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VBCDC NAMI Attainable Housing Project Briefing Nov 21 2024
VBCDC NAMI AttainableHousing Project City Council Briefing November21,2024 PresentedBy Jessica Guglielmo PresidentandCEO, VBCDC VirginiaBeach Community Development Corporation VBCDC is a non-profit 501©3 VBCDC isa hybrid organization Independent non-profit organization Bylawsandboard membership are governed byCityCouncil Partof City’sFinancialEntity 2 VirginiaBeach Community Development Corporation Governance City Council Liaisons MichaelBerlucchi District3 RobertW.“Worth”Remick District6 Board of Directors J.DavidCrain,Jr. President Dr.AudreyDouglas-Cooke VicePresident Gary Sharpe Secretary/Treasurer FrankMcKinney Christopher Brown RobertEwell Jeremy C.Johnson MarshallBrice KayAshby MatthewHamaker 3 About the Team Who:Our team consists of two nonprofits, Virginia Beach Community Development Corporation (VBCDC) and NAMI Coastal Virginia, as well as resident stakeholders. Why:The project concept seeks to incorporate a mixed-use model including office space for NAMI with much needed attainable housing for the community. MISSION:Ourmission is to assist theCityof VirginiaBeach to providequalityaffordablehousingopportunitiesfor low- andmoderate-income people. VISION:Tobe championsfora supportivecommunitywhere peoplecan be empowered to live theirbest lives and thrive. MISSION:We advocate atthelocal, state, andnationallevels to eradicate stigma, andare committed to improvingthelives of thethose with a mental healthconditionandtheirfamilies byprovidingfree supportgroups, freeclasses, educationalprograms, andcommunityoutreach. 4 About the Project GeneralInformation •Project will includeup to 60 units, with a 15% (9 units)set asideof Permanent Supportive Housingunitsfor households with a mentalhealthdiagnosis. •Willincludecommercial space for NAMI CoastalVirginia’s new headquarters • •Rents will be affordable to householdsearning up to 80% of the area medianincome A mix of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units areplanned Amenities •OnsiteSupportServices &Property Management •Universal Design &Green BuildingCertifiedDevelopment •Located within¼ mile to publictransportation and near medicalfacilities,grocery,retail, education,andemployment opportunities •Green Spacewillbe incorporated intothe project design ProposedSite •3.18 acres of landlocatedatthe corner of Princess AnneRoad andCommunityCollege Place •Currentlyzoned to B2.Willrequire arezoning toB4 for residentialwith a mixeduse component •Cityowned land witha tax assessment of $1,889,700 5 About the People The development will serve our community'sworkforce (hotel workers,retail, teachers,first responders, frontline workers, administrative personnel, bank clerks, nursing assistantsetc.)with a small setaside of units for persons living with a mentalhealth diagnosis. Rentswill beaffordable to householdsearning up to 80%of the area median income (AMI).Often, thesehouseholds are the workforce of our community such asteachers, service, or frontline workers. 6 More Info About the Project Timeline •This project anticipates a 3-year development cycle to include community engagement, feasibilityassessments,rezoning ofthe parcel, and funding applications. Current Permanent Supportive Housing Developments Owned & Operated by VBCDC 7 History In 2021,VBCDC and NAMIbegan working with its Council Liaisons and CityStafftoidentifypossible sites forthe project.Fivesiteswere evaluated throughout the City. In June 2023, CityCouncil directed citystaffto workwithVBCDC on exploring the proposed sitefor an affordable housing development. •This site bestmeetsthe VBCDC NAMIproject needs due tothefollowing factors: •The land is developable, •Located within ¼ mile to public transit, •Located close tomedical, retail, grocery,retail and employment opportunities, •Providesexcellent frontage for NAMICoastal Virginia’soffice and a convenient location for citizens toaccess NAMI’sprograms and services, •The site is not in a high noise or crash zone. 8 Public Engagement Strategy Utilizesaninformative &planningengagement strategyto involvestakeholders. INFORM COLLABORATE CONSULT Public Engagement Weare committed tokeeping stakeholders informed, acknowledging concernsand aspirations, and formulating solutions that incorporate the public voice asmuch as feasible. 9 Public Engagement August 2023 Resident Advisorsbegan workingwith VBCDC &NAMI on theproject concept. October 2023 First Stakeholder Meetingwas heldto introduce the projectconcept tothe community. May 2024 A Community Design Charrettewas heldto obtain feedbackon design elementsand sitelayout. November 2024 Afterthesite layoutwas developed, a thirdinput meetingwas heldto present thesite concept. Community,residentand stakeholder engagement willcontinueoncethe site optionisapproved andsite renderingsare developed.There will alsobe publicinputduringthe proposedrezoningprocess. 10 Community Input Recap October 2023 In October2023, VBCDC staff attended ameetingat theBucknerWoodsCommunityto briefthe homeownersontheprojectconcept. ProjectTeamFeedbackon ConcernsConcernsIdentifiedfrom the Community The projectteam andcitystafflooked at numeroussites andthislocationmeets all requirements.The landis developable,within¼ mile to publictransit,close to medical,retail,grocery, retailandemployment opportunities,andis notin a highnoise or crashzone. Is thesite appropriateand whywas it selected? An environmentalstudywill be a partof the project’s feasibilityassessment anddetermineanywetland components. Thesitemayhavewetlands The projectwill meet all stormwater managementregulationsandcomplete a thoroughcivil engineeringreview with theCity of VirginiaBeach as a partof therezoningandsite planapprovalprocess. Potential drainage implications on neighboring communities Duringtheprojectapprovalprocessthecitywill analyzetrafficimplicationsandtrafficengineeringcomponents.Trafficimplications The projectwill operatein a mannerto offerpeacefulandquietenjoymentof thepremises andfollow allcity noise ordinances. A photometricplanwill be completed to addresslightpollutionandscreeningneeds.This will be reviewed bythe Cityanda partof thesite planapprovalprocess. Noiseand light pollution The project designwill incorporatelandscapeandpropertyscreeningto preventfoot trafficcut throughs.Foottrafficthroughneighboringcommunities Research shows thataffordablehousingis builtto highdesignstandardsandcontributesto propertyvaluesrather thandecreasingvalues. Impacton propertyvalues 11 Design Charrette Results May 2024 12 Concept Design Presented November 2024 13 Progress Recap 2021 •ProjectConceptualized &Site Identification Underway 2022 •Evaluated4 sites, all ofwhich were not feasible •Site Identified •Council Support toexplore site foraffordable housing development•Resident AdvisoryGroup formed2023•Preliminary Site feasibility analysis conducted •1stCommunity Meeting Held October2023 2024 •Predevelopment Funding Secured •Community Design Charrette held inMay2024 •Conceptual Site Layout presented to Community •Site Option under consideration by City 14 Next Steps Finalizea site optionwith theCity ofVirginiaBeach Workwiththedesignbuild team on projectrenderings Completefeasibility assessmentsincluding environmentalstudies Applyforrezoningof the parcel.Rezoningwillrequire a trafficanalysis, photometric plan, storm watermanagementplanand site renderings. Obtain projectfinancing.Continueto seek community engagementto ensurethe projectcomplementsthe surroundingneighborhoods andcontributesvalueto the community at large. 15 ProjectContacts JessicaGuglielmo,President& CEO,VBCDC jguglielmo@vbcdc.org 757-500-2745 AshleyJarvis,Directorof Development& Admin. Services,VBCDC ashleyjarvis@vbcdc.org 757-500-2740 16