HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 16, 1989 SPECIAL SESSION @f 13@et@fa "WORLD'S LARGEST RESORT CITY" CITY COLNCIL M@EM E OMM--, VICE M@10 .. @.1 E. l@@, V,@i@. -RO@ HEIXHOBER. N@@ K PA@R. JOHN L PEMY, 281 CffY HALL BUILDING MUNICIPAL CENTER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9002 @-.N, A,@ (804) 427-4303 @@TH -E@ -IT@, CMCI-, Ci,, S P E C I A L S E S S I 0 N AUGUST 16, 1989 ITEM 1. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 12:45 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. READING OF ?4AYORTS CALL TO SPECIAL SESSION C. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL D. RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Legal Matter E. LAKE GASTON PROPOSED PIPELINE LITIGATION M I N U T E S VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Vlrginia August 16, 1989 The SPECIAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL was called to order by Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf in the Council Conference Room, City Hall Building, on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 12:45 P.M. Council Members Present: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Barbara M. Henley, John D. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Reba S. McClanan, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Absent: Harold Heischober (ENTERED: EXECUTIVE SESSION 1:00 P.M.) - 2 - Item I.B. ITEM # 31667 The MAYOR read lier LETTER stating the purpose of the SPECIAL SESSION: "In accordance with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the City Code, Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers, City Hall Building, on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 12:45 P.M., for the purpose of discussing litigation related to the proposed Lake Gaston pipeline." s/Meyera E. Oberndorf Mayor MEYERA E. OBERNDORF MUNICIPAL CENTER MAYOR VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9002 (804) 427-4581 AugusL 15, 1989 IIONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance witli tho City Cliarter, Sectioii 3.06, the City Code, Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of Lhe City, I hereby call a SPECIAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACII CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chamber, City liall Building, on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 12:45 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation related to the prol)osed Lake Gaston pipelinc. Respectfully, l@4@ e 6) Meycra E. Oberndorf Mayor MEO/bh cc: Aubrey V. Watts, Jr., City Manager Kcvin Cosgrove, Acting City Attorney Ruth Ilodges Smitli, CMC/AAE, City Clerk Pam Lingle, Director of Public Information V[rginia Beach Ci.ty Coiinci.1 Received Noti-ce Councilinan Albert W. Balko Councilman John A. Baum Couiicilmaii Robcrt E. FenLress Councilman Ilarold lleischober Councilwoman Barbara M. licnlcy Councilwonian Reba S. McClanan Councilnian Joliii D. Moss Councilwoman Nancy K. Parker Councilman John L. Perry Councilman W. D. Sessoms - 3 - Item T.C. ITEM # 31668 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf entertained a motion to permit City Council to conduct its EXECUTIVE SESSION, pursuant to Section 2.1-344, Code of Virginia, as amended, for the following purpose: 1. LEGAL MATTERS: Consultation with legal counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants or attorneys, pertaining to actual or probable litigation, or other specific legal matters requesting the provision of legal advice by counsel pursuant to Section 2.1-344 (A) (7). (1) Litigation concerning the Lake Gaston pipeline. Upon motion by Councilman Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council voted to proceed into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. McClanan, John D. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Harold Heischoberi@ *Councilman Harold Heischober ENTERED the EXECUTIVE SESSTON at 1:00 P.M. - 4 - Item I.D. ITEM # 31669 The SPECIAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED in the Council Chamber, City Ball Building, on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 1:45 P.M. The MAYOR read her LETTER stating the purpose of the SPECIAL SESSION: "In accordance with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the City Code, Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers, City Hall Building, on Wednesday, August 16, 1989, at 12:45 P.M., for the purpose of discussing litigation related to the proposed Lake Gaston pipeline." S/Vieyera E. Oberndorf Mayor Council Members Present: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, John D. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Reba S. McClanan, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Absent: None 5 Item I.E. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ITFM # 31670 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Fentress, seconded by Councilman Sessoms, City Council ADOPTED: CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Executive Session to which this certification resolution applies; AND, Oniy such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Executive Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. Voting: 1.1-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. @-IcClanan, John D. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into EXECUTIVE SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Executive Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virgi.nia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Executive Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Executive Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. MOTION; Upon motion by Councilman Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council voted to proceed into EXECUTIVE SESSION to consider: 1. LEGAL MATTERS: Consultation with legal counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants or attorneys, pertaining to actual or probable litigation, or other specific legal matters requesting the provision of legal advice by counsel pursuant to Section 2.1-344 (A) (7). (1) Litigation concerning the Lake Gaston pipel.ine. VOTE: 10-0 Council imembers Voting AYE: Council @'lembers Voting NAY: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. None Fentress, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. McClanan, John D. Moss, Ilayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Sr. Council Members ABSTAINING: Council Members ABSENT for the Vote: None liarold lleischober" Council Members ABSENT for the ivieeting: None "Council Harold Heischober ENTERED the EXECUTIVE SESSION at 1:00 P.M. R,dth liodges Smith, CMC/AAE City Clerl< - 6 - Item I.F. ITEM # 31671 Upon motion by Councilman Heischober, seconded by Vice Mayor Fentress, City Council ADOPTED: Ordinance authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute a contract between Brunswick Country and the City of Virginia Beach for the purpose of settling a dispute between those two jurisdictions concerning the construction of the Lake Gaston Project. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice @layor Robert E. Fentress, Harold fleischober, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. McClanan, John D. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 2 CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN 3 BRUNSWICK COUNTY AND THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH 4 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SETTLING A DISPUTE BETWEEN 5 THOSE TWO JURISDICTIONS CONCERNING THE 6 CONSTRUCTION OF THE LAKE GASTON PROJECT 7 8 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 10 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 11 WHEREAS, Virginia Beach proposes to construct the Lake 12 Gaston Pipeline project (the "Project"), which will supply raw 13 water to its residents and certain other residents of Southeastern 14 Virginia; 15 WHEREAS, the intake site for the pipeline and 16 approximately nineteen (19) miles of the proposed pipeline will be 17 located within Brunswick County; 18 WHEREAS, Brunswick County has previously raised 19 environmental, economic, and land use concerns related to the 20 proposed Project in a variety of forums; 21 WHEREAS, Brunswick County has determined that Virginia 22 Beach's application for approval of the Project pursuant to 23 Virginia Code SS 15.1-456 is not in substantial accord with 24 Brunswick County's 1981 Comprehensive Plan, and Virginia Beach has 25 filed an action at law in the Circuit Court of Brunswick County to 26 set aside that