HomeMy WebLinkAboutII. A. 10. BUILDINGS CIP 4.9.24FY 2024-25 to FY 2029-30 Buildings & Assets CIP Brian Delfenthal Facilities Administrator April 9, 2024 Building and Assets Overview •38 projects make up the FY25-30 Building and Assets CIP, at a cost of $480,261,390, with $307,771,793 appropriated to date. •For FY25, 22 above target requests were considered. 8 were increases to existing accounts, and 14 new project requests. •For the FY25 CIP, 32 projects propose to continue with no change. •18 above target requests did not receive funding. •4 projects propose modifications, redirecting $24.42 MM to other projects. •4 new projects are being proposed, at a cost of $39,349,123. Human Services, Housing Resource Center 2 Projects with No Change Project Council District Appropriation s to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 100589: Central Utility Plant Enhancements - ARPA 2 4,750,000 --4,750,000 - 100392: City Security Enhancements Citywide 3,229,818 500,000 2,500,000 6,229,818 - 100138: Convention Center Capital Maintenance 6 12,375,549 1,650,000 6,993,060 21,018,609 - 100535: Corrections Center – Renewal and Replacement 2 --14,198,889 14,198,889 2,144,032 100651: Court Modernization Study 2 350,000 --350,000 - 100590: Courts DDC - ARPA 2 3,966,254 --3,966,254 - 100536: Creeds Training Center Renovations 2 12,939,126 --12,939,126 - 100165: Energy Performance Contracts (City) II Citywide 2,750,000 550,000 2,750,000 6,050,000 - 3 Projects with No Change (cont.) Project Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total 100047: Facilities Access Systems Citywide 1,525,000 425,000 2,125,000 4,075,000 100170: Facilities Planning Services Citywide 1,370,467 250,000 1,500,000 3,120,467 100168: Euclid Yard Facility Replacement 4 --14,532,300 14,532,300 100175: Fire Apparatus IV Citywide 20,667,500 2,265,975 11,329,875 34,263,350 100176: Fire Facility Rehab. & Renewal III Citywide 7,315,791 1,000,000 5,000,000 13,315,791 100178: Fire Training Center Improvements IV 5 2,573,155 300,000 1,500,000 4,373,155 100203: Heritage Building Maintenance II 5 3,075,000 300,000 1,500,000 4,875,000 100653: Housing Resource Center Renovations 4 3,525,950 --3,525,950 100224: Intermediate Care Facilities Renewal/ Replacement Citywide 1,549,776 -603,135 2,152,911 4 Projects with No Change (cont.) Project Council District Appropriation s to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 100503: Judicial Center Escalator Replacement 2 10,614,900 --10,614,900 - 100225: Judicial Center Maintenance 2 2,174,372 70,000 350,000 2,594,372 - 100233: Landfill #2 Phase 1 Capping 7 21,677,000 --21,677,000 - 100655: Law Enforcement Training Academy Replacement 6 350,000 --350,000 31,682,902 100614: Leroy Road Impound Lot and Remedial Action 2 1,443,700 --1,443,700 - 100652: Mounted Police Maintenance and Repair 2 --2,240,000 2,240,000 - 100291: Operations Facilities Renovations 2 84,640,000 --84,640,000 - 100591: Parks and Rec Construction Yard – ARPA 2 13,251,244 --13,251,244 - 100325: Public Safety Equipment Replacement Project Citywide 11,085,572 1,450,000 7,250,000 19,785,572 - 5 Projects with No Change (cont.) Project Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total 100588: Parks and Rec HVAC -ARPA Citywide 4,400,000 --4,400,000 100437: VA Aquarium Bldg. Systems & Facility Infrastructure II 6 7,172,700 1,434,540 7,172,700 15,779,940 100445: Various Bldg. HVAC Rehabilitation & Renovation IV Citywide 15,000,000 2,500,000 12,500,000 30,000,000 100446: Various Bldg. Rehabilitation & Renewal IV Citywide 26,104,656 3,800,000 19,000,000 48,904,656 100608: Virginia Aquarium Animal Holding Facilities 6 4,321,715 --4,321,715 100463: Virginia Aquarium Renewal and Replacement III 6 3,456,019 600,000 3,000,000 7,056,019 100670 – New Voter Registrar Facility, adopted in FY24.3 17,250,000 --17,250,000 6 Next: Proposed modifications Chesapeake Beach Fire & EMS Station 4 7 Projects with Modifications Project Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 100260: Beach Maintenance Facility 6 2,866,529 ---17,833,471 100584: Housing Resource Accessibility 4 ----- 100616: MOCA Building Envelope Rehabilitation 6 1,000,000 ---- 100654: Oceanfront Aquarium Parking, Phase 1 6 ----55,180,796 Next: New Projects proposed for the FY25-30 CIP 9 Priority 1: 100675 Central Plant Loop Replacement The 6-mile network of underground fiberglass pipe and valves, installed in 1996 to distribute hot and chilled water from the Central Plant to Municipal Center Buildings, is critically failing and requires replacement. •18 buildings, including the Emergency Communications Center, rely on this system for HVAC. When down, the 1300 resident Corrections Center is without hot water for showers, cleaning, and cooking. •The loop's fragile condition requires that we operate the Plant at reduced capacity,challenging building temperatures, indoor air quality, and freeze protection. •Water loss prevents conditioning the system with scale and corrosion inhibitors,significantly reducing the life of mechanical equipment across the campus. •In calendar year 2022, $129,154 was spent repairing the loop. Repair costs reached $485,018 in 2023, and