HomeMy WebLinkAboutII. B. FY 2024- 25 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN( BUDGET) 4. AGRICULTURE 4.23.24FY 2024-25
Proposed Budget
David Trimmer, Director
April 16, 2024
Organization Summary
Total FTEs Number of Divisions Total FY 2024-25 Budget
9 4 $10,662,579
FY 2024-25 Programmatic Budget
General Fund Operating ,
$1,103,606 , 10%
ARP - Stormwater General
Government Captial Project,
$990,000 , 9%
ARP - PARKS & Recreation
General Government Capital
Project, $500,000 , 5%
ARP - Existing Debt,
$4,347,629 , 41%
ARP - New Debt,
$3,273,881 , 31%
ARP - Reserves for Future
Use, $188,108 , 2%
ARP General Operating,
$259,355 , 2%
Department Operating Budget – General Fund
Program FY 2023-24
FY 2023-24
FY 2024-25
FY 2024-25
FTE Change ($)Change (%)
General Operations $1,030,686 7.52 1,103,606 7.52 $72,920 7.07%
Total $1,030,686 7.52 $1,103,606 7.52 $72,920 7.07%
Department Operating Budget – ARP
Program FY 2023-24
FY 2023-24
FY 2024-25
FY 2024-25
FTE Change ($)Change (%)
Parks & Recreation General
Government Capital Project --$500,000 -$500,000 -
Stormwater General
Government Capital Project $990,000 -$990,000 ---
Existing ARP Debt*$3,416,209 -$4,347,629 -$931,420 27.26%
New ARP Debt $3,485,461 -$3,273,881 -($211,580)(6.07%)
ARP Reserves for Future Use --$188,108 -$188,108 -
General Operating Expenses $263,016 1.48 $259,355 1.48 ($3,661)(1.39%)
Total $8,154,686 1.48 $9,558,973 1.48 $1,404,287 17.22%
*Driven by the fluctuation of the Agriculture Reserve Program Principal Repayments.
Major Initiatives
•Agriculture is vital to providing food sources to local, regional, and global needs.
•Agriculture products has estimated economic impact of $191 million in the Virginia Beach.
•Agricultural Reserve Program (ARP) maintains agriculture as a viable industry in Virgina Beach by
preserving the resource base for farming.
•Current acreage in ARP as of February 15, 2024, is 10,661.99 with 918 development rights
•Established goal of program is to increase the number of acres in ARP to 20,000 acres.
•The ARP fund (221) is supported by 0.9 cent dedication of the real estate and its primary purpose
is to purchase development rights to land in the southern part of the City.
•$990,000 of this fund has been transferred to Stormwater General Government Capital
Project for the Southern Watershed til FY45
•$500,000 of this fund is proposed in the FY25 budget to be transferred to Parks and
Recreation CIP section as pay-as-you-go funding in order to reduce the burden on the
General Fund. Following City Council’s direction to reduce the real estate tax rate by 2
cents, additional consideration was given to the City’s special revenue funds/dedications
to offset the reduced revenue in the General Fund.
•Adequate funds remain within ARP fund to purchase 300 acres in FY24/25 with
sustainable funding in place to support the intent of the ARP and continuity of
Major Initiatives cont.
•Agriculture helps to protect the environment and greenspace, mitigates
and reduces flooding.
•Agriculture promotes 4-H, Master Gardeners Volunteers, AG education,
and Virginia Cooperative Extension programs of family, finance, nutrition
and environmental.
Major Changes
•Reduction of Departmental Contributions, $35,359, for Horticulture Agent
•Cooperative Extension Program administers two mandated programs: Agriculture Disaster
Reporting and Pesticide Applicator Certification and Recertification education.
•The Horticulture Agent conducts the Pesticide Applicator Certification and Recertification
•City departments utilize this training.
•The Horticulture Agent also coordinates, conducts and oversees the Master Gardeners
•The Master Gardeners create and maintain the Children’s Educational Gardens at
Farmers Market, conduct Rain Barrel Workshops, Gardening Talks series via Zoom, Plants
Sales, Fall Garden Festival, Ask-A-Master Gardener booths throughout the city, and the
Master Gardener Help Desk.
•Currently the Master Gardeners have 24 active projects throughout the City.
•This position is valued, promotes a ROI. These programs help sustain agriculture and forestry
production and enhance and protect the quality of our land and water resources.
•Position is recommended by Budget & Management Services.
•We ask City Council to support this recommendation to continue continuity of quality
services administered by VCE.
Initiatives Underway & Conclusion
•To Positively Impact the Agricultural (AG) Industry in Virginia Beach
•Increase product development through value added on-farm processing.
•Provide assistance through resources, education, marketing, and support; to
sustain and grow new or existing farm operations.
•Provide Agritourism assistance to get more visitors to the local farms, for on-
farm experience.
•To work with Landowners to Understand the Value of Agriculture
Reserve Program (ARP)
•Promote land preservation for farming
•Secure more land in ARP program by increasing acreage enrolled in program
and purchasing development rights
Initiatives Underway & Conclusion cont.
•Bolster the Famers Market through tenant stability, theme events, &
•Provide “Fun on the Farm” tours through the Rural Heritage Center for
students K-5.
•Modernize through technology (wi-fi, solar lighting, Smart Poles)
•Restaurant in process of renovation
•Continue to maintain and update, as needed, the exterior of structures.
•Continue to partner with VCE to provide science-based education
information, resources, and training through Family and Consumer
Sciences programs, Agriculture and Nature Resources programs,
Horticulture Program, Extension Master Gardeners Program, and 4-H
Youth Development Program