HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 3,1981 I • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS __ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: August 3, 1981 VOTE RECORD a A A awa z z c� CEw+ x �+ zH 'r� A uwi W W � Huvilw � xl-lOxa Z AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO w 4R wSwwoHUVp N /BY a A A IA cn INFORMAL Mayor- I.D.1. Request of Paula Collins for Reconsideration:B-2 to A-1 Advisory Referendum-VBEA VET ASSOC/SPCA-Letter to Council I.D.2. Council- False Cape State Park-City Manager to correspond with Dept. of Interior/Planning Dept. to study impact/City services/N.C. access I.D.3. City Manager introduced new Police Chief Wall and Mrs. Wall (Oct. 1, 1981) I.D.4. City Manager advised State funds are available and work to begin Signal pro- ject for Virginia Beach Blvd. (8-9 months to complete) I.D.5. Townsend Estate property- Elderly Home-City Manager will discuss future date I.D.6. City Manager discussed Columbus Street Loop briefly I.D.7. City Manager asked that MANDATORY WATER CONSERVA- TION remain in effect-This, to be reviewed August 24, 1981 I.D.8. City Manager advised Council of request by TBA for a fee waiver on Scholarship House. This will be granted as previously done. I.D.9. City Manager presented request for authorized Budget positions. This was continued for more details 8/10/81 FORMAL II.E.1. Public Hearing: SPSA II.F.3. Ordinance-Provide joinder of Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Sussex Co. as a member of SPSA II.F.1. Ordinance-Amend Code Sec. Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 21-376 re abandoned • vehicles II.F.2a. Ordinance-Amend Code Sec. Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 37-8/37-9/37-10 re water supply II.F.2b. Ordinance-Amend Code Sec. Adopted 11-0. YYYYYYYYYYY 28-2/28-3/28-4/28-5/28-6 re sewers/sewer systems II.F.4. Raffle/Bingo permits: Kempsville High School Band Parents Assoc.-Raffle Carper Community Civic Assoc.-Raffle 1 II 1 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OFjVIRGINIA BEACH DATE: August 3, 1981 VOTE RECORD m m M z zM e w rr O caz � � O w Ew � xz � � z A OxR z AGENDA U) w w m > HzaH0 � C.) w a ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY aaO xOaZ ro o Ww x x m II.F.4. Raffle/Bings permits: (CONT.)Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Church of the Holy Family- Raffle Ladies Auxiliary to the I Davis Corner Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad -Raffle Women's American Organiza- tion for Rehabilitation through Training-Bingo Sand Dollar Circle of Kings Daughters-Raffle II.F.5. License Refunds: $100 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II.F.6. Tax Refunds: $3,662.67 Approved 11-0 Y YYY Y Y Y YYY Y I"I.F.7. Ordinance-Museum of Marine Adopted 11-0 Y Y YYY Y Y YYY Y Science,grant of $125,000 and appropriate (second reading) II.G.1. Change of zoning:R-5 to R-8 Approved 7-4 YYYNYNNYYNY White/Hoff Associates Princess Anne Borough II.H.la. Ordinance-$1.3 Million Deferred to 8/24/81 11-0 Y YYY Y Y YYY Y Y Public Improvement Bonds (first reading) II.H.lb. Ordinance-Appropriate $26,372 Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Battle Off The Virginia Capes Celebration (first reading) II.H.lc. Ordinance-Accept $3,429/ Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY appropriate $6,858 • Technical assistance for energy conservation (first reading) II.H.ld. Ordinance-Accept/appropriate Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $125,948,Dept. of Correc- tions/Community Corrections Resource Board (first reading) II.H.la. Low Bid-$127,300:Crowder Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Contracting Co. ,Inc.-Cape Story by the Sea Sewerage Facilities,Contract II (sewage pumping station project) II.H.2b. Low Bid-$685,397.20:Utility Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Builders Inc.-Cape Story by the Sea Sewerage facili ties,Contract I (gravity sewers project) -- II.H.2c. Low Bid-$29,100:Future Image Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Corp.-Fire station #13 Addition,Blackwater project II.I.a. Middle Plantation, Phase V Removed from docket - - 1 r SUMMARY OF. 000 LIL ACTIONS CITY 0I- -VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: August 3, 1981 VOTE RECORD o m awa z z o A z 0 z za AGENDA m w w ZHcnaa0 � oxa cn a w M > H z a E U U U W rC ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY a 0 A m w x x ox Z ow o ct) II.I.b. Master Street/Highway Plan Deferred to 8/17/81 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y • II.I.c. Request for RECONSIDERATION:Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY (add-on) Paula L. Collins for change of zoning-B-2 to A-1 II.I.dl. Military Liaison Committee - - - (add-on) to reactivate to study future impact of naval build-up in Tidewater II.I.D2. Council's. Subcommittee re - - - (add-on) City/school services to meet August 5, 1981 II.J. N/A II.K.1. Council reconvened into Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Executive Session to discuss real estate/legal matters AND ADJOURN (3:35 p.m.) Meeting adjourned 4:25 p.m. ' Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk