -1so „e ;Y congestion and parking issues. --- !.. CONTENT GOAL: FIG. 1.1.0 SEASIDE HARBOR Wherever possible, support/incentivize Virginia Beach,Virginia • mixed-income residential development ° ,,k;i „�, that provides housing that can support u� moderate income households and the xa� # "" ,to - resort area workforce. , :, � ��,. � « :r�i (gyp PRODUCTION GOAL: _ ,.• . .-+-- . ..r it « Ili • Seek to ensure that 15/20% of residential "'„'"►1 .''t development is affordable and/or �` workforce housing, to help ensure housing opportunities for the resort area workforce FIG. 1.1.0 SUMMER HOUSE APARTMENTS and for a diversity of households. Virginia Beach,Virginia ACCESSIBILITY GOAL: , IO -I <14* • Ensure accessibility is provided in new t ii .,� residential development to ensure access I $� ;�,�� tr,�: ,.. for people with disabilities. "tart ++n„'II r,, ,, FIG. 1.1.0 SUMMER HOUSE APARTMENTS RETAIL Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 50 DESIGN PRINCIPLES: In developing new, multifamily and mixed- use buildings, it is important to consider the following: ,, • New residential properties should be located west of Atlantic Avenue to allow • `' _ the beach and resort to focus on tourism INt j III ill �' n II opportunities. ' ''10441111:' rx.-.41.!%u i r • Incorporate a Collaborative Public Process. k. • Respect the Neighborhood Context. "----�. • Connect to the Street and Pedestrian FIG. 1.1.0 TWENTYTWO NEPTUNE Network. Virginia Beach,Virginia • Keep Blocks to a Neighborhood Scale. ' �.-� 1 i __ ____ , • Place Buildings around the Perimeter of Blocks; Conceal Parking in the Center. L .1 n r I - • Provide a Mixture of Building Types (no 9 0 I , - , full-block buildings). ,h,«41.•1 ++4 iiiW"I lit+ • Provide Amenities for both the Residents ' ._..._i. ' ' and the Neighborhood. -..."'.' • Place windows, doors, and porches to allow FIG. 1.1.0 SINGLE-FAMILY WITH SHARED PARKING for maximum neighborly interaction with Virginia Beach,Virginia the street and with other neighbors. • Provide ground-level transparency for retail and commercial uses. - t1; ::,: le: ", km:`- i • If the above principles are followed, new .•.r rill,r le. �� l , residential should have a positive effect in ' 'ai,1i'�.. 'M"p. �" ,.. building the necessary density to allow for t, (� i,,-{ t n-F-, .fir.. a year-round resort. r i FIG. 1.1.0 JEFFERSON MANOR Historic Midcentury Modern—Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 51 5. IMPLEMENTATION RASAP 2030 PRIORITY ACTION ITEMS: (not in order of priority) • Adopt best practices of a Central Management Entity: prioritize shade, public art, recreational spaces and » Keep the Resort Area green, clean, safe, and welcoming amenities » Investigate funding stream for enhanced services » Develop passive/green open areas that connect inland neighborhoods to the beach • Develop a comprehensive Mobility Plan that addresses: » Collect, retain and drain storm water with green » Pedestrian circulation infrastructure (coastal resilience) • Bike circulation • Design and construct a gateway at 21st Street that » Public transit provides a sense of arrival: » Vehicular(rideshare and private)circulation and traffic » Incorporate public art, projection art and significant calming landscape and artistic lighting components » Parking • Support impactful projects that benefit the Resort Area • Design and implement streetscape improvements: and the City of Virginia Beach: 17th StreetNirginia Beach Boulevard » Convention Center Hotel » Atlantic Avenue » Dome Site » Pacific Avenue » Fishing Pier Streetscape improvements to include: » Marina District Improvements » Outdoor amenity spaces/outdoor dining » Rudee Loop Park » Green infrastructure/pervious paving/landscaping and » Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center sidewalk organization standards Expansion Site furnishings • Support residential and mixed-use development in the Resort Area » Signage and wayfinding • Connected Green/Open Spaces: • Maintain public views to the water » Improve existing connector parks by adding new amenities (event/performance spaces, bathrooms and day-use showers) • Designate new, off-beach parks and open space areas that Resort Area Strategic Action Plan '030 52 5.0 PROJECT MATRIX TABLE 5.1 PROJECT MATRIX The following project matrix sets a Priority Action Item Schedule framework for project implementation in Central Management Entity Short short, mid, and long-term phases. Mobility Plan Short Short 6 ma—2 yrs. Detailed Streetscape Design Short—Mid Mid 2 yrs.—5 yrs. Connected Green Open Space Short—Long Resort Area Gateway Mid Long 6 yrs.— 10 yrs. Support lmpactful Projects Short—Long Support Residential&Mixed-Use Short—Long The RASAP short term priorities listed Development here are executable with existing 'footnotes resources and Tourism Investment Program (TIP)funds. Mid-term and long- term priorities such as streetscape design will continue to be addressed through future planning efforts and funding capacity assessments. II, i, ' -.1 (I ,, .,,, ;.:: . ,, .. ,. ,i ,,. , . . Vt. ,* . -" ' ' P; . . I P 1 ; ! : t \'1 ___. r Y k i , i , 4... 4'' t rs�� i, • 4 joilk\L„ .,....._ • .....„. t " I� ' _ 11". t ,04',„ , 06.$ t 1 illii kr , . ,/,.,,..„„:,,„. ... ,,. ,. ...... . .,.., . .,,.. - -R� V i . „ ._ . .„•...,• ,..,,,., . . ,_ s • ..... ..........7„, , . ,..„ . • :. 4......--;„.&.: -1 , . ' .." .•'" 1".. ' ,s •. ----. ' .- .. uf '•_.17aM1 -1"6, 4, A 1-,--,t.,.=,,,r,-,--:,„. -. , .1...14:._!. . . 7, .. . . - 7.. ..x-651.4.: '%..;:,,,.....-,,,._....._.,..-40-1_,-5.14 ,_ ,.. . .. . , ., FIG. 1.1.0 ViBe DISTRICT MURALS Virginia Beach,Virginia Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 6. APPENDICES 6.0 GLOSSARY AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Housing priced so that PARKLETS:A small park or seating area that SHARROW:On-road shared lane markings. rent or mortgage plus utilities does not exceed occupies a parking space. 30%of income of the target market. SMART CORRIDOR:A street that is monitored PASSIVE PARK:A park area that requires little to and managed by systems that minimize COASTAL RESILIENCE:The ability of a no maintenance and only supports activities congestion. community to withstand, and recover from, that require no structures, equipment, or threats from coastal environments such as programming. STORM WATER:Water runoff from rain. flooding and storms. PERVIOUS PAVING:Pavement that allows water to TIP FUND:Provides funds for tourism related CONNECTOR PARKS:Small public spaces that seep down into the soil or a storage area below. capital projects and initiatives. connect the Boardwalk to Atlantic Avenue. PLACEMAKING: Designing and managing public TRAFFIC CALMING:Strategies that create an CURB EXTENSIONS:An extension of the sidewalk spaces in a way that encourages people to use environment that causes drivers to drive more at a crosswalk that narrows the street. them as part of their social life. slowly and carefully, increasing safety for pedestrians. CURBSIDE MANAGEMENT:A plan and practice RIDESHARE:Services that provide prearranged that organizes the various elements that rides for compensation using a digital platform WAYFINDING:Signage specifically designed to contribute to street level vibrancy in order to that connects passengers with drivers using a help people get from one place to another. have uncluttered,walkable sidewalks. personal vehicle. WORKFORCE HOUSING: Housing priced to be GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE:Landscaping and SEA LEVEL RISE:The increase in the sea level affordable for middle-income families. vegetation that are used to store and treat elevation due to numerous factors including storm water. thermal expansion of water in the oceans and melting of glaciers. 1-1 HOUSING: Housing for seasonal workers in the United States with a 1-1 Visa. SHARED MOBILITY DEVICES:Small transportation devices such as bicycles and scooters that users MOBIITY PLAN:A plan that coordinates available rent using a digital platform such as an app. means of transportation to ensure that people have options in getting where they need to go. Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 54 6.1 LIST OF FIG. 1.1.0 LIST OF FIGURES Fig 10 0 RASAP Steering Committee 4 Fig 4 013 La Jolla Blvd (After traffic-calming &beautification project) .19 Fig 2 0 0 2008 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan . . 7 Fig 410 E-Pioneer scooter 20 Fig 2 0 3 Laskin Gateway—2008 Plan 8 Fig 411 E-Cruiser 20 Fig 2 01 Marina District—2008 Plan 8 Fig 412 Bike rack in the vibe 20 Fig 2 0 2 Central Beach District—2008 Plan 8 Fig 413 Water Taxi , 20 Fig 2 0 4 Oceanfront Corridor—2008 Plan 8 Fig 414 Beach Shuttle , ,,,21 Fig 2 0 5 2008-2018 Resort Area developments 9 Fig 415 Mobility Improvement Diagram , 22 Fig 3 0 0 Something In The Water Festival 2019 10 Fig 41 6 Bicycle/Pedestrian/Micro-Mobility Fig 310 District&Oceanfront Corridor Map 11 Circulation Diagram 23 Fig 311 Resort Area Strategic Growth Area Boundary 12 Fig 417 Protected Bike Lanes—Arlington,Virginia .. 23 Fig 3 3 0 Public Workshop Images 14 Fig 418 Public Transit Circulation Diagram , ,,,,24 Fig 4 0 Rendering Of The Future 17Th Street Corridor 15 Fig 419 Virginia Beach Resort Trolley , 24 Fig 4 0 0 Coligny Circle . . 17 Fig 4 110 Vehicular Circulation Diagram 25 Fig 4 0 2 Promenade Street. 17 Fig 4 111 Automated, Self valet . ...25 Fig 4 0 4 Piazza Della Famiglia 17 Fig 4 112 Existing Public Parking Diagram „ , 26 Fig 4 01 Boardwalk 17 Fig 41 15 Resort commercial lots &VB Parking„ , „ , „ , , 27 Fig 4 0 3 Venice Beach hanging street sign 17 Fig 41 13 Smart Parking Display . 27 Fig 4 0 5 The Plaza In City Place .. 17 Fig 4114 Smart Parking App .27 Fig 4 0 6 Old Beach Farmer's Market 18 Fig 4 2 0 17Th Street(existing conditions) . 28 Fig 4 0 8 Jazz On The Beach 18 Fig 4 21 17Th Street(conceptual rendering of future streetscape—to be designed) Fig 4 010 Community Yoga 18 28 Fig 4 2 2 Bike Lanes 29 Fig 4 0 7 Sail-In Cinema 18 Fig 4 0 9 VA MOCA Boardwalk Art Show 18 Fig 4 2 4 Bike Trails 29 Fig 4 2 3 Multi-Use Path 29 • Fig 4 011 Spruce Street Park 18 "' • Fig 4 012 La Jolla Blvd (before) 19 Fig 4 2 5 Coligny Beach Park ,, „ , , „ 29 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 55 Fig 4 2 6 Commercial Street 30 Fig 4 2 30 Outdoor dining lighting 36 Fig 4 2 8 Pocket Patio 30 Fig 4 2 31 The Cavalier Hotel „ , 36 Fig 4 210 Lincoln Road 30 Fig 4 2 32 Tautog's Restaurant . . . .36 Fig 4 2 7 Pocket Plaza 30 Fig 4 2 33 2017 ViBe District Connectivity Vision Plan with 2019 updates .37 Fig 4 2 9 Coligny Circle . 30 Fig 4 2 34 Atlantic Avenue at 17Th Street—existing conditions(top left)and Fig 4211 Downtown Street 30 conceptual Interim option For Further Study , ,,,, 38 Fig 4 212 Mid Block Curb Extension 31 • Fig 4 3 0 Vine City's Cook Park , „ 39 Fig 4 214 Intersection Curb Extensions .31 Fig 4 3 2 Yanweizhou Storm water Park „ 39 Fig 4 216 Full-Intersection Crosswalk 31 Fig 4 3 4 Conceptual Virginia Beach Connector Park _39 Fig 4 213 Mid Block Crossing .31 Fig 4 31 Quinli Storm water Park 39 Fig 4 215 Mid-Block Crossing .31 Fig 4 3 3 Perreux River Banks 39 Fig 4 217 Planted Curb Extensions 31 Fig 4 3 5 Conceptual Virginia Beach Oceanfront restrooms 39 Fig 4 218 Covered Bike Storage 32 Fig 4 3 6 Connected/Green Open Space Diagram ,40 Fig 4 2 20 Hydration Station 32 Fig 4 3 7 Rudee Loop—Existing Conditions • 41 Fig 4 2 22 Newsstand (front) 32 Fig 4 3 9 Precedent image—South Pointe Park 41 Fig 4 219 Proposed E-Scooter Parking 32 Fig 4 3 8 "World Below the Brine"sculpture ,,, 41 Fig 4 2 21 Bryant Park Litter Receptacles 32 Fig 4 310 Rudee Loop Rendering—Conceptual Rendering for discussion and • public input only . . . .42 Fig 4 2 23 Newsstand (back) 32 • Fig 4 4 0 Gateway Map .43 Fig 4 2 24 Watershed map 33 Fig 4 41 "The Wave by Jeff Laramore .43 Fig 4 2 25 Rendering of recommended Rudee Inlet Gate typology 34 Fig 4 4 2 Resort Area Gateway—Conceptual Rendering for discussion and Fig 4 2 26 Rendering of raised seawall and sliding flood gate at oceanfront boardwalk.34 public input only , „ , ., 44 Fig 4 2 27 Rain garden in Bay Area Greenbelt 35 Fig 4 4 3 21St Street Gateway—Existing Conditions 44 Fig 4 2 28 City-wide structural alternatives for coastal flood protection .35 Fig 4 4 8 Witchduck Road flyover . ,_45 Fig 4 2 29 Outdoor plaza lighting 36 Fig 4 4 4 "Gardens By The Bay" Supertree Grove .45 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 203C 56 Fig 4 4 6 Gaslamp Quarter 45 Fig 4 4 9 Broadway Viaduct Gateway . . . _45 Fig 4 4 5 Unknown. , .... 45 Fig 4 4 7 Pembroke Pines Gateway , . . ,45 Fig 4 410 Lesner Bridge—Donald Lipski_ . 45 Fig 4 5 0 Development Opportunities Map .. . . 46 Fig 4 51 Virginia Beach Sports Center 47 Fig 4 5 2 Dome Site Development ,,, 47 Fig 4 5 3 Manna District—2019 update to Owl Creek Master Plan . _48 Fig 4 5 4 Virginia Aquarium&Marine Science Center—Conceptual Expansion Master Plan 49 Fig 4 5 5 Virginia Aquarium& Marine Science Center—Conceptual Expansion Rendering. ... 49 Fig 4 6 0 Seaside Harbor „ ,,, 50 Fig 4 61 Summer house apartments 50 Fig 4 6 2 Summer house apartments retail. ... 50. . . . .. . . • Fig 4 6 3 Twenty Two Neptune 51 Fig 4 6 4 Single family with shared parking , . , ,.,. ., 51 Fig 4 6 5 Jefferson Manor. „ „ _51 _51 Fig 5 0 0 ViBe District murals Virginia Beach,Virginia 53 Fig 610 ViBe District mural by Lisa Ashinoff Virginia Beach,Virginia . . . • . . . . .. 58 Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 57 T Z ig ■111 I I.1 Nall "WIII ril I lillirli ' i .m a s rinam., imoriumis I:j ® _=;a ria„� I. 77 111111111 III EN ill.!! 11 _ IIIIIMM=111 illig I 1 * ."''.".''" ."."'.=.. .“-"""..-....."......... .... .""'...""'".""-.".....--.--'---"--"'-'---""."-------. -."--...'...""......--'--.. -.".-."."'"''''''.b....'.."''==—.... .."——'.."'''' ''----.'.-.."''. .""-." "..""" 717—-1E": 1_ 's . ' tr- L. „ if . FIG. 1.1.0 VIBE DISTRICT MURAL BY LISA ASHINOFF Virginia Beach,Virginia vvia El A YARD d COMPhHY WORK PROGRAM ARCHITECTS Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030 58 I. PUBLIC HEARING 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE USE—Telecommunication Services GU HOLDINGS, INC. (GOOGLE) 4 we NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On March 3,2020,at 8:00 p.m..in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building, 2401 Courthouse Dr, Virginia Beach,Virginia,the Virginia Beach City Council will hold a public hearing concerning the request of GU Holdings,Inc.(Googie),to be Wanted a nonexclusive franchise to use and occupy the City's streets and public rights-of-way for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining network facilities for communications services My questions concerning this matter should be directed to the Department of Information Technology at 385- 1381. If you are physically disabled or vainly Impanel ed and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at385- 4303, Hearing impaired call 711 (Virginia Relay -Telephone Device for the Deaf) MI interested parties are invited to attend Amanda Barnes,MMC City Clerk BEACON:FEBRUARY 23,2020-1 TIME EACH J. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA 1. CONSENT AGENDA K. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinance to GRANT a Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement with GU Holdings, Inc. (Google) re install, operate, and maintain network facilities for telecommunication services in the public streets and rights-of-way 2. Ordinance to AMEND City Code Sections 8-69, 8-70, and 8-72 re consolidate four divisions of the Board of Building Code Appeals into a single, unified Board 3. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to EXECUTE a Lease with Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC for 5.45 acres at Lynnhaven Inlet re temporary construction office, vessel loading, and laydown site 4. Ordinances to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to EXECUTE a Sponsorship Agreement re Something in the Water, LLC a. $250,000 (approved in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget) and in-kind contributions (Alternative 1 —Staff Proposal) b. $250,000 (approved in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget), in-kind contributions, and TRANSFER $650,000 from Tourism Investment Program(TIP) Fund to FY2019-20 Convention and Visitors Bureau Operating Budget, which may be increased or decreased so that the total financial sponsorship equals the exact dollar amount of the admissions taxes generated by the festival (Alternative 2—Requested by Council Member Rouse) 5. Ordinance to AMEND the Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations re open air café size criteria 6. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE and ACCEPT the dedication of 1.7 acres (+/-) at 4549 Revere Drive from Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. re public park 7. Resolution to SUPPORT Limited Access Fence Modifications for VDOT's I-264/Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange re install Lynnhaven Business District gateway sign as part of CIP #9- 028 "Lynnhaven Parkway Corridor Improvements" 8. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $528,172.50 of insurance proceeds to CIP #2-022 "Major Bridge Rehabilitation II" re reimburse expenses incurred due to damage to the Pungo Ferry Bridge fender 9. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $1,000 from Families Forward Virginia to FY2019-20 Public Health Department Operating Budget re purchase welcome resource bags to participants in the Healthy Families Program 10. Ordinance to TRANSFER$4,078,031 from CIP #8-042 `Replacement for the Rudee Inlet Dredge" and APPROPRIATE $549,636 in fund balance of the DEA Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund to CIP #3-122 "Police Department Helicopter" re purchase of helicopter with manufacturer savings C(*) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Granting a Nonexclusive Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain Network Facilities for Telecommunication Services in the City's Public Streets and Rights-of-Way to GU Holdings, Inc. (Google) MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: GU Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Google"), builds and operates fiber networks and related communication services. Google desires to enter into a nonexclusive franchise agreement (the "Franchise") with the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") for the use of the City's public streets and rights-of-way. The Franchise would allow Google to install, operate and maintain a fiber optic cable for the purpose of connecting to its subsea cable known as "Dunant". The Dunant subsea cable, which will be landed at a site in the Camp Pendleton parking lot, would be connected to a data center of Google's choosing, thereby connecting France to the United States. • Considerations: The term of the Franchise would be for 10 years, with 3 additional 10-year renewal options, not to exceed 40 years. Additional terms and conditions of the Franchise are set forth in the summary of terms attached to the Ordinance. • Public Information: Solicitation for bids was advertised on February 16, 2020 and on February 23, 2020, as required by Virginia Code §15.2-2101. The bid opening is scheduled for March 3, 2020. The public hearing was advertised on February 23, 2020, as required by Virginia Code §15.2-1800, and public notice via the normal City Council agenda process. The public hearing will be held on March 3, 2020. • Recommendations: Approval • Attachments: Ordinance, Summary of Terms, Disclosure Statement Form Recommended Action: Adoption of Ordinance Submitting Department: Information Technology City Manager: j WAL- 1 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A NONEXCLUSIVE 2 FRANCHISE TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND 3 MAINTAIN NETWORK FACILITIES FOR 4 TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES IN THE 5 CITY'S PUBLIC STREETS AND RIGHTS-OF- 6 WAY TO GU HOLDINGS, INC. (GOOGLE) 7 8 WHEREAS, GU Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Google"), 9 builds and operates fiber networks and related communication services; 10 11 WHEREAS, Google desires to enter into a nonexclusive franchise 12 agreement (the "Franchise") with the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") to use 13 and occupy the City's public streets and rights-of-way; 14 15 WHEREAS, the Franchise would allow Google to install, operate and 16 maintain a fiber optic cable for the purpose of connecting to its subsea cable, 17 known as "Dunant"; 18 19 WHEREAS, the Dunant subsea cable would connect to a data center of 20 Google's choosing, thereby connecting France to the United States; and 21 22 WHEREAS, City staff supports allowing Google to use the City's public 23 streets and rights-of-way for the aforesaid purposes, subject to the terms and 24 conditions set forth in the summary of terms attached hereto as Exhibit A, and 25 made a part hereof (the "Summary of Terms"). 26 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 28 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 29 30 That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the 31 Franchise with Google for a maximum term of 40 years, in accordance with the 32 Summary of Terms attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof, and 33 such other terms, conditions or modifications, as may be acceptable to the City 34 Manager and in a form deemed satisfactory by the City Attorney. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: C ,, A/(44))n 64-< /a-t,t) INFO ATION TECHNOLOGY CITY ATTORNEY CA14665 \\vbgov.com\dfsl\applications\citylaw\cycom32\wpdocs\d030\p031\00617981.docx R-1 February 20, 2020 2 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF TERMS Franchisor: City of Virginia Beach (the "City") Franchisee: GU Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Google") Term: 10 years, with 3 additional 10-year renewal options, not to exceed 40 years. Location: Google may install its facilities underground within City's public streets and rights-of-way, subject to obtaining all required permits from the City's Planning Department. Relocation/Removal: Google shall be solely responsible for paying cost of removal or relocation of its facilities if public projects necessitate removal or relocation. Upon termination of the franchise, Google must remove the facilities, or the City may allow the facilities to remain in place and take ownership. Installation: Google shall be required to return the public streets and rights- of-way to the same or similar condition existing prior to any work being performed, to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. Minimum Insurance Requirements: Commercial General Liability: $2 Million; Automobile Liability: $1 Million; Pollution Liability: $1 Million; or, in the alternative, Umbrella Coverage of$5 Million. Surety Requirements: $25,000 letter of credit and $50,000 surety bond Indemnity: Google shall indemnify the City, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, etc., including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense. Nondiscrimination: The franchise agreement shall include the City's standard provisions, including good faith minority business efforts required by City Code. Virginia Beach APPLICANT'S NAME GU Holdings Inc. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORM The completion and submission of this form is required for all applications that pertain to City real estate matters or to the development and/or use of property in the City of Virginia Beach requiring action by the City Council or a board, commission, or other body appointed by the City Council. Such applications and matters include, but are not limited to, the following: Acquisition of Property Disposition of City Modification of by City Property Conditions or Proffers Alternative Economic Development Nonconforming Use Compliance, Special Investment Program Changes Exception for (EDIP) Board of Zoning Encroachment Request Rezoning Appeals Certificate of Floodplain Variance Appropriateness Street Closure (Historic Review Board) Franchise Agreement Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Lease of City Property Subdivision Variance Board Conditional Use Permit License Agreement Wetlands Board The disclosures contained in this form are necessary to inform public officials who may vote on the application as to whether they have a conflict of interest under Virginia law. 4 0 SECTION 1 / APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FOR CITY USE ONLY/All disclosures must be updated two(2)weeks prior to any Page 1 of 7 Planning Commission and City Council meeting that pertains to the application(s). ▪ APPLICANT NOTIFIED OF HEARING DATE: DI NO CHANGES AS OF DATE: • REVISIONS SUBMITTED DATE: Virginia Beach nCheck here if the APPLICANT IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. X Check here if the APPLICANT IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. (A) List the Applicant's name: GU Holdings Inc. If an LLC, list all member's names: If a CORPORATION, list the the names of all officers, directors, members, trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Austin Schlick, President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Google International LLC, Google LLC, XXVI Holdings Inc., Alphabet Inc. See next page for information pertaining to footnotes and 2 SECTION 2 / PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete Section 2 only if property owner is different from Applicant. Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. n Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, AND THEN, complete the following. (A) List the Property Owner's name: If an LLC, list the member's names: Page 2 of 7 Virginia Beach If a Corporation, list the names ofall officers, directors, members, trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Property Owner: (Attach list if necessary) "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. SECTION 3. SERVICES DISCLOSURE Are any of the following services being provided in connection with the subject of the application or any business operating or to be operated on the Property. If the answer to any item is YES, please identify the firm or individual providing the service: IF THE OWNER AND APPLICANT ARE DIFFERENT, EACH MUST COMPLETE THE SECTION SEPERATELY Page 3 of 7 NIB APPLICANT Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) I nAccounting and/or preparer of l your tax return X Architect / Landscape Architect / Land Planner n n Contract Purchaser (if other than the Applicant) - identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed ❑ purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s) and purchaser's service providers) Xn Construction Contractors North Sea Service, Hypower Inc. ICI Engineers / Surveyors/ Agents Financing (include current X mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) XLegal Services Troutman Sanders Real Estate Brokers / X Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have X an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 4 of 7 Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. APPGCANT'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 5 of 7 OWNER Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) nAccounting and/or preparer of your tax return Architect / Landscape Architect / Land Planner Contract Purchaser (if other than the Applicant) - identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s) and purchaser's service providers) Construction Contractors Engineers / Surveyors/ Agents Financing (include current nI mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) Legal Services Real Estate Brokers / Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 6 of 7 Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 7 of 7 rik+s .rNut�y wti�tiy Y+ }s CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend Sections 8-69, 8-70 and 8-72 of the City Code Pertaining to the Board of Building Code Appeals MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: The City Council-appointed Board of Building Code Appeals was created to hear appeals from any person aggrieved by either the local building department's application of the Building Code or refusal to grant modification to the provisions of the Building Code. In order to increase the effectiveness of the Board, this ordinance amends City Code § 8-72 to require that the Board meet each January, April, and September, as well as any other time necessary to receive training and timely hear appeals. This ordinance also amends City Code §§ 8-69, 8-70, and 8-72 to consolidate the existing four divisions of the board of building code appeals into the newly created Board and to establish membership of the Board. Membership shall consist of: a registered design professional who is an architect; a registered design professional with a structural engineering or architectural experience; an individual with mechanical or plumbing engineering experience, or a mechanical or plumbing contractor with at least ten years experience; an individual with electrical engineering experience, or an electrical contractor with at least ten years experience; a residential property manager having experience of at least five years; two individuals having experience of at least five years with an occupational or professional field related to the construction industry; and up to three alternates having experience of at least five years with an occupational or professional field related to the construction industry. ■ Considerations: The intent of the amendments is to simplify the appointment process by creating a single, unified Board. These amendments have been discussed with, and are supported by, the Housing Code Administrator. • Public Information: Public information will be provided through the normal Council agenda process. • Attachments: Ordinance Requested by Councilmember Wood Requested by Councilmember Wood 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS 8- 2 69, 8-70 AND 8-72 OF THE CITY CODE 3 PERTAINING TO THE BOARD OF BUILDING 4 CODE APPEALS 5 6 Sections Amended: City Code §§ 8-69, 8-70, 7 and 8-72 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the City Code currently divides the local board of building code 11 appeals into four divisions, each with a separate and distinct membership; and 12 13 WHEREAS, some of those divisions meet infrequently due to the lack of appeals; 14 and 15 16 WHEREAS, finding citizens qualified and willing to serve on the multiple divisions 17 has been challenging and the time and talents of those who have been appointed are 18 often underutilized due to the division structure and infrequency of appeals in the 19 divisions; 20 21 WHEREAS, to better accomplish the mission of the board of building code 22 appeals, to more effectively utilize the time and talents of those appointed to same, and 23 to provide better service to the City and its citizens, the creation of a single board with 24 broad expertise would be preferable to the distinct divisions currently utilized. 25 26 NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 27 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 28 29 1. That Sections 8-69, 8-70, and 8-72 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, 30 Virginia, are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: 31 32 ARTICLE III. - BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS 33 34 Sec. 8-69. - Established;; dw+sions. 35 36 (a) There is hereby established a board of building code appeals as provided for in the 37 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 38 39 (b) The board of building code appeals shall , 40 : be a singular body of 41 citizens selected by city council on the basis of their ability to render fair and 42 competent decisions regarding the application of the Virginia Uniform Statewide 43 Building Code, and shall to the extent possible, represent different occupations or 44 professional fields relating to the construction industry. 1 45 46 (4-) , 47 48 , 49 (3) d (4)-hefeef. 50 51 (2-) 52 , 53 54 55 (3) 56 , 57 . 58 59 (4) 60 61 we*, 62 63 Sec. 8-70. - Membership positions; terms; qualifications. 64 65 (a) The board of building code appeals shall consist of fire-(5) seven 66 members and up to three (3) alternates, who shall be appointed by the city 67 council. 68 69 , 70 . 71 72 (b) The term of office of members of the board shall be t„ i five (5) yearsiferevidedT 73 , 74 75 Members may, subject to the provisions of section 2-3 of this Code, be reappointed. 76 77 (s) 78 79 , 80 ; 81 ; 82 ; 83 84 85 (dc) 86 87 ofef-effiGe, Membership shall consist of: 88 89 a) a registered design professional who is an architect; 90 2 91 �2) a registered design professional with structural engineering or architectural 92 experience; 93 94 an individual with mechanical or plumbing engineering experience; or a 95 mechanical or plumbing contractor with at least ten (10) years experience; 96 97 a) an individual with electrical engineering experience; or an electrical contractor 98 with at least ten (10) years experience; 99 100 L ) a residential property manager having experience of at least five (5) years; 101 102 n two (2) individuals having experience of at least five (5) years with an 103 occupational or professional field related to the construction industry; 104 105 a) up to three (3) alternates having experience of at least five (5) years with an 106 occupational or professional field related to the construction industry. 107 108 (e) 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 113 in-plambieg 114 115 {#) 116 117 118 . . . . 119 120 Sec. 8-72. - Officers. 121 122 The board shall elect from its membership a chairperson. The 123 building code administrator shall select one (1) or more employees from the-permits-am' 124 the department of planning to serve as secretary te-he-new 125 of the board. The-code 126 127 128 129 130 beard.The board shall conduct an organizational meeting each January, at which time it 131 shall elect its chairperson. Additional meetings shall occur each April and September 132 and at such other times as may be necessary to receive training and timely hear 133 appeals. The secretary shall maintain a detailed record of all 134 proceedings . 135 3 136 BE IT ALSO ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 137 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 138 139 2. That the four (4) divisions of the board of building code appeals are hereby 140 disbanded and their duties assigned to the newly created Board. The City 141 Council expresses its appreciation to the members of the divisions for their 142 service to the City. 143 144 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City o Office CA14984 R-5 February 4, 2020 4 -4)-* CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease with Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC for 5.45 acres of City-owned Property Located at Lynnhaven Inlet in the Bayside District PUBLIC HEARING: February 18, 2020 MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC ("Orsted") is working with Dominion Energy, Siemens Gamesa & the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to install wind turbines off the coast of Virginia for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm (CVOW) (the "Project"). Construction of the Project is supported by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the award of a research lease granted by BOEM to the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME). The City of Virginia Beach (the "City") owns 15.679 acres of land located at Lynnhaven Inlet in the Bayside District (GPIN 1489-58-9234) (the "Property"). Orsted has requested to lease a 5.45-acre portion of the Property (the "Premises") for a temporary construction office, vessel loading and laydown site in support of the Project. ■ Considerations: This lease is for a term of 6 months with an option to extend for up to 3 additional 6-month terms for a total lease period not to exceed 2 years. The Property is currently used as a dredge material management area under the purview of Public Works and is adjacent to a boat launch and beach facility managed by Parks and Recreation. Access to the Premises will be through the boat launch and beach facility. Both Public Works and Parks and Recreation agree that the proposed lease will not impede either of their operations on the Property. Due to the long-term environmental and economic benefits to the City that are expected to be derived from this Project and the minimal impact, short-term use of the Premises, no rent will be charged for use of the Premises. • Public Information: The public hearing was advertised on February 9, 2020 as required by Virginia Code Section 15.2-1813. The public hearing will be held on February 18, 2020. • Attachments: Ordinance, Summary of Terms, Location Map, Disclosure Statement Form Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Economic Development City Manager: L„ 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY 2 MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE WITH ORSTED 3 WIND POWER NORTH AMERICA, LLC FOR 5.45 4 ACRES OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED 5 AT LYNNHAVEN INLET IN THE BAYSIDE DISTRICT 6 7 WHEREAS, Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC ("Orsted") is working 8 with Dominion Energy, Siemens Gamesa & the Bureau of Ocean Energy 9 Management (BOEM) to install wind turbines off the coast of Virginia for the 10 Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm (CVOW) (the "Project"), 11 12 WHEREAS, construction of the Project is supported by the 13 Commonwealth of Virginia under the award of a research lease granted by 14 BOEM to the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy(DMME); 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") owns 15.679 acres of 17 land located at Lynnhaven Inlet in the Bayside District (GPIN 1489-58-9234) (the 18 "Property"); 19 20 WHEREAS, Orsted has requested to lease a 5.45-acre portion of the 21 Property (the "Premises") for a temporary construction office, vessel loading and 22 a laydown site in support of the Project; and 23 24 WHEREAS, the City and Orsted desire to enter into a formal lease 25 agreement for the Premises in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth 26 in the Summary of Terms, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof. 27 28 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 29 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 30 31 That the City Manager or his authorized designee is hereby authorized to 32 execute a lease agreement with Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC in 33 accordance with the Summary of Terms attached hereto as Exhibit A, and such 34 other terms, conditions or modifications as may be acceptable to the City 35 Manager and in a form deemed satisfactory to the City Attorney. 36 37 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 38 day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY A 1 Economic Develop nt City Attorney CA14681 \\vbgov com\dfsl\apphcatwns\citylaw\cycom32\wpdocs\d019\p034\00610381 doc R-1 February 7, 2020 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF TERMS LESSOR: City of Virginia Beach LESSEE: Orsted Wind Power North America, LLC PREMISES: 5.45-acre portion of GPIN 1489-58-9234 TERM: Six (6) months with an option to extend for up to three (3) additional six (6) month terms for a total lease period not to exceed two (2) years. RENT: Due to the long-term environmental and economic benefits to the City that are expected to be derived from the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Farm (CVOW) (the "Project") and the minimal impact, short-term use of the Premises, no rent will be charged for use of the Premises. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LESSEE/ORSTED: • Premises will be used solely for temporary construction office, vessel loading, a laydown site, and related uses in support of the Project. • Lessee is responsible for the set up and cost of all utilities it consumes on the Premises, including but not limited to, electric, water, cable, phone and internet. • Lessee will perform all necessary maintenance and repairs to keep the Premises clean and in good condition and is required to remove facilities and restore site to original condition upon expiration or termination of lease, all at its sole expense. • Lessee will maintain comprehensive general liability insurance coverage with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits per occurrence and will name the City as additional insured. RIGHTS RESERVED BY LESSOR/CITY: • City may terminate the lease if the Premises is needed for a public purpose by giving ninety (90) days' written notice to Lessee. • City may enter the Premises at all reasonable times to erect, use and maintain pipes in and through the Premises, or for general inspection, repairs or to verify Lessee's compliance with the lease. • If a conflict should arise between the City's and Lessee's use of the Property, City may compel Lessee to modify their operation and/or usage of the Premises, up to and including immediate temporary cessation of the work until the conflicting use can be resolved. ---MI MIIMMI=1=11= Mild-- _ m. MIMI ---_ U .. � vwa}r}nava��°rn ud � iouory u°uow ��-� uwwvn}rui �® M�-� urt�La�anww4sw°wuruu ou..00. ,.s.e� ,^ @ j = = ......4 — LL B WE g s 9 Q § € o 'I W>; t \ . y W t S Y„ g Z� a T a w = 11111 A O F N; - =r g '2 IIIIIII- W` L. <„ 2 I. �z F i� • i s ;� / �� m s ;�g 2 Ki y s s. 1.i. ``I . s .'r 1, ` '2:., --` N u _ n il " l. — .'7.-- :::;1,‘., ,, l ,i 711:A 8 8 LP" V.', , -Ifk 52 .* 1 re i Rq IBRn'.R. ) 7 t -- a 1 ' r F _- % . APPLICANT'S NAME Orsted Wind Power Virginia Beach North America LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORM The completion and submission of this form is required for all applications that pertain to City real estate matters or to the development and/or use of property in the City of Virginia Beach requiring action by the City Council or a board, commission, or other body appointed by the City Council. Such applications and matters include, but are not limited to, the following: Acquisition of Property Disposition of City Modification of by City Property Conditions or Proffers Alternative Economic Development Nonconforming Use Compliance, Special Investment Program Changes Exception for (EDIP) Board of Zoning Encroachment Request Rezoning Appeals Certificate of Floodplain Variance Appropriateness Street Closure (Historic Review Board) Franchise Agreement Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Lease of City Property Subdivision Variance Board Conditional use rermk License Agreement Wetlands Board The disclosures contained in this form are necessary to inform public officials who may vote on the application as to whether they have a conflict of interest under Virginia law. 4 i SECTION 1 / APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FOR CITY USE ONLY/All disclosures must be updated two(2)weeks prior to any Page 1 of 7 Planning Commission and City Council meetino that pertains to the aonlication(sl ❑ APPLICANT NOTIFIED OF HEARING DATE: ❑ NO CHANGES AS OF DATE. ❑ REVISIONS SUBMITTED DATE: 0 Check here if the APPLICANT IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 14 Check here if the APPLICANT IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. (A) List the Applicant's name: Orsted Wind Power North America LLC r- If an LLC, list all member's names: Virginia Beach Orsted Wind Power North America LLC has no directors or officers. Its "manager" as required by the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act is its sole-member parent company, Orsted North America Inc. Current directors of Orsted North America Inc are Martin Neubert, Thomas Brostrom, and Declan Flanagan. If a CORPORATION, list the the names of all officers, directors, members, trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary ' or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Listed separately i 2 See next page for information pertaining to footnotes and SECTION 2 / PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete Section 2 only if property owner is different from Applicant. D Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. ❑ Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, AND THEN, complete the following. (A) List the Property Owner's name: If an LLC, list the member's names: Page 2 of 8 If a Corporation, list the names ofall officers, directors, members, IN/B trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Virginia Beach (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary ' or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Property Owner: (Attach list if necessary) "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii)a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or(iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. SECTION 3. SERVICES DISCLOSURE Are any of the following services being provided in connection with the subject of the application or any business operating or to be operated on the Property. If the answer to any item is YES, please identify the firm or individual providing the service: IF THE OWNER AND APPLICANT ARE DIFFERENT, EACH MUST COMPLETE THE SECTION SEPERATELY APPLICANT YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) Page 3 of 8 Virginia Beach El Accounting and/or preparer of Orsted/PWC your tax return QX Architect / Landscape Architect / Moffat & Nichol/Willscot Land Planner Contract Purchaser (if other than Q the Applicant) - identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s) and purchaser's service providers) © El Construction Contractors Cape Henry Launch (anticipated) QX Engineers / Surveyors/ Agents Moffat & Nichol/GET Solutions Financing (include current ❑ mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) Legal Services ,So++N CASert/yi sLi.I AIMS MUL E►.t Real Estate Brokers / Q Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 4 of 8 Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. Francisco Guzman Jan 24,2020 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE t'ete/-_,h! i Peter W.Allen Jan 24 2020 Page 5 of 8 0.et•el Iscrt.Arnirtc Virginia Beach Ineatifx LLC fir7k77 7323 Nat/1mM ttAsel beenwLLC Gees-*old LC a.1)7 ; Ra9 se.WITS4.1 "ea' x sAr. Ont•J IsAnc lora/ p BSWHoldcalLC SSW PrepeaseLLC Us.t•Amer as t IC 673$51C Rie9 b23W.; Bay St Ma 14.,,Sesta WasI 1 I C .7,-.1•S US sr:Caur PieldCe - CsId, Iter.1 772.3"Rit9 t1,81•21 144.1sCs C trIr 4 • Dasswertes%WA D4IIP4.14.*rid 41 Rhos.leered el C Her J•rmay, Merles Emmet:Widmer so 444-44 1.1C 1 • • 44F 333.14f VIC31 017.191 Clan k 144,1E4 Sittadl ON:hen Cum"Sesta 0141...... • LIG enemy.1 C. Irars,.1 C t's 1' 1 sows as cre.1C RA.;ns nab e- • Sr" 136a 13114 3.310.3.114.sox: par stel••■••10110110 flaspagadierillassase4 ay.& C5011,-1C SIMI Una LIG 4- ftitristi.0 i C Qes 18V.17. Lops,4 45.36 011.344.4.41313141.144.3313 X"t Deoptestar Mac Cleeetesetare Ws*Ielaer 4_ _ OF411,01131313 U.0 t r-pand Coto se•009-Th Usaperater r- 41.1e4.C.Z Lord EV..414.94 it C .43 r. Ci • • PUJ1; Yr/Pram 1.LIC ot- ac}441"P' a- R3t9 s- o fa-C.5AI Cetelp.....ster*Ind Daaparsaw%thee Now 5.6 eels Yealelle — , •. keit naS7C1.1371 1 Sams VAftei U.0 te9 4.7.1714 Page 6 of 8 OWNER 'Virginia Beach YE N SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if $ 0 needed) ❑ — - Accounting and/or preparer of ❑ E your tax return Architect / Landscape Architect / ❑ [ Land Planner Contract Purchaser (if other than the Applicant) - identify purchaser ❑ C and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed purchaser of the subject property ❑ C (identify purchaser(s) and ❑ C purchaser's service providers) Construction Contractors C Engineers / Surveyors/ Agents Financing (include current mortgage holders and lenders ❑ C selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) ❑ C Legal Services Real Estate Brokers / Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have ❑ ❑ an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 7 of 8 Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 8 of 8 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM J ITEM: ALTERNATIVE 1 (STAFF PROPOSAL): An Ordinance to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Sponsorship Agreement with Something in the Water, LLC ALTERNATIVE 2 (REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER ROUSE): An Ordinance to Transfer Funds and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Sponsorship Agreement with Something in the Water, LLC MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: Last year, Mr. Pharrell Williams conceptualized and produced a successful inaugural Something in the Water Festival that focused on welcoming visiting college students, local residents, and guests from outside our region to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. The 2019 Something in the Water Festival was a positive, multi- faceted festival composed of top-tier music performances, in-depth panel discussions on innovation, sports activities, local art, health and wellness. The Festival was held during the last weekend of April 2019, a weekend previously referred to as College Beach weekend. The concept was briefed to the City Council in November 2018, and in March 2019, the City Council adopted an ordinance that authorized a $250,000 financial sponsorship along with in-kind services. An economic impact analysis and after-action report were briefed to the City Council on October 1, 2019. The inaugural Something in the Water Festival generated more than $21.7 million of economic activity and resulted in more than $1.1 million of tax revenue to the City. • Considerations: The Something in the Water Festival continues to present a unique opportunity to provide positive social programming for visiting and local young adults and elevate Virginia Beach to international prominence as a cultural hub of music, art, technology and more. In addition to economic impact, the Something in the Water Festival has started to show priceless, long-term distinguishing impacts ranging from cultural enrichment to social cohesion to workforce development to positive regional branding. The attached ordinance expresses Council's support for the Something in the Water Festival in the form of a proposed sponsorship agreement between the City and Something in the Water, LLC. This arrangement will provide financial, facility, public safety, and operational support of the Festival. Some of these resources were already allocated to the last weekend of April for past College Beach weekends. ALTERNATIVE 1 (STAFF PROPOSAL): This sponsorship includes a financial sponsorship of$250,000, which was included in the FY 2019-20 Operating Budget. ALTERNATIVE 2 (REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER ROUSE): This sponsorship includes a financial sponsorship in an amount equal to the admissions taxes generated by the Festival. Such amounts will be subject to audit after the Festival to ensure a dollar-for-dollar match. The amount of the financial sponsorship in excess of $250,000 will be transferred from the Reserve for Contingencies in the TIP Fund. • Public Information: Normal Council Agenda process. • Attachments: Disclosure Form ALTERNATIVE 1: Ordinance; Exhibit A: Summary of Sponsorship ALTERNATIVE 2: Ordinance; Exhibit A: Summary of Sponsorship Alternative 1 requested by Office of the City Manager Y4L Alternative 2 requested by Councilmember Rouse ALTERNATIVE 1: STAFF PROPOSAL 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY 2 MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SPONSORSHIP 3 AGREEMENT WITH SOMETHING IN THE WATER, 4 LLC 5 6 WHEREAS, the City wishes to express its support for the proposed Something in 7 the Water Festival (the "Festival"), and 8 9 WHEREAS, in furtherance of that objective, the City desires to be a sponsor of 10 the Festival; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City programmed $250,000 in the FY 2019-20 Operating Budget 13 for such sponsorship; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the general outline of the sponsorship is set forth in the summary 16 (attached as ALTERNATIVE 1: EXHIBIT A). 