HomeMy WebLinkAboutII. A. 7. AQUARIUM 4.9.24Virginia Aquarium
FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget
Cynthia W. Spanoulis
April 9, 2024
Department of the Virginia Aquarium
Organization Summary
Total FTEs Number of Divisions Total FY 2024-25 Budget
125.60 10 $16,842,171
FY 2024-25 Programmatic Budget
Marketing ,
$1,612,137 , 10%
Gift Store, $1,690,486 , 10%
Science Education,
$1,964,478 , 12%
Exhibits and Facilities,
$1,371,565 , 8%
Research and Conservation,
$919,288 , 5%Guest Experience,
$2,404,611 , 14%
Aquarium Foundation,
$1,184,004 , 7%
Animal Care,
$2,511,465 , 15%
Veterinary Services,
$565,503 , 3%
General Administration,
$2,618,634 , 16%
Department of the Virginia Aquarium
Operating Expenditures
Program FY 2023-24
FY 2023-24
FY 2024-25
FY 2024-25
FTE Change ($)Change (%)
Marketing $1,629,787 6 $1,612,137 6 (17,650)-1.08
Gift Store $1,638,938 5 $1,690,486 5 51,548 3.15
Science Education $837,254 9 $1,964,478 12.4 1,127,224 134.63
Exhibits and Facilities $1,993,261 12.4 $1,371,565 9 (621,696)-31.19
Research and Conservation $772,630 7 $919,288 7 146,658 18.98
Guest Experience $2,390,754 19 $2,404,611 19 13,857 .58
Aquarium Foundation $1,169,700 17.2 $1,184,004 17.2 14,304 1.22
Animal Care $2,486,566 30 $2,511,465 30 24,899 1.00
Veterinary Services $557,785 4 $565,503 4 7,718 1.38
General Administration $2,993,863 16 $2,618,634 16 (375,229)-12.53
Total $16,470,538 125.6 $16,842,171 125.6 $371,633 2.26%
Department of the Virginia Aquarium
Operating Revenues
Program FY 2023-24
FY 2024-25
Proposed Change ($)Change (%)
Admissions $8,130,000 $8,421,438 291,438 3.6
Memberships $1,084,000 $1,148,375 64,375 5.9
Parking Fees $400,000 $400,000 0 0.0
Gift Store $2,090,825 $2,242,625 151,800 7.3
Foundation Transfer to City $1,113,969 $1,178,088 64,119 5.8
Rental Income $15,000 $30,000 15,000 100.0
License Plates $50,000 $50,000 0 0.0
Total Operating Revenues $12,883,794 $13,470,526 $586,732 4.6%
Major Changes & Initiatives
•RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION INITIATIVES: The Virginia Aquarium, beyond being a captivating showcase of
marine life, has also evolved into a vital hub for research and conservation efforts.
•Coral Restoration in Florida
•Komodo Dragon, Painted Terrapin, Lake Victoria Cichlid, Tomistoma Crocodile Species Survival Programs
•Osprey Watch
•Frog Watch
•Stranding Response and Research ( 425 Stranding Responses in FY23)
•ADMISSION TRENDS WITHIN THE ATTRACTIONS INDUSTRY: Audience engagement is critical for an
attraction’s success. This means that the Virginia Aquarium must maintain efforts to encourage revisitation
from members and current guests, while also implementing strategies to encourage others with similar
interest to attend.
•Increasing DEAI initiatives,
•Digital marketing efforts beyond Hampton Roads
•Safety enhancements
Major Changes &
Initiatives cont’d
•EXPERIENTIAL EXHIBITS: Guests continue to prefer
exhibits that are immersive, whether physically or digitally.
•The Virginia Aquarium’s changing exhibit, “Thomas
Dambo’s Trolls: Save the Humans!” features multiple,
larger-than-life sculptures up to 15 feet tall and 24 feet
wide, to help guests learn how to be one with nature
September 13, 2024 through January 20, 2025.
•Negative headlines in 2023 and 2024:
•Highlighted zoos and aquariums with accreditation issues or
subpar animal care.
•Media focus on:
•Miami Seaquarium
•Marineland in Canada
•Natural Bridge Zoo in Rockbridge County, VA.
•Brought animal welfare to the forefront.
Initiatives Underway & Conclusion
•Newly renovated and expanded South Building opened to the public
in January 2024
•Waiting on outcome of Alternative Partnership Discussion