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_ s S � i Op OUR%X'V VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia September 10, 2024 Mayor Robert M. Dyer called to order the CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION in the City Council Conference Room, City Hall, on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 2:30 P.M. Council Members Present: Michael F. Berlucchi,Mayor Robert M. Dyer, Barbara M. Henley,David Hutcheson,Amelia Ross-Hammond, Robert W. "Worth"Remick,Jennifer Rouse, Joashua F. `Joash" Schulman, Chris Taylor, Vice Mayor Rosemary Wilson and Sabrina D. Wooten Council Members Absent: None 2 MAYOR'S CALL FOR SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION ITEM#76113 "HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance with the Virginia Beach City Code Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach, I hereby call for a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Tuesday,September 10,2024 2:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room 2034 Building 1, City Hall,2nd Floor 2401 Courthouse Drive The purpose of this SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION is to allow the City Council to convene into a Closed Session at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled Formal Session where the following matters will be considered: • Publicly Held Proaerty —District 1,3,4,5,6,8 (Requested by Mayor Dyer) • Public Contract—5131 Memorial (Requested by Mayor Dyer) Personnel Matters - Council Appointments: Council, Boards, Commissions, Committees,Authorities,Agencies, Task Forces and Appointees At the conclusion of the Closed Session, the City Council will reconvene into Open Session for the purpose of certifying the Closed Session. Sincerely, Robert M. Dyer Mayor" cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Deputy City Managers FOIA Officer Communications Office September 10, 2024 G�NIA-BEAC' City of Virginia Beach . - t '�*-OF OUR, NWO � �\r virginiabeach.gov ROBERT.M."BOBBY"DYER MUNICIPAL CENTER MAYOR BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH,VIRGINIA 23456-9000 (757)3854581 CELL:(757)749-4659 September 5, 2024 bdver(o)vbgov.com HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance with the Virginia Beach City Code Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach, I hereby call for a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINLA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Tuesday,September 10, 2024 2:30 P.M. City Council Conference Room 2034 Building 1, City Hall,2"d Floor 2401 Courthouse Drive The purpose of this SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION is to allow the City Council to convene into a Closed Session at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled Formal Session where the following matters will be considered: • Publicly Held Property —District 1,3,4,5,6,8 (Requested by Mayor Dyer) • Public Contract—5131 Memorial (Requested by Mayor Dyer) • Personnel Matters - Council Appointments: Council, Boards, Commissions, Committees,Authorities,Agencies, Task Forces and Appointees At the conclusion of the Closed Session, the City Council will reconvene into Open Session for the purpose of certifying the Closed Session. Sincerely, Robert M.Dyer Mayor cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Deputy City Managers FOIA Officer Communications Office CITY COUNCILS BRIEFING I ' OYSTER BARIRESTAVRANT UPDATE MayorDyer welcomed Kathy Warren, IPlanning. i expressed her appreciation ti City Councilfor their continued iii Owl's Creek Oyster Bar/Restaurant Project Here is the History and Background Kathy Warren, Director, Planning&Community Development City Council Briefing, September 10, 2024 vB VIRGINIA BEACH Project Project Information PROJECT SITE • Owner:Sea Shadow ' Inlet LLC919 OWL'S ...� • 919 Owl's Creek Lane p ��--..... • Combined parcel area � - • �„�-•„ 4.9 acres • 64 Zoning �-=` - OWL'S CREEK OYSTER BAR 7RO/ECT HISTORY AND VB BACKGROUND �2 September l 2024 CITY CO UNCILS BRIEFING / OYSTER BARIWESTAVRANT UPDATE ZoningHere is the Zoning History �- � Property historical) zoned Residential Duplex�RD-2) • Rezoning from RD-2 district to the Commercial General(CG-3)district approved on October 12,1970 for Rudee Inlet Yacht Basin,Inc.for a commercial marina • When the 1973 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance was adopted, Commercial General districts were renamed to the Business districts— This property became B-4 • Eating and Drinking Establishments are permitted in B-4 districts OWL'S CREEK OYSTER BAR PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND�3 VB Surrounding Zoning ,. ,. OWL'S CREEK OVSTEfl BAR PRO1ECi HISTORY AND BACKGROUND�4 SIB September I 2024 CITY COUNCILS I OWL'S BARIRESTAURANT UPDATE ITEM#76114 The next two(2)slides provide an overview of the Site Plan and Review History: Site Plan Overview • Site area =4.9 acres ' Work area = 2.4 acres • Impervious area = 1.3 acres ��� � Flood zone AE, BFE=8' L� • Restaurant= 5,000 SF • Parking spaces =95 • Noise