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 19 VIRGINIA BEACH, THAT: 20 21 The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a sponsorship agreement 22 between the City and Something in the Water, LLC, in a form acceptable to the City 23 Manager and approved by the City Attorney, consistent with the attached summary of 24 terms. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Office ity Manager � �o t e City Attorney CA15004 R-1 (ALTERNATIVE 1 STAFF PROPOSAL) February 20, 2020 ALTERNATIVE 1 (STAFF PROPOSAL) EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF SPONSORSHIP SOMETHING IN THE WATER FESTIVAL Purpose: To have a multi-cultural,multi-faceted Festival(the"Festival")the week of April 20 through April 26,2020 at the Oceanfront Parties: City of Virginia Beach("City")and Something in the Water,LLC("Producer") City Financial Sponsorship $250,000 from the TIP Fund City In-Kind Contributions: Use of the Convention Center for conference type events Use of the City's various resort stages for concerts Use of agreed upon public parking lots for direct Festival support and ndeshare City Public Safety and Public Works personnel already programmed for College Beach Weekend HRT Trolley service for Apnl 24-26,2020 Responsibilities of the Producer: Create a festival with the general outlme as follows: o Where young people will meet others who are pushing business and culture forward o Where they'll come to experience music,food, sports,technology,and most importantly,what's next. o Where these bright young minds may find their first job out of college,or they will be inspired to start a company of their own o Programming at the Convention Center available to the community Provide Festival attendance and sponsor information for safety/security and economic impact purposes ALTERNATIVE 2: REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER ROUSE 1 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDS AND TO 2 AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A 3 SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT WITH SOMETHING IN 4 THE WATER, LLC 5 6 WHEREAS, the City wishes to express its support for the proposed Something in 7 the Water Festival (the "Festival"); and 8 9 WHEREAS, in furtherance of that objective, the City desires to be a sponsor of 10 the Festival; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City desires to increase its partnership with the Festival and 13 believes that a sponsorship equal to the admissions taxes generated by the Festival is 14 an appropriate financial contribution; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the general outline of the sponsorship is set forth in the summary 17 (attached as ALTERNATIVE 2: EXHIBIT A). 18 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 20 VIRGINIA BEACH, THAT: 21 22 1. $650,000 is hereby transferred from the Reserve for Contingencies in the 23 Tourism Investment Program Fund to the Operating Budget of the Convention 24 and Visitors Bureau in furtherance of the City's sponsorship of the Something in 25 the Water Festival; however, such transfer may be increased or decreased in 26 such manner that the total financial sponsorship equals the exact dollar amount 27 of admissions taxes generated by the festival when this $650,000 is combined 28 with the $250,000 currently allocated in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget. 29 30 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a sponsorship agreement 31 between the City and Something in the Water, LLC, in a form acceptable to the 32 City Manager and approved by the City Attorney, consistent with the attached 33 summary of terms. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 6 _/ Off of t ity Attorney CA15003 R-1 (ALTERNATIVE 2: REQUESTED BY CM ROUSE) February 20, 2020 ALTERNATIVE 2 (REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER ROUSE) EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF SPONSORSHIP SOMETHING IN THE WATER FESTIVAL Purpose: To have a multi-cultural, multi-faceted Festival (the "Festival") the last week of April at the Oceanfront with the hub of it in the ViBe Creative District. Parties: City of Virginia Beach("City")and Something in the Water, LLC("Producer") City Financial Sponsorship: An amount equal to the admission taxes generated by the Festival. Such amounts to be paid from the TIP Fund and subject to audit after the conclusion of the Festival to ensure the financial sponsorship equals the admissions taxes. $900,000 was presented to Council on March 3, 2020. For ease of administration,half will be available prior to the Festival and half after the all amount have been subject to audit. City In-Kind Contributions: Use of the Convention Center for conference type events Use of the City's various resort stages for concerts Use of agreed upon public parking lots for direct Festival support and rideshare City Public Safety and Public Works personnel already programmed for College Beach Weekend HRT Trolley service for April 24-26, 2020 Responsibilities of the Producer: Create a festival with the general outline as follows: o Where young people will meet others who are pushing busmess and culture forward o Where they'll come to experience music,food,sports,technology,and most importantly,what's next. o Where these bnght young minds may find their first job out of college,or they will be inspired to start a company of their own o Programming at the Convention Center available to the community Provide Festival attendance and sponsor information for safety/security and economic impact purposes. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORM The completion and submission of this form is required for all applications wherein such applicant may utilize certain service providers or financial institutions, and the City seeks to know of the existence of such relationships in advance of any vote upon such application. SECTION 1 / APPLICANT DISCLOSURE Organization name: Something in the Water, LLC SECTION 2. SERVICES DISCLOSURE Are any of the following services being provided in connection with the applicant? If the answer to any item is YES, please identify the firm or individual providing the service: YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) Accounting and/or preparer of NKFSB, LLC X your tax return 10960 Wilshire Blvd. 5`h Floor Los Angeles, CA 90024 Financial Services (include X lending/banking institutions and N/A current mortgage holders as applicable) Cohen & Gardner LLP X El Legal Services 345 N Maple Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Redrock Ent Services, LLC Broker/Contractor/Engineer/Other 149 E Santa Anita Ave. X Service Providers Burbank, CA 91502 CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand I am responsible for updating the information provided herein if it changes prior to the Council action upon this Application. Ofy Ford Englerth 2/25/20 Ajitiarirs S URE PRINT NAME DATE CH ( h 1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend the City's Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: In 1985, City Council authorized the City Manager to promulgate Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations ("Regulations") to implement an open-air café program in the public rights-of-way in an effort to enhance the overall dining environment at the oceanfront. The Regulations have been amended several times since 1985. • Considerations: The Regulations provide that improvements on public property may not cover more than the front face of the operating business building or exceed a total of 800 square feet. Historically, the City has permitted restaurants located on corner lots to apply for and to receive two open air café franchise agreements; one open air café franchise agreement for each of the two external sides of the restaurant. Each franchise agreement authorizes the construction of a café that is up to 800 square feet in size for a combined total café size of up to 1600 square feet. Approximately twenty percent (20%) of the existing forty-six (46) restaurants with open air café franchise agreements have cafés that wrap around two external sides of a restaurant. The Planning Department, through the Strategic Growth Area Office, and the Resort Advisory Committee ("RAC") have requested that the Regulations be amended to permit restaurants located on corner lots that have an obstruction in the right-of-way that prevents seventy-five percent(75%)or more of the direct front or side face of the business from being utilized as a café to utilize up to an additional 600 square feet of café space on the unaffected side of the open air café if supported by the RAC and approved by the City Manager or his authorized designee. Under the proposed amendment, an open-air café may be up 1400 square feet in size if an obstruction exists in the right-of-way that meets the criteria set forth above. This amendment will allow for more creative use of corner café space and will advance the City Council's goal of being a competitive first-class resort for residents, businesses and tourists. • Public Information: Information will be provided through the normal agenda process. • Recommendations: Approval of the ordinance. • Attachments: Ordinance, Summary of proposed amendments to the Regulations, and Amended Regulations. Recommenced Action: Approval of Ordinance .111 Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department, Strategic Growth Area Offi City Manager:7L 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY'S 2 RESORT OPEN AIR CAFE FRANCHISE 3 REGULATIONS 4 5 WHEREAS, in 1985, City Council authorized the City Manager to promulgate 6 Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations ("Regulations") to implement an open-air 7 café program in the public rights-of-way in an effort to enhance the overall dining 8 environment at the oceanfront; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Regulations have been amended several times since 1985; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Regulations provide that improvements on public property may 13 not cover more than the front face of the operating business building or exceed a total of 14 800 square feet; and 15 16 WHEREAS, historically, the City has permitted restaurants located on corner lots 17 to apply for and to receive two open air café franchise agreements; one open air café 18 franchise agreement for each of the two external sides of the restaurant; and 19 20 WHEREAS, each franchise agreement authorizes the construction of a café that 21 is up to 800 square feet in size for a combined total café size of up to 1600 square feet; 22 and 23 24 WHEREAS, approximately twenty percent (20%) of the existing forty-six (46) 25 restaurants with open air café franchise agreements have cafés that wrap around two 26 external sides of a restaurant; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the Planning Department, through the Strategic Growth Area Office, 29 and the Resort Advisory Committee ("RAC") have requested that the Regulations be 30 amended to permit restaurants located on corner lots that have an obstruction in the 31 right-of-way that prevents seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the direct front or side 32 face of the business from being utilized as a café to utilize up to an additional 600 33 square feet of café space on the unaffected side of the open air café if supported by the 34 RAC and approved by the City Manager or his designee; and 35 36 WHEREAS, under the proposed amendment, an open-air café may be up 1400 37 square feet in size if an obstruction exists in the right-of-way that meets the criteria set 38 forth above; and 39 40 WHEREAS, this amendment will allow for more creative use of corner café space 41 and will advance the City Council's goal of being a competitive first-class resort for 42 residents, businesses and tourists. 43 44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 45 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA THAT: 46 47 The City's Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations are hereby amended and 48 reordained to read as set forth in the attached Exhibit 1, entitled "Amendments to Resort 49 Open Air Café Franchise Regulations, March 2020," a true copy of which is hereto 50 attached. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: al,A5_ 7 4 1 " Planning Department City Attorney's Office CA14996 R-2 February 20, 2020 Summary of Amendments to Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations The proposed amendments to the Resort Open Air Café Franchise Regulations ("Regulations") are designed to permit restaurants located on corner lots that have an obstruction in the right-of-way that prevents seventy-five percent or more of the direct front or side face of the restaurant from being utilized as a café to utilize up to an additional 600 square feet of café space on the unaffected side of the café if supported by the Resort Advisory Committee and approved by the City Manager or an authorized designee. Under the current Regulations, open air cafés may not cover more than the front face of the operating business building or exceed a total of 800 square feet. Under the proposed amendments, open air cafés may be up to 1400 square feet in size if an obstruction exists in the right-of-way that meets the criteria set forth above. RESORT OPEN AIR CAFÉ FRANCHISE REGULATIONS Adopted by City Council on March _, 2020 ili'-ill.)• . le ' Xiiiii.r.f ... ' 9"--: —It'''.''''' °v;"'_.troollOke•7IllIlliP"--2 , _. 1 � 1 ti rn til ' - of' , iteitif 1 i h. it e' ' ' i • G �j f t ;y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT OPEN AIR CAFÉ FRANCHISE REGULATIONS SECTION 1. GENERAL PURPOSE �F 1. 1 The Resort Open Air Café regulations are for the RT and OR Oceanfront Resort Districts located in the resort area specifically identified as adjacent to the Boardwalk, Connector Parks,Atlantic Avenue,Atlantic Avenue side streets, and in selected Gateway locations west of Pacific Avenue. The Café Franchise Program is designed to allow and encourage outdoor cafes on the public right-of- way fronting pedestrian-oriented ways where they are appropriate, and will promote an ambiance conducive to public health, safety, general welfare, and serve as a public amenity. The goals of the program are as follows: 1.1.a To promote cafes as visual amenities which improve the appearance and pedestrian ambience of the Boardwalk, Connector Parks, and pedestrian- oriented street frontages. 1.1.b To preserve and enhance the character of the resort area and to promote the most desirable use of public property. 1.1.c To ensure that adequate clearance is maintained for pedestrians and bicyclists adjacent to cafes. 1.1.d To establish administrative and enforcement procedures for Open Air Cafes that are effective, efficient, and enforceable. 1.1.e To ensure the construction of attractive, lightweight,removable structures. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Resort Open Air Café: an outdoor dining facility directly adjoining an existing restaurant in the RT Resort Tourist Districts or OR Oceanfront Resort District, franchised to operate on public property. To be considered for this program, the existing restaurant is required to provide waiter/waitress service, from a full service menu served on non-disposable dishware. A franchise for these cafés will only be granted to those restaurants located on private property with 80%or more of interior or exterior space dedicated to table and chairs for sit down service by a waiter or waitress. No portion of an Open Air Café shall be used for any purpose other than dining or related circulation. Cafes must have direct access to the existing restaurant. All cafes and the required adjacent/operating restaurant shall meet all ADA requirements (including rest room facilities within restaurant). Café Categories, each with requirements specific to their locations, are described below: f 7 :m' 2 Category A-Boardwalk Café. A resort open air café located on public property facing the boardwalk in the OR zoning district. Category B- Connector Park Café. A resort open air café located on public property in a Connector Park between Atlantic Avenue and the boardwalk The Café shall not extend East of the building's property line. Category C -Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Café. A resort open air café located on the public sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue in the OR Oceanfront Resort District not including those located between 15th and 24th Streets (See Category E). Category D-Atlantic Avenue Side Street Café. A resort open air café in the OR Oceanfront Resort District located on the public sidewalk on numbered side streets between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. Category E- Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Cafe-15th to 24th Streets. A resort open air café located on the public sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue in the OR Oceanfront Resort District between 15th and 24th Streets on Atlantic Avenue. Category F—West of Pacific Avenue Cafe A resort open air café located on public property from Pacific Avenue, westward, in the RT Resort Tourist District and OR Oceanfront Resort District, fronting on city designated streets. 2.2 Obstruction: Public infrastructure improvements such as traffic signal poles, sign poles, light poles,planting areas, tree grates,trees, trash receptacles,benches,bike racks,parking meters, s R etc.,that may impede the flow of pedestrian traffic or s o I, I a, ;e rT� AI$D. SECTION 3. FACILITIES NOT CONSIDERED FOR THE CAFÉ PROGRAM 3.1 Fast Food Establishments. An establishment, franchised or otherwise, that offers quick food service of items already prepared and held for service; or prepared, fried, griddled quickly or heated in a device such as a microwave oven; and/or orders are not taken at the customer's table; and food is generally served from a counter in disposable wrapping or containers,will not be considered for outdoor cafes. SECTION 4. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS- ALL CAFES 4.1 In order to be considered for approval under the Resort Open Air Café Program, the Applicant must agree to meet the following Operational requirements: 4.1.a Cafes must provide full waiter/waitress table service, from a full service menu served on non-disposable dishware, as defined in par. 2.1. 3 4.1.b All patrons of cafes shall be seated while in the café area. 4.1.c Patrons may consume alcoholic beverages in these cafes that have been prepared within the host restaurant, in compliance with state ABC regulations. Café employees shall not prepare or pour alcoholic beverages within any café. 4.1.d Solicitation of any type, as described in Section 26-3 of the City code, from any café will result in immediate termination of franchise agreement. SECTION 5. ENTERTAINMENT/AMPLIFIED MUSIC 5.1 Live or recorded entertainment is allowed under the following conditions in all outdoor cafes,unless noted otherwise in specific Café Categories herein. 5.1.a Between the hours 12:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. only. 5.1.b Solo or duo live entertainment only. Connecting cafés do not constitute more than one entertainment venue. 5.1.c The café franchise agreement administrator/city officials shall have the sole discretion in determining if the music sound level emanating from the café is considered loud or disturbing. Amplification of music shall be directed within café area. 5.1.d Café operators shall receive one written warning that the music does not comply with the café regulations. Upon notice of a second violation, the café will forfeit their entertainment within the café for the remainder of the season. Subsequent violations will be grounds to terminate the café franchise agreement. SECTION 6. GENERAL CAFÉ REQUIREMENTS Requirements apply to all outdoor cafes, unless noted otherwise in specific Café Categories herein. '" 4 6.1 Size: Improvements on public property may not Figure 6.1.1 -Example of Café Franchises cover more than the front Permitted for a Corner Business face of the operating business's building or exceed ,- a total of 800 sq ft. For •1 corner businesses, a second café franchise may be FULL SERVICE �� FRANCHISE pursued for the side face of RESTAURANT _ .4 800 NO.2- the business's building, not to exceed a total of 800 sq i. ft., for a combined total café a cAFE FRANCHISE area of 1,600 sq ft (see ,f- > NO.1- Figure 6.1.1). Additionally, 800 SF, • for corner businesses, if obstructions in the rights-of- ,,-4 way prevent 75% or more of r - the direct front or side face of the business from being used for a café, up to an Figure 6.1.2-Example of Potential Additional additional 600 sq ft. of café Café Space for a Corner Business space on the unaffected side can be added if supported by 1 8' the Resort Advisory Commission and approved by the City Manager or FULL SERVICE CAFE his/her designee(see Figure CORNER FRANCHISE 6.1.2). RESTAURANT NO.2- 1,400 SF The scale,proportion, and I overall design of the café I. _ — pral. shall be reviewed by City ,o CAFE St ' ' - • FRANCHISE staff to ensure the café is ; °° ® NO.1- compatible with the adjacent Nellr zoo SF building, the street block y face, and the overall goals of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK the Resort Area Facade Program and the Resort Streetscape Improvements. The size of the café must maintain clearances as outlined in each section from public infrastructure improvements such as traffic signal poles, sign poles, light poles, planting areas, tree grates, trees, trash receptacles,benches,bike racks,parking meters, etc., that may impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. 6.2 Access: Only one well-defined entrance opening is permitted to the café area; the café area must be connected to the corresponding business entrance. Orientation of that opening will be reviewed by the City staff according to pedestrian safety Rev.3/3/2020 5 and the aesthetic requirements of each location. Access will meet all ADA Standard Disability Access requirements. 6.3 Perimeter Fence: A perimeter fence is required, and shall be a minimum of thirty (30) inches in height and maximum 42"height. It shall be constructed of finished painted wood, factory-finished metal, or a manufactured fiberglass railing system. All café perimeter fence systems shall be reviewed by the city prior to approval for their use. Planter systems are encouraged to complement the fencing system. 6.4 Canopy: Canopies, where permitted or required, shall be a soft top, demountable canopy constructed as specified herein. The canopy shall only cover the top of the Café, except that transparent vinyl or plastic curtains may be used on the sides as windbreaker during inclement weather only. At no point shall the height of the canopy be lower than eight(8) feet above the floor of the Café. The valence of the awning shall not exceed twelve(12) inches in height. If umbrellas are used the name of the café may appear on the valence of each umbrella. All canopies shall be constructed of fire resistant vinyl fabric or canvas as approved by the City of Virginia Beach Planning Department/Permits and Inspection Division, and shall meet all applicable Building, Structural, and Fire Codes. Supporting Structure shall be metal pipe or tube system not to exceed 2" in Diameter. Requests for Deviations shall be individually reviewed by the City. The structure must be dismantled easily and not permanently attached to adjacent building. 