HomeMy WebLinkAbout11142023 • CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS 0 S B S E - S DATE:11/14/2023 PAGE: 1 R H C L H V R A H I W U E A EMRU A I 0 C HNC MMOL Y L O C Y 1_ A 1 O U M L S T AGENDA H I? I N C N S A O O E ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION \u I I I R l T K I) I N R N N CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFINGS A. HAMPTON ROADS SOCCER COMPLEX& Lauren Bland, NORTH AMERICAN SAND SOCCER Executive Director— CHAMPIONSHIPS Hampton Roads Soccer (Requested by Mayor Dyer, Vice-Mayor Complex Wilson,and Councilmembers Berlucchi,Ross- Jon Schmeider, Hammond,and Schulman) Founder&CEO— Huddle Up Group B. TOURISM ECONOMIC FINDINGS Adam Sacks,President —Tourism Economics c VBCPS REVERSION FUNDING Crystal Pate,Chief Financial Officer— VBCPS D. VIRGINIA BEACH SPORTS CENTER UPDATE Nancy Heiman, Director—Convention &Visitors Bureau 11-VI CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED CERTIFIED 10-0 1- 1' 1 1 Y 1 1 1 1' Y A-F SESSION G. MINUTES APPROVED 10-0 1 1 1 1 1 1" 1 1 1 l INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS October 17,2023 2. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION October 24,2023 H. MAYOR'S PRESENTATION I. RESOLUTION HAMPTON ROADS SOCCER COUNCIL Lauren Bland,Executive Director—Hampton Roads Soccer Complex 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VACATION OF EASEMENT 7 SPEAKERS 20'public access easement at 2454 Starfish Road 2. LICENSE TO USE CITY PROPERTY NO SPEAKERS Starbucks Corporation at 31 Ocean,241 Laskin Road 3. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY NO SPEAKERS Approximately 9.7+/-acres of land located at 1401 Southern Boulevard 4. APPROPRIATION OF REVENUE 2 SPEAKERS $20,095,296 from the Sale of Property to Dominion Energy Virginia for various Transportation Projects and Tree Mitigation s. FY2022-23 VIRGINIA BEACH CITY NO SPEAKERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP) Appropriation of Reversion Funding and Additional Revenue from the Commonwealth of Virginia(Requested by the School Board) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS 0 S B S E - S DATE:11/14/2023 PAGE: 2 R H C L H V R A H T W W U E A EMR U A I O C DNC MMOL Y L O C Y L A I OUML S T AGENDA H EEN CNS A O O E ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE IRY T K D F N R N N 1 PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE fund balance 2 SPEAKERS of the Tourism Investment Program(TIP)fund and to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to EXECUTE the settlement, transition, and termination agreement for the Virginia Beach Sport Center L.I. Resolution to ADOPT the City's 2024 ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y 1 1 Y 1" Y V V Y Y Legislative Agenda (Requested by the City CONSENT Council) *Council Member Henley voted Nay for the Ten-Single Member Election System L.2. Resolution to REQUEST the General ADOPTED,BY 9-I Y l N Y Y Y Y 1 Y 1' Assembly Amend the City Charter Sections CONSENT 3.01, 3.01:1, 3.0 2:1, 3.0 2:2, and 3.0 2:3 re implement ten(10)single-member District Election System (Requested by Mayor Dyer, Vice-Mayor Wilson, and Council Members Berlucchi, Remick, Ross-Hammond, Rouse, Schulman,Taylor,and Wooten) I 3. Resolution to REQUEST the General ADOPTED,BY I u-O 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Assembly Amend the City Charter Section 8.07 CONSENT re expand the Membership of the Board of Equalization (Requested by the Board of Equalization) 1..4. Resolution to ESTABLISH a 90-day Festival DEFERRED TO 9-0 1' Y V Y A V V 1' Y Y Task Force (Requested by Vice-Mayor DECEMBER 5,2023 Wilson, and Council Members Berlucchi, Remick,Ross-Hammond,and Schulman) I s Ordinance to AUTHORIZE acquisition of ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1 V V V 1' V V 1' Y Y property in fee simple,either by agreement or CONSENT condemnation re the Lakes—South London Bridge Creek Channels and Gate Project, CIP 100521 • L.6. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acquisition of ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1' '' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y easements, either by agreement or CONSENT condemnation re the Kemps Lake Water Quality Improvement Project,CIP 100567 I7' Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the Dedication of ADOPTED,BY 9-0 l 1 l Y 1' 1' 1' A 1' an 8,798 square feet (0.202 acre) Utility CONSENT E3 Easement to Dominion Energy Virginia over T City-Owned property at Upton Drive/Nimmo A Parkway re provide electrical service to the I facility owned and operated by Hospice N House E D 1..8. Resolution to APPROVE the issuance of ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y l" l" V V 1' Y Y Y V Residential Care Facility Revenue Bonds by the CONSENT Virginia Beach Development Authority (VBDA), not to exceed $525-Million, re Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS 0 S B S E - S DATE:11/14/2023 PAGE: 3 R H C L H V R A H T W U E A EMR U A I O C DNC MMOL Y L O C Y L A I OUML S T AGENDA H EEN C N S A O O E ITEM# SUBJECT MOTION VOTE I R Y T K D E N R N N 1..9. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y Y Y 1" 1 Y Y Y Y Y to EXECUTE an Agreement to join the Eastem CONSENT Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority (EVRIFA) re promote the City's economic growth and development L.10. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE temporary ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y encroachments into a portion of a 15-foot CONSENT unimproved City-Owned property right-of-way known as Ocean Shore Avenue re construct and maintain a gravel driveway, and a concrete City-standard driveway apron and to encroach into a portion of City-Owned public right-of-way known as First Landing Lane, located at the front of 2592 Ocean Shore Avenue-District 8 I..11. Ordinance to ESTABLISH Capital Project ADOPTED 7-2 Y Y N Y \ Y 1 Y Y N #100667, "Rudee Loop Park Development," and TRANSFER$4-Million from the Tourism Investment Program(TIP)Fund to as Pay-As- You-Go funding re procurement of design services L.12. Ordinance to DONATE out-of-service police ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y Y Y Y equipment to the police departments of Libby, CONSENT Montana; South Miami,Florida;Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina; New Bern, North Carolina and Madison,Alabama I..13. Ordinance to TRANSFER$1.1-Million from ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y the Consolidated Grant Fund to Capital Project CONSENT #100589,"Central Utility Plant Enhancements- ARPA" re allow the city to proceed to construction on the project L.14. Ordinance to TRANSFER$185,425 from the ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1" 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y V Y General Fund Reserves for Contingencies to the CONSENT FY 2023-24 Voter Registration and Elections Operating Budget re fund the January 9,2024, special election L.15. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $25,144,014 in Federal Revenue to the FY CONSENT 2023-24 Capital Improvement Program amongst Four(4)Eastern Shore Drive Drainage Improvement Capital Projects and TRANSFER $6,195,518 between four (4) Eastern Shore Drive Drainage Projects L.16. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $362,408 from the State Compensation Board CONSENT to the FY 2023-24 Commonwealth's Attorney Operating Budget re salary increase for eligible positions I..17. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1' 1 Y Y V Y V V l' 1' $350,0000 from the Virginia Department of CONSENT Behavioral Health and Development Services to the FY 2023-24 Department of Human Services Operating Budget and AUTHORIZE two(2) full-time positions re Project for Assistance in Transitioning from Homeless (PATH) Program CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS 0 S B S E - S DATE:11/14/2023 PAGE: 4 R H C L H V R A H T W W U E A E MR U A I O C DNC M M 0 L Y L O C Y L A 10 U M L S T AGENDA H FEN C N S A O O E ITEM# SUBJECT _ MOTION VOTE I R Y T K DENR N N L.18. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE ADOPTED,BY 10-0 1" 1 1 1" 1' 1 1 Y Y $257,500 from the 9-1-1 Services Board of the CONSENT Virginia Department of Emergency Management to the FY 2023-24 Department of Emergency Communications and Citizen Services Operating Budget re staff recognition and retention efforts 11 Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE ADOPTED,BY 10-11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t an additional $162,547 from the Virginia CONSENT Military Community Infrastructure Grant Program and Fund to the FY 2023-24 Police Department Operating Budget and TRANSFER as Pay-As-You-Go funding for Capital Improvement Program Project#100536, "Creeds Training Center Renovations" L.20. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $150,000 in ADOPTED,BY 10-0 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 Fund Balance from the Police Federal and State CONSENT Seized Assets Special Revenue Fund to the FY 2023-24 Police Operating Budget re police recruitment 11.I. WHITNEY W. ELLIOT, MATTHEW E. APPROVED,BY 10-0 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 MANCOLL & ROBIN A. MANCOLL / CONSENT WHITNEY W. ELLIOT, MATTHEW E. MANCOLL,ROBIN A.MANCOLL,THE LINDA EATON GOLDING AMENDED AND RESTATED REVOCABLE TRUST u/a/d APRIL 22,1992,for a Street Closure re of one-half of an unimproved,unnamed alley adjacent to the rear of 218 55th Street,Unit B DISTRICT 6 N12. WHITNEY W. ELLIOT, MATTHEW E. APPROVED,BY 10-0 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y MANCOLL & ROBIN A. MANCOLL / CONSENT WHITNEY W. ELLIOT, MATTHEW E. MANCOLL,ROBIN A.MANCOLL,THE LINDA EATON GOLDING AMENDED AND RESTATED REVOCABLE TRUST u/a/d APRIL 22,1992,for a Street Closure re of one-half of an unimproved,unnamed alley adjacent to the rear of 219 5416 Street DISTRICT 6 M.3. EVERGREEN VIRGINIA, LLC for a APPROVED/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y 1 1 Modification of Conditions re motor vehicles MODIFIED/ sales,rentals,and repairs at 240&248 North CONDITIONED,BY Lynnhaven Road and 2865 & 2893 Virginia CONSENT Beach Boulevard DISTRICT 3 MA. BURNETTE BAUM DEVELOPMENT APPROVED/AS 10-0 1. 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CORPORATION / RVB 3, LLC for a PROFFERED/ Modifications of Proffer and a Conditional Use CONDITIONED,BY Permit re car wash facility and at 5453 CONSENT Wesleyan Drive DISTRICT 4 M.5. EXCEL FITNESS VA 9, LLC DBA APPROVED/ 10-0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PLANET FITNESS/GENERAL BOOTH CONDITIONED,BY PROPERTIES OF VA BEACH,INC for a CONSENT Conditional Use Permit re indoor recreational facility at 2336 Elson Green Avenue DISTRICT 5 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS 0 S B S E - S DATE:11/14/2023 PAGE: 5 R H C L H V R A H T W W U E A EMR U A I O C DNC MMOL Y 1. O C Y L A 1 OUML S AGENDA H EEN C N S A O O E I TEM' SUBJECT MOTION V'U I I I R Y T K D 1- N R N N %1 6. ASHLEY GULLER for a Conditional Use APPROVED/ -I Y Y V Y A l Y N Y Y Permit re short term rental at 921 Pacific CONDITIONED Avenue,Unit B DISTRICT 5 \1 ' THEFOUNTAIN,LLCforaConditionalUse APPROVED/ -1 1' 1' 1' 1 n Y Y N I 1 Permit re short term rental at 307 34'"Street CONDITIONED DISTRICT 6 M.8. TRACI R. McGLYNN & MICHAEL L. APPROVED/ 8-I Y 1 1• 1 1 l l N 1 1 McGLYNN for a Conditional Use Permit re CONDITIONED short term rent at 523 22od Street DISTRICT 6 N. APPOINTMENTS RESCHEDULED B Y CO N S ENS US BAYFRONT ADVISORY COMMISSION BEACHES AND WATERWAYS ADVISORY COMMISSION BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CHESAPEAKE BAY AREA PRESERVATION BOARD CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD DEFERRED COMPENSATION BOARD GREEN RIBBON COMMITTEE HAMPTON ROADS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION IN-HOUSE PHARMACY EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE MILITARY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OLD BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SENIOR SERVICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VA BOARD URBAN AGRICULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE VIRGINIA BEACH CANNABIS ADVISORY TASK FORCE VIRGINIA BEACH CDC VIRGINIA BEACH VA250 COMMITTEE WETLANDS BOARD O. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I' NEW BUSINESS 1> ADJOURNMENT 7:41 PM OPEN DIALOGUE 8:01 PM 7 SPEAKERS