determination; 27 WHEREAS, Virginia Beach and Brunswick County each believe 28 it is in their best interest to compromise and settle all disputed 29 matters between them, including actual and potential litigation and 30 to end further controversy and attendant delays, legal expenses, 31 and other costs; 32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 33 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 34 That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed 35 to execute the contract document entitled "CONTRACT BETWEEN 36 BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 37 VIRGINIA, " a true copy of which is attached hereto and marked as 38 Exhibit A. 39 Adopted this 16 day of August 1989, by the 40 Council of the CitY Of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 41 RMB/dhh 42 8/15/89 43 \ordin\noncode\brunsw.ord 44 45 46 2 CON,nZACT BE-TWEEN BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA AND THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BE-ACI-1, VIRGINIA Tliis Conir,,ict is bcing entercd into by Brunswick County, Virginia (hcreinafter referrcd to as Bruiiswick) and the City of Virginia Bcacli, Virginia (hereinafter rercrred to as Virginia Beach) on this 16tli clay or August, 1989. WHEREAS, Virginia Beacii proposes to construct the Lake Gaston Pipeline project, wliich will supply riiw watcr to its citizcns and certain other residcnts of Soutlicastern Virginia (the .1projcct") as iiiore particulirly dcscrit)cd iii tlic (locumcnt d,,itcd July 1988 prcpared by Virginia Beacli entitlcd "Local Consent Applicatioii Sunimary Document for Brunswick County Lake Gaston W,itcr Supply Projcct" wllicii scis forth the specifics of tlic Projcct rclated to tliis contrzict; and WHEREAS, (lic intakc sitc for tlic pipeline and approxiin,,itcly nineteen (19) miles of tlic proposed pipelitic will be loc@itcd wi(iiin Briinswick; and WIIEREAS, Brunswick his prcviously cxprcssed environmcntil, cconomic, Ind land use concerns rcliited to tlic prol)oseci Project in @l v@iriety of fc)ruins; @inif WHEREAS, Brunswick li@is dctcrminc(i tliat Virginia Bcach's application for approv,il or tlic Projcct ptirsu@int to Virgiiii;i Coclc Scction 15.1-456 is not in @,ubstaiitiil Iccor(i with Brunswick's 1981 Coiiil)rchcnsive Pl@iii, iinli Virginii Bc;icii has brought ;in actioii in tlic Circuit Court of BrLinswick County to sct aside tliat dcterminition; aild WHEREAS, Virginia Beach @iiid Brunswick bclicvc it is in their mutual bcst interest to compromisc and settlc ill (lispute(I matters bctwceri tlicm, including litigation and potcntiil litigation, and to avoi(i contiiiuing and fLitLire controvei-.%y an(I -,ittcii(l@int (Icl;iys, lcg;tl expcnscs, and other costs; and WHEREAS, ncitlier Virginia Bcacli nor Brunswick, by exccution of tiiis Contrilct, ,idniits any liibility or wrong(loing. NOW THEREI--ORE, ror @in(i in consideration of thc mutu@il bcnef7its that will occur to both BrLinswick @ind Virginia Beacli by cxccuting tliis Cotitrilct, ts wcll as other good Ind valuable considcratioii, tlic 1)@irties licreby agrce to tlic following: 1. Virginia Bc;icii aiid Briinswick agrce, cicli witli the other, to thc following: a. Virginia Bcacli and Brunswick agrec tlliit thc niturc and scope of tlic impacts to Brunswick associated with tlic construction of thc sixty incli (60") nominal inside (liamc(er pipcliiic in Brunswick irc gencriilly tlic siime is thcy arc in tlic otlicr jurisdictions through wliicii 1)ipelinc construction will occur. Tliercforc, ttic partics igrcc tliat Virgiiiil Bcach sliall m;ike a lump sum casli paymcnl to Brunswick of FIFRY TFIOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00) as compcnsation for imp@icts associ@itc(l witli pipcline constructi()n. Virginia Beacli @iffirmatively states that iiiis is thc grciitcst siim wliich,Virgini;t Beacli has agreed to pay to any jlirisdiction whicli lias grante(i loc@il consent for pil)clinc construction. b. Virgini-,i Beacli and Brunswick agree tliat ilic ptireliise by Virginia Beach of the 5.25 ,icre watcrfront sitc @itid tlic 4.18 acre acccss ro;i(i at Pcii Iiill Crcck for the construction or tlic wiitcr int;ikc structure, I)ump station, iii(i other support structures has removcd it potcnti@illy valuablc picce of property from Brunswick's ttx rolls. 'rlicrefore, thc parties @igree tli,it Virgini,,i Beiich sti@ill m@ike a ILIMI) sum c;isli paymcnt to Brunswick of TWO IIUNDRED FIFrY TI-IOUSAND DOLLARS ($250,000.00) its compcn&ttion for tlic loss of tllx rcvcnue resulting from thc rem()val or tlic inuikc site from Brunswick's tax rolls c. BrLinswick itid Virpiiiia Beacii disagrec as to whctlicr or not the construction of t]IC PLIMP st;ition @in(i with(Iriiwiil of watcr froni Pea flill Crcck for municipal 2 purposes will rcSLIIL in ,iny long-term or pcrmancnt rcduction in cxisting or ruture t,,ix revenues derived from thc propcrtics it Pcii I-Iill Crcck, otlier than ttic 9.43 acrcs -iddrcssed in paragraph l.b abovc. Virginia Be;icli mtint;iins tli@it inip@icts, ir any, would be iiiinor and temporary. Brunswick m@iintains tliat the constrliction of tlic pump station and the witlidrawal or water for municipal purposcs will rcsult in tiic ioss or somc residential, industrial, or commercial development wliich would otlicrwisc occur, tlicrcl)y reducing cxisting or futurc tax revcnucs. Without either party conccding the position or tiie otlier, and solcly for thc purposc of compromising -,ind settling tiic-sc disputCLI mattcrs and to @ivoid continuing @ind future controvcrsy, pcn(ling and potential litigation, and attcnd@int dclays, legal cxpcnscs, ,ind othcr costs, tllc partics agrec that Virginia Bcach sli@ill miikc a lump sum c@isli paymcnt to Brunswick of TWO MILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED FffTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,750,000.00) to settle tlic issue of Iny potential impact for lost t@ix revenues froiii P(Ni IIill Creek resulting from the construction of thc pump station and witli(Iriiwal of w@itcr for mtjnicipal purposcs. d. Tlic totzil sum froni paragr,,iplis l.a, 1.1), and l.c above, to be paid to Brunswick by Virgiiiia Beicli ptirsuant to p;iragrapli 2 bclow, is TliREE MILLION, Fl THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,050,000.00). 2. Tlic cash payniciit sliall bc pziid to Brunswick bascd upon tile following scliedule: ,i. At Execution of tliis Contract $ 350,000.00 b. At the Start of Construction in Brunswick Couiity: s 900,000.00 c. At Fifty Perccnt (50%) Completion of Entire Ilroject: s 900,000.00 3 d. At Onc Hundrcd Perccni (100%) Completion of tlic Entirc Project: 900,00().Oo 1 TOTAL $3,050,000.00 3. All p@iymcnts niadc I)y Virgini@i Bcicii to Brunswick pursuant to tliis Contract sli,ill be non-reftin(lable, cxccpt in thc cvcnt of ;i material breach by Brunswick, in which case Virginia Bcacli sliill li@ivc thc right to pursue all appropriate legal rcmcdics to obtain appropriate refunds and dam,,igcs associ;itecl with s@iid mitcrial breach. 4. Virgiiiia Beiicli will rcinibursc Brun.,,wick for reison@ible costs associatcd with monitoring an(i inspection of the Projcct witilin Brunswick during construction, within thirty (30) d,,iys of rccciving appropriatcly cloctimented invoices. If Brunswick (lesircs io hire someone to monitor aiid inspcct tlie Projcct, tlie fees cli:irged I)y said person must be tgree(i to by Virginia Bcach prior to s@iid person being hircd. 5. Virginii Bc;icli liis no desite to usurp Brunswick's local J)rerogatives within Brunswick's borclcrs. To that cn(l, Virginia Bcacli ,Igrces as follows: a. Virginia Beacli agrccs not to unrcisonibly oppose ,iny discharge permits into Lake Giston. If Virgiiiia Beitcli docs oppose aiiy sucli discli@irge pcrniits, it will consent to bin(ling ai-bitrittion, @it Bruiiswick's re(luest, to determine wliethcr its opposition is unreasonable. Virginia Beach furtlier agrces tli@it if it plzins to opposc any discliarge pcrniits it will give Brunswick as mucli a(lviiicc jiotice ,is possit)lc, to allow Brunswick to requc--,t arbitration, if it ciccts to do so, prior to or @,is soon as possiblc ;iltcr public announccment of Virginia Bcacli's opposition. b. In tlic evcnt ttiat Brunswick rcqucsts arbitr@ition pursuant to paragrapli 5.a, it will provide witli its rcqtjcst for zirbitratioii the iiame of an arbitrttor (Ii-,it it has selected. Virginia Bezich sli@ill sclcct @i sccond arbitr@itor witliin [OLir (4) d@iys @ifter rcceipt of Brunswick's 4 request, ,ind tlic two (2) irbitriitors so sclected sliall mutuilly