zone>75db OWL'S CREEK OYSTER BAR PROTECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND�5 VB Site Plan Review History • April 2014: Construction General Permit obtained from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality�DEQ)to preserve stormwater design criteria • September 2015:Initial Site Plan submittal to Planning Department • 2015-2016:Four Review/Comment cycles • June 2016:Conditional Site Plan approval • July 2024:Conditions satisfied and construction site permits issued OWL'S CREEK OYSTER BAR PROTECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND�6 VB September 6 CITY COUNCILS BRIEFING OWL'S CREEK OYSTER BAR/RESTAURANT UPDATE ITEM#76114 (Continued) Current Status • the Property OWVS CREEK OYSTER BAR PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND VB • • Mayor Dyer expressed his appreciation to Mrs. Warren for the presentation. September 10, 2024 7 CITY MANA GER'S BRIEFINGS STORMWA TER MASTER PLAN UPDATE ITEM#7611 S 3:11 P.M. Mayor Dyer welcomed C.J. Bodnar, P.E., Stormwater Technical Services Program Manager — Public Works. Mr. Bodnar expressed his appreciation to City Council for their continued support and distributed copies of today presentation, attached hereto and made a part of the record. Mayor Dyer expressed his appreciation to Mr. Bodnar for the presentation. September 10, 2024 T :.r,•. i.4 JIr STORMWATER MASTER PLANS Bodnar, September Beach,� r •�, ' � _ �� .."".� '�' gym. K Background VB the Effect Watershed 4-Thalia Geek t tttle ttecR coed MANAGEMENT PLAN •• .. " '�- ,,., ira5nle Beach Btrd Nf ttQducR ibed'�� .. •'^ - Ylrvinie Beech DeparTntent O'Pubhc µµ'Cf�s to11 ftpsd CITY OP VIHGINIA 9EACH "' �;0^ SUBBACtY AUMBF A �,. ..—� s� aoseont RoaA trlland eoed Jury i990 CD M 1ndMrndencr rlvd. ene.+s.. +<v�o�+�.e..�� r••.••••�•••,••.••..•�••••'•n rtgur. l WtersMA � - SuD�asln Deltneetivn Stormwater Master Plan — WhyUpdate • Update Stormwater system inventory STORAGI! HOOP N ODE • Create computer models of the existing stormwater system ACTION STUDY) =© • Assess the performance of the stormwater systems — Flood control — Stormwater quality o 00 0 0 • Identify deficiencies in the stormwater syste m • Determine needed improvements • Provide information for project designs VB IWit, � z 4 Stormwater Master Planning, Analysis, and Inventory, CIP 100406 • In 2014 this project was added to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) / • The total investment to evaluate current and future flood impacts and develop long-term flooding solutions is $19.6 M . Q z �L O ryF sTOR� VI 4:�ZO�the Effect 5 n ir each t u lot y„ fIRNI F. i 7' Ad Process for Master Plan Update uB I <4]the Effect 6 SUBDIVISION: WATERSHED#: STREET: AREA PIPE SECT: INLET ID: PROJECT NO: NSPECTOR: DATE: _ / ^ NGLE THROAT OPENING: BLOCKAGE p, ON GRADE DOUBLE HEIGHT (H)(iT) OEBRtSJSa T �1 O TRIPLE THROAT OPENWG: m YES ONO . - O OIiAORUPLE WIDTH (B)(FT) INLET S O IN SAG • • • CUTTER PAN WIDTH RIM ELEV: 2L� S V O YES 040(FT) — • • . • CIRCLE TYPE CvRA ;NLET f t CURB INLET /2 / YARD DRAW MANHOLE m _ SIZE: " SIZE: • • • . • • • . • MATERIAL•. MATE_RIAL' NVERT EIEY: '•5_ -^ INVERT ELEV: • • • . • • . • NOTES- - 'nq NOTES- SIZE: SIZE: MATERIAL: MATE INVERT ELEV: INVERT ELEV: • • • . • • • • • • NOTES' DETAIL NOTES: • 0 • . • COMMENTS: ® STRUCTURE INSPECTION & EVALUATION REPORT CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SURVEY BUREAU Broad Say Model Construction River Lynnhowon River Wolfsps Lyrnitiavon Eastern • Modeling all drainage basins • All models P re ared in PCSWM River Creek M p Except for Lower Southern Rivers Landing River • PCSWWM uses EPA SWMM as its engine • Lower Southern Rivers models prepared in MIKE suite of programs • Allows effects of wind into the modeling parameters Model Construction • Models include the Primary Stormwater System : - Stormwater pipes larger than 24 inches in diameter - Stormwater management facilities (ponds and lakes) - Natural conveyance systems (ditches/swales/canals) • Models prepared for 1-, 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100- and 500-year storm events M under PWDSM requirements using recurrent tailwater elevations • Models prepared for 1.5-ft and 3-ft sea level rise VB ' <44D the Effect 9 Comparison of 1990 Master Plan to Now 1990 Model Schematic: 2024 Model Schematic: 46 nodes, 58 conduits 35,680 nodes, 52,836 conduits LIAM j� 6-4 ROAD CVI YFAT 7. II 3xixyly..__ s:Zv m •uEa;xP�aaacra* S+P1Yi� vh� ,.m4 , fC'L ,,� 'rhrcxuY. easr rtw, iaatua�t�nr.F� x, a revs€�' V :y.T7P,of101 ♦ t ,.. ® CHANNFL =i /wF aw+ :.w Tt a s " �birrr,. �Li�rRbffY4 ri,e' UP, 4VI EPA by-.i.ly YL_4.fu)u T " .d .� /Sr � �� �� 1E wrr�r!` • 1 1.tt11fa'fiF �, i'=�+7i �. OO °s *'Tx�Mr uIa'"�y 1.!' %ltrl♦M./�\\:�. R8P'A 1 ., O O 0 gyp° ( � s � „�� 1���i•'B'ABCC���gi:'.� � * O � w� r :. 3.�fR ,'�mrror'�En♦r*e 1�lp�lf�" a o © _�y'�'r••� //� �� y �/f�eLM1 "._'y..,r,,, r�. l4.v�•a, S♦..' �'\`va,40"�1�'d V''�+� TYT^.d4T�1F' VB ! <�=0 the ' Effect 10 Model Validation t - _ i W ^ M A _ w r �� ���the Effect u 1 OO G70 00 OR O Q ll -i n n Ln to Ln to in tD tD %D 0 %n to C1 tIt Oq C fh J1 lD N -i li to on Ln in to Ln w in w o in cn :D 'O T7 U tp ro > ro C ro ro cu c u v 0 L j pOp O ` �1 V U C N ro � O u a 'o O '� o 3. O O > N d m v 3 ro L.) a C a` O LD C o nci o 3 w • c C A u IV m Ol W W ro ILv- > U) — C � �+ H 0. d O 3 lOJ O0 �+ y to u i`a ro w �« c v A y v c fO a a s r w o rop > O O O j C j C IN9 > `y > > O O 3 O N 0 E o E o E a p s p p 3 aS 3 ag s O cc O 'A7 7 O O — — — — v O tY O O Z J Ln Ln ✓1.J 5 s s LA OD ✓1 ro N LA • • 2 .0 Drainage Basin Models • Adding 15-inch diameter pipes • Using the latest available DEM Old Linkhorn Bay 2.0 Linkhorn Bay • 145 Subcatchments ,.,k • 852 Subcatchments .. • 227 Junction Nodes '� `.: if- ` . 546 Junction Nodes • 111 Storage Nodes Ar r+r.? 712 Storage Nodes • 387 Conduits 1884 Conduits I b 4ZgD the Efff 13 : r rM Plan to mwate aster Development 14 Master Plan Development • Models provide locations where flooding is anticipated - 2-1 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-year storms classified as simulated flooding area • The Master plan evaluates each simulated I flooding area - Develops various alternatives to resolve flooding - Ranks those Alternatives to develop a proposed project Criteria Flow Chart .......... ........... HUNDREDS 0E SIMULAIEU EtUDU1NG AREAS(SEA) rrrrnrs arwu it SFA s120 SFA N210 SFA iKi� .n cnrn -- ALTERN0.TIYE ALTEPMATIYE ALTFTIMATIVE SELECTIUN SEEECTION SELECTION MOR PRMIFCT 360C PROJECT PROJECT PgOJF LT PERFORMANCE PEPFORFIANCE PFRFOR►IANCf wn snrn llli7l PR0.IECT FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTATIUN VB ! C.�the Effect 16 Master Plan Criteria Criteria Establishment: • Analytic approach to prioritize projects for implementation • Criteria developed across multiple City departments: - Public Works: Stormwater, Operations, Transportation, Stormwater Regulatory - Public Utilities - Planning - City Manager's Office - Economic Development - Agriculture - Housing - Emergency Management ��.,,� the Effect 17 Environment - — Community Fnhancement of Disrwtion Internal Cost Sharing Natural Systems Non-Residential Community Permitting and Compliance operation and External Cost Sharing Maintenance Land Acquisition/ } Water Quality Avail.*! ,,sementc, Other Accrued Enhancements Benefits Intrastructure Impact e : • Project Performance Criteria Emergency Access Flood Mitigation Non-Structural Flood Reports Critical Infrastructure Upstream Primary Hurricane Social Vulnerability Evacuation Routes Habitable Structure Secondary Hurricane Evacuation Routes Growth Area-3 Streets Stormwater Master Plans ,MIT 1—1, ,-A--� ,r+r 1.Efil IC., ILa:. 1 - rYY �a a� re 7:hael; Starmnatar ,. `— Stormwater Mate Pb. 'r i ` ;♦ St.rr,-Mr Matter Plan Mauler Plan - 1 >: stormwator Mast CI n _ r . r L,...YlI E' -4 Ln» L''aY2 fk i l,ll at r1tA'II1tY i '!Cv'.Y;y rYW r-.4�Ys,t�:� StCtIAW AIeI C r"„.� gwmw�arter Maxrr Ppn it7 Maslcr Plan ! •x i+furl � vDowbarry j�: � vB I C the Effect 20 c is.oC\rrKrnSs e.:.ad] Plvalwrh Rn•er Stnrmara»r)Gafor 91.�n Capeal 9rn1eM Doratl Sheet on as �al.ycn- snlnn•.al.r .thx,lmna•'x6�um.:.�nv:.iti,'L S.ys.0 I!.Yur,alenl.: rttbhrre..rk+ rn,laat r.n.�rna:,:e 5cos-rrrCr -o,aj Prnnr Tape Wpe lnfta➢ar]nn Orrlrftt l:ozf K.irto l➢!.RI: ,.a�[.!s 1]asnn{�F'A Rorortnrro: a-1 oar vrnrm(ro SLR) Uoneht Karin tl5Rr. ,u r,vs.,rKl[Bolen,lend u15,-.-r• ]oo-T'e;sr slv„n I,w svu Slu]�,adds hrkfkrr pm-mtinn m nrx oesrv{mrf]t.and npriros nm ansiryr nrta]l]ern rM 14irabrrh Rie.r.lTs prare alm psapuas a ew+<mleh[I tieA hxldle»r{oel•rnw nn N'eaf JuYsa Roelt Yrasrol>laps Caf ,e Pl ryw[�Ilr]in hwrJ]Ma ♦IaanM st:H. 'ruih?R<locxrnl :.h7m�Fz ! o.aeo �'�rt,,,a��^ Ln:.IRIS Is.lxr.Clnr Ea inw,. n . .. :he rvm'.1.�*ww➢•e M-h<pmxry n:�>irt m:iprirt r+mrrnz j tluury„y lar twv YIrJ;..Iu�,uu Ews.Clliskvn�,Zws:aciJ nr..l. .. , flnndm{rhrm:{Jtmlf rlc rti.J•.hnrl:.d.-!ha prmar xl+r adr.x. SS n,r',v+-Jlncatrzl]Illel a�hcL Id�aw:,r:ned c,ILe,ro. ace ...... -,\��`' �~.•Y :lt<ro is aplm�m]Irn..ahan�.rvppxrt-,ih•vmh S,V.'hx aar<r l�\1"'}� �•.rk Yn,mlssnwu IJua.sylnu-.I_rc tl-tllll..x'..wd TI5 Vsc".s.. -.Y rho xv�]e]wrcx:Mlh:Ynliir Y:nrlG fks„fn tiniiuM -...,...- � ll 1:vl'J.yrnl�l::IC VN'nN-,I rIM.�-1n1+1¢Itlna7.'Ij•Ylrlctun� rJledm{ap'c M]r Ix.rar ncmn svirh m 3lR Il __ Kimley I)>Horn 'A Af •." - ', y��' EXLabeth Rivn 13r11na0e 8-ln Legend r r :b'm i'a 5 w cuMvt StW �!mo AwIIM Sarnx;tvlu••r E,CTJ�G.pUC' Ci'S:k,G c 'H. � S r. l y'.��o:r.LM.: t; I� 7� �► V"iµrrI Duey. a 1 )f'ilctul wFA Iv'jt['C M>r IFFI h.nrnm!• . 75 p.d'R w'pt Vgi�y WU:IIlb W R:v:YOn(W.) Ab 'r ARROWHEADAND HUNTINGTON NWOMBORHOODS PHASE IE: WEST CHICKASAW ROAD ALTERNATIVE tlub cl rtn,r MfACMeG �. �F1CM Kimley Morn A o tDD 2M rWA EXISTING CONDITION 100•YR NO SLR PROPOSED PROJECT CONDITION 100•YR NO SLR F-J.g -Arad M.n.w1.a rinodvym+..r..6.1 umv is wrlF.A c.•fi d aM H•'crypm �, +ti A,aw-oa7 rd OOisa L +.IIV M.rtfrtMn rvr-.lr..>t:n�:.c "LDltw llu •wImYW - �.1 fa•ar �j 1..,e.l:nl�r..v N'w•.S: A:Nn.lwwt 4...! q.yrv..ry.