6.5 Fixtures & Furnishings: The furnishings of the interior of a resort open air café shall consist solely of moveable tables and chairs and decorative accessories. Tables and chairs shall be constructed of stainless steel, fiberglass,powder coated aluminum or other metal, painted wood, high density polyethylene(HDPE) or an approved site furnishing system. All café furnishings shall be reviewed by the city prior to approval for their use. In no event shall such objects penetrate the exterior perimeter boundary or the canopy. Planter boxes on café railing are encouraged. All movable objects required for operation of a resort café shall be removed from the café area and stored out of view during adverse weather conditions acclaimed by the City, or when the café is not in operation for more than a five(5) day period. These objects include tables, chairs, furnishings, and decorative fixtures. Plantings in boxes or planters shall be properly maintained year round, or shall be removed when the café is not in operation. 6.6 Lighting: Only ceiling lighting, candles, Christmas lights, and ceiling fans are permitted on the interior of the RT and OR Oceanfront Resort District Cafes �.v%..;;s, -'1a 6 6.7 Signs: One(1)menu board is permitted within the perimeter of the resort open air cafes. The menu board shall not be larger than five(5) square feet. The name of the establishment may be painted or sewn in a single location on the valence of the canopy with a maximum of eight(8)-inch lettering. 6.8 Storage: Storage of any kind is not permitted on public property; including trash or refuse. 6.9 Maintenance: Cleanup and necessary maintenance of the area of a Resort Open Air/Boardwalk Café including landscaped areas, planter boxes and City property adjacent to café is the sole responsibility of the designated franchisee. SECTION 7. SPECIAL CAFÉ REQUIREMENTS,BY CATEGORY 7.1 Category A-Boardwalk Cafés. 7.1.a Setbacks: Category A cafes shall have a minimum setback of ten(10) feet from the western edge of the bicycle path. Pending review of specific café site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. 7.1.b Canopy: Category A Cafes are required to have a Canopy complying with Section 6.4. 7.1.c Plantings: Planting beds shall be provided and properly maintained by the owner/applicant around the perimeter of the Boardwalk Café. The Planting bed(s) adjacent to the café shall extend a minimum of five(5) feet and a maximum of ten(10) feet into the right of way. Site specific issues that warrant a deviation from the minimum and maximum requirement will be considered. The City Landscape Services Department shall review and approve the applicant's landscape plan prior to operating the café. 7.1.d Access: Only one well-defined entrance opening connected to an existing or new walkway system which connects to the boardwalk shall be permitted. Access will meet all ADA Standard Disability Access requirements. Only one five(5) foot walkway is permitted. 7.1.e Bicycle Parking Area: Bicycle parking areas are recommended to be integrated with the café improvements. The bicycle parking area will be a minimum of approximately eight(8) feet by eleven(11) feet concrete, brick pavers, or similar paved area with 2-point support bicycle racks, such as inverted"U"racks. This area will not be included in franchise café area allowance; however, it should be made available for general public use. 7 7.1.f Floor: Floor shall be a smooth clean permanent surface as required by the Health Department. 7.1.g Perimeter Fence: In addition to materials listed in Sec 6.3, glass block, pre-finished decorative masonry block or brick are also permitted materials in this café category. 7.2 Category B- Connector Park Cafés. 7.2.a Setbacks: Category B Cafes are required to have minimum setback of ten (10) feet from the Atlantic Avenue curb line. The Café is not to extend east of the building's property line. Pending review of specific café site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. 7.2.b Floor: Floor shall be a smooth clean permanent surface as required by the Health Department. 7.2.c Canopy: Canopies are permitted but not required unless hotel rooms and balconies are directly above café area . Umbrellas are permitted. 7.2.d Perimeter Fence: In addition to materials listed in Sec 6.3, glass block, pre-finished decorative masonry block or brick are also permitted materials in this café category. 7.2.e Planting: Planting beds shall be provided and properly maintained by the owner/applicant around the perimeter of the Boardwalk Café. The Planting bed(s) adjacent to the café shall extend a minimum of five(5) feet and a maximum of ten (10) feet into the right of way. Site specific issues that warrant a deviation from the minimum and maximum requirement will be considered. Additional planting may be required by City Staff for Category B Cafes (Connector Park Cafes)to tie in with existing connector park configurations. The City Landscape Services Department shall review and approve the applicant's landscape plan. 7.2.f Access: One well-defined opening is required. Orientation of that opening will be reviewed by the City staff according to pedestrian safety and the aesthetic requirements of each location. Access will meet all ADA Standard Disability Access requirements. 7.2.g Bicycle Parking Area: Bicycle parking areas are encouraged in the Connector Parks. The bicycle parking area will be a minimum of eight(8) feet by eleven(11) feet concrete,brick pavers, or similar paved area with 2-point support bicycle racks, such as inverted "U"racks. This area will not be included in the franchise café area allowance; however, it should be made available for general public use. Category B Cafes(Connector Park Cafes)must use existing parking racks. o7n 8 7.2.h Service Bar Openings: Service bar openings for waiter/waitress use are allowed into a Connector Park Café only. Service bar opening will be maximum of 5 feet wide. Operation of bar must meet all ABC regulations. 7.3 Category C-Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Café,not including those located between 15th and 24th Streets(See Category E) 7.3.a Setback: Category C Cafes are required to be setback a minimum of eight (8) feet from the curb line and all obstructions in the public right-of-way. Pending review of specific café site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. The minimum distance shall be measured from the portion of the café frontage which is nearest the obstruction. 11111111111. 9 7.3.b Floor: Only the existing paving or sidewalk is to be used for the café. Should the building be setback from the curb line, the development of new surfaces for seating may be permitted. 7.3.c Canopy: Canopies are not allowed for Category C Cafes,but awnings, as allowed through the Resort Area Facade Program are permitted. Awnings extending beyond the dimension permitted in the Resort Area Facade Program (3')may be permitted based on review by City staff and the Resort Advisory Commission(RAC). Umbrellas are permitted. If umbrellas are used, the name of the café may appear on the valence of each umbrella. 7.3.d Planting: Perimeter planter boxes are required; selection of plantings will be reviewed and approved by City staff. All such planters or plantings shall be on or within the allowable café area, and shall be properly maintained by the applicant at all times. 7.3.e Size: Category C Cafes may not cover more than the front face of the operating business building. In addition, the scale, proportion, and overall design of the café shall be reviewed by City staff to ensure the café is compatible with the adjacent building,the street block face, and the overall goals of the Resort Area Facade Program and the Resort Streetscape Improvement Program 7.3.f Bicycle Parking Area: Bicycle parking areas are not allowed. Category C Cafes must use existing bike racks. < • 10 7.4 Category D-Atlantic Avenue Side Street Café. 7.4.a Setback: Category D Cafes (Atlantic Avenue Side Street Cafes) are recommended to be set back eight(8) feet from the curb line, but a minimum distance of(6) feet clear sidewalk width, from the curb line and all obstructions in the public right-of-way. Pending review of specific café site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. The minimum distance shall be measured from the portion of the café frontage which is nearest the obstruction. 7.4.b Floor: Only the existing paving or sidewalk is to be used for the café. Should the building be setback from the property line, the development of new surfaces for seating may be permitted on private property only. 7.4.c Canopy: Canopies are permitted but not required. Umbrellas are permitted 7.4.d Planting: Perimeter planter boxes are required; selection of plantings will be reviewed and approved by City staff. All such planters or plantings shall be on or within the allowable café area, and shall be properly maintained by the applicant at all times. 7.4.e Size: A Category D Café may not cover more than the front face of the operating business building. In addition, the scale,proportion, and overall design of the café shall be reviewed by City staff to ensure the café is compatible with the adjacent building, the street block face, and the overall goals of Resort Area development guidelines in affect at the time of application. 7.4.f Bicycle Parking Area: Bicycle parking areas are not allowed. Category D Cafes must use existing bike racks. 7.5 Category E-Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Cafe--l5th to 24th Streets. 7.5.a Setback: Category E Cafes are required to be setback a minimum of eight(8) feet from the curb line and all obstructions in the public right-of-way. Pending review of specific café site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. The minimum distance shall be measured from the portion of the café frontage, which is nearest the obstruction. 7.5.b Floor: The existing paving or sidewalk is to be used for the café. Should the building be setback from the curb line, the development of new surfaces for seating may be permitted on private property only. 7.5.c Awnings: Canopies are not allowed for Category E Cafes ,but awnings as allowed through the Resort Area Facade Program are permitted. Awnings extending beyond the dimension permitted in the Resort Area Facade Program(3')may be permitted based on review by City staff and the Resort Advisory Commission(RAC) Planning Design Review Subcommittee(PDRC). Umbrellas are permitted. If umbrellas are used the name of the café may appear on the valence of each umbrella. 7.5.d Planting: Perimeter planter boxes are required; selection of plantings will be reviewed and approved by City staff. All such planters or plantings shall be on or within the allowable café area, and shall be properly maintained by the applicant at all times. 7.5.e Access: Cafes shall be accessed from the interior of the restaurant and not from the Atlantic Ave. sidewalk area. Special consideration should be given to refurbishment of the restaurant façade to allow access to the café from the interior of the restaurant at another location than the main restaurant entrance. French doors or similar door systems should be used to open the existing restaurant directly on to the outdoor café so as to not conflict with the main restaurant entrance area. No serving counters are permitted from the restaurant to the café. Orientation of that opening will be reviewed by the City staff according to pedestrian safety and the aesthetic requirements of each location. Access will meet all ADA Standard Disability Access requirements. 7.5.f Size: A Category E Café may not cover more than the front face of the operating business building. In addition,the scale,proportion, and overall design of the café shall be reviewed by City staff to ensure the café is compatible with the adjacent building, the street block face, and the overall goals of the Resort Area Facade Program and the Resort Streetscape Improvement Program. 7.5.g Bicycle Parking Area: Bicycle parking areas are not allowed. Category E Cafes must use existing bike racks. 7.5.h Special Franchise Requirements: Every Category E Café (Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Cafe--15th to 24th Streets) franchise agreement shall contain the following special requirements,which 12 shall control in the event of a conflict with any other provisions of the Resort Open Air Café Regulations: 1. Alcoholic beverages shall only be served with meals, and only in unbreakable drink ware; 2. The operator shall not permit persons other than patrons or employees of the establishment to enter the premises or to congregate therein, other than those patrons seated at tables provided by the establishment; 3. In the event a public safety official determines that the open air café should be closed earlier than the normal closing time for reasons of crowd control,unruly behavior either within the establishment or in nearby areas, or for other reasons related to preservation of public safety or public order, the operator shall close the open air café immediately or at such later time as directed by the public safety official, and the willful failure or refusal of any person to comply with such order shall be punishable as a misdemeanor, as provided by City ordinance; 4. The establishment must offer a full service menu (a copy of which shall be provided to the City Manager as part of the franchise application), and the open-air café may remain open only so long as all regular menu items served by the establishment are available to patrons; All tables and chairs shall be removed from the premises upon the close of business each day and stored inside the establishment, and the operator shall not permit the franchised area to be used for storage of furniture or equipment or for any purpose other than as an open-air café; 6. The operator shall not allow persons awaiting entry into the establishment or open-air café to form lines on the sidewalk,but shall admit patrons only from the inside of the establishment; and 7. The operator shall strictly comply with all fire,building, zoning, alcoholic beverage control, or health regulations in the operation of the open air café and the remainder of the establishment. 13 7.5.i Facade Review and Improvements: Prior to the consideration of any application for a Category E(Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Café-- 15th to 24th Streets) franchise, the applicant must submit a preliminary concept of the proposed café, including photographs of the existing façade of the associated restaurant building and adjacent building façades, and architectural renderings demonstrating how the café will be integrated with the associated restaurant building's façade. 7.5.j The façade must be structurally sound and in good repair, and the proposed café and façade must be consistent with the Resort Area Façade Program Design Guidelines. 7.5.k The Resort Advisory Commission Design Committee will review the proposed café and the condition of the existing building façade and either(1) approve the preliminary concept or(2)provide the applicant with recommended changes for the proposed café, the façade or both. Only after the preliminary concept is approved will an application for a Category E franchise be considered under section 6.1. 7.5.1 The effective date of this subsection shall be January 1, 2006. No Category E franchise shall be granted or renewed for a term that extends beyond April 30, 2006,unless the franchisee has complied with the requirements of this subsection. 7.6 Category F— West of Pacific Avenue Café. 7.6.a The scale,proportion, material selection, and overall design of each of these Cafes shall be reviewed by City staff to ensure the café is compatible with the adjacent building,the street block face, and the overall goals of Resort Area development guidelines in effect at the time of application. 7.6.b Setback: Category F Cafes are required to be setback a minimum of eight(8) feet from the curb line and all obstructions in the public right-of-way. ADA minimum compliance of a 5' clear path may be considered based on actual site conditions. Pending review of specific cafe site plans, additional setbacks and clear path space may be required. The minimum distance shall be measured from the portion of the café frontage which is nearest the curb or obstruction. 7.6.c Floor: The existing paving or sidewalk, if existing, shall be used for the café floor. New floor shall be a smooth clean permanent 14 surface as required by the Health Department. Material shall be appropriate for each given location, and shall be reviewed and approved on a site-specific basis. 7.6.d Awnings: Requests for canopies will be reviewed on a case by case basis, depending on location. 7.6.e Planting: Perimeter planter boxes are required; selection of planter boxes and plantings will be reviewed and approved by City staff. All such planters or plantings shall be on or within the allowable café area, and shall be properly maintained by the applicant at all times. 7.6.f Size: A Category F Café may not cover more than the frontage of the property of the operating business building. 7.6.g Given the close proximity of Category F cafes to residential neighborhoods, cafes shall remain open no later than midnight. Live or recorded entertainment shall not be permitted after 10:00 pm. SECTION 8. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 8.1 Franchise Requirements In order to create a Resort Open Air Café on public property, the granting of a franchise agreement is required. Franchise Agreements shall be granted only after project data has been properly submitted by the Applicant, reviewed by City Staff and the Resort Advisory Commission, and approved by the City Council of Virginia Beach. The regulations herein are intended to establish the necessary criteria with which the Resort Open Air Cafes shall first comply in order to be eligible for consideration for such a franchise agreement. A Non-refundable fee of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid to the City for the processing of an application for a franchise. The City Manager or his designated representative shall not accept any application unless such fee be paid at the time application is filed. City Council may deny or grant a franchise subject to such terms and conditions as City Council may, at its discretion deem proper. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, City Council shall deny any franchise request it determines, at its discretion,to be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare or interest. . _.�__`� 15 Upon approval of the Franchise Agreement, the Applicant shall satisfy Insurance requirements and Franchise Fees, as listed below,prior to beginning construction of the Café. 8.2 Submittal and Review Procedures Construction activity is prohibited on Resort Open Air Cafés between May 1 and October 1. Review and approval procedures require a minimum of 3 months; longer if changes to original plans are required. It is strongly suggested the Applicant begin the Café Franchise review process in November to allow sufficient time for approval procedures and construction completion before the May 1st deadline. 8.2.a Preliminary Review(Approximate review time— 1 week) 8.2.b Prior to submitting a Franchise Application, the Applicant shall review the RESORT OPEN AIR CAFE FRANCHISE REGULATIONS,herein, and submit Preliminary project information to the designated Resort Management Office representative(757-385-4800)to determine the feasibility of the project. The following are required for the preliminary review: 1. A Survey(if available) of the existing property. 2. A rough drawing showing the existing building outline, property lines, and proposed café location. 3. Photographs of the proposed café site, existing building facade(s), and adjacent property on each side. Data may be submitted in person, or by mail or email. If the project is deemed feasible,the Applicant will be instructed to complete a Café Franchise Application. 8.2.c Café Franchise Application (Approximate review time—4 to 8 weeks,plus time for revisions and resubmittal, if required) Applicant shall submit completed Cafe Franchise Application, along with the$100.00 Application Fee,to the designated Resort Management representative. Applications for café franchises will not be accepted after March 1, preceding the summer season of anticipated operation. No application shall be processed for the year in question that fails to meet the application deadline. 16 The following are required to be submitted, in triplicate(3 copies) along with the application, for review: 8.2.d Physical Survey: Sealed by land surveyor, no older than 90 days. Survey shall show all existing property lines, easements,buildings and other structures,to the curb line and/or edge of boardwalk/connector park, and including public sidewalk showing all obstructions such as light poles, trash receptacles, etc., for the length of the property across its street(or boardwalk/connector park) frontage. 8.2.e Photographs of the proposed café site, existing building facade(s), and adjacent property on each side. 8.2.f Proposed Site Development Plan, including Landscape Plan, where landscape is required. The site plan shall be prepared using a minimum scale of 1" = 10'-0" and shall show by name and dimension,proposed and existing walkway systems, and proposed Open Air Café, setbacks, minimum clear path on sidewalk between face of café and obstructions, access into café, and from café into attached restaurant,perimeter fence, and table/chair layout. 8.2.g Front& Side Exterior Elevations: Elevations shall be prepared using a minimum scale of 1/4" = 1'-0" and shall show proposed café' and façade of existing structure directly adjoining the proposed café. A minimum of two elevations are required: one front elevation and one side elevation, dimensioned to show height of vertical elements. All materials shall be identified on drawings. 8.2.h Finish Schedule: Shall include all finish materials proposed for the Open Air Café construction including flooring, railing system, canopy and canopy supports, and proposed plant materials. 8.2.i Proposed Fixtures and Furnishings: Images of all proposed furnishings, including tables, chairs,umbrellas,planters, etc. 8.2.j A letter of support from the property owner(if the Applicant is not the property owner) for the café addition. 8.2.k Upon receipt of the complete Application package, the Resort Management Office will forward a copy to the Planning&Design Review subcommittee(PDRC)of the Resort Advisory Commission(RAC) for review and comment at the next scheduled meeting. The Resort Management Office representative will assist }9n 17 the Applicant in establishing a review date and time. The Applicant(or representative designated by the Applicant) is encouraged to attend the review session and to bring other supporting drawings, images, etc., if desired. 8.2.1 Upon successful completion of the review, the PDRC will recommend approval and/or provide written review comments indicating required revisions. The recommendations will be forwarded to the next scheduled meeting of the Resort Advisory Commission for a vote to support the Application. If supported, The RAC will convey this recommendation to the City Council. The Resort Management Office Representative will request that the City Attorney's Office draft an agenda request and ordinance for City Council's approval or denial of the Cafe Franchise Agreement. 8.3 Permits and Inspections Review(Approximate approval time—2 to 4 weeks) 8.3.a If the Café project is supported by the RAC, the Applicant is encouraged to submit drawings to the Virginia Beach Department of Permits and Inspections to determine review and permitting procedure. 8.3.b Applicant will be required to submit drawings and payment of required review fees. Permits and Inspections will review the plans to determine compliance with applicable Building Codes, and will notify applicant the level of review required. Once approved,the building permit will be held pending approval or denial of the café Franchise agreement by City Council. If approved by City Council, applicant may obtain required building permit and any required right of way permit. 8.3.c Approval of the Health Department and (when applicable)the State of Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board is required for operation Note: Cafes connected to a hotel/motel may be required to install a fire suppression sprinkler system if side curtains are installed. Confirm requirements with Permits and Inspections. 8.4 Insurance and Fees 8.4.a Applicant will provide liability insurance coverage not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for personal injury and property damage as required. 8.4.b The franchise fee is to be determined on a gross square foot basis/per year,payable to the City of Virginia Beach no later than May of the year in effect. The fees are as follows: Category A: Boardwalk Café Category B: Connector Park Café Category C: Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Café Category D: Atlantic Avenue Side Street Café Category E: Atlantic Avenue Sidewalk Cafe-15th to 24th Streets Category F: West of Pacific Avenue Café 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Category A 10.30 10.61 10.93 11.26 11.60 3% ** Category B 8.83 9.09 9.36 9.64 9.93 3% ** Category C 7.35 7.57 7.80 8.03 8.27 3% ** Category D 5.90 6.08 6.26 6.45 6.64 3% ** Category E 7.35 7.57 7.80 8.03 8.27 3%** Category F 5.90 6.08 6.26 6.45 6.64 3% ** **3%increase each year thereafter 8.4.c Prior to commencement of operations the Grantee must execute a bond or letter of credit in favor of the City of Virginia Beach in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as determined by the Public Works Department and the Resort Management Office. 