in the first quarter of 2024, have reached $237,193. A new jacketed steel loop, properly maintained, will serve 40-50 years with little reinvestment. Council District FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total 2 17,833,471 11,979,181 29,812,652 10 Priority 2: 100676 Mosquito Control Replacement The Mosquito Control Facility, a collection of buildings located at 1848 Pleasant Ridge Road, has exceeded its useful life and is unable to meet the requirements of the 35-member Mosquito Control Program. •Inadequate ventilation, extensive termite damage, and failing electrical and mechanical systems require reinvestment disproportionate to the value of the buildings. •The property depends on portable restrooms, as the failed under-sized septic system backs up into the facility when moderately used or when raining. •Project will incorporate Mosquito Control's makeshift laboratory, currently on Dam Neck Rd., which processes live mosquito and sentinel blood samples collected at the Pleasant Ridge site for treatment planning. An assessment by PW/Facilities determined that a 3,500 square foot facility with offices, a kitchen, muster and storage areas, restrooms,and laboratory, will meet Mosquito Control's needs for the foreseeable future.Council District FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total 2 262,500 3,891,776 4,154,27611 Priority 3: 100677 - Waste Management Facility Replacement The Waste Management Administrative and Customer Service Center, a modular structure on Holland Road, has exceeded its useful life and is unable to meet the requirements of the public- facing Waste Management Program. •Accessibility issues require staff to meet citizens outside, as the only compliant entrance connects the parking lot to the staff work area, behind the service window. •This facility frequently presents concerns with indoor air quality, as exhaust and chemical smells from the adjacent mechanic shop breach the building's envelope. •Expired mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and envelope systems, alongside concerns with accessibility, require reinvestment disproportionate to the value of the building. An assessment by PW/Facilities determined that a 3,500 square foot accessible building with a reception desk, lobby, offices, workspaces, and restroom, will meet Waste Mangement's needs for the foreseeable future. Council District FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total 8 294,040 1,968,205 2,262,245 12 Priority 4: 100678 Library Automated Material Handling System Replacement The existing multi-facility material handling system is failing and will soon become legacy equipment. •The band-based rollers and dated electronics require frequent vendor repairs to remain operational •Upgrade and reconfiguration will address accessibility issues within our Public Libraries,and allow patrons to reliably return materials at any location without the involvement of Library Staff. •Replacement will further optimize the material return and sorting process, and correct inefficiencies within Libraries' existing workflow. Replacement requires renovative work in the Meyera Oberndorf Central Library, TCC's Joint Use Library, and the Kempsville, Bayside,Princess Anne, Oceanfront, and Great Neck Area Libraries. Council District FY25 Budget FY26 Budget Total City-wide -3,119,950 3,119,950 13 Next: Requested but Not Funded Building 21 Conference Center 14 Requested but Not Funded, Existing Projects Project Council District Total 100535: Corrections Center – Renewal and Replacement 2 2,144,032 100170: Facilities Planning Services Citywide 1,500,000 100655: Law Enforcement Training Academy Replacement 6 31,682,902 100652: Mounted Police Maintenance and Repair 2 658,440 100437: VA Aquarium Bldg. Systems & Facility Infrastructure II 6 2,582,172 100445: Various Bldg. HVAC Rehabilitation & Renovation IV Citywide 4,500,000 100446: Various Bldg. Rehabilitation & Renewal IV Citywide 7,940,000 100260: Beach Maintenance Facility 6 26,664,000 Requested but Not Funded,New Projects Project Council District Total BLD-24-006: Library Facilities Visioning Plan – Kempsville 3 2,779,290 BLD-24-008: Library Facilities Visioning Plan – M.E.O Central Library 8 1,962,176 BLD-24-009: Library Facilities Visioning Plan- Windsor Woods 3 1,323.100 BLD-25-0011: Public Works Joint Operations Facility 11 25,841,110 BLD-25-0010: SCBA Replacement Citywide 10,000,000 BLD-25-001: Landstown Fire & EMS Station Undetermined 11,111,007 BLD-24-007: Courthouse Fire Station 5 Replacement 2 8,726,968 BLD-25-005: Fire Department Apparatus Storage TBD 4,766,440 BLD-25-007: City Fleet Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Undetermined 3,500,000 BLD-25-006: Virginia Beach Fire Training Center 5 2,324,563 Next: Projects under way Laskin Gateway – The Wave 17 100503 – Judicial Center Escalator Replacement Project replaces the original 1994 escalator system in the Judicial Center. •Burns & McDonnell completed design in April of 2023. •The project was publicly solicited in October 2023. •Notice to proceed is scheduled for April 10, whereafter off-site fabrication of the new escalator will begin. •To minimize impact to the Judicial Center, work will begin after replacement of the Judge's elevator, near the end of calendar year 2024. •Construction will continue through calendar year 2025. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 2 10,614,900 -10,614,900 -18 100651 – Court Modernization Study Study focuses on phased intermediate and long-range modernization and recapitalization of the 385,000 square foot Judicial Center. •Various systems in the Judicial Center have reached their expected useful life. •Technologies and security requirements have evolved, challenging the existing configuration. •Deliverables include planning-level cost estimates, conceptual drawings, and written scopes of work. Study is on track for completion in June of 2024. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 2 350,000 -350,000 - 19 100291 – Operations Facilities Renovations Renovation of Building 3 (Old City Hall), Building 11 (formerly Building 2, Operations), and Building 33 (formerly Building 11, Public Safety). •The Police Administration Building was completed and occupied by the Virginia Beach Police Department earlier this year. •Building 3 in under renovation, anticipating completion in the fall. Once finished, it will house components of Planning and Public Utilities, currently in leased spaces on South Lynnhaven Road and Sabre Street. •Building 33 is under renovation, and expects completion in March of 2025. Once finished, it will house Public Works' Engineering and Contracts offices, Director's Office, and Business Center, currently in leased space on Viking Drive. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 2 84,640,000 -84,640,000 - 20 100203 – Heritage Building Maintenance Phase II Reinvestment in the Department of Cultural Affairs' 7 Historic Homes and Museums, including the Ferry Plantation House, Francis Land House, Lynnhaven House and Education Center, Adam Thoroughgood House and Museum, Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum, Virginia Beach Surf and Rescue Museum, and Whitehurst Buffington House. Active projects include, but are not limited to: •Lynnhaven House and Education Center: Envelope analysis to aid restorative work, corrective site work, HVAC replacement, and trail deck renovation. •Francis Land House: Converted the gift shop into staff offices, adding fire suppression, catering kitchen and restroom renovations, and restorative finish work. •Surf and Rescue Museum: Structural rehabilitation of the tower balcony, tower stairs, and chimney. •Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum: Replacing 420 feet of decorative picket fence bordering the property. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total City-wide 3,075,000 300,000 1,200,000 4,875,000 21 100588 – Recreation Centers HVAC Replacement and Repair Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act to replace mechanical equipment across our Recreation Center Portfolio. •Bow Creek Recreation Center: Replace the existing failing multi-stack chiller. •Great Neck Recreation Center: Replace 2 PoolPaks, a cooling tower, a condenser, and exhaust fans. •Bayside Recreation Center -Replace 2 PoolPaks, a cooling tower, a condenser, and exhaust fans. •Seatack Recreation Center -Replace a PoolPak and RTU (rooftop unit). •Princess Anne Recreation Center -Replace a cooling tower, condenser, and exhaust fans. All tasks are awarded and mobilized, tracking toward completion in January 2025. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete City-wide 4,400,000 --4,400,000 - 22 100591 – Parks and Recreation Yard Relocation Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, this project relocates staff and programs from the 2150 Lynnhaven Parkway Facility, of which most buildings have exceeded their useful life,to the Parks and Recreation Landscape Management Facility at 4141 Dam Neck Road. Project includes: •11,000 square foot expansion of the existing Landscape Management Building. •Construction of an 18,000 square foot pre- engineered metal building. •Adding a second entrance to the property. •Expansion of the parking and bulk material storage areas. Design was completed in spring of 2023, and awarded to A.R. Chesson the following October. Substantial completion is scheduled for April 2025. Council District Appropriations to Date FY25 Budget FY26-30 Budget Total Balance to Complete 2 13,251,244 -13,251,241 - 23 Challenges & Initiatives •Aging buildings, growing inventory, and prioritizing accessibility. •Technology driven infrastructure. •Cost of goods and services have stabilized, but outpaced operating and capital accounts. •We are transitioning to an improved model of property management and score-based capital planning, with Phase 2 of our FacilityForce implementation. •Organizational development to support an improved work and asset management model. •A continuing service philosophy,that we do not succeed unless our facilities enable success for others. Historic Princess Anne County Courthouse 24 FY 2024-25 to FY 2029-30 Capital Improvement Program Building and Assets Brian Delfenthal Facilities Administrator Department of Public Works, Facilities Group 25