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FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget Nancy Helman, Director April 9, 2024 1 Organization Summary Total FTEs Number of Divisions Total FY 2024-25 Budget 119.28 8 $41,785,285 2 Department Operating Budget Program FY 2023-24 Amended FY 2023-24 FTE FY 2024-25 Proposed FY 2024-25 FTE Change ($)Change (%) General Fund $10,822,283 91.89 $11,370,841 90.89 $548,558 5.1% TAP Fund $16,111,833 17.39 $17,698,103 18.39 $1,586,270 9.8% TIP Fund $11,821,890 10 $12,716,341 10 $894,451 7.6% Total $38,756,006 119.28 $41,785,285 119.28 $3,029,279 7.8% 3 FY 2024-25 Programmatic Budget Resort Management 29.4% Sports Tourism 4.9% Director's Office 9.1% Convention Center 17.3% Visitor Info Center 1.4% Tourism Marketing & Sales 2.8% Marketing & Communication 29.0% Convention Marketing 5.8% Transfers & Reserves 0.3% PROPOSED 4 Department Operating Budget- General Fund Program FY 2023-24 Amended FY 2023-24 FTE FY 2024-25 Proposed FY 2024-25 FTE Change ($)Change (%) Director’s Office $1,491,596 12 $1,553,705 11 $62,109 4.2% Marketing & Communications $26,702 -$25,702 --$1,000 -3.7% Convention Marketing, Sales and Services $1,102,538 10 $1,152,386 10 $49,848 4.5% Sports Tourism $702,036 7 $788,210 8 $86,174 12.3% Tourism Marketing & Sales $462,160 4 $484,099 4 $21,939 4.7% Convention Center $6,885,735 56.89 $7,213,701 55.89 $327,966 4.8% Resort Management $151,516 2 $153,038 2 $1,522 1.0% Total $10,822,283 91.89 $11,370,841 90.89 $548,558 5.1% 5 Department Operating Budget- TAP Fund Program FY 2023-24 Amended FY 2023-24 FTE FY 2024-25 Proposed FY 2024-25 FTE Change ($)Change (%) Director’s Office $1,276,815 1 $2,255,544 2 $978,729 76.7%* Marketing & Communications $11,094,009 11 $11,545,096 12 $451,087 4.1% Convention Marketing, Sales and Services $1,188,312 -$1,251,832 -$63,520 5.3% Sports Tourism $1,250,781 -$1,250,781 --- Tourism Marketing & Sales $698,203 -$698,203 --- Visitor Information Center $546,630 5.39 $592,358 4.39 $45,728 8.4% Transfers & Reserves $57,083 -$104,289 -$47,206 82.7% Total $16,111,833 17.39 $17,698,103 18.39 $1,586,270 9.8% *Advertising Increase 6 Department Operating Budget- TIP Fund Program FY 2023-24 Amended FY 2023-24 FTE FY 2024-25 Proposed FY 2024-25 FTE Change ($)Change (%) Marketing & Communications $497,410 -$551,940 -$54,530 11% Resort Management $11,324,480 10 $12,134,727 10 $810,247 7.2% Transfers & Reserves --$29,674 -$29,674 - Total $11,821,890 10 $12,716,341 10 $894,451 7.6% 7 Major Changes & Initiatives •Marketing •Establishment of new membership of the Council Appointed Committee (AAC) •Advertising Agency of Record and Public Relations Firm of Record •Rebrand and initiate development of website •Increased media – Existing and new market •Resort Management •Findings and report from Festival and Events Task Force •Operationalize findings •Implementation of new event activations and legacy event activations •Implementing new contract for IMGoing, events contractor •Guest Services •Redevelopment and design of modern Guest Services Program •Implementation of mobile guest services units 8 Major Changes & Initiatives - continued Virginia Beach Convention Center and Sports Center Campus •Sports Center Permanent operator •RFP proposals under review •Convention Center CIP •Increased wayfinding presence •Wall covering, new welcome/concierge desk •Systems upgrades and replacements •Rising costs of commodities 9