8.5 Enforcement 8.5.a The franchise period shall be for one(1)year for the first year of operation. Based upon compliance with these regulations and the Council's desire to continue to allow Open Air Cafes, an extension of the franchise may be authorized by the City Council for up to an additional five(5)year period. 8.5.b During the period in which the franchise is in effect, the Office of the City Manager or his designated representative is to enforce the provisions of the franchise agreement, and is authorized to suspend the agreement if there is a violation of the agreement. �f w? 19 8.5.c In the event the City determines that the Grantee has failed to properly comply with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, Grantee shall be given a minimum of twenty-four(24) hours and a maximum of ten(10) calendar days to remedy its non- conformance. The amount of time that Grantee shall be permitted to gain compliance shall be determined in the sole discretion of the City,by its authorized officer, agent, or employee. However, such time shall be reasonable and shall be based upon the level of severity of the noncompliance. If Grantee fails to effect compliance within the time allowed,the City shall have the right to suspend Grantee's operation, in whole or in part, until such time as Grantee shall remedy its non-compliance. 8.5.d No portion of the open air/boardwalk cafes shall open or project beyond the designated perimeters of the café area. 8.6 Revocation of Franchise: The franchise agreement shall provide that a Cafe franchise may be revoked by the City Manager whenever the City Manager determines that one of the following conditions has occurred 1. The owner or operator of the establishment has been found guilty of a criminal offense arising from the operation of the establishment; 2. The owner or operator of the establishment has been assessed a civil penalty for violation of any fire,building, zoning, alcoholic beverage control, or health regulation arising from the operation of the establishment; 3. The presence of the open-air café is causing or contributing to a deterioration of the quality of the pedestrian experience or general environment in the area; 4. The open-air café is in violation of any material term of its franchise agreement or the Resort Open Air Café Regulations; or 5. The operator has failed to comply with an order of a public safety official of the City directing that the open-air cafe be closed, as provided by Section 5.5.N (3) of the Resort Open Air Café Regulations. 8.6.a The franchise agreement shall also provide that the City Manager may suspend the owner or operator's privilege to operate the open air café under the franchise pending a final disposition of any criminal charge, alcoholic beverage control violation, or civil infraction arising from the operation of the establishment. 8.7 Effect of Revocation of Franchise: The franchise agreement shall provide that, upon revocation or suspension of a franchise by the City Manager, the owner or operator shall immediately cease operation of the �,r 20 open air café and shall remove all tables, chairs and other items located on City property within twenty-four(24)hours of the revocation or suspension. As provided by City ordinance,the failure of the owner or operator to comply with the order of the City Manager revoking or suspending a franchise shall punishable as a misdemeanor. The franchise agreement shall authorize the City Manager to remove or contract for the removal of any tables, chairs,barriers and other items encroaching upon City property and charge the costs thereof to the owner or operator, which costs may be collected as real estate taxes are collected. SECTION 9. DEMOLITION 9.1 If applicant is required to demolish or remove café or any portion thereof, the applicant must submit approval plans to the Department of Planning for review. MOM 21 M s} ,.d SFr CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to authorize the acceptance of a dedication of a 1.7-acre (±) property located at 4549 Revere Drive (GPIN: 1475-37-8501) from Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. for a public park MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: The City of Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Department has received a request for the City to accept a dedication of property at 4549 Revere Drive (the "Property") for use as a City park. The Property is a recreation area for the Salem Woods subdivision, which was dedicated to the Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. (the "SWCA") in 1985. Membership in the SWCA is not mandatory, and the membership dues collected are insufficient to adequately maintain the Property. The existing amenities have deteriorated, and SWCA doesn't have the resources needed to keep the Property out of disrepair. Active SWCA members were asked to vote on the future of the Property, and the majority supported dedicating the Property to the City as a public park. They also requested that the Property be rezoned to P-1 Preservation District. City staff believes the Property would be an ideal public park that could offer amenities to an underserved population. The 1.7-acre (±) site is situated along a stormwater lake (the "Lake") and could support a creative neighborhood park design with amenities supported by the surrounding neighborhood through a future public-input process. The Property is visually appealing and has more than adequate street frontage, allowing for increased accessibility to pedestrians and maintenance crews and adding a level of safety. The Property also would provide additional maintenance access to the Lake. City staff recommends accepting the dedication of the Property for use as a public park. The existing amenities will be demolished. The Property will be developed as a neighborhood park as funding becomes available for new infrastructure. • Considerations: The SWCA wants to dedicate the Property to the City as a gift. • Public Information: Public notice via the normal City Council agenda process. • Alternatives: Decline the proposed dedication. • Recommendations: Approval • Attachments: Ordinance, Location Map and Disclosure Statement Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation ,iY-/e• City Manager:e-7 1A�, 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE 2 ACCEPTANCE OF A DEDICATION OF A 1.7- ACRE 3 (±) PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4549 REVERE DRIVE 4 (GPIN. 1475-37-8501) FROM SALEM WOODS CIVIC 5 ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR A PUBLIC PARK 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Department desires 8 to provide citizens with opportunities to access open space and park amenities throughout 9 the City; 10 11 WHEREAS, the Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. owns a 1.7-acre (±) parcel 12 of land located at 4549 Revere Drive (the "Property") and desires to dedicate the Property 13 to the City for use as a public park; 14 15 WHEREAS, the Property will provide a new public park to an underserved 16 neighborhood, which will be developed with recreational amenities as funding becomes 17 available for new infrastructure; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the acceptance of the Property would promote the City's goals to 20 provide open space to its citizens. 21 22 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 23 VIRGINIA: 24 25 1. That the City Council authorizes the acceptance of the dedication of the 26 Property by the Salem Woods Civic Association, Inc. 27 28 2. That the City Manager or his designee is further authorized to execute all 29 documents that may be necessary or appropriate to accept the dedication of the Property 30 and including such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the City Manager and 31 in a form deemed satisfactory by the City Attorney. 32 33 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day 34 of , 2020. CA14641 R-1 PREPARED. 2/20/20 APPROV AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: PUBLIC WORKS,‘AL ESTATE CITY OR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: PARKV8, ISCREATION ______, . • ''F'''- '--- - . - _ 0 g. _/� _ N - 6• Z f0 ik`r I �I _ji:; Z Q CO . ..., ,., 0 NI• C Q N °° CD Z Q �, • >0 0 In Eli 9�' '� r -1 U V o Z o z . � pa °s ° U cp dAll � j a 2 W U birJ X N � ,qNEEDHAM 141 ". ....2 .... i ar PR A t 1 . .,-, ._� fir., CO o 1�3N210� ��� .,w N 813HS N • "Ils, a) m S ca VI .. * v '4 N V., m (6, . ,., 0 a) - Q. CD o tii•. O .N n loo, t, 1 Z n N w } M I- p m yr ito L� (1 13 4 O c a GNp g\B Virginia Beach APPLICANT'S NAME 1,200 c ��-,;�t )**T-KIc . DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FORM The completion and submission of this form is required for all applications that pertain to City real estate matters or to the development and/or use of property in the City of Virginia Beach requiring action by the City Council or a board, commission, or other body appointed by the City Council. Such applications and matters include, but are not limited to, the following: Acquisition of Property Disposition of City Modification of by City Property Conditions or Proffers Alternative Economic Development Nonconforming Use Compliance, Special Investment Program Exception for (EDIP) Changes Board of Zoning Encroachment Request Rezoning Appeals Certificate of Floodplain Variance Appropriateness Street Closure (Historic Review Board) Franchise Agreement Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Lease of City Property Subdivision Variance Board Conditional Use Permit License Agreement Wetlands Board • The disclosures contained in this form are necessary to inform public officials who may vote on the application as to whether they have a conflict of interest under Virginia law. SECTION 1 / APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FOR(ITY USE ONLY / All di'clut.nes must I>r ',,datec)t..c t2i sac el s p,.or to any Page 1 of 7 Platmii y Conrnus on at a City Council+reeunci tlict r e'taira to the applicationls) O APPLICANT NOTIFIED OF HEARING DTTF NO CHANGES AS OF f) E 6 fr 7� itr6 • REVISIONS SUBMITTED DATE elkX3 Virginia Beach El Check here if the APPLICANT IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. EjCheck here if the APPLICANT IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. (A) List the Applicant's name:_ c: i-�L�c�1.' _ �1 0 CC(. , (-'1 ' s ' " ) C • If an LLC, list all member's names. If a CORPORATION, list the the names of all officers, directors, members, Vrustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) , ; L t) o, , 4 4 f, rk I rc, L (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Applicant: (Attach list if necessary) See next page for information pertaining to footnotes' and 2 4 I SECTION 2 / PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete Section 2 only if property owner is different from Applicant. ii Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 111 Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, AND THEN,complete the following. (A) List the Property Owner's name: If an LLC, list the member's names: Page 2 of 7 {Yin.ei Virginia Beach If a Corporation, list the names ofall officers, directors, members, trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Property Owner: (Attach list if necessary) 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act,Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner In one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets, the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va.Code§ 2.2-3101. 4 0 SECTION 3. SERVICES DISCLOSURE Are any of the following services being provided in connection with the subject of the application or any business operating or to be operated on the Property. If the answer to any item is YES, please identify the firm or individual providing the service: IF THE OWNER AND APPLICANT ARE DIFFERENT, EACH MUST COMPLETE THE SECTION SEPERATELY Page 3 of 7 ary of APPLICANT Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) El ® Accounting and/or preparer of your tax return © Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Land Planner Contract Purchaser(if other than the Applicant)- identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s) and purchaser's service providers) gjConstruction Contractors ElEngineers /Surveyors/Agents Financing (include current ❑ mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) ❑ Legal Services Inman & Strickler Real Estate Brokers / E Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property 4 SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have U ❑ an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? f �} m , Cit�a r2 t t� mp, rvkr♦ S t G ?ft,uider I eScU e.rViCe 10 Oczele& ti p i Ie('c�4-- Page 4 of 7 Yry f Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this pp ication.) .1-4 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 5 of 7 t rry,, OWNER Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER(use additional sheets if needed) EiAccounting and/or preparer of your tax return ElArchitect/Landscape Architect/ Land Planner Contract Purchaser(if other than 111 El the Applicant)- identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed 111 purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s)and purchaser's service providers) 111 Construction Contractors ElEngineers/Surveyors/Agents Financing (include current ❑ ❑ mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) El Legal Services Real Estate Brokers / El El Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property 4 SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have ❑ ❑ an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 6 of 7 g\B Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete, true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 7 of 7 113 APPLICANT Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER (use additional sheets if needed) 171 Accounting and/or preparer of your tax return Architect/ Landscape Architect / u 1-7- Land Planner Contract Purchaser (if other than the Applicant) - identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed El purchaser of the subject property (identify purchaser(s) and purchaser's service providers) Construction Contractors Engineers / Surveyors/ Agents Financing (include current fl mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) I I Legal Services Real Estate Brokers / Agents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject property SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? Page 4 of 7 Salem Woods Civic Association SALES BY CUSTOMER SUMMARY December 1, 2018-September 24, 2019 TOTAL Almeter,John&Tammy 25.00 Althouse, Elliott&Eileen 25 00 Alton,Roger 25 00 Anderson,Laurel 25 00 Armstrong,Philip&Deborah 25 00 Aube,Lucy 25 00 Bacon,John&Dianne 25 00 Banks, Mane 25 00 Barfield, Brenda 25 00 Banle,Julie 25 00 Bayley,Jim and Kay 25 00 Beardsley,James&Cheryl 25 00 Best,Adam 25.00 Best,Preston& Ellen 25.00 Biedenbender, Rex and Lallah 25 00 Black, Robert 25.00 Booth, Michael and Candy 25 00 Boyer, Robert&Jennifer 50 00 Boyter,Larry 25 00 Brazas,Tony&Becky 25 00 Brinkman, David 50 00 Brion,Voltaire 25 00 Bugay, Domingo 25 00 Burch,Virginia&William 25 00 Burley, Debra&Rodney 25 00 Byzewski,Christine and John 25 00 Castillo,Nicanor&Ndda 25.00 Charlton,Karen 25.00 Check, Mike and Sara 25 00 Christopher Robbins 25 00 Colburn, David 25.00 Collins,Tom&Debby 25.00 Cooke, Donald 25.00 Cooley, Mark&Melissa 25 00 Cossaboon,Liz 25 00 Cruz,Lourdes 25 00 Danielsen,Paul 25 00 Daughdrill, Nora 25 00 Day,Kris 25 00 Domnissey,Virginia 25 00 Doyle, David&Pamela 75 00 Dunn,Walter&Renee 25 00 Durst,Tom&Elaine 25.00 Dwyer,John&Nancy 25 00 Cash Basis Tuesday,September 24,2019 06 56 AM GMT-7 1/4 TOTAL Elliker,John&Sue 25.00 Ezell,Barry 25.00 Fleck,Christina&Adam 25 00 Flores,Tony&Linda 25 00 Fontimayor,Angeline 25 00 Forni, Ernest&Sharon 25 00 Garcia,Constance 25 00 Gerety,Tracy&Sean 25 00 Grimes,James 25 00 Gump,Jeff&Jenn 25 00 Harmeyer,Gary&Karen 25 00 Harrah, David 25 00 Hemphill,Geoffrey&Tracy 25 00 Herndon, Everette&Robin 25 00 Hewitt,Tim&Nancy 25 00 Heyman,Skip 25 00 Hurley,Lawrence 25 00 !sip, Felix&Ann 25 00 Jagodzinski,Jane 25 00 Jakimjuk,Barbara&Alexander 25 00 Johnson, Debra 25 00 Jones, Maryia 25 00 Joyce,Robert 25 00 Jurjevic,A J &Nena 25 00 Kallman,Cathy&Ray 25 00 Klepadlo, Frank&Kelly 25 00 Kolantis,Patricia&Christos 25 00 Lachica(Lee),Aileen 25 00 Lauridsen,Joanna&Peter 25 00 Leavitt, Pete and Twila 25 00 Leija,Armando 25.00 Letourneau, Robert 25 00 Lew,Ling Hang&Lye Chee 25 00 Lightner,Christopher&Elizabeth 25 00 Lilly, Dale&Judy 25 00 Long,Alex&Adrienne 25 00 Lotz,Allen&Linda 25 00 Magbanua,Jose 25 00 Maliniak, Michael&Anne 25.00 Malone, Rebecca 25 00 Manning,Carla 50 00 Martinez,Amy&Mike 25 00 Mason,Alisandra 25 00 McAllister,James 25 00 Meixel, Doris 25 00 Mitchell,Chrisa 25 00 Monroe, Robert&Nancy 50 00 Mosher,Joe&Cindy 25 00 Mulero, Ruth 25 00 Murdoch, Donald&Bonnie 25 00 Cash Basis Tuesday,September 24,2019 06 56 AM GMT-7 2/4 TOTAL Murphy, Donna&Bob 25 00 Newbern,Jodi 25 00 Nichter,Gerald&Kim 25 00 Nolen,Craig&Sharon 25 00 Nosonchuk,Jane 25.00 O'Meara,Karen& Dennis 25 00 Olcheski,Bill&Renee 25 00 Olson,Sheila 25 00 Otlowski, Richard and Donna 25.00 Pauls,Tom&Carol 25 00 Payne,Sheri and James 25 00 Peck,Melissa 25 00 Rapay,Mary&Perry 25 00 Remade, Frederick& Patricia 25 00 Rhinard,Tracy 25 00 Richardson,John&Karen 25.00 Ritchie,James&Sharon 25 00 Rufh,Suzanne&Robert 25 00 Salvadore, Edward&Ellen 25 00 Scherck,Ginger&Russell 25 00 Scherman, Ernest&Gwendolyn 25.00 Seagraves,Zach&Laura 25 00 Semmel, Robert&Kathy 25 00 Semo,Judith 25 00 Shaffer,Ivan&Kathy 25 00 Smith,Gene 25.00 Smith,Michael and Pamela 25 00 Soles,Sherry 25.00 Sweeney,Kathy&Jeffrey 25 00 Tanyag,Venus&Yolanda 25 00 Taylor,William&Constance 25 00 Tenddla,Benjamin&Milagros 25 00 Thompson, Brian and Linda Thompson 25 00 Tirona, Ibar 25 00 Tisza, Dave&Janis 25 00 Toll, Ray&Kathy 25 00 Traber,Kirk and Belinda 25 00 Tsionis,Maureen&Paul 25.00 Tysor,Anna&Charlie 25.00 Vaughn,Wade&Pam 25.00 Verostek, Ronald&Margie 25 00 Von St Paul, Beth&Jim 25 00 Wasson,Gary 25.00 Welborn,Coty&Victoria 25 00 Welch,Mitchell&Annette 25 00 White, Phillip&Bettye 25.00 Wickle, Donna 25 00 Williams, Doug&Suzanne 25 00 Williams,John&Constance 25.00 Wilson,Sharon&Craig 25 00 Cash Basis Tuesday,September 24,2019 06 56 AM GMT-7 3/4 TOTAL Yalung,Melt 25.00 Youngs,Sharon 25.00 TOTAL --�— $3,800.00 Cash Basis Tuesday,September 24,2019 0616 AM GMT-7 4/4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution to Support Limited Access Fence Modifications for VDOT's 1-264/ Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange for CIP #9-028, "Lynnhaven Parkway Corridor Improvements" MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: The Lynnhaven Parkway exit from 1-264 East is the gateway to some of the City's major corporate, industrial and retail business clusters. A capital improvement project was approved in the FY 2017-18 Capital Budget for aesthetic and connectivity improvements along Lynnhaven Parkway from 1-264 to Holland Road. The project is currently at 100% design and is anticipated to be bid in July. As part of the Lynnhaven corridor improvements, a gateway sign is proposed in City right-of-way at the intersection of Lynnhaven Parkway and the 1-264 exit ramp near Robert Jackson Drive. This gateway sign will create an attractive sense of arrival for the business district. In order to accommodate the proposed sign, it is necessary to modify the VDOT limited access fence line location. The attached exhibit illustrates the fence modification and proposed sign. • Considerations: A "limited access highway" is defined by VDOT as "extinguishing the abutting property rights to access the roadway that the land adjoins." Approval from the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is required in order to modify this fence line. The CTB requires a resolution of support from the City Council prior to CTB review of the modification. VDOT has concurred with the language in the resolution of support. • Public Information: Normal Council agenda process. • Recommendations: Approve the attached resolution. • Attachments: Resolution; Exhibit A (Map); Exhibit B (Sign Rendering) Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department, Strategic Growth Area Office City Manager: I L(t L- 1 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT LIMITED ACCESS 2 FENCE MODIFICATIONS FOR VDOT'S 1-264 / 3 LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY INTERCHANGE FOR CIP 4 #9-028, "LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY CORRIDOR 5 IMPROVEMENTS" 6 7 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach is currently engaged in the final stages of 8 design for improvements to the Lynnhaven Parkway corridor from 1-264 to Holland Road; 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach is requesting approval from the Virginia 11 Commonwealth Transportation Board to modify the limited access control line along the 12 west side of Lynnhaven Parkway as depicted in the attached map, Exhibit A, and sign 13 rendering, Exhibit B, which are incorporated herein, to allow for a Lynnhaven Business 14 District gateway sign to be erected; 15 16 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 17 VIRGINIA, THAT: 18 19 1. The City Council hereby supports and endorses the revision to the limited access line 20 along the west side of Lynnhaven Parkway, which must be made to install a 21 Lynnhaven Business District gateway sign as part of CIP #9-028, "Lynnhaven 22 Parkway Corridor Improvements." 23 24 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Virginia 25 Beach all necessary limited access control change documents and letters of support 26 required by the Commonwealth Transportation Board or the Virginia Department of 27 Transportation consistent with this resolution. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: kda----2> 6 ,-- Stra egic Growth Area Office ey's Office CA14997 R-1 February 17, 2020 bp-1, 44¢' `1 ,,.'`1"4-4` f} '4 ,-: yam. ` + ,r",L%ifs` . t !a:1::'-• ::'-it-7,,--:,.-.,--':fi:c.•::''... .- ''' .1:...;- 7,,," Q1_,,,,, ` U Tom$" � .y:{ � �',r.,. - €� ::$ ��`s .t9-!fir. - Al: ..y` i ', f`^`.. ,- 4 -- • ), _r > , - �/ M --74-':-1'''''' '' .441 '1.-i.:A-0: sr g . a . 'x'N z W � 7 W a v IJi afire R f-, W OC """.° 0 tt,•'' '43j,,iii,-;44:41", ••••'-‘t-SN;1''-!'''''' -,---,. --:...- ,. •' .'If; - - . .. . L..,..„,,lati7,,4 ? 'mot _ 4cd x-,4.,„ f. \\ Z = n x.3,;1 MOM _ - ' F° 'tom :}, x a • » . `. f „„ '` .` s r II , L ,' 2 Existing Conditions Proposed Gateway Sign I 15'• f LYNN.: .... .. • ... ,. , • ., ....... 40... ___ ,L • . ,,,""ir.:M.. • 6 • s,Po a*��`u� a< p i� HAVEN d ._ —yr +w 1 2'F � F��X� H { r ao i tir rs��� 16f,`�• z h�1 Proposed Conditions • T• 1 4'. i►<,� --' r i LYNNHAVEN w t wvg3 Mix ',#PYnf w $ � � �, a r to * ` ` d 47'''"za • I' *4i " y✓�Y' . 'p +74* I' 5M '' 7'' tG r ,. ;.,1' �m, '' •. . .., 4' "`" �+Y `°3'0 ��s ''' der f w$w," s1' 6Y #'y wr,.ums, �.>r • 3+Y'� xK .�y�;t,r a �' h 1 i �"F �+ i'1, ` a � 1, �,,` �'�'� + .. o '; .��,',,Y� � �i� i�h' d 44i1r' ''''. �.V�'.6 e ^'�` "tl ",�+w•o 6,a�i' .as a aru'" "L'a CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH LYNNHAVEN CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS—CIP 9-028 ,,i,._.- 5., [ ft--0;14,, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate Insurance Proceeds to CIP #2-022, "Major Bridge Rehabilitation II" MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: In November 2018, a barge owned by Intracoastal Marine, Inc., hit the Pungo Ferry Bridge fender, which damaged the northeast portion of the timber pile fender system of Pier 29. An inspection was performed. The inspection concluded that the fender system protected the bridge, and there was no structural damage to the bridge itself. The fender system did require repairs, totaling $528,172.50 for inspections, design, and construction. On February 20, 2020, the Risk Management Division of the Finance Department received an insurance payment from the company that damaged the bridge fender for the full amount of $528,172.50. The inspection and repair work were paid for with available appropriations from CIP #2-022 "Major Bridge Rehabilitation II". The Department of Public Works requests the full amount of the reimbursement be appropriated to CIP #2-022 to reimburse the project for this unanticipated expenditure. • Considerations: CIP #2-022 "Major Bridge Rehabilitation II" supports bridge maintenance on the 58 bridges within the City. This funding was used to make repairs following the collision to the fender system. Without appropriating the insurance payment, the project will not be reimbursed for the unanticipated expenditures. • Public Information: Normal City Council agenda process. • Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Public Works /vac City Manager: f / 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE INSURANCE 2 PROCEEDS TO CIP #2-022, "MAJOR BRIDGE 3 REHABILITATION II" 4 5 WHEREAS, the City received insurance proceeds resulting from a barge 6 damaging Pungo Ferry Bridge. 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 9 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, THAT: 10 11 $528,172.50 in insurance proceeds are hereby appropriated to CIP#2-022 "Major 12 Bridge Rehabilitation II" for reimbursement of expenses incurred due to damage to the 13 Pungo Ferry Bridge fender. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ti Budget nd Management Services City Aft r ey's Office CA15001 R-1 February 18, 2020 Hu�y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH IIIIN AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate a Donation from Families Forward Virginia for the Healthy Families Program MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: On December 16, 2019, Families Forward Virginia donated $1,000 to the Virginia Beach Public Health Department's Healthy Families Program for the purchase of 100 welcome resource bags. The bags will be given to new families at parent survey visits. The welcome bags include Healthy Families Program items with contact information, resource guides, educational information, and essential items for families. • Considerations: The Healthy Families Program is low on supplies of welcome bags. This donation will provide the funding needed to replenish the supply of bags. • Public Information: Normal Council agenda process. • Recommendation: Adopt the attached ordinance. • Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Virginia Beach Public Health Departmente6 City Manager:I�(AL. 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE A 2 DONATION FROM FAMILIES FORWARD VIRGINIA FOR 3 THE HEALTHY FAMILIES PROGRAM 4 5 WHEREAS, Families Forward Virginia has made a $1,000 donation to support the 6 Virginia Beach Public Health Department's Healthy Families Program; 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 9 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 10 11 That $1,000 is hereby accepted from Families Forward Virginia and appropriated, 12 with estimated revenue increased accordingly, to the FY 2019-20 Operating Budget of 13 the Virginia Beach Public Health Department for the purchase of welcome resource bags 14 to participants in the Healthy Families Program. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of 2020. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 614 ( --- Budge and Mana ement Services City or ey's ffice CA15002 R-1 February 19, 2020 ,�•`get MiM CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Transfer Funding from CIP #8-402, "Replacement for the Rudee Inlet Dredge," to CIP #3-122, "Police Department Helicopter," and to Appropriate $ 549,636 in Fund Balance of the DEA Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund to CIP #3-122 MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 • Background: The Department of Public Works Fleet Management requests $4,078,031 from CIP #8-402, "Replacement for Rudee Inlet Dredge," be transferred to CIP #3-122, "Police Department Helicopter." This transfer will enable Fleet Management to purchase a replacement to the 1989 Bell 206 helicopter during the current fiscal year. The replacement dredge and replacement helicopter projects were both partially funded within FY 2019-20 and were originally expected to be fully funded with the adoption of the FY 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program. Fully funding the helicopter project within the current fiscal year will allow the city to receive discounts from the manufacturer. The discounts provided and the negotiated price are displayed below: Amount Originally Quoted Helicopter Price $5,152,153 Discount- Mission Equipment ($300,000) Discount- Pilot and Mechanic Training ($58,575) Negotiated Helicopter Price Total $4,793,578 Of the $4,793,578 total need, the existing CIP project #3-122 "Police Department Helicopter" has $165,911 in available funding. The remaining need will be funded through a transfer of $4,078,031 from CIP # 8-402 "Replacement for the Rudee Inlet Dredge" and the appropriation of$549,636 in fund balance from the Police Federal and State Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund. Source Amount Existing funds from CIP #3-122 $165,911 Transfer from CIP#8-402 $4,078,031 Appropriate DEA Funds $549,636 Total $4,793,578 The $4,078,031 transferred from CIP # 8-402 "Replacement for the Rudee Inlet Dredge" will be programmed within the City Manager's Proposed FY 2020-21 — FY 2025-26 CIP to fully fund the project. • Considerations: After the 1989 Bell 206 is sold, the City will have replaced both of their original aircraft with newer, smaller, more cost-effective models. The 1989 Bell 206 is a 31-year old aircraft, and the model is no longer in production. Due to its age, replacement parts are becoming obsolete and are increasingly more difficult and costly to obtain. If approved, the City can complete the purchase of the helicopter and receive the savings offered by the manufacturer. The replacement dredge was contingent upon funding in the FY 2020-21 Capital Budget, so there is no delay in that project by authorizing this transfer. • Public Information: Normal City Council agenda process. ■ Recommendations: Adopt attached ordinance • Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Public Works City Manager: A(-'' 1 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDING FROM CIP 2 #8-402, "REPLACEMENT FOR THE RUDEE INLET 3 DREDGE," TO CIP #3-122, "POLICE DEPARTMENT 4 HELICOPTER," AND TO APPROPRIATE $ 549,636 IN 5 FUND BALANCE OF THE DEA SEIZED ASSETS 6 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TO CIP #3-122 7 8 WHEREAS, the Fleet Management Division of the Department of Public Works has 9 the opportunity to complete the early acquisition of a helicopter for the Police Department, 10 which will replace a 1989 Bell 206 helicopter, by moving funds between capital projects 11 and appropriating fund balance from the DEA Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund; 12 13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 14 VIRGINIA, THAT: 15 16 1. $4,078,031 is hereby transferred from CIP#8-402, "Replacement for the Rudee 17 Inlet Dredge," to CIP #3-122, "Police Department Helicopter." 18 19 2. $549,636 in fund balance of the DEA Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund is 20 hereby appropriated to CIP #3-122, "Police Department Helicopter," with 21 revenues estimated accordingly. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2020. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Al gib. Budg:;t and Management Services s Office CA14998 R-2 February 25, 2020 L. PLANNING 1. PRINCESS ANNE/WITCHDUCK ASSOCIATES 1,LLC C/O ROBINSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP for a Conditional Use Permit re eating and drinking establishment with drive-through window at 5161 Princess Anne Road DISTRICT 2— KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The regular meeting of the City County of the City of Virginia Beach will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building, Municipal Center,Virginia Beech,Virginia, on Tuesday, Mahn 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at which time the following application all be heard: Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LC c/o Robinson Development Group (Applicant) City of VirOnla Beech [Owner] Conditional Use Permit (Eating and Drinking Establishment)5161 Princess Anne Road(GPIN 1466783845)COl1NCIL DISTRICT-KEMP8VM 1 Also, City Council will take PubNc Comment on the following: City Of Virginia Beach-an Ordinance to Adopt and Incorporate Into the Virginia Beech Comprehensive Plan the Virginia Beach Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2030%Mach will supersede the Vrginis Beech Resort Area Strategic Action Plan 2008 and to Amend Sections ii (Planning Areas Planned Land Use Map),L2 (Urban Areas)Strategic Growth Area locator Map,and teat pertaining to the Resort Strategic Growth Area All interested panties are invited to attend. Amanda Barnes,MMC City Clerk Copies of the proposed ordinances, resolutions and amendments are on file and may be examined in the Department of Planning or online at htto.//www.vbizov.com/oc For information call 3854621 if you are physically dlablsd or vlauely impaired and need assistance at this meeting. please call the CRY CLERKS OFFICE at385- 430It Hearing impaired can 711 (Virginia Relay -Telephone Device for the Deaf) BEACON:FEBRUARY 16&23,2020 -VINE EACH ta, 1 B-2 , i li, 4 i , .,,, ,„ , __ __ _ _ , , 4 i /----J- 4411L__ ____ 1 I --1 - i i f,,. i , ,,, 'ft ' t B-4KY w I / w _� ,ay r 1, _ ' , �—.., i-- ' _ , ) .1‘, „ , ,.___, „ , , 1.-- um= nu , i / if : -4 • ' ii 1 i 1 / if/ / , , ____) / I I!! -2 B-4/1(/ / „i ) , OB/-2/\ IRL rbi , ,„ ,, , „ r .,,,,, ..., _, E N--„,, - .,,. , ' / ,.... --,... ---,:,_,, .. / $,Eli iL - „ „ / ,....N.,,, - t, ii , /. 4/t,1 / / / ,,,, , B-4K S � ` -,,,.„:-.,,,, k----___, A's / on �, - 1/ oa :1213‘---72::' B-4K --a_B-4K _ -- �-Legend = Site Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1 , LLC c/o i zoning Robinson Development Group 5161 Princess Anne Road Feet ,, Oh r Parking Lot Drive Aisle C. 2 50 100 150 200 NW um Building s CS hh`L CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: PRINCESS ANNE/WITCHDUCK ASSOCIATES 1, LLC C/O ROBINSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP [Applicant] CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH [Property Owner] Conditional Use Permit (Eating and Drinking Establishment with Drive-Through Window) for the property located at 5161 Princess Anne Road (GPIN 1466783845). COUNCIL DISTRICT— KEMPSVILLE MEETING DATE: March 3, 2020 ■ Background: For a number of years, the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development has marketed the 2.80-acre, City-owned property located at the northwest corner of the Princess Anne Road and S. Witchduck Road intersection. Located in Historic Kempsville, the property is zoned B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed Use. The applicant has submitted a request for redevelopment of the entire parcel with a commercial center that includes a restaurant with a drive-through. The center can be constructed as a matter of right in the B-4K District; however, a drive-through for a restaurant requires a Conditional Use Permit. The center will contain approximately 15,000 square feet of retail and 4,000 square feet of restaurant use in three free-standing buildings oriented around an 82-space parking lot. The drive-through is proposed in the southeast corner of the property adjacent to the intersection. The drive-through lane will have a queuing capacity of 11 vehicles which meets City standards. Category I landscaping will be planted between the drive-through and the adjacent right-of-way. The proposed architecture of the buildings includes the use of brick, horizontal siding, divided windows, and a neutral color palate. The B-4K District requires a maximum building setback of 20 feet from the right-of-way. The applicant has requested a deviation to this requirement for all three buildings in order to better accommodate the drive-through lane, provide stormwater management, and mitigate existing underground contamination on the property. • Considerations: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area of the City as the Historic Kempsville Area Suburban Focus Area (SFA). The Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan provides guidance for development in the area and calls for a mix of uses within a walkable development pattern that respects the historical context and historic structures in the area. Although mixed uses that include residential would be ideal at this location, the existing underground contamination makes residential development difficult. The proposed redevelopment has support from the Historic Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC do Robinson Development Group Page 2 of 3 Kempsville Citizens Advisory Committee(CAC)and the site design is based in part on meetings with the CAC. There is no known opposition to the request. Further details pertaining to the application, as well as Staffs evaluation, are provided in the attached Staff report. The Planning Commission supports the application including the building setback deviations. The Commission also recognizes the applicant's willingness to make further modifications to the site design and building architecture to improve pedestrian connectivity, landscape screening, and conformance with the architectural guidelines of the Historic Kempsville Master Plan. Conditions two and four are modified by the Planning Commission, as noted below by underlined text, to provide more specificity regarding the maximum setbacks allowed as well as utilization of the drive-through speakers. • Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion to recommend approval of this request by a vote of 8-0. 1. When the property is developed, it shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted exhibit entitled, "ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN," prepared by Kimley Horn, dated 11/08/19. Said Plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning & Community Development. 2. The maximum deviation setbacks for the proposed buildings shall be as follows: with4he rested deviation, 5,300 sf building 30 feet from Princess Anne Road 30 feet from S. Witchduck Road 9,800 sf building 190 feet from Princess Anne Road 190 feet from S. Witchduck Road 170 feet from Singleton Way 3,800 sf building 35 feet from S. Witchduck Road 30 feet from Singleton Way 3. At the time of site plan review, a Landscape Plan that reflects Category I landscape buffer between the drive-through lane and the rights-of-way, in addition to all plant material required by the City Zoning and Site Plan Ordinances, shall be submitted for review to the Development Services Center and shall obtain an approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. • Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC do Robinson Development Group Page 3 of 3 4. The drive-through facility shall not utilize exterior speakers that are audible at the from any property line adjacent to residential uses. 5. The drive-through facility shall be located on the same parcel as the structure within which the principal use for the drive-through is located. 6. The drive-through shall not operate between the hours of 12:00 midnight—5:00 a.m. 7. The drive-through facility shall be restricted to one lane. 8. There shall be no signs for the drive-through facility on the building or site, with the exception of directional signs not visible from the public rights-of-way. Such signs shall not be internally illuminated. 9. An overhead canopy for the drive-through facility shall be allowed, except that such canopy shall not project more than four (4) feet from the wall of the building above the drive-through window and shall not exceed the width of the drive-through window by more than one (1) foot on each side. In no case, however, shall a drive-through facility have an overhead canopy that extends to cover the total length of the drive-through lane. 10. The architectural design shall conform to the purpose and intent of the Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan. ■ Attachments: Staff Report and Disclosure Statements Location Map Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Recommended Action: Staff recommends Approval. Planning Commission recommends Approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department 97 City Manager: ict NBApplicant Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item c/o Robinson Development Group Owner City of Virginia Beach 4 Public Hearing February 12, 2020 Virginia Beach City Council Election District Kempsville Request Conditional Use Permit (Eating and Drinking Establishment with Drive-Through Window) I Staff Recommendationikc 4 Approval Staff Planner — Wil � Bill Landfair ` 47 • Location 41*5161 Princess Anne Road `GPIN . \d 1466783845 VI '� Site Size • ir 2.80 acres AICUZ r Less than65dBDNL . ..``• Watershed -�ti `"" Chesapeake Bay Existing Land Use and Zoning District Parking Lot/ B-4K Historic Kempsville Area •• Mixed Use r Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning Districts _ North ti Singleton Way • r f// 4, Automobile Repair Garage / B-2 Community Business y F r South Princess Anne Road .► Multi-family Dwellings/ B-4K Historic _�, Kempsville Area Mixed Use East ,� , S. Witchduck Road r' f Vacant/ B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed ` " Use, B-2 Community Business West Church/ B-2 Community Business, 0-2 Office Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 1 Background and Summary of Proposal • The 2.80-acre City-owned property is located in Historic Kempsville in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Princess Anne Road and S.Witchduck Road. The property also has frontage on Singleton Way to the north. For a number of years,the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development has been marketing the site without success. In 2014, City Council amended the B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed Use District to permit drive- throughs associated with a pharmacy in an effort to spur redevelopment in the area. Following that, an application for a Walgreen's Drug Store with a drive-through was granted on this property; however,that proposal never came to fruition. A amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to further expand the uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the B-4K District was recently approved on January 21,2020 to include a drive-through for a restaurant use. Based on this,the applicant submitted a request for the redevelopment of this entire parcel that includes a restaurant with a drive-through. • The site is currently vacant except for a parking lot which previously served commercial uses on the property which have since been demolished. • A commercial center is proposed for the property, containing approximately 15,000 square feet of retail and 4,000 square feet of restaurant use in three free-standing buildings oriented around a central 82-space parking lot. This can all be constructed as a matter of right in the B-4K District.The applicant, however, proposes to install a drive- through associated with a restaurant,which requires a Conditional Use Permit. • The submitted illustrative site layout depicts the drive-through lane in the southeast corner of the property adjacent to the intersection of Princess Anne Road and S.Witchduck Road. The drive-through lane will have a queuing capacity of 11 vehicles which meets City standards for drive-through stacking. • Vehicular access, limited to right-in/right-out turning movements, is proposed from Singleton Way and Princess Anne Road. • The concept plan depicts Category I landscaping which includes a row of evergreen shrubs of a species that reaches a height of eight to ten feet at maturity, between the drive-through lane and the adjacent right-of-way. The intent is to provide dense landscaping to visually and physically separate the cars in the drive-through from pedestrians using the sidewalk and vehicles on the roadways. Additional plant material is proposed along the building foundation and within the parking lot, as required. A landscape plan depicting all proposed and required plant material will be submitted to the Development Services Center during the final site plan review. Review and approval of the landscape plan will occur prior to the issuance of a building permit. • The B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed Use District permits a maximum building setback of 20 feet from the street. The applicant has requested a deviation from this requirement for all three buildings proposed on the property. According to the applicant,the building locations were agreed to in meetings held with the Historic Kempsville Citizens Advisory Committee and are required due to the conflict of the underground stormwater management facilities and location of underground contamination.The applicant will obtain all necessary state and federal approvals to protect the site and adjacent sites from the underground contamination Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 2 " —' Zoning History -�o-- a # Request `v"� 1 STC(Street Closure)Approved 04/22/2014 - w `tg \ 2 REZ(B-2 Community Business to B-4K Historic Kempsville /, Area Mixed Use)Approved 08/27/2013 3 REZ(R-7 5 Residential,0-2 Office,and B-1A Limited 0-2 � Community Business to B-4K Historic Kempsville Area _ a I/tMixed Use)Approved 04/10/2012 ks*.‘ 4 REZ(R-10 Residential, B-2 Community Business,0-2 o-z \ 2 Office, R-5D Residential,and AG-1 Agricultural to B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed Use District)Approved 06/21/2016 5 CUP(Church Expansion for Pre-School)Approved B-4K Am,.Reed 01/11/2000 nui P 8-dK 6 CUP(Church)Approved 12/11/2001 Application Types MOD — Modification of Conditions or CUP—Conditional Use Permit Proffers FVR—Floodplain Variance LUP—Land Use Plan REZ—Rezoning NON—Nonconforming Use ALT—Alternative Compliance STR—Short Term Rental CRZ—Conditional Rezoning STC—Street Closure SVR—Subdivision Variance Evaluation and Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through in conjunction with a restaurant on the subject property. This property was originally purchased with state funds for the Princess Anne Road realignment project. Since the completion of the project,the remaining property not needed for the right-of-way improvements has been marketed by the Department of Economic Development. Knowing that market conditions have shifted,City Council's recent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow a drive-through for a restaurant use resulted in this application. It is the hope that the proposed redevelopment of this site,that includes a restaurant with a drive-through, help facilitate the redevelopment of other properties in the vicinity. Although mixed uses that include residential would be ideal at this location,the existing underground contamination makes residential development problematic.The applicant has agreed through the purchase process to accept full liability associated with the existing environmental challenges of the site, and to compliance with all state and federal requirements to remediate the contamination. The Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan provides guidance for development within the area and calls for a mix of uses within a walkable development pattern that appropriately respects the historical context and historic structures in the area. The Master Plan also provides architectural guidelines for new buildings in the District. These guidelines recognize that well-designed buildings that respect the scale and character of the area's remaining historic buildings can have a modern architectural vernacular and still be successful projects in the District. Exterior wall materials that reflect the District's traditional architectural heritage are encouraged and include brick and horizontal wood siding. Synthetic siding that resembles horizontal wood siding(i.e. Hardiplank) is acceptable for new buildings. Based on the submitted architectural concept, both brick and synthetic horizontal siding are proposed, with the heavier material (brick) below the lighter material (wood), as recommended in the guidelines. It would appear that stucco or drivit is intended on some wall panels to break up the building massing which is not acceptable. The color palatte appears neutral and/or earth tone based which is consistent with the guidelines. Windows appear to be divided which is recommended, however,window muntins must be true-divided or simulated true divided aluminum or vinyl-clad. The proposed awnings must be made of canvas or similar fabric and have side panels.According to the applicant,the proposal is based upon meetings with the Historic Kempsville Citizens Advisory Committee,who concurs that the drive-through for this Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 3 development would be a good idea provided that the queuing cars can be properly screened.The applicant has indicated a willingness to make modifications to the design and will present those to the Citizen Advisory Committee in the near future.A condition is recommended that the buildings' architectural design and materials be consistent with the intent of the guidelines.A more detailed review of the materials and compliance with the Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan will occur during the site plan review process. As shown on the illlustrative site layout,Category I plant material,which includes a row of evergreen shrubs,will be installed between the building and the right-of-way to effectively screen the drive-though. The conceptual design for the proposed drive-through meets City standards for drive-through stacking,which requires a minimum stacking of 10 vehicles at 22 feet per vehicle,or 220 feet as measured from the pickup window. The drive-through lane will have a queuing capacity of 11 vehicles and will measure 240 feet from the pickup window. The B-4K Historic Kempsville Area Mixed Use District permits a maximum building setback of 20 feet from the street.The applicant has requested a deviation from this requirement for all three buildings proposed on the property. According to the applicant,the building locations were agreed to in meetings with the Historic Kempsville Citizens Advisory Committee. As shown on the Illustrative Site Plan,the setback of the proposed building adjacent to the drive-through will vary between 26.61 feet and 29.24 feet which is the minimum necessary to accommodate the drive-through and required Category I landscaping. As proposed, the development will satisfy access standards and vehicular circulation appears adequate. No increase in average daily vehicular trips over what can be developed by-right is anticipated, as a drive-through associated with a restaurant is accounted for in a typical commercial development. Based on the above,Staff recommends approval subject to the conditions below. Recommended Conditions 1. When the property is developed, it shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted exhibit entitled, "ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN," prepared by Kimley Horn,dated 11/08/19. Said Plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning&Community Development. 2. The maximum deviation setbacks for the proposed buildings shall be as follows: with-the-requested deviation. 5,300 sf building 30 feet from Princess Anne Road 30 feet from S.Witchduck Road 9,800 sf building 190 feet from Princess Anne Road 190 feet from S. Witchduck Road 170 feet from Singleton Way 3,800 sf building 35 feet from S.Witchduck Road 30 feet from Singleton Way 3. At the time of site plan review,a Landscape Plan that reflects Category I landscape buffer between the drive- through lane and the rights-of-way, in addition to all plant material required by the City Zoning and Site Plan Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 4 Ordinances, shall be submitted for review to the Development Services Center and shall obtain an approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. The drive-through facility shall not utilize exterior speakers that are audible ate from any property line adjacent to residental uses. 5. The drive-through facility shall be located on the same parcel as the structure within which the principal use for the drive-through is located. 6. The drive-through shall not operate between the hours of 12:00 midnight—5:00 a.m. 7. The drive-through facility shall be restricted to one lane. 8. There shall be no signs for the drive-through facility on the building or site,with the exception of directional signs not visible from the public rights-of-way. Such signs shall not be internally illuminated. 9. An overhead canopy for the drive-through facility shall be allowed,except that such canopy shall not project more than four(4)feet from the wall of the building above the drive-through window and shall not exceed the width of the drive-through window by more than one(1)foot on each side. In no case, however, shall a drive-through facility have an overhead canopy that extends to cover the total length of the drive-through lane. 10. The architectural design shall conform to the purpose and intent of the Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan. Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards.Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards.All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning/Development Services Center and Department of Planning/Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any approvals allowed by this application are valid. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. Comprehensive Plan Recommendations The Comprehensive Plan designates this area of the City as the Historic Kempsville Area Suburban Focus Area (SFA). The Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan was adopted in 2006.The Plan provides guidance for development within the area called Historic Kempsville located at the intersection of Princess Anne Road and S.Witchduck Road/Kempsville Road.The Plan calls for a mix of uses within a walkable development pattern that appropriately respects the historical context and historic structures of the area.An amendment to the B4-K District to add drive-through facilities for pharmacies was adopted in 2014 to address market conditions in the area. An amendment to expand the uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the B4-K District to include a drive-through for a restaurant use was approved by the City Council on January 21, 2020. Natural and Cultural Resources Impacts The site is located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. There does not appear to be any significant natural or cultural resources associated with the site. Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 5 Traffic Impacts Street Name Present Volume Present Capacity Generated Traffic Princess Anne Road 29,500 ADT1 32,700 ADT 1(LOS 3"D") Existing Land Use Z—0 ADT Existing Zoning 2-1,950 ADT S.Witchduck Road 33,530 ADT' 55,500 ADT 1(LOS 3"D") Proposed Land Use —No Change Anticipated 1Average Daily Trips z as defined by a 2 8 acres of B-4 3 LOS=Level of Service zoning Master Transportation Plan (MTP) and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Princess Anne Road in the vicinity of this application is classified as a four-lane minor urban arterial. There are currently no CIP projects scheduled for this section of Princess Anne Road. S.Witchduck Road in the vicinity of this application is classified as a six-lane major urban arterial There are currently no CIP projects scheduled for this section of Witchduck Road. Public Utility Impacts Water The site must connect to City water. There is an existing eight-inch water service line extended to the site and plugged at the southeastern corner of the property that can be used to serve the proposed development. There is an existing 16-inch City water transmission main along S.Witchduck Road; and an existing 12-inch City water main along Singleton Way; and an existing 30-inch raw water main along S. Witchduck Road and Singleton Way. Sewer The site must connect to City sewer. There is an existing eight-inch sewer service line extended to the site with a manhole located at the southeastern corner of the property that can be used to serve the proposed development. There is an existing 16-inch City sanitary sewer gravity main along S. Witchduck Road; an existing 24-inch HRSD force main along S.Witchduck Road; and an existing 12-inch City sanitary sewer gravity main along Singleton Way. Public Outreach Information Planning Commission • The applicant has met several times with the Historic Kempsville Citizens Advisory Committee to discuss the details of the request. According to the applicant,the Committee is in support of a drive-through in conjunction with a restaurant at this location, as well as the proposed deviation from the maximum allowed setback from the street. • As required by the Zoning Ordinance,the public notice sign(s)was placed on the property on January 13,2020. • As required by State Code,this item was advertised in the Virginia Pilot Beacon on Sundays,January 26,2020 and February 2, 2020. • As required by City Code,the adjacent property owners were notified regarding the request and the date of the Planning Commission public hearing on January 27, 2020. Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 6 • This Staff report,as well as all reports for this Planning Commission's meeting,was posted on the Commission's webpage of www.vbgov.com/pc on February 6, 2020. City Council • As required by City Code,this item was advertised in the Virginia Pilot Beacon on Sundays, February 16, 2020 and February 23,2020. • As required by City Code,the adjacent property owners were notified regarding both the request and the date of the City Council's public hearing on February 17,2020. • The City Clerk's Office posted the materials associated with the application on the City Council website of https://www.vbgov.com/government/departments/city-clerk/city-council/Documents/BookmarkedAgenda.pdf on February 28,2020. Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 7 Proposed Site Layout WA Y4. 7tq s! e .44 El: i vr, :WI i "II "1!FI: ;I •1'441 ill r. §. 9. i Cb O. t s *1- iii 3 - 1 !I,I•ti i g o ' 5 - lligi, 4 r • 1 3 vIrtzl qi 0 li 0 0 .....,„ -.4,'4C to -5 5 1 1 • i 1 ,iq , V? . ,N7•.. 7 ! i;f! 7 1560101 Pi I- - ;?... f : i E g i tv10 i - iti-= , ;, /i• i il i ! 4.1751 1 iii2 "itilt ! L.."; 0 g < 7 CC V; • , .*-,,,,,, - ',7.'--` -.'", • AMR ' .0011111111.101114 "' *-""""`".......' " ki.ii 4lat'S r - 1 - i , . 1r { > 4 -eT-, li.,,., .t , = . 4r , 74Iiii" ()110,410,. lob e''' ' ' t= 7 r I ,„ •••".." •.> - . U---- ' - - II 14 8 0 I i + --___ *4 6,,, i ir 4 ..i._. I 1 - "-- 1 ____ , - ' or -- em • •, ' am ..• p., _- 1, . ___. i ;s 1/ i * * ;. ' •-•,, , 1 'IF — . 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" SIR.,` s 44. m f" ` . t Vs.. intiL „ IItIWItl i el i i 0 i,: r €nu _ , / t_ ' Willi•lire r fifioo 41 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 9 • Site Photos Ili!' tpr � ?j,�` ^yam .x}'��, i \ F. iz ' �r-ems rZ �zY'" +.� ��.�.rr��L ..., ' w..,,.--«,a - ...:r .._ ��-��+.ram+.�.�+w„+..w,a. . —. �. H , r : i : 1�,, r.r P Vie. r ` c , i .4 t - Z'A.,,,, \. ipi..!•,' .,..... ,•—t ,. r - , • me ss „ay_ e '!"" -=ems." .n.R�,. r• Princess Anne/Witchduck As , Agendasociates Item1 4LLC Page 10 Site Photos V' : - .4 ,4uliiiiI;..._ ' '' ;.11%.40/4 ' ;".47`: 4:ett 4 ,,, s -\,,,v; . .-,_ 4 ''' '-';#, -WW. 'i 10,40. I'1',.1 .., 1 ;gyp" ,* . 't` \\ + a a a• 3 -A � _ .� -4'i - — ter ilk ., ,J • ' . a - Pjg ',./t7'4-0:4*r- ___ ` a # 11 <w • .fir.=. .. Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 11 Disclosure Statement \113 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates ;a1 APPLICANT'S NAME DISCLOSURE STATE MENT FOR M The completion and submission of this form is required for all applications that pertain to City real estate matters or to the development and/or use of property in the City of Virginia Beach requiring action by the City Council or a board, commission, or other body appointed by the City Council. Such applications and matters include, but are not limited to,the following: Acquisition of Property Disposition of City [Modification of by City Property Conditions or Proffers Alternative Economic Development Nonconforming Use Compliance,Special Investment Program Exce ption for (EDIP) Changes Board of Zoning Encroachment Request Rezoning Appeals Certificate of Floodplain Variance Appropriateness Street Closure (Historic Review Board) Franchise Agreement Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Lease of City Property Subdivision Variance Board Conditional Use Permit License Agreement Wetlands Board The disclosures contained in this form are necessary to inform public officials who may vote on the application as to whether they have a conflict of interest under Virginia law. i SECTION 1 / APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FOR CITY USE ONLY/All disclosures must be updated two(2)weeks prior to any T Page 1 of 7 Plannin Commission and Cit Council meetin that ertains to the a„lication(s). APPLICANT NOTIFIED OF HEARING DATE: e/ NO CHANGES AS OF DATE: 7124sn(,J W.L.A,N,DFNAt2 REVISIONS SUBMITTED DATE: Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 12 Disclosure Statement AB 'Virginia Beaci Check here if the APPLICANT IS NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business,or other unincorporated organization. NCheck here if the APPLICANT IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. (A) List the Applicant's name: Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC If an LLC, list all member's names: Chris Sanders If a CORPORATION, list the the names of all officers, directors, members, trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Applicant: (Attach list if necessary) See next page for information pertaining to footnotes' and 2 SECTION 2 / PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete Section 2 only if property owner is different from Applicant. Z Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS NOT a corporation, partnership,firm, business,or other unincorporated organization. El Check here if the PROPERTY OWNER IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business,or other unincorporated organization, AND THEN complete the following. (A) List the Property Owner's name: If an LLC, list the member's names: Page 2 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 13 Disclosure Statement Virginia Beach If a Corporation, list the names ofall officers, directors, members,trustees, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) (B) List the businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity 2 relationship with the Property Owner: (Attach list if necessary) 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means °a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act,Va. Code§2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entityrelationship" means "a relationship, other than p, parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership Interest in the other business entity, (ii)a controlling owner In one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity,or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities;there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va.Code§ 2.2-3101 SECTION 3. SERVICES DISCLOSURE Are any of the following services being provided in connection with the subject of the application or any business operating or to be ou_arated on the Proper. If the answer to any item is YES, please identify the firm or individual providing the service: IF THE OWNER AND APPLICANT ARE DIFFERENT, EACH MUST COMPLETE THE SECTION SEPERATELY Page 3 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 14 Disclosure Statement 1/13 APPLICANT Virginia Beach YES NO r SERVICE PROVIDER(use additional sheets if 1 needed) Accounting and/or preparer of your tax return X Architect/Landscape Architect/ Land Planner Contract Purchaser(if other than 11 T the Applicant)-identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed ❑ purchaser of the subject property �1 (identify purchaser(s)and purchaser's service providers) nConstruction Contractors I/\1 j Engineers/Surveyors/Agents Kimley Home Financing(include current ❑ mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) nN Legal Services Real Estate Brokers/ Parker-Burnell ElAgents/Realtors for current and anticipated future sales of the subject ro ert p... • SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have n an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes,what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? The current land owner of the subject property is the City of Virginia Beach. Page 4 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 15 Disclosure Statement Virginia Beach !CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete,true, and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee in connection with this Application. aJs C /2-(4e APPUCA S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DATE Page 5 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 16 Disclosure Statement 1/13 OWNER Virginia Beach YES NO SERVICE PROVIDER(use additional sheets if needed) n X Accounting and/or preparer of your tax return Architect/Landscape Architect/ Land Planner Contract Purchaser(if other than the Applicant)-identify purchaser and purchaser's service providers Any other pending or proposed (�1 /-1 purchaser of the subject property I I � , (identify purchaser(s)and purchaser's service providers) XConstruction Contractors Engineers/Surveyors/Agents Kimley-Horn and Associates Financing (include current ❑ x mortgage holders and lenders selected or being considered to provide financing for acquisition or construction of the property) n © Legal Services Real Estate Brokers / n Fr Agents/Realtors for current and l I anticipated future sales of the subject ro ert SECTION 4. KNOWN INTEREST BY PUBLIC OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE YES NO Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have 111 an interest in the subject land or any proposed development contingent on the subject public action? If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and what is the nature of the interest? The current land owner of the subject property is the City of Virginia Beach. Page 6 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 17 Disclosure Statement Virginia Beach CERTIFICATION: I certify that all of the information contained in this Disclosure Statement Form is complete,true,and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for updating the information provided herein two weeks prior to the Planning Commission, Council, VBDA meeting, or meeting of any public body or committee In connection with this Applkatin . G.% — 104.1-44 ij 0114.14i45 , • Weir? PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATUR PRINT NAME DATE Page 7 of 7 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 18 Next Steps • Upon receiving a recommendation from Planning Commission,this request will be scheduled for a City Council public hearing. Staff will inform the applicant and/or their representative of the date of the hearing in the upcoming days. • Following City Council's decision,the applicant will receive a decision letter from Staff. • Once the conditions of approval are in place and/or completed,the applicant must contact the Zoning Division of the Planning Department to obtain verification that the conditions have been met. Contact the Zoning Division at 757-385-8074. • If the request requires land disturbance and/or a subdivision of property, please contact the Development Services Center(DSC)to discuss next steps for site plan/plat review. Contact the DSC at 757-385-4621 or the Development Liaison Team at 757-385-8610. • Please note that further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards.Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards.All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning/Development Services Center and Department of Planning/ Permits and Inspections Division,and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy,are required before any approvals allowed by this application are valid. • The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC Agenda Item 4 Page 19 Item#4 Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1,LC do Robinson Development Group Conditional Use Permit(Eating and Drinking Establishment) , 5161 Princess Anne Road February 12,2020 RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Ms. Smith: Our next item is agenda item number four,Princess Anne/Witchduck Associates 1, LLC. Mr. Barnes: I gotta go. Mr. Tajan: I'm sorry,just to know for the record Mr. Barnes is leaving the meeting. Ms. Oliver: Thank you. Ms. Sandloop:Item number four is an application for a conditional use permit for an eating and drinking establishment on property located at 5161 Princess Anne Road located in the Kempsville District. Will the applicant or the applicant's representative please step to the podium? Ms. Oliver: Good afternoon. Mr. Royal: Good afternoon. For the record, I am Randy Royal with Kimley Horn Associates representing Robinson Development on this application. Council recently approved this drive-through as a conditional use in the B-4K zoning. This is a piece of property that the city has owned for 10 years when that intersection was relocated at Princess Anne and Witchduck. This was a residual piece of property that Economic Development has been trying to find the right use,the right developer to make something happen. They've had some failed attempts as you spoke to this morning with Walgreens which unfortunately stopped building right after they came in. But we believe we have the right use now. Staff spent a lot of time coming up with guidelines and standards for where the building should go, the architecture etc. The buildings and we got a slide of the site plan?There we go. The buildings were to be all upfront,but we've had some environmental concerns on the site,there was an old laundry on this site, and there is a plume. There it is. There's a plume right in this area, and it comes down this way to the site, cannot be removed. It's 50 feet, maybe deeper, that stuff is just nasty. The way you handle that is you cap it, we cannot put residential on this property. We cannot do water quality in the area close to the contamination that's why the building has moved back, I can't get the pointer,but the building can go on top of it because we can cap it. We can put the building in with a vapor barrier, it caps the pollutant. We can put a parking lot 1 up in that upper right corner and cap the pollutant. We're not having drainage in there other than pipes to go through. The water quality,we're going to have is going to be in the front field where we don't have a building now,that's one of the reasons for moving it there and my client has been working with the Citizens Advisory Committee for a year and a half on this to come up with this layout and this architecture, which we'll talk about that a little bit too. The architecture is very close. We've got the chairman of the Architecture Committee for the CAC, I think he's here and is going to speak today to you. There's a meeting tomorrow night to finalize it, but we're very, very close. Typically you don't have things completely done with the architecture, that's a picture there. I think they may tweak it a little bit. Again,working with the CAC and working with the Planning Department staff. It was mentioned this morning that the developer is quite anxious to get things done. He has some contracts already and we can speak to that also, but the original contracts require him to have buildings done by June. It's not going to happen at this point,but we're pushing to get it done as quickly as we can. He's trying to keep some of the tenants online to rent month by month where they are. Once we get through this, then he can give them a better idea of when we're going to commit. The tenant for this drive through, was mentioned in an open forum here,has sent a letter of intent. They've said that they will sign a lease as soon as he gets control of the property which has to happen and then there's a land sale involved with Economic Development. Language on the stipulations, staff mentioned this morning that they had changed a couple of them. We went back and forth with Mr. Landfair and appreciate his efforts, but the language on the setbacks that was clarified and we're fine with that and the language on the speakers not being adjacent residential,which we don't really have here, so we're fine with that. There were a couple others I'd like for you to consider if you can, related to no signage for the drive through on the building or the site and limiting the canopy size. In both cases, staff still has full control. We'll review this and decide what works and what doesn't. I was just, I want to maintain as much flexibility as possible for the architect, for the developer, and staff and the CAC are going to have their say as to what they like or don't like out there. Developers have to answer any questions specifically, if there are questions about the deal, we believe we've got a good project, staff has recommended approval, and we hope you'll see fit to recommend approval to city council. I'll stand by for questions. Ms. Oliver: Any other questions, Dave? Mr. Redmond:Tell me more about the environmental. You said it's clustered up in that upper right hand corner, Randy, you said, let me before you do, excuse me, why does the city acquire contaminated properties again? It's residual from the road projects. I 2 understand that but we have surveyors and presumably we test these things, we go ahead and buy properties that are contaminated with this nasty stuff. Mr. Tajan: Well, during the timeframe of when they were doing the Princess Anne Road realignment, as you know, during the painful decision of how to align Princess Anne Road, there were multiple locations chosen and how we ended up with the one we had, I believe that one of them was actually to go right through some of this contaminated area, but due to the inability to acquire certain properties that we shifted and pivoted where we were putting Princess Anne Road,I believe that's why this was acquired in that fashion, not just because we knew it was contaminated. Mr. Redmond:Yeah,just strikes me as odd that we like to go ahead and acquire problems. Mr. Weiner: Way back when I was probably in high school, there was actually a city building on this property, the tax offices, they're the ones at Kempsville Shopping Center now, I believe the city owned the property back then. If I'm not mistaken, the strip shop if I'm not mistaken, that could be wrong, but I don't know if anybody can tell me that information,but I believe the city owned the property back then,and owned the shop because the city's tax office was on that property. Mr. Redmond:I have a hard time believing we were a landlord for a drycleaner,but... Mr. Weiner: I don't remember,but somebody told me that way back years ago. Mr. Redmond:In any event,that was an aside,but we've got a problem that has to be resolved. So you said, the contamination is in that upper right hand corner, which building is sitting on top of capping the contamination? Mr. Royal: The worst of the contamination is up here. This building, this building is sitting on top of the contamination, this pointer is really bad. Can y'all see that? Ms. Oliver: No? Where? Mr. Redmond:Yeah, go for it. Mr. Royal: That's the area where the drainage, the underground drainage will go, where its farthest away. And then I failed to mention, but I mean, we've done a lot of work on behalf of the City, with the DEQ and we have a plan and part of that plan, as I said, is to cap it and well they've got stipulations on this, as on the city. And of course,the developer will go with it as to how the property can be developed. What has to be done to mitigate the impacts, and unfortunately,this is one of those things when it's the laundry, that stuff goes deep, it's nasty. You can't dig it out. It just goes forever. So you have to do things like capping it and have vapor barriers. 