designate a thir(i Irbitrator (wlio shall preside at all mcetings of tlic iirl)itrators) within four (4) days aftcr selection of thc sccond zirbitrator. All arbitration proccc(Iiiigs pursu@int to paragrapli 5.;k and this par,'Igrapli sli@ill bc complctcd witliin two (2) weeks after (icsignation of the third arbitrator. c. Virginii Bcacli agrees not to seek any speci@il rcgulzitions, legislation, or strictcr discliargc stand@irds for Pea Ilill Creek tli;in would ipply to otlicr similar witers of the Commonwealtli. d. Virginia Bcacil agrces not to interfcre with rccrcational uses of I-ikc Gaston such as swimming, boating, snorkeling, fishing, or other recreational activitics on tile I-Ikc nor pctition any otlier ageiicy to scck sucli restrictions. c. Virginia Bcacli agrees not to exercisc its power o[ eminent domain undcr Scction 15.1-292 of Lhe Codc of Virginiii for tlie purpose of prcvcnting pollution of water ind injury to water work.,; or ror acquisition of addition@il prol)crty unrclatcd to the current Project witliout tlic consent of Brunswick. Brunswick @igrccs not to unrc@isonably witlihold such conscnt. irBrunswick does opl)ose Virgini@i Be;icli's cxcrcisc of its power of emiticnt doinain under Section 15.1-292 of thc Code of Virgiiii@i or relatcd stittites, Brun.,.-wick will consent to binding arbitration, at Virginia Bcacli's request, to (letcrniitic wlictlicr its witliliolcling of consent is unreisonible. Brunswick furtlier iigrces tli@tt if it pliins to witillio](I its C()nscnt to Virginia Beacli's cxercise of its powcr of cmincnt (lomain, it will give Virginii Beich is mucli advancc noticc as possible, to allow Virginia Beacli to rc(luest @irbitriition, if it clects to (lo so, pri()r to or as soon as possible artcr public announccmcnt of Brunswick's opposition to Virginia Bcacli's cxcrcise of the powcr of cmincnt doin;tin. Tlic procc(ILire set fortli in piragr@ipli 5.1) ibovc will apply to any arbitration procedure invokccl by tliis scction. Ilowcvcr, notliiiig in tliis pir@igrzipli sli@ill in any w@iy operate 5 or bc construccl to Iiiiiit or restrict any of Virginia Beacli's powers pursuant to Section 15.1-292 of tlie Cotic of Virgiiii.,i witli respcct to acquiring any propcrty, cascmcnls, or any otlier right-of-ways necessary to construct, instill, opcr@itc, rcii;ibilitate, or maint,,iiii tlic Projcct, including any modii7ications or cii,,ingc-s wliicli miglit be neccssary as a result of unrorsccn, uninticipatcd, or cliange(i cotiditions or Iiinitations whicli miglit arise bcforc, during, or aftcr tlic construction. 6. Virgini@i Beach afcirm;itively st@itcs that it has no present plans to seek an increase in the maximum permittcd ,iniotint of 60 mg(l. Ilowever, should Virginia Bcach, at Iny time in tlie futurc, scck approval for a permit modific,,ition from the Corps of Enginccrs for an incrcasc in tlic iimount of wiitcr it inty withdraw froni Lake Gaston, Virginia Bcach agrees to rcsubmit to the local consent proccdure, in Brunswick, un(ler Scction 15.1-875 of the Code of Virginia. Upon iipplic@ition to tlie Corps or Enginccrs for an incrc,,tsc in tlic perniittcd amount of 60 ing(i froin Lakc Gaston, Virginia Dcttcli will m@ike a lump sum casli payment to Brunswick in tlie @iiiiount of ONE MILLION, SIX IJUNDRED SEVEN@-FIVE TFIOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,675,000.00). Virginiii Bcacli igrces tli,.it bcfoi-c it seeks zin incre-,ise in the 60 mgd permitted capacity ror Llie Project it will conduct a tliorougli rcview of all altern@itivcs to sucli action to dctcrmiiic if tlicrc iire otlicr iiiore acccptal)lc aftern@itives. Virginia Bcacli agrees to periodically rcview ncw techziologies whicli bccoinc comnicrcially zivtil@ible and gencr@illy acccptcd in tlie water works industry to (letcrtilinc if tlicrc itre I)ct(er ilternatives to tlic Project. 7. Virginia Beacli agrces to iii,,iint@iiii an ,ictive Ind ongoing conservation program whicli is at Icast is comprcliensivc as ilic program it hts dcvclopcd and maintained ovcr the last (iccadc. 8. Consisicnt with and sut)jcct to go()d witcr utility systcm practiccs, Virginia Bcach agrccs not to waste or imprudently use waler from Lake Gaston, nor to abandon, seek tlic 6 abandonmcni, or interfere witli the developmcnt of any water slipplies wliich could be used with or in lieu of L,-ikc Giston. 