�d.Cl,wr S. j, taA:h�.auw+bad � kC:l"v,11:aw ltce! i C r 9lChM Mcr -� klwaeL R'r. ARROWHEAD.ANG Legend HUNTINGTON Flood Depth _0 5•a 75 R 1(i-7 R VIAGINI• NEIGHBORHOODS O nm,rn�rP -timMnrc a- �wcH PHASE 1 E:WEST f nolannt I gpd,rg -0 0 2S R -095-i R ->2 R CHi a OJ CORD -a n- -0 .R-7 1-1.5 a Kimley�lHan 0 75oFM r. Opinion of Probable Construction Costs =7U=71 -A�laLt:lW the Effect 24 Stormwater Master Plan Summary • Stormwater Master Plans are a vision for the future similar to the City's Master Transportation Plan or Comprehensive Plan. • Stormwater Master Plans evaluate our current situation and outline the necessary actions to ensure the resilience of our City by identifying practical and equitable strategies. • Stormwater Master Plan 9-year effort developed the following: • Stormwater models that identify where flooding is expected to occur and can be used for designing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects and private projects • Stormwater conceptual plans to mitigate flooding to meet the Public Works Design Standards Manual • Objective prioritization criteria M11 1 4��the { Effect 2s THANK YOU . �+ r , Yu Questions?Al = =; ,._ M Vg '�`''t the Effect 26 8 CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS RUDEE LOOP PARK UPDATE ITEM#76116 3:37P.M. Mayor Dyer welcomed Chad Morris, Planning Design and Development Administrator — Parks and Recreation and Clay Dills, Owner-Dills Architects. Mr.Morris expressed his appreciation to City Council for their continued support and distributed copies of today' presentation, attached hereto and made apart of the record. Mayor Dyer expressed his appreciation to Mr. Morris and Mr. Dills for the presentation. September 10, 2024 1 � .,SY� � •�, '�� �� - . `ram! V• yet �,• � ^+. :Ac. • �` 111 1��" r!. }7:'�Z �ti.' • h\\ r.r• < t e�R . ��•�w—v ''�^.i`w��" t A-sy" v`� t.. C •.,^ r "', •t � a\ .3`.�• � Vey _ � �•�a ♦ �.\� \) t.�.��' t�" .{y♦ :� Y :♦ �, �j�' '\a'.•+♦•t�.. .���1• 342- P. t:1`•�J r.« .:i{.' "tis 3�� `!�'�", �.•;y� ♦:' y� t '1,1�� 1�•,� cV;t+' f�a.:�a . sj ��`ta. •ti' .4 i�''.� :;t(.l• t- . t4v F1;t1! �Lyx.. .,+�.;t '�.t, `a/�••' �i'" ',�� 11��-`•�� •\�*�ti-� ,• •r t,� i `�{ �" ', •< \�� a .K� a � 1 r.y',{>-t !t. 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'� " � u�» Iil� - �,. ., "`� ' � � � � - +� r� , _ _ . a .<, yC � l _ .. , - .� °� , , - r _ ti . � ir: _. � .�_ � ,. ., r,.-�- � - �c�"'�iw.��xrsh'r_ .�xv,�tltlar�cm...r__. �,.;M., his: � �✓ .. p ir- RR'r•xX �"' ' ... }• '~M.�� . .,..r- 'wt,/, a -�»...� M». N � °` w;�•.Y :�� affix '' " �;� ,r _ � x 3" ^s .y �G.,;��7 a?� �` "'.�, �•►'� ^' r��,•'`� •'1y',o b- t ' �* �,��" �{''�'j� ye„ i r .y. i - z k ` Water Sports & Activities "Being connected to the water is part of our history and culture" ,..,,,.. .,M�wT... n �, r x ti: Maximize Views "I come to see the water and nature. . . .I don't getWON this at my house" V ke P AfIbN . q4 10�` � - ■ ■ ® ■ . . .� . » .« : :a. . . \���� I" Connect .,e a a. Views Play � w 4 Exercise a ..,. Explore Experience 4� Fish TEAM DA Dills Architects Project Lead I Architecture I Management edsa SCAPE Resort Parks & Waterfront Parks & O&M Revenue Hospitality Resilience Planning 1w �s SUSSEX Public Engagement Cost & Constructability 13 •, y r. t. Dills Arc' hite � csfe:. We Lead Collaborative Design Teams . �`�., ? �_. � ♦. .,. eft ^'3s ��+�' w,� � - 1 .. - i; ti •_, I i 'ter .sue ., .. .:. n Ilk Ow- ry NL r' 10 r 44 g X . ` �'t • i 11� •,�: '+ "-R. yr." ..!-.. � ... "' T.�I/ _ _ .... _. - '� �,a��, r it t4 r ' As BRV • IK .: ,•y� �r 4 ��, tip' �S . . Waterfront Parks Resort Parks Park Revenue O&M y tt (y .: � .7 r.�� y•1 H I�� 1J� �� f�^ •a' ! � r�4 •. - �f p � ..• • 1 d .. ,•P . . �_ t T`-. -- .' r�1• � � ire• #r•� �r - t , m' * s • , Y F TY \-• �I� r' T q SY�x. c; r. Aim- Aid- Aw •,w T r 18 M , WHO WE ARE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTS URBAN DESIGNERS RESILIENCE PLANNERS HORTICULTURALISTS ARBORISTS SC,:APE 19 WHERE WE ARE AL SCAPE NEW ORLEANS SCAPE HEADQUARTERS NYC SCAPE SAN FRANCISCO 20 Edsa TEAM Pippa Brashear Brad Howe Daniel Hernandez Resilience Principal Principal in Charge, Design Lead SCAPE Project Manager 21 W HIDE WORK • 0 ymp+a• NORTH DAKOTA Ford."� . MONTANA j MINNESOTA MAINE Salem �, Hem® I Bismarck o • ° II __� j1J •Augusta IDAHO EGON . °•aw,,r,,,,° • OR R+orc M o .Rome;, SOUTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN NEW YORK,c -roe ° 4f OMI o ovl..,re i ° • any c J ° . I MKHIGAN a• • IOWA Mad+a+ 1 • O L m 1 _ c icag0 ^� o PENNSYLVANtA ew York ° • a NEBRASKA De Mcilnes u I o • • • • n fake City' -- ------_� Omaha • ILLINOIS jIND1ANA burgh • Philadelphia San Fra NEVADA Columbus ore Dove. - I• D • o Indranipolis• OHIO ST • %— Kansas Ci VIRGINIA '/ASHINGTON t` COLORADO'' S. ou's •ehasest n LAMA �9 KANSAS Topekaa e • a xuh CALIFORNIA VIRGINIA egas MISSOURI KENTUCKY �f---� ° c ° "�--- -- as Ville• o •Raleigh Los Angeles(', •47 i ARKANSAS �� NORTH CAROLINA c Oglahoma City TENNESSEE ARIZONA Albuquerque I 0 F — ° San Diego Ohoenix' f ' NEWOKLAHOMA 0.R-5 umbla• MEX CO ISSISSIPPI •Atlanta SOUTH CAROLINA � u c 0 ° Das El Paso — - o � °ackson •�^< ery GEORGIA TEXAS c, OUISIAN ALABAMA -- � — • ����—ocksonvitic Austine o ° FLORIDA c *Houston eW Orleans 0 0 ATampa SI YHr•r.�u.y r..� p Corpus CvS'.� t; t'/ 22 Miami \ • t w `. ECO—AWARE ��� � _ COLLABORATIVE � . t Y _ 4' y � Aw. war 1' Y SYSTEMS THINKING ENGAGEDen 1 fir __.. A i.l 2 We turn bold ideas into reality at the waterfront. .. t � r s R - r ���Mt° .�a/+.'•YJY`Y+IG4r�i�JA'�'„•��('!fi"'-p'..7 .. !, � ._� t r. ,n� ♦ •A � Q r i Innovation along the water's edge is at the core of our ���� practice. II ! to 3 I I? I ff `` , E Ind ,- .... • ., I^ Sri� ��Y •. ,�,,,,� ,�,. � - S. - r. .M 3, i t . SITE _ . �•,� �„ - ,,,r, - LEFT TH ��_ -- y 4 _ raie. _ DApT T SSE _ r �E SEA Rom �� r* O.AIN GAft4 G - nFa 70 - STEP �ATERr ay / GR OW TRAIL E- TRAIL 95 5�" SHo Nos V13 26 LN/ SA W r spaces to inspire k r e create spa p and nurture community life. ►! F F "��i Y''�7 .y,- r .l..tti, fF, �� FA+•'i 1 `.:44r.yIM Y a;. `y,�.+ �- .. __ -�.� 1�'. tt }py�J •++yam Y' i �. � k rf S» t N I`'a��� •�%'R' ,t y+.a;41, rj i� r�A¢r Ltd yb, � �_ 1 +��-�. •. +'^ jC. L YF� `•'�'!� T' '� 1 '7F�( Y�«5::1 'y.�• ty , 'r��. f 11 r " ' �Ir�; - it ii � I '•t 141 w �,-q'I a � Y •. nt I y Tom Loo Paik�, Collaborative and Outreach-Driven Process L. ,1�, g. i _ ��• "�� 1'"�as! i, r�af..c;r1� y R�• .1R✓� r I /"_ a 490 MAW Am - a AM '_. _®.1► ... . r o r 1` N k• } wt. �a xse i r _ r j Iqo� k '411:>a >s�wire�a}:r cbsa xs xw�et AL 1 � � /1 'I F •� al9� .�. `y`. _ a or NNW wtv lM1 tatltW >� d ` I <t c Resort, ► Hospitality TRU edsa Visioning + Planning Urban Design Landscape Architecture 31 AA Y ,F .} Yj V.. vr1:; Resort, Parks & Hospitality SO Raleigh Baltimore r JN Dallas SO Denver ti ,, Fort 4. Lauderdale , New York } Orlando r Shanghai 32 E DSA Team t Kona Gray, Principal Michael Batts, Principal Angie Kealey, Designer 33 We know Rudee Loop � c........,s....wfx.,.wressvx ♦* f~i 4!_.. PREFERRED OPTION r "� f � .: •.;�. ear oxl.aF. .:acnx Y•' i F f � 1 „fYl•.,�..�«.«,.»._.,�..r.,,,.,._,.,r_,,N,I..... farv: 11 ,< ,r,�F..,,,r,fp, Ir:.rt....E. >,r„ - •, t" .. Wkft:F f'srvTi llf..::ff'O ALLKHU:REFTi.Y1sEA.IIY *:� -• .o;.w,r n�uw at+a.nfnr r TM.f fYN frown � �� 34 +4 r.f.n:.vlr.,srlwwrt.a,v>M K'EI IOOf'O VOA A4i.A 2,dfTfx'faCCRf',AOUY SU,a`..rru a EM.,YF IH/aC� � i� < k � f _ - - � � ����•of ll vX' � Ov ei • W i� t' 4Awl _ �y A �" ;� tom•. � T l`" ;d _ gyp" '� •�M a .t.� `Cf��',�.� � .f'• .CJ� ��..:•.- .t 1 • .� :,, :.: 1. i _.....: �. F S k a-�- F _!M 6 � Il 7 -`IL k S „U*; �" = a E -4 R. r ,�,•. H, i �r �•t i t d HAS toadAdd+IDI�D » "+r ezaoun tvaiaaasasa . lilt ii 7 � i see P 1 9, D--v CREATING w PEOPLE MAGNETS V 14 p 4 Ai __y-- Et4'�l�rltlll;l l � I • y pill k r a� � w r Core Expertise 1 . Design Review SFr "'.ar �` z" •�"�'�; wr.3` 2. Programming 3. Park Operations 4. Park Budgets 6. Governance 7. Revenue Generation 8. Business Improvement Districts � i y �^ 1 B RV- RVII;ll.l)l RKIAN li,,-D�vr_LOpm[NT D m an ' B I I R F IW& psign Kavidv AIM 41 �y d i 71 `` ;\•.� �� � r •� � °�- _� '7`�"J i� -.-tom 42 Design Review: Mission Rock NEIGHBORHOOD QUAD These woo l,ke good as:e speekrtan °rya:1, jspeci.s(-25 than~CanOpy't)- tyttongly support this.This olacrrtiont lI + ,• trsgt any work g the"are Wga from =I(as shown us P•Kat/ant Image). Here win the rest o be rera worth the monoy. Catedr Assume oneM ha bvildilps.NNd to figure r 1! set y r �opd l0 4ewp or wrest vet .. .. ft 00aa0 Clear Ot t_or her Immovable ob.ct I n - 'I i.plats to,lama.Brenta _ • • Mgt[Do[t _ Iwo oossiole temlwrary stage bcations- r should pick one vend wtlluft the r_.gn _, • _ I accord n gly lclearf1ghr.fines.+pPrPpnwt. Not S"tm w*l actu.liy eeOrkn f e • .-... T !n gnadlne I",for IOJd1I1g�Jr110atling e stage tend that is ok b.cae#k Is _ 1 q: perhaps.110try adjust shape of lawn).Temp inletesting.s an Memenl on ks ONIII) �•t • - siwye�s bast placed on hard—pe.and In -tM sertKe may W too Ynrer11 a110 ` - tLEXn� - ""- I ;+' most ea saf wlll be mW t-1.ty 16.20 I rtmryDetooWfrxutltoloadaalPM ;r- _ PLMA eoulPment.etc A term stay.go" be set ep on haroseap.Mists lhel.ad of a stage,could thh �I be a vlew posh?Mayb.a . place one covid get a gtintpse' I - support the mil"of hov"2-3 largo spKF -._ - men tress at the Ill IWIYehavar sbr is '• • _ .. back)of the lawn to give the option of Whole, 0.is watm dssy. �� •' Matta atsr*the oeealuenal vehicle(far IesaY►� Overall Preference of L .-- - i - _ trnance or event set UP)can otter onto the themes: �. ��'. �,F .� s pMro and rwvigsle tM elorrtw+ls i I .Neighbor hood quad ( _ 2.Plaza heart ( - _ Int.rest�oq rar.ery os d�ne.ant petits and.n-I F ►AR[OYE 3.Urban square } ty Pelnts end d,nerent edge cnnd bon. �a [onseer a tees mac bndg. n the paving r.At_ty - pock st,"t..dg.cor,w be pathways to Gross the .Yenly grab.d At tnls ocig.i p very interest"feature and atorrstwater gKWns l lk.ly want outdoor L t. petivarof at in itself h is p—b'. �� " �� --— d,ning At this edgpe �o got th Yee W rock+ BRVO 1-BRV k 1 1 1)1 R Nt.A N E Programrag 44 The BRV Method kL kL Budget • .fa �.J,. .7,.-' •+�i,°r�Ai'"��*;�'i{�it t��;.,F �.'. "rs.-� �' "t''' -� �-'-�gft�lY D►'G rl1R���`t�21�. .t'n� � - i _"4N4" f� 141�`/�ty?aKy!M �r � BLOCK 4 'TTAC.e ACrA (CI r4'-z) 3-4 L Ms fscssvt�M D rt fie Cry�cS/ Programming Map r•I.. �. YInKn.+.nr Fax.. Il.,n..i....�,.....,yn. \n..rin.�...a�r.n. • -•. 1 e 1v.4 v&W.rpm d— . w '.1•.<. �^ ,.'� d hr•a. N.Fr nrnrcxavx l.n< .<F d da•a.<l.w. I n:• rTnr�,vn rna ..i�� . Him w..w f• 'vt.w x. . Jr.b I IMre.Fi..4 Arpn wao-.[�M 1•..I t,..1.^ ''.I..��1}.Il r'.\...uL: b.xn. 1.rwN in. �� ':WkrLr..x j wirli.Y.p<n a•. rY.. I.+1•.rl; I'..stt 66�[Yaa. n.w. In cu..x I,.nrn..w4r - -• ..2•,f..i•tra•..r..rxw MrYv -..... _._ 1-•J'<a.,J AI.�dx... �IIFn.4dr,aa... tyrf.t.w.>-_ `.n n.�r4. .,.... — �� %Ikwrorn.r.wnwl.af< (rsrn<.ex.ir••n arol'Mr1 l.•M 1�F... lxj. Kf i.r• r •'. vita \'.In,pn. .. R.anw ��<a+ I1,..r..f M•wl �� I:y{tft� 'rr een�.nq, 1 -4' 1 •^^ •% fx4 wry vinF.xr I '.4. .w nrnr 11—h. 'd. ru<.1 fiF.l._Oa Aaxr.aenilN t Ittyo,.6.r.rn</s'•<. t'.tvn patna.rl Lxaw \'..a.1:J1 / �'hIM• � I r,n;....r.y rr.k." \w.1"1.Hawn 1..Fxa la:<:F: �. C•:.A-ry rW.r. Pwvr.F<.�h r+xv. ,.1<vnV `'n,ru r.a.s ,1.Ino..a..6•..+ Aatnl4 Ar.. .ny.., U':p�.linre� <ta.wl a.• U.y rm.n.laR 4:�:nn.wa<:la'af�,. :..wnwMar .. 71m'r•wn. r� A'?"' 131 # J ® .. • ' 4w ' B RV ` 46 11 BRVO B RV k: i I)I It Nt AN F 7N- ,�-17 11F 7 o F m F ,7 Par era t* 47 Park Operations: Seating , Hardscape vs. Softscape A a� v.�- t .ice ,t � M• x.,' .'I .� 41 ^�� __ �'.:��«.,1.. �.�► *�'�'�9'�'���! �� ~• r,� ARC Li,. vs 48 • r� i 1 Sanitation , Security, Maintenance mom 1 ®Park Operations: Privatized ®feR� Park Operations: Design Standards - Pestrooms .. s r. f_77 �. j r ► . All l - I 5 0 Operating Bryant Park, 2022 s EXPENSES Winter Village 9,400,000 43.5 Sanitation 2,430,000 11.3 Capital Projects 1,430,000 6.6 Public Events 1,910,000 8.8 Security 1,575,000 7.3 General&Administration 1,550,000 7.2 Park Programs&Amenities 860,000 4.0 Marketing,Promotion,Social Medla 930,000 4.3 Horticulture 485,000 2.2 Carousel 430,000 2.0 Reading Room 450,ot 2.1 Retail Services 150,000 .7 51 Total Expenses 21,600,000 1009'0 Net Operating Surplus 1,325,000 1 ® , ��ar� BRVO evenu- B RV 1� Ni I PI11 RMFAI _oil%.I [ \1 enerats,R •cn 52 How to Pay for Great Public Spaces: $30,000,000 Bryant Park Revenues ■Winter Village ■Event fees ■Restaurant Rent Assessments $25,000,000 ■Concessions ■Government Support Other Sponsorship ■Other $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 — — 1 $0 19Sf9 6'l9,ly�ly 9l l9!!9��93� sl Sl9 6f�,B199y�00�00�00�00�00�00�00�00�00?O �O��O>>20�?20�S�O�T�O�S�0�6`�O��0�6�0�920��0�1�0 �. 5 3 Pevenue Development: Bryant Park, 2022 5 �o PARK REVENUE BID Assessments 2,500,000 10.9 Restaurant Rent 1,680,000 7.3 Sponsorship fit 6.5 Ctther Concession Rents 1,100,000 4.8 Park Usage Fees 1,300,000 5.7 Carousel Tickets 350,000 1.5 Interest and Other Revenue 115,000 .5 Revenue Total(not including Winter Village) 8,545,000 WINTER VILLAGE Rink Revenue 7,970,000 34.9 Sponsorship and activations 3,380,000 14,7 Shop Royalties and Reimbursements 1,850,000 8.1 Food Service and Catering Royalties 1,180,000 5.1 54 Winter Village Revenue 14,380,000 TOTAL REVENUE $22,925,000 100% 1 � � Brand • • • • . • • • Fever Tree Porch , Movies, Winter Village "Ilk r 4' rY Tim.- r=k t r , T y •. t �BRYAN��0 �� NPARK /i 1 BUYS .' {,. I�HT�• � v, ,. 55 A 9 BRVe 1;II.DI It ki AN It D EVE LOP AW B RV v E Nr 1.1 R E i m ENT Treaty Vai' Lve V9 56 19mw _ Creating Value Through Privatization at the iW- Grace Building Increase in effective rents through $15/ privatization of Bryant Park(per square owners) foot 1.3 - _ Total rentable space in building million -- - square feet a..�.., . - Increase in annual rent roll $19.5 Creating Value: Grace Building , New York, NY MOWN �IIMKIWK /� Il��fi �t �' �`��� Increase in buildin value at 5% $390 • • _ cap rate million ATV 57 Creating Value: Klyde Warren Park, Dallas, TX ■ Pre-Park Opening (2012) t���l, ;y; ! -.fah Rental Rate Increase Since Park Opened Current Status (2016) . pre-Park Opening (2012) lOOtoio Current Status(2016) $500 INCREASE 82% 60% s.Is i" :our $450 y a" INCREASE INCREASF SawsM $40 ias 5350 xtn 5300 .. i SZOOS220S15 $50 to .:uptown uptown Bu1lding I BuO ding 2 K� 58 S.,, idoo .GYM p . AGENCY R w , Ar P —Ala _ Community Engagement Approach 0 Collaborate with Youth-oriented Go to where the VBCCO, PTAs, strategy youth are Faithbased and underserved Schools, Boys & Girls Clubs Interactive displays, Athletic communities events, School events of Southeast Virginia, Scouts, Community athletics, Recreation Centers Project briefings and community input 60 • Collaborate with City and VBCPS communications staff • Stakeholder toolkit • FAQs • Approved content for posting on community social media platforms Samplingof outreach venues with existin g community events y � 5 ' X District 1 - Arrowhead ES District 2 - Creeds Senior Resource Senior District 3 - Bow Creek District 4 - Ebenezer BC District 5 - VAQ District 6 -VB MS District 7 - Tallwood HS e District 8 - Kingston ESt h- vi?k ra W. ,I Emil *" District 9 - Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue ' va, N 1 }. District 10 - Green Run HS 62 CRFEN tiJ� -'fir Cost Control and Constructability SASSES ♦ dT 'A:. fix. , t • w. SUSSEX *"'""'° f Dom. i c::�ia•�- ... �-.._......._ 5 SEPTEMBER Field Investigation, Engagement Plan & Materials Begin Stakeholder meetings OCTOBER Design Workshop, Community & Event Meetings NOV-DEC Public & Stakeholder Input JAN-FEB Public Meetings and Input, Refined Design Options MARCH Community Meetings, Refine Final Working Design APRIL Public Input and Presentation, Final Documentation k' 4 , ,K 1t Axe ,r � • .. a �:, 1 �y� .. 