HomeMy WebLinkAboutII. B. FY 2024- 25 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN( BUDGET) 3. HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION 4.23.24FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget Ruth D. Hill Housing & Neighborhood Preservation 4/23/2024 1 Organization Summary Total FTEs Number of Divisions Total FY 2024-25 Budget 93.00 5 $46,754,638 Total FTEs Division Total FY 2024-25 Budget 9 Director’s Office $3,761,191 22 Rental Housing $29,884,294 6 Housing Development $3,104,042 26 Homeless Services $6,632,364 30 Code Enforcement $3,372,747 93 Five Total Divisions $46,754,638 2 FY 2024-25 Programmatic Budget Rental Housing , $29,884,294 , 64%Housing Development, $3,104,042 , 7% Director's Office, $3,761,191 , 8% Code Enforcement, $3,372,747 , 7% Homeless Services, $6,632,364 , 14% PROPOSED 3 FY 2024-25 Budget by Revenue Source Federal Section 8 Program, $25,790,845 , 67% State Revenue, $1,457,690 , 4% Other Federal Revenue, $7,667,993 , 20% Charges for Services, $2,775,000 , 7% Miscellaneous Revenue, $150,000 , 0% Transfers In, $511,513 , 1%Reserves, $305,720 , 1% PROPOSED 4 Department Operating Budget Program FY 2023-24 Amended FY 2023-24 FTE FY 2024-25 Proposed FY 2024-25 FTE Change ($)Change (%) General Fund $7,600,449 49.17 $8,515,877 49.58 $915,428 12.04% Housing Choice Voucher Program Fund $27,198,094 22.10 $28,527,565 23.18 $1,329,471 4.89% State Rental Assistance Program Fund $1,244,748 1.00 $1,457,690 .38 $212,942 17.11% Consolidated Grants Fund $3,285,055 1.30 $3,284,274 1.20 ($781)-0.02% Federal Housing Assistance Fund $1,234,149 1.22 $1,249,150 .70 $15,001 1.22% Community Development Grant Fund $2,628,644 19.21 $3,720,082 17.96 $1,091,438 41.52% Total $43,191,139 94 $46,754,638 93 $3,563,499 8.25% 5 Major Changes & Initiatives Trends and Issues Impacting the Department: •Housing instability – 1/3 of the city is now housing cost-burdened •Increased need for funds to address homelessness •Need for additional affordable housing and the preservation of existing units 6 Major Changes & Initiatives Major Budget Changes: •Operational cost increase due to addition of 32 shelter beds at the Housing Resource Center •Commitment of ongoing funds for City-funded Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program 7 Initiatives Underway & Conclusion •Housing Study: Completed and working through initial staff recommendations for City Council adoption at a later date. •Community of One: All In, strategic plan to address homelessness: Drafted and pending Council approval. •City ARPA Emergency Housing Vouchers: All 65 vouchers have been issued and are assisting households. •CDBG/HOME/ESG/HOPWA Funding: Awaiting award amounts from HUD; adjustment to actuals will be needed once received. 8