3 Mr. Redmond:Okay, and so this is all about a drive-through,right,that was largely for my benefit, just to understand the nature of the property there. It's all about the drive-through. So you can't tell me who the tenant is, I know who the tenant is. Walgreens isn't there,which tells me that we've gone through that process with Walgreens and they didn't have purchase contractor,they didn't have a lease, it might have had a signed letter of intent, but that doesn't get you anything, the only thing that gets you is a kind of promise. Mr. Royal: And I don't know the details on that deal. I wasn't involved with it. I do know that at about that time, and you and I both go to these shopping center conventions, Walgreens just didn't show up. They just kind of rolled out the doors and said we're stopping development. They weren't at their booth. They shut everything down. It's unfortunate,but that's what happened. There's no real guarantees,I mean,again, I'm avoiding saying the retailer's name here but it's a retailer we all know and love and they're big and they're not going away. And that's, again, you typically have a major anchor which is usually a big box of some type. This is not a big box, but it's kind of a major anchor that if you get, lots of people want to be around it. Mr. Redmond:Yeah, I understand that. And I think that's what I'm trying to do is figure out whether or not we're enhancing someone's site plan or there's really a development here that will be catalyzed by this because originally with Walgreens and a lot of other sites, we are just kind of enhancing someone's site plan and if that's the case, let's just say so, but I was looking for greater certainty than that, I'm not going to get it. I understand that and that doesn't mean I oppose it necessarily, either, but I think we have to start clarifying some of these instances where it looks like we're just kind of messing around on a map instead of, you know, you have a real development,that's my concern,you know, I wish I could have gotten more I don't know there can be lots and lots of times these developments get done because you got to get to 60% or 70% leased before you can get a loan, not letters of Intent. You've got to have signed leases which have contingencies very often on the developer actually acquiring the property. They don't do that when they sign one lease or two leases,they do that when they get a whole lot more,which means those earlier ones have to have contingencies in there for just that. So I think that's quite possible to be done. So I don't want to argue with you, I mean, I think on this very piece of property we've had concerns before, we just kind of mess around with something that's not really there and I was just trying to be sure that there's something here instead of just a bunch of sketches. Sketches are good but I prefer for it to be stronger than that. Ms. Oliver: Mr. Inman. Mr. Inman: No, I'm sorry, I was just. 4 Mr. Redmond:And I'm not necessarily going to,this doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to oppose it but I kind of like to really figure out what's here. Mr. Royal: Okay. Ms. Oliver: Mr. Wall. Mr. Wall: Okay, I understand it's a conditional use permit for eating and drinking establishment with a drive-through window so that's what this application is for. I got a couple of things though. Architecture, you mentioned that you have somebody here from the Citizens Advisory Committee. They can speak on that? Mr. Royal: Yes, sir. Mike Anderson. Mr. Wall: Can you bring the details, sure if that's appropnate. Yeah,he can come up. Mr. Royal: I will standby. Mr. Wall: Okay. All right. Specifically, so how does this? Ms. Oliver: Hold on, one second. Could you state your name? Mr. Anderson:Mike Anderson. Ms. Oliver: Mike Anderson. Thank you. Go ahead, Mr. Wall. Mr. Wall: Okay. So can you speak on how this meets or doesn't meet the intent because there is a plan that was established and it was back in 2006,the Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan and to kind of outline some of the architectural features that are in the back, you know, the group of people got together and they sat down, and they felt that these would be appropriate guidelines for architecture going in this area, and I think, you know, all four quadrants,particular, the Northwest quadrant, there are a couple, I've looked at it, and you can see the elevation views and the new kind of rendering there,just trying to get your thoughts on the architecture? Mr. Anderson:Well, I mean, you know, like you said, we've been doing it for a long time. I've been there for about 10-11 years now. You know, working with Walgreens, same scenario that we work with Robinson Development on this. You know,it's evolved over the past two years or so that we've been working Robinson. There are some changes that we would like to make, but it hasn't, we're working on that just like they said last night. I mean earlier that we'll be talking tomorrow night to finalize some of the changes that we've verbally discussed which will bring to it a more colonial look like we have anticipated and what the city onginally put in their proffers, you know, 2006. 5 Mr. Wall: Okay so how does, because one of the conditions and this isn't necessary for you and this may be more for the city because the condition in there, I think it's the last condition that the architecture and the site generally conform to the master plan for the Kempsville Area Master Plan. So, we approve it now, it looks like that. That's all they have to build to, you know, as part of our recommendation. So how does that? Mr. Royal: I don't think we're locking specifically into this architecture. I think, correct me if I'm wrong Bobby, but your comment there says that it's got to adhere to the standards, the guidelines that you've set up. We're not stamping this as approved. This is to give you an idea of how close we are,but ultimately, you guys are going to review and approve it, right? Mr. Tajan: Correct. That is correct. We have not attached this rendering as one of your conditions that they shall build this. Mr. Wall: All right. I appreciate the blend of,you know,modern vernacular architecture with the colonial New Georgian architecture, just that, there are specific things that it says that they recommend not to have and that's, a parapet, a flat roof Mr. Anderson:Well, that's where the pre-construction subcommittee oversees and works with the developers, works on all the items that we have issues with, votes on it, and then we bring it to the full CAC for approval and that's where we're still in that process where Robinson has been very good about working with us and the adjacent church, which is right beside the property, an intricate partner when we were working on the Walgreens. Mr. Wall: Okay. All right, I appreciate it. Thank you. Ms. Oliver: More questions? Thank you. Mr. Anderson:Okay, thanks. Mr. Wall: I still have a couple of more points. I have more but not necessary for, it's more for Mr. Royal. The sighting of the buildings, you've talked about the plume, you know, getting back to the master plan, I see the restaurant up there. There's Singleton Way, I believe the road on the back, and if I were looking into the plan, you know,I would think that the setbacks I think that it says 20 feet was the original intent. Mr. Royal: 20 ft was the max, it was the original intent for everything to be pushed up close. Mr. Wall: Up close nght, and it's understood that there are environmental constraints with the plume. But still there's a row of parking, ideally would have been near the side and 6 would have had frontage on Singleton Way and there's the restaurant there with the patio and I think that's going to look great right there. But I think there were other opportunities. There were other opportunities, you know,but I think that the intent was to have more of a pedestrian friendly lay out. Mr. Royal: And that's what we're intending to do again, we had to figure out a place to put the water quality and if we had done it with that middle building pushed up front there, we run right in the middle of the contaminant and DEQ is saying,you can't do that. We've got to meet our water quality concerns and this is a conceptual, I think staff is going to be pushing us to make it more pedestrian friendly. I was proposing,you know,a heavier landscaping,kind of hard to see with this two dimensional drawing here, but something because I know part of the idea is you don't want to see a parking lot, you don't want to see cars. And I've done that before with nice landscaping getting a little higher so you don't see the cars behind there, you see a green wall, if you will. So that would be the intent to make up for not having the building there. Mr. Wall: Right, at minimum, it seems like if it's supposed to be pedestrian friendly, you know, accessible to accommodate pedestrians that you have some kind of connectivity because you see the retail and you see the three businesses on the south with the drive-through and there's no pedestrian connection there. Mr. Royal: And I totally agree and I'm looking at it now and thinking there should be more shown on there. I'm highly confident Mr. Tajan and his staff will have us do that with the site plan but for example right there at the drive-through, there should be a break in the landscaping so somebody can walk across through there. You put striping,paver blocks,whatever,to connect these such as you can walk into the site as if people were walking from Kempsville. Now, it is a busy intersection. I'm not sure how much pedestrian traffic you're going to have crossing that intersection. It's kind of scary. Mr. Wall: Yeah. Mr. Royal: But still the idea would be to make it more pedestrian friendly as we're trying to do with all projects now. Mr. Wall: Okay. Good thanks. Ms. Oliver: Any more questions? Do we have any speakers or something? Ms. Sandloop:Our only speaker was Mr. Anderson. Ms. Oliver: Okay. All right. We'll close the hearing and open it up amongst the commissioners. Yes, Mr. Inman. 7 Mr. Inman: This project has been worked on for quite a long time by a lot of people. It seems that everybody's in good faith about what they're about and then we've heard good explanations I think,there are reasons why it's configured the way it is. Not exactly the way everybody would love to have it but being done responsibly, it seems that there is serious interest by tenants in the property. We're here to make a land use decision. Property has been on the market for some time without success. I don't see any reason not to approve it. So move to approve the application. Ms. Oliver: Anybody else? Mr. Weiner: I will second it. Ms. Smith: Excuse me, could you clarify that subject to the conditions that were amended in your packet? Mr. Weiner: Sorry, condition number two on the setback will be the building setback should read maximum not minimum and on condition number four the drive-through facility is not to utilize exterior speakers that they are audible from any property line adjacent to residential uses. Mr. Tajan: As specifically more noted in the packet. That's correct. Mr. Weiner: Yes. Do you want me to read all the setbacks? Mr. Tajan: Nope. As long as the motion references the amended conditions. Mr. Weiner: Maximum not minimum. Correct, okay. Ms. Sandloop:The vote is open. By recorded vote of 8-0, agenda item number four has been approved with conditions as amended. Okay, and our last item of business is agenda item number 27. Susan E. Markley, an application for conditional use permit short term rental on property located at 629 14th Street located in the Beach District. AYE 8 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 1 ALCARAZ AYE BARNES ABSENT GRAHAM AYE HORSLEY AYE INMAN AYE OLIVER AYE REDMOND AYE WALL AYE 8 'WEINER 'AYE I I CONDITIONS 1. When the property is developed, it shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted exhibit entitled, "ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN,"prepared by Kimley Horn, dated 11/08/19. Said Plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning & Community Development. 2. The maximum deviation setbacks for the proposed buildings shall be as follows: adjacent t„ the d..:ve through facility shall be 26 f of froi.., Princess A n e Road and 28 f of from c W;tc duck Road: d deviation, 5,300 sf building 30 feet from Princess Anne Road 30 feet from S. Witchduck Road 9,800 sf building 190 feet from Princess Anne Road 190 feet from S. Witchduck Road 170 feet from Singleton Way 3,800 sf building 35 feet from S. Witchduck Road 30 feet from Singleton Way 3. At the time of site plan review, a Landscape Plan that reflects Category I landscape buffer between the drive-through lane and the rights-of-way, in addition to all plant material required by the City Zoning and Site Plan Ordinances, shall be submitted for review to the Development Services Center and shall obtain an approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. The drive-through facility shall not utilize exterior speakers that are audible at-the from any property line adjacent to residental uses. 5. The drive-through facility shall be located on the same parcel as the structure within which the principal use for the drive-through is located. 6. The drive-through shall not operate between the hours of 12:00 midnight—5:00 a.m. 7. The drive-through facility shall be restricted to one lane. 9 8. There shall be no signs for the drive-through facility on the building or site, with the exception of directional signs not visible from the public rights-of-way. Such signs shall not be internally illuminated. 9. An overhead canopy for the drive-through facility shall be allowed, except that such canopy shall not project more than four(4) feet from the wall of the building above the drive-through window and shall not exceed the width of the drive-through window by more than one(1) foot on each side. In no case, however, shall a drive-through facility have an overhead canopy that extends to cover the total length of the drive-through lane. 10. The architectural design shall conform to the purpose and intent of the Historic Kempsville Area Master Plan. 10 M. APPOINTMENTS 2040 VISION TO ACTION COMMUNITY COALITION ADVERTISING ADVISORY COMMISSION BAYFRONT ADVISORY COMMISSION BIKEWAYS AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS -BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION -ELECTRICAL DIVISION -PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL DIVISION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITIZENS COMMITTEEE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION GRANT REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION IN-HOUSE PHARMACY EXPLORATORY COMMISSION OLD BEACH DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SENIOR SERVICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION WETLANDS BOARD N. UNFINISHED BUSINESS O. NEW BUSINESS P. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMENT Non-Agenda Items *********************************** *********************************** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 ***************************** The Agenda(including all backup documents) is available at https://www.vbgov.com/government/departments/city-clerk/city-council under the eDocs Document Archive. If you would like to receive by email a list of the agenda items for each Council meeting, please submit your request to pmcgraw@vbgov.com or call 385-4303. 02/27/2020 PM CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS • DATE:02/18/2020 PAGE: 1 B AGENDA R ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE A L H W W B U E J R T 1 0 BC DNOMO 0 L W 0 O C Y L NOUWS 0 T T HEE E S S E 0 0 E T I R Y S S ERNDN CITY COUNCILS'S BRIEFINGS A. REAL ESTATE ASSESSOR ANNUAL Ronald D.Agnor, REPORT City Assessor I1. CITYMANAGER'S BRIEFING A. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Andrew Friedman, Director-Housing and Neighborhood Preservation VDOT SMART SCALE ROUND 4 Katie Shannon,P.E., CANDIDATE PROJECTS Project Support Office Manager- Public Works CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Ron Kuhlman, WARM WEATHER CAMPAIGN Interim Director- Convention and Visitors Bureau Tiffany Russell,VP for Marketing and Communications- Convention and Visitors Bureau Robby Wells,Head of Strategy-i am OTHER PENDING PLANNING ITEMS William Landfair, Planning Evaluation Coordinator- Planning III- CERTIFICATION CERTIFIED 10-0 Y A Y YYY Y YYYY VI A-E F. MINUTES I. CORRECTED INFORMAL/FORMAL APPROVED 9-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y SESSIONS-January 21,2020 B S T A N E D 2. INFORMAL/FORMAL SESSIONS APPROVED 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y February 4,2020 3. SPECIAL SESSION APPROVED 9-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y February 11,2020 B S T A N E D CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS • DATE:02/18/2020 PAGE: 2 B AGENDA ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE R A L B U E J R T I 0 BCDN O M O O L W 0 O C Y L NOUWS 0 T THE E E S S E O O E T I R Y S S ERNDN G. MAYOR'S PRESENTATIONS 1. RESOLUTION IN HONOR OF DERRICK NNADI H. PUBLIC HEARINGS I. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY 5 SPEAKERS Approximately 5.45 acres to Orsted Wind Power North America,LLC (located at Lynnhaven Inlet) 2. DECLARATION AND SALE OF EXCESS 1 SPEAKER CITY PROPERTY Approximately 20 acres located in Princess Anne Commons to Avangrid Renewables,LLC (between Landstown and Dam Neck Road) J.1 Resolution to DIRECT the City Manager to ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IMPLEMENT all recommendations from the CONSENT Disparity Study(Requested by Council Members Rouse and Wooten) J.2 Resolution to AUTHORIZE/DIRECT the City ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Manager to EXECUTE an Intergovernmental CONSENT Agreement with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services re purchase of Agriculture Reservice Program (ARP) easements J.3 Resolution to OPPOSE House Bill 152 and any WITHDRAWN,BY 10-0 Y A Y YYY Y Y Y Y Y similar Bill that negates or limits Single-Family CONSENT Zoning Districts (Requested by Mayor Dyer, Vice Mayor Wood,and Council Member Moss)— Deferred from February 4,2020 J.4 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acquisition of ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y property in fee simple re Elbow Road Extended CONSENT Phase II-B and the acquisition of temporary and permanent easements, either by agreement or condemnation J.5 Ordinance to DECLARE approximately twenty ADOPTED,BY 9-0 Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y (20) acres of City property in Princess Anne CONSENT B Commons between Landstown and Dam Neck S Roads in EXCESS and AUTHORIZE the City T Manager to enter into an Option to Purchase and A Real Estate Sale Agreement with Avangrid Renewables, LLC re development of a Wind N Energy Substation E D J.6 Ordinance to ESTABLISH CIP#6-113"Various ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HRSD Coordination" and APPROPRIATE CONSENT $797,000 from the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) to the FY 2019-20 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) re design and construction utilizing HRSD contribution CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE:02/18/2020 PAGE: 3 B AGENDA R ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE A L H W W B U E J R T I 0 BC DNOMOO L W 0 O C Y L NOUWS 0 T T HEE E S S E O O E T I R Y S S ERNDN J.7 Ordinances to TRANSFER: a. $441,775 from General Fund Reserve for ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Contingencies to the FY 2019-20 Voter CONSENT Registration and Elections Office Operating Budget re Democratic Presidential Primary Election on March 3,2020 b. $118,104 / $128,316 within the FY 2019-20 ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Public Works'General Fund Operating Budget CONSENT re purchase of tablets/implementation costs for a mobile work order system $2,073,503 within the FY 2019-20 Water / ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y c. Sewer CIP / APPROPRIATE $2,170,923 in CONSENT retained earnings re three (3) Water / Sewer Capital Projects J.8 Ordinance to MODIFY Appropriations / ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y TRANSFER$824,201 within the FY 2019-20 CONSENT Housing and Neighborhood Preservation Operating Budget re adjustments in Federal and State funding K.1 BISHARD FAMILY REAL ESTATE,LLC for DEFERRED TO 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y a Variance to Section 4.1(j)of the Subdivision MARCH 17,2020, Regulations re subdivide the existing parcel into BY CONSENT three (3) lots at 312 Gatewood Avenue DISTRICT 6—BEACH K.2 FRANKLIN JOHNSTON GROUP DEFERRED TO 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MANAGEMENT&DEVELOPMENT,LLC/ MARCH 17,2020, SECURITY STORAGE&VAN COMPANY BY CONSENT OF NORFOLK,VIRGINIA,INC.for a CCOZ from 1-1 Industrial to Conditional A-36 Apartment re develop up to 160 multi-family units at 4545 South Boulevard DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL K.3 VILLAGE CHURCH for a Modification of APPROVED/ 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Conditions re religious use at 4013 Indian River MODIFIED,BY Road(DISTRICT 7—PRINCESS ANNE CONSENT K.4 JAMES P. WOOTTON for a Modification of APPROVED/ 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Conditions re community boat dock at 1732 MODIFIED,BY Lovetts Pond Lane) DISTRICT 5 — CONSENT LYNNHAVEN K.5 RED HEAD REALTY for a CUP re non- APPROVED/ 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y commercial marina at Mill Landing Road East CONDITIONED,BY of Stone Road intersection DISTRICT 7 — CONSENT PRINCESS ANNE K.6 FERGUSON WEDDING COMPANY,LLC/ APPROVED/ 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y LONG BAY POINT PARTNERS,LLC for a CONDITIONED,BY CUP re assembly use at 2105 West Great Neck CONSENT Road DISTRICT 5—LYNNHAVEN CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE:02/18/2020 PAGE: 4 B E AGENDA R ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE A L H W W B U E J R T I 0 BC D N OMO 0 LW 0 O C Y L NOUWS 0 T T HEE E S S E O O E T I R _ Y S S E R N D N K.7 7-ELEVEN, INC., for a CUP re automobile APPROVED/ 9-0 Y A Y YAY Y YYYY service station at 2205 Princess Anne Road CONDITIONED,BY B DISTRICT 7-Princess Anne CONSENT S T A N E D K.8 BRANDY FLOTTEN for a CUP re short term APPROVED/ 8-2 Y AY NYN Y YYYY rental at I 804D Baltic Avenue DISTRICT 6- CONDITIONED BEACH K.9 HH VB2,LLC for Conditional Use Permits re WITHDRAWN,BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y short term rentals at: CONSENT a. 400 33'a Street b. 402 33`d Street c. 3216 Arctic Avenue DISTRICT 6-BEACH L. APPOINTMENTS: RESCHEDULED BY C ONS E N S US 2040 VISION TO ACTION COMMUNITY COALITION ADVERTISING ADVISORY COMMISSION BAYFRONT ADVISORY COMMISSION BIKEWAYS AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS -BUILDING MAINTENANCE DIVISION -ELECTRICAL DIVISION -PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL DIVISION BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITIZENS COMMITTEEE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION GRANT REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMITTEE COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION IN-HOUSE PHARMACY EXPLORATORY COMMISSION OLD BEACH DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SENIOR SERVICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA WETLANDS BOARD CITIZENS COMMITTEEE ON BOARDS Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AND COMMISSIONS Jeremy Johnson Bernice Pope 2/18/2020 No Term CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE:02/18/2020 PAGE: 5 B E AGENDA R ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE A L H W W B U E J R T I 0 BCDNOMOO L W 0 O C Y L NOUWS 0 T T HEE E S S E O O E T I R Y S S ER NDN CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION Reappointed: 10-0 Y A Y YYY Y YYYY Deborah Greenfield Julie Searcy 3 Year Tenn 4/1/2020-3/31/2023 COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pat Pointer Unexpired Term thru 12/31/2021 HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Reappointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Guia Caliwagon Laura Habr Ted Kubicki Rolfe White 3 Year Term 4/1/2020-3/31/2023 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Rick Klobuchar Unexpired thru 12/31/2020 +3 Year Term _ 1/1/2021-12/31/2023 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Reappointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Carla Hesseltine Virginia Jenkot Ronald Taylor Allison White 3 Year Term 4/1/2020-3/31/2023 PERSONNEL BOARD Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Kenneth Snyder (Alternate) 3 Year Term 2/18/2020-2/28/2023 PLANNING COUNCIL Reappointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sabrina Wooten 1 Year Term 4/1/2020-3/31/2021 RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Paige Miyares 3 Year Term 2/18/2020-1/31/2023 VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY Appointed: 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Frank McKinney Unexpired Term thru 12/31/2024 M/N/ ADJOURNMENT 7:16 PM 0