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Flood Protection Program City Council Update Jeffrey Waller, P.E., Citizen Oversight Board Chairman Leisha Pica, P.E., Jacobs Engineering June 25, 2024 Q2 2024 Board Updates April: Staff Report on Sea Level Wise and the USACE Coastal Storm Risk Management Study (CSRMS) May: Tour of Windsor Woods Tide Gate Construction Site June: Staff Report on Maintenance of Stormwater Infrastructure The Board meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm at Town Center. Our meetings are open to the public and the public can provide comments. The Board webpage is accessible from the Ripple Effect website, and we can be contacted at the email address posted on our webpage. 3 FPP Active Construction Projects •Windsor Woods Tide Gate near I-264 •Bow Creek Stormwater Park Phase I •South Plaza Trail Presidential Boulevard Drainage in Windsor Woods •Old Forge Road and Red Lion Road Drainage in Windsor Woods •Seatack Drainage ImprovementsFlood Prevention Bond Referendum Oversight Board at the Windsor Woods Tide Gate Project Stormwater Maintenance Program 4 City’s preventative flushing program keeps assets ready for intended purpose = 1,056 miles of pipe City maximizes stormwater storage capacity throughout its system = 215 miles off -road ditches = 581 lakes FPP Communications •City published 21 videos about the Flood Protection Program available to the public. •How the City Drains Part 2 released June 24th for Southern Rivers & Oceanfront watersheds. •≈49,000 views for all FPP videos released after the bond referendum •Upcoming videos: flood sensors/monitoring and pipe cleaning maintenance. 5 Flood Protection Program Update Q2 2024 Leisha Pica, P.E., Jacobs Program Manager 01 Program Update 02 Operational Assessment 03 Program Communications Q2 2024 Program Updates Preliminary Engineering DesignDesign-Build Construction Construction CompleteFuture ProjectsProcurement West Neck Creek Bridge Eastern Shore Drive (ESD) Drainage Bundle Windsor Woods/PAP/The Lakes Bundle Windsor Woods Tide Gate Club House Road Drainage Improvements Vista Circle Pump Station Lake Bradford/ Chubb Lake Pump Station &Outfall Draft PER Q3 2024 100% 1B thru 1E Q3 2024 30% Upcoming Finish Q1 2025 Q1 2023 TBD Design-Build RFP Q3 2024 Pungo Ferry Road Improvements ESD Roadway Drainage Improvements 1F & 1G South Plaza Trail/ Presidential Blvd Drainage Improvements Cape Henry Canal Gravity Sewer Relocation Final PER Q3 2024 90% Q3 2024 Finish Q2 2025 Q3 2023 Central Resort District Drainage Improvements Poinciana Pump Station Bow Creek Stormwater Park (Section 1) Lake Pleasure House Outfall Final PER Q4 2024 90% Q3 2024 Finish Q4 2026 Q3 2023 Sandbridge/ New Bridge Intersection Improvements Old Forge Road & Red Lion Drainage Improvements Lake Bradford Dredging 90% Q3 2026 Finish Q3 2024 Q4 2023 Bow Creek Stormwater Park (Section 2) Seatack Drainage Improvements 90% Q3 2024 Substantial Comp Q1 2025 Elizabeth River Floodplain Restoration PS&E Q3 2024 First Colonial Rd/ Oceana Blvd Drainage Improvements PS&E Q3 2024 Back Bay Marsh Restoration PS&E Q3 2024 Church Point/Thorogood BMP & Convey 30% Q1 2025 9 FPP Project Status Given the size and complexity of the FPP projects, the time required to transition to the next milestone may require several months. 10 PROGRAM Spending through June 6, 2024 Total $70.6M $4.2M since last report ©Jacobs [Year] Current FPP Budget Status – Design thru Construction 11 18 PROJECTS WITH BASELINES ESTIMATE PHASE BASELINE ESTIMATE CURRENT ESTIMATE VARIANCE ESD CAPE HENRY CANAL DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, 1F & 1G 30 $8.4 $8.4 $0.0 ESD POINCIANA PUMP STATION 30 $18.5 $18.5 $0.0 BOW CREEK STORMWATER PARK (GOLF COURSE - SECTION 2)60 $60.1 $64.8 $4.7 SANDBRIDGE/NEW BRIDGE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 60 $8.0 $8.0 $0.0 FIRST COLONIAL ROAD AND OCEANA BLVD DRAINAGE 90 $7.0 $6.8 -$0.2 ELIZABETH RIVER FLOODPLAIN RESTORATION PROJECT 100 $10.9 $9.8 -$1.1 MARSH RESTORATION IN BACK BAY 100 $26.7 $43.5 $16.8 SEATACK NEIGHBORHOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION $6.9 $7.0 $0.1 OLD FORGE RD & RED LION RD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION $2.7 $5.1 $2.4 SOUTH PLAZA TRAIL/PRESIDENTIAL BLVD CONSTRUCTION $4.4 $11.6 $7.2 WINDSOR WOODS TIDE GATE CONSTRUCTION $11.4 $21.2 $9.8 BOW CREEK STORMWATER PARK (GOLF COURSE - SECTION 1)CONSTRUCTION $42.1 $39.8 -$2.3 LAKE BRADFORD DREDGING COMPLETE $1.5 $2.6 $1.1 ESD CAPE HENRY CANAL PHASE II - GRAVITY SEWER RELOCATION COMPLETE $2.9 $2.5 -$0.4 LAKE PLEASURE HOUSE OUTFALL COMPLETE $0.5 $1.3 $0.8 CLUB HOUSE ROAD STORM DRAINAGE COMPLETE $4.9 $4.1 -$0.8 LAKE BRADFORD/CHUBB LAKE PER/DESIGN COMPLETE $0.6 $2.1 $1.5 WINDSOR WOODS DRAINAGE COMPLETE $3.6 $11.9 $8.3 TOTALS $221.1 $269.0 $47.8 ©Jacobs [Year] Current FPP Budget Status – Planning 12 8 PROJECTS IN PLANNING ESTIMATE PHASE CURRENT ESTIMATE CENTRAL RESORT DISTRICT DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (DESIGN-BUILD)PLANNING $113,000,000 ESD VISTA CIRCLE PUMP STATION 1A PLANNING $18,100,000 EASTERN SHORE DRIVE BUNDLE PLANNING $43,424,000 CHURCH POINT/THOROUGHGOOD BMP & CONVEYANCE PLANNING $43,850,000 LAKE BRADFORD/ CHUBB LAKE PS & OUTFALL (DESIGN-BUILD)PLANNING $102,400,000 PUNGO FERRY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PLANNING $33,220,000 WEST NECK BRIDGE (DESIGN-BUILD)PLANNING $69,000,000 WINDSOR WOODS/PAP/THE LAKES BUNDLE (DESIGN-BUILD)PLANNING $337,862,000 TOTAL $760,856,000 Program Estimate Q2 2024 1 3 Program level estimate variance is 4%PlanningPlanningBLBL$982M $1,025MMASTER PROJECTS PLANNING ($M) BASELINE (BL) ($M) CURRENT ESTIMATE ($M) VARIANCE ($M) WINDSOR WOODS, PRINCESS ANNE PLAZA,THE LAKES $338 $129 $492 $24.66 EASTERN SHORE DRIVE $62 $30 $91 -$0.42 LAKE BRADFORD/CHUBB LAKE $146 $3 $152 $3.34 CENTRAL RESORT DISTRICT $113 $0 $113 $0.00 SOUTHERN RIVERS $102 $8 $110 $0.00 STORMWATER GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE $0 $38 $53 $15.76 LINKHORN BAY $0 $14 $14 -$0.17 TOTAL $761 $221 $1,025 $43.17 ©Jacobs [Year] Stormwater Operations ARPA Update, Total of $44.88M 14 Total Spent & Obligated, $21,075,792 , 69% Remaining ARPA$, $9,504,208 , 31% Enhanced Neighborhood Rehab Total $30.85M Total Spent & Obligated, $11,808,013 , 83% Remaining ARPA$, $2,491,987 , 17% Lake Management & Dredging Total $14.30M Note: All ARPA funds will be encumbered by December 31, 2024. Jacobs Stormwater Operational Assessment Recommendations ©Jacobs [Year] Flood Protection Dependence Upon Operations 16 What is staff’s greatest concern related to the performance of the existing and future flood protection system? Reliable Equipment Miles of Flood Barriers 3 Miles of ditch/ canal Improvements Cubic Yards Dredging of Ditches/Canals` New Assets from Phase 1 FPP 9 Stormwater Management Facilities11Pump Stations with Generators 8Tide Gate Installations 8Miles of Stormwater Pipes Acre -ft Stormwater Storage 4Miles of PS Outfall Piping to Bay/ Ocean 3 Miles of Roadway Improvements 500 1.5 15,400 New Infrastructure from Phase 1 FPP Existing Assets New Assets 11 PS (max 440 cfs)+17 PS w/generators (max 1,200 cfs) 8 small tide gates +8 large tide gate installations Series miter gates @ West Neck 1,189 miles storm pipes +8 miles pipe (15 -84 inch) +4 miles PS outfalls 212 miles off -road ditches 436 miles roadside ditches 3 miles ditch improvements +3 miles elevated roadways 500 lakes, 38 dams/spillways +500 acre -ft storage +1.5 miles flood barriers Comparison of Existing with New Infrastructure The new pump stations are much larger than the current stations 19 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Beech Street58th StreetGoodspeedBroad BayFirst LandingChubb LakeOceanviewSherwood LakesCape Story*Ashville ParkOcean Park Phase 2Ocean Park Phase 179th StreetRosemont Forest61st Street16th Street**42nd StreetWindsor Woods…Lynnhaven Colony…Vista Circle PSPoinciana Drive PS…Lynnhaven Drive PS…Central Resort…Lake Bradford,…21st Street/Baltic…Windsor Woods…West Neck Creek…Central Resort…North London Bridge…PS Capacity in cubic feet per secon Phase 1 FPP StationsExisting Stations Examples of the City’s Existing Stormwater Pump Stations 20 Rosemont Forest PS, 65 cfs16th PS, 335 cfs Cape Henry Canal Tide Gate Installation 21 This tide gate was the first constructed by the City for flood protection and went into operation 2019. South Florida Water Management District C51 Canal Pump Station 22 South Florida Water Management District C51 Canal Pump Station, 1,500 cfsPrincess Anne Plaza PS & Tide Gates New Orleans Flood Control Gate & Pump Stations 23 PS#6 on the 17th Street Canal in New Orleans, 1,200 cfsI-10/I -610 Interchange Railroad Underpass PS in New Orleans, 850 cfs 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Jacobs Operational Assessment Findings & Recommendations Equipment Facilities Process Improvements 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Jacobs Staffing Recommendations Function Staffing Position Recommendations FY 26 FY 27 FY 28 FY 29 Staff Support 00195 Administrative Assistant 1 Additional CCTV 00655 Construction Inspector 1 Crew 00750 Engineering Technician I 1 ROW Support, MS 00755 Engineering Technician II 1 1 Ditch Programs 00445 Heavy Equipment Operator 2 2 00318 Maintenance Mechanic 1 1 00850 Maintenance Engineer I Electric 1 1Pump Stations 01430 Maintenance Engineer II 1 1 Asset 01970 Engineer I 1 Management 02616 Engineer IV 1 Safety & Training 03214 Occupational Safety Coordinator 1 SWOC Manager 02402 Operations Coordinator Building 1 Total New Positio 6 7 2 4 7 new positions to catch -up with current system needs . 12 new positions to accommodate the new Phase 1 FPP assets. ≈$1.8 million w/fringes ©Jacobs [Year] Staffing Recommendations for Current Level of Service •MS4 Program –Eng Tech 2 •ROW/ROE –Eng Tech 2 Technical SupportPipe Inspections Tech Support Safety Equipment Operators •Construction Inspector •Engineering Tech 1 2 nd CCTV Crew •Occupational Safety Coordinator Safety •2 Equipment Operators vs. Laborers Roadside Ditches ©Jacobs [Year] Staffing Recommendations for new Phase 1 FPP Assets •2 Equipment Operators vs. Laborers Specialized OperatorsPump Stations Equipment Operators Asset Manage- ment Admin Roles •2 Electricians •2 Mechanics •2 Instrumentation Techs Pump Stations/Tide Gates •Engineer IV •Engineer I AM Program •1 Facility Manager •1 Admin Assistant Management ©Jacobs [Year] Potential Staffing Needs Not Yet Addressed Specialized maintenance for wetland plantings Fleet levels to support operations needs Pump Stations Admin Roles Back Bay Marsh Elizabeth River Shoreline Restoration Bow Creek Stormwater Park 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Jacobs Equipment Recommendations Equipment Equipment Recommendations New/Replace FY 26 FY 27 FY 28 FY 29 Second CCTV Truck New $200,000 CCTV Equipment Replacement $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Replace Aging CCTV TruckReplacement $200,000 Jet/Vac Truck Replacemen Replacement $750,000 $750,000 Pick-Up Trucks & Vehicles (Fleet)Replacement $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Walking Excavator New $600,000 System Automation, Senso SCADA New $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 CMMS for Vertical Assets New $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $200,000 Totals $3,690,000 $2,540,000 42,990,000 $2, 440,000 Replace vac trucks and vehicles; new CCTV truck, business case for specialized equipment for ditches, ≈$xx million ©Jacobs [Year] Closed Circuit Television Trucks for Inspections 30 The specialized camera equipment requires replacement and/or rehabilitation every two years. ©Jacobs [Year] Jet/Vacuum Trucks are critical for cleaning, clearing blockages, and documenting current conditions 31 Over the last 30 days 3-4 +/- 2 per day vac-trucks have been down / out for service or repairs. Two trucks are down now because they need extensive repairs and waiting for parts. It is not uncommon to see fluctuations between 2-6 trucks down per day on a regular basis. ©Jacobs [Year] Specialty Excavators for Ditches, Canals, & Wetland Areas 32 Given the length of offroad ditches, roadside ditches, canals, and lake shorelines the City maintains, using specialized excavators will facilitate getting more work completed sooner. 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Jacobs Facilities Recommendations Equipment Facilities Process Improvements Construct a new Stormwater Operations Center. Further study recommended for three other facility needs. Stormwater Operations Center New 30,000 ft2 critical operations facility. $27M. Facility for Spoils Long-term, centralized location for spoils. Further study recommende Beach Operations Facility Outdated facility with limited functionality. Further study recommended. Old Mosquito Control District Facility Outdated facility with limited functionality. Further study recommended. 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Jacobs Process Improvement Recommendations Equipment Facilities Process Improvements Improve documentation, standardize procedures, forecast future needs for new FPP assets. Asset Management Plan Revisit after Arcadis completed Condition Assessments. Strategic Operations Plan Continue to refine with information provided fr Arcadis, SWEC, and Operations staff. Standard Operating ProcedureUpdate and create industry-standard SOPs for safety and maintenance activities. Succession Planning Institute a strategy for succession planning an advancement. Stormwater Operations Risk Register Develop programmatic risk register to identify potential threats, challenges, and mitigation strategies. Budget Forecasting Develop process to include new FPP assets in operating budgets forecast. ©Jacobs [Year] 1 3 Staffing 2 4 Summary of Jacobs Operational Assessment Findings & Recommendations 19 new staff positions 1 new CCCTV truck and 1 new excavator Replacement cycle for existing equipment New Stormwater Operations Center Facility rehab at three locations Standard operating procedures (SOP) Equipment Facilities Process Improvements Is the City better prepared today for a hurricane? 36 Lakes, canals have been dredged = maximizing system storge capacity Neighborhood drainage improvement projects completed. Generators installed at pump stations PS repairs completed before hurricane season Additional staff Asset Management Program developed System monitors installed for tide gates & PSs Strategic Operations Manual ©Jacobs [Year] Program Communications Update ©Jacobs [Year] FPP How it Works Videos 38 Elizabeth River & Lynnhaven River Watersheds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FegBinpb6RU&list=PLnHgAf8Pr_Lp6PPRu XS6bWqs9E_n7h9yQ&index=1 ©Jacobs [Year] FPP Communications Highlights 39 Working on the following content: •Video, blog, and social media content on Oversight Board student members, flood sensors and monitoring, and pipe maintenance. Ripple Effect blog published in The Hampton Roads Messenger. 13News Now TV interview on Virginia Beach water level monitoring network released on 5/18/2024. WHRO radio interview and online article on Back Bay Marsh Terraces released on 5/10/2024. May blog on the City’s master stormwater model was posted. Thank you Leisha.pica@jacobs.com