DATE: April 26, 1982 dY
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AGENDA cn > HZF4 Ei000x! r.
ITEM N0. SUBJECT MOTION 70 /BY a a QUU w M x ° Z X mom
I.D.1 . Rearrange Council Agenda to
allow zoning/conditional
uses to be heard prior to
Budget Public Hearing as 90
persons registered to speak.
I.D.2. Council :
Workshops rescheduled: •
11 a.m. , Mon: May 3
5 p.m. , Thurs, May 6
I.D.3. Assamoosick Swamp Potable
Water. Supply Project: Coun
cil was advised of urgency
to adopt Resolution giving
SPSA City's support in
proceeding with necessary _
studies. -
1. 0.4. Diamond Springs/Newtown Rd.
added Proj: Dir. of Public Works
explained widening/re-routing
of existing roadway. City
Staff to provide Council
" with City policy re acqui-
sition of property.
IIEl . Public Hearing: FY '83
Operating Budget -- speake s
registered spoke 8:23-
12:32 p.m. (10 min. recess)
IIF1 . Resolution: Assamoosick Adopted 11-0 YYYYYY YYYYY
Swamp Potable Water Supply
• Project revised
' IIF2. Resolution : City Policy Adopted 10-1 Y Y Y Y' Y Y P' Y Y Y Y
re extension of water/
sewer systems
IIF3. Resolution: 5th Proj . Yea Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
funding $17,905 from Dept.
of Conservation & Economic
Devel . , Div. of Litter
• - Control - VB Clean Communi 'y
System .
IIF4. Resolutions: Authorizing Adopted , 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
City Mgr. to apply for Gra t '
and assure available pro-
portionate share of cost •
($95,849)/Comm. of Outdoor
Recreation designate Wood- '
stock Park as public recre
ational area/VA Highway
Commission allocate neces- S
sary funds for access road- .
IIG1 Ordinance: Acquisition of , Adopted 11-C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Property for Diamond Sp.
Rd-Newtown Rd. Project (CI' 2-406)
IIG2. Ordinance appointing Viewe s Adopted 11-C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1" ',
for closure of 15' alley ai
Croatan Beach (Lynn. Bor. )
DATE: April 26, 1982
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s;EmN = SUBJECT MOTION TO BY wQaww °. u0waa gc x , E
rIG3. Raffle Permit: VB Little Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 'r'
League, Inc.
IIHla. CUP - Duplex - Stuart Held Denied 7-4 N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y
(Va. Bch. Borough)
IIH2a. COZ B-1 to B-2, McCoy/Liver- Denied 9-2 YYYYNYYYNYY
man (Kempsville Borough)
IIH2b. COZ R-5 to B-2, Stanwood Denied 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
Dickman, et al (.Kemps. Bor)
IIH2c. CUP: Church, Word bf Life Approved (one year) 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
Christian Center (Kemps. Bor)
IIH2d. CUP: Auto Repair Shop, Approved (one year) 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
Kevin B. Linehan (Kemps. Bor)
IIH2e. CUP: Single-family res. Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY
George R. Powell (.Pungo Bor)
IIH2f. Street Closure: Pleasure Approved 11-0 ' YYYYYYYYYYY
House Road/First Court Rd. '
Morning Star Bapt. Church
(Bayside Borough)
IIH2g. Ordinance: CZO Amendment Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYAYY
Art 1 Sec 102(a)(7) to es-
tablish B-5 Re'sort Commercial
IIH2h. Ordinances: CZO Amendment: Deferred to May 3 9-0 XAYYYYYYYAYY
Art 1, Sec 105(f) re non-
conforming uses, Art 2
Sec 221(g) re conditional uses
IIH2i . Ordinance: Site Plan Amend. Adopted 11-0 Y YYYY Y YYYY
Sec 3.2 re Procedure for
approval •
II-Ila. Ordinance: accept/approp. Approved (_First Reading) 11-0 Y YYYY Y Y Y Y
$47,034.80-VHDA for FY '83
- Section of Housing Program
II-I2a. Code Amend. : Chapt. 23, Adopted (to comply with I1-0 Y YYYY Y Y Y y
Sec. 23.7 re resisting/ State Law)
obstructing/etc. City officers
II-I2b. Code Amend. :- Sec. 30-60(b) Adopted 11-0 Y Y Y Y V Y l Y Y y
re: Standards for Erosion/
• Sediment Control
II-I3a. Low Bid $228,311, Carter- Approved 11-0 Y YYYY Y 1jV y
Bell Corp. , Croatan Beach
Water Project
I I-I3b. Low Bid $183,700, Crowder Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y \� Y Y 1'
Cont. Co, Inc. , Bonney Rd. g
Pump Station
J II-I3c. Low Bid $285,368.29, M. E. Approved ' 11-C Y Y Y 11 1 1 1!) y
Wilkins, Inc. , Rudee, Va. 1 ' ' - f ,
and Norfolk Ave. Water Main . y xJf) yy
II:J.1 . Reconsideration May 3, 1982 : Approved 11-1 Y 1i
Petition of Jerry McDonnell
1 for closure of 28/29 St.
i re: negotiation of fee for
value of land. Council Formal •Agenda7 :OO. p.m, : :22 ' J . 1 1
1 Budget Public Hearing 8:23 ,m, 12:3 f.r. {
1 Council adjourned: 12:32 a.m, 1 1 I I
RHS I I i L. ' J
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