'ECG. ry �-, ''�"^"-\;4'N�i •` ''�i,C �» "t`��T t��rQt r��w�!'�'J `t. ``��Y sL�- .�.`i�". �•` ��a. �. v `ti,,,; ` ((ff ... •_ 'L•.ya.SSt Ca .:t�. 'L` -�f: .;Z-. g'd ,`. �.•� StiiyR t �� t,.�ihit7�.'..�h• .,'���1.. (. rt+arL9 � �\a � �::,,.N. e,r taL" J7a `--'f`��"- .S',•J�•-Y �.1,4 z"♦``?'" 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Council Member Berlucchi advised on September 8`" he participated in the Togetherhood Project at Scarborough Square hosted by the YMCA to clean-up the Scarborough Square neighborhood. Council Member Berlucchi advised Scarborough Square is a special neighborhood but has it's challenges with one being the amount of waste from large household items to small pieces. Council Member Berlucchi advised he was very pleased and appreciative to see the Scarborough Square Civic League,Boy Scouts,Lynnhaven River NOW, personnel from Parks and Recreation, Waste Management, Police, Neighborhood Housing and Preservation and community members execute a very organized and thorough clean-up with thousands of pounds of waste collected. Council Member Berlucchi advised afterwards there was a party where connections and friendships were made and emphasized his appreciation to the personnel from Waste Management who came out on their day off to help. Council Member Berlucchi referenced a previous City Council Meeting when members of the community requested additional services and believes this is a great example of how the City is delivering their request. September 10, 2024 10 CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION/INITL4TIVES/COMMENTS ITEM#76117 (Continued) Council Member Taylor congratulated Council Member Wooten for submitting her resignation on August 27'"so she can run for Mayor. Council Member Taylor advised he was made aware of this last week, and for transparency for the public, wanted to extend his congratulations. Council Member Wooten informed Council Member Taylor, she appreciated him making the statement, however, since it is pertinent to her position it is for her to state and requested Council Member Taylor to speak with her first before making statements regarding herposition in the future. Council Member Wooten advised her letter has been on file, and just as Council Member Taylor made the Body aware of his resignation, it is her prerogative to do so with her colleagues. Council Member Taylor advised the Body was not notified of Council Member Wooten's resignation and when he submitted his resignation, he emailed it to the City Attorney and City Clerk and cc'd the Body and City Manager. Council Member Wooten stated to Council Member Taylor that it is not his responsibility to comment on another Council Member's position and understands why he made the statement, as it is election season, but asked that he speak to her first as she would extend the same courtesy to him. September 10, 2024 11 CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION/INITL4TIVES/COMMENTS ITEM#76118 (Continued) Council Member Henley advised she has had a learning experience involving a development which was previously approved and is now causing issues for the neighbors. Council Member Henley explained when an application is being considered, the Body discusses the details of the application with the applicant to understand what will be done with conditions included to help ensure the re-zoning or conditional use permit will have the intended outcome. Council Member Henley explained she has learned if the conditions are not specific enough, then they are not enforceable and making necessary corrections afterwards is problematic, involving a lengthy and complex legal process. Council Member Henley asked if the process needs to change in order to avoid such circumstances going forward and believes it would be beneficial for the Body to have a public briefing on the process for re-zonings and conditional use permits in order for the Body and citizens to have a better understanding. Council Member Henley advised she is not sure how to have a briefing added to the Agenda and asked if she needed three (3) Council Members to support her request for the briefing to be added? Mayor Dyer explained briefings can be added to the Agenda in one(1)of two(2) ways, when at least three (3) Council Members sponsor the request or by asking him. Mayor Dyer advised in most cases he will support Council Members'requests, and advised he supports Council Member Henley's request today. City Manager Duhaney acknowledged and advised he will schedule the requested briefing. September 10, 2024 12 CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION/INITIATIVES/COMMENTS ITEM#76119 (Continued) Council Member Ross-Hammond provided the following brief comments: - The gift bags distributed are from the Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) to express their appreciation for City Council's support as they celebrate their 40 Anniversary. - On September 7`h, she and Council Member Remick attended the 243'd Battle of the Virginia Capes Commemoration where she presented a Proclamation on behalf of Mayor Dyer. Council Member Ross-Hammond explained it was a naval battle in the American Revolutionary War that took place near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on September 5, 1781 between a British fleet led by Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Graves and a French fleet led by Rear Admiral Francois Joseph Paul, the Comte de Grasse. - On October 5`h,from 12:00-5:00 P.M., the Virginia African American Cultural Center will host the 4`h Annual Fall Festival with a special Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Basketball Court. Council Member Ross-Hammond advised last year the NBA provided $105,000 to refurbish the court and have provided free basketballs for the event. There will also be performers,food trucks, vendors and activities for children. - On October 3rd from 6:00 — 7:30 P.M., she will host a District 4 Town Hall at the Williams Farm Recreation Center and will discuss several topics including Schools, Public Safety with a crime stats update, traffic calming and the Parks After Dark Program. Council Member Henley advised if anyone is interested, there will be a Revolutionary War reenactment at the Upper Wolfsnare House this Saturday at no cost. September 10, 2024 13 ITEM#7612 0 Mayor Robert M. Dyer entertained a motion to permit City Council to conduct its CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A), Code of Virginia, as amended,for the following purpose: PUBLICLY-HELD PROPERTY: Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for public purpose; or of the disposition of publicly-held property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body pursuant to Section 2.2-3 711(A)(3). • District 1, 3, 4, S, 6, 8 PUBLIC CONTRACT: Discussion of the award of a public contract involving expenditure of public funds, and discussion of terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargainingposition or negotiating strategy of the public body pursuant to Section 2.2-3 711(A)(29) • 5131 Memorial PERSONNEL MATTERS: Discussion, consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining or resignation of specific public officers, appointees or employees of any public body pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) • Council Appointments: Council, Boards, Commissions, Committees,Authorities,Agencies and Appointees September 10, 2024 14 ITEM#76120 (Continued) Upon motion by Council Member Schulman, seconded by Council Member Ross-Hammond, City Council voted to proceed into CLOSED SESSION at 5:09 P.M. Voting: 11 - 0 Council Members Voting Aye: Michael F. Berlucchi,Mayor Robert M. Dyer, Barbara M. Henley,David Hutcheson,Amelia Ross-Hammond, Robert W. "Worth"Remick,Jennifer Rouse, Joashua F. "Joash" Schulman, Chris Taylor, Vice Mayor Rosemary Wilson and Sabrina D. Wooten Council Members Absent: None Break 5:09 P.M. —5:18 P.M. Closed Session 5:18 P.M. —6:17 P.M. *Council Member Remick left the meeting and did not attend the Closed Session. September 10, 2024 15 CERTIFICATION ITEM#76121 Mayor Dyer RECONVENED the Special Formal Session in the City Council Conference Room at 6:18 P.M. Upon motion by Council Member Schulman, seconded by Council Member Berlucchi, City Council CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE INACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS Only public business matters lawfully exempt from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies. AND, Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Michael F. Berlucchi, Mayor Robert M. Dyer, Barbara M.Henley, David Hutcheson,Amelia Ross-Hammond,,Jennifer Rouse,Joashua F. "Joash" Schulman, Chris Taylor, Vice Mayor Rosemary Wilson and Sabrina D. Wooten Council Members Absent: Robert W. "Worth"Remick *Due to time constraints the Publicly-Held Property discussion was not held. September 10, 2024 G�NIA Bji FAC C j 5; OF OUR N 11,04 RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINL4 BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded in ITEM#76120 on Page 14 and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act;and, WHEREAS:Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a)only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. A/, A nda am s,kMC City Clerk September 10, 2024 16 ADJOURNMENT ITEM#76122 Mayor Robert M.Dyer DECLARED the City Council SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION ADJOURNED at 6:19 P.M. Terri :el"rk Chief Deputy AAadda Barnes Robert M. Dyer City Clerk, MMC Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia September 10, 2024