9. Virginiii Be@icli @igrces th,,tt rcprcscntativcs of Brunswick may access tlie pump st,,ition site for tlic purpose of reading the watcr metcrs and observing the operation of thc Projcct. Brunswick m;iy rcad tlicse mctcrs any(imc by giving rcasonable notice or pursuant to a mutuilly agrccd upon sclic(lulc. Virginia Bcach -,ilso agrees to provide Brunswick witli copics of its pumpage rcports which will bc rjlcd witli the Corps of Enginccrs, the SUite Water Control Board, and Virgini@t Power. In idditioii to tlic pumpagc rcports, Virginiii Bc@ich will provi(le Brunswick with the rcsults of iny water quality nionitoring @ind other documcnts thlit would be cligiblc for production un(ler tlic Virginia Frecdoni of Inform@ition Act. 10. Brtinswick agrecs to give local conscnt f()r tlie Projcct under Scctions 15.1-456 and 15.1-875 witliin f()rty-fivc (45) diys iifter tliis Contract is ritified by appropri@ite action of the govcrning I)ody of Virginia Beacli,aiicl cxccutcd by tlic ippropri;ite officiil(s) of Virginia Beach. Brunswick igrees ili@it it will not ;ittcmpt to cnforcc its prior disipprovil un(Icr Scction 15.1-456. 1 1. Brunswick agrccs tiiat it will not unrcasoniibly withliold issuance of local permits rcqtiired by Virgini@i Beach or any othcr entity for thc construction and operation of the Projcct. Brunswick furtlicr agrecs th,,tt it will noL unre@isonably willili()Id pcrinission to build ilic rrojcct or -iny part of tlic Projcct uiider ilic provisioiis of aiiy zoiiing ordinance. 12. Brunswick agrccs to nizikc no contribution to the Roanoke River Basin Association (RRBA) or any otlicr cntities ror purposes of litigatioii or any otlicr opposition to the Project. Brunswick niay maintain nicmbcrsliip in RRBA. 13. Brunswick ,igrces to withdr@iw from all litigation in any way relating to the Project and agrees not to opposc tlie constrtictioii or oper;ition of tlie Projcct, in any rorum or 7 take any iffirmativc actioii opposing or prcvcnting construction or oper,,wtion of the Projcct. Withdrawal from ill litigation sliall L-ike place witliin forty-five (45) cl;iy,.; Ifter this Contract is ratif7ied by appropriiite iction of thc govcriiing body of Virginia Be;ich ',Ind cxecuted by tlie appropriate official(@) of Virgini;l Be,,icli. 14. In tlic event tliat Llic Projcct bccomcs pirt of a regional autliority, Virginia Bcach igrces tliit all commitmcnts and agrcemcnts in this Contrict will bc preserved. 15. Tliis Contract siiiill bcconle effective whcn approved by the governing bodies of Virginia Beacli and Brunswick. Tliis Contract may only be modified or terminzited upon tile mutual written consent of tlic governing bodies of Virgiiiia Bc@ich and Brunswick, provided, howcvcr, if construction on tlle pipcline projcct does not commence on or berore December 31, 1997, thc consents and zipproval@ grante(i by Brunswick for the Project pursuant to Virginia Code Scctions 15.1-456 @ind 15.1-875 sh-,ill @ititomatically become null ;ind void. Any paymcnts madc to Brunswick by Virginia Beach LIP un(il Dccember 31, 1997, sliall remain the property of Brunswick. 16. Neither I)irty to tliis Coii(ract sli@ill transfer or assign this Contract or any rights acquired hcrcunder, nor gr,-int any intcrest, privilcge, or liccnse whatsocver in conncction with this Cotitract, witliout tlie written conscnt of tlic otlier througli its govcrning body. Ilowever, Virginii Be,-ich ni-,iy assigii or tr@insfer thc Projcct to a region,,il authority witliout ol)taining Bruilswick's consent, so long is zill conimiti-nents iii tliis Contract will be preserved tnd sli.,ill bc its binding upon the rcgion;il autliority iis tliey are ul)on Virginia Beacli. 17. If construction on tlic Projcct is not commenced or ir tlie Project is not completed anci put into operzition, Virginia Beicli sliall not be liable to make thc appropriate paymcnts as outlinecl iii p,,iragripli 2. Tliis paragraph (foes not alter or moclify piragrapli 3. 19. All notices anLI communic-,itions provicied ror lierein sliall be in writing ,tnd sliall be either delivered or mztiled to Brunswick and Virginiii Beich, and ir m,,iilcd, sliall be sent certified mail, return-rcceipt reqtiestecl, 1)ostage prcpai(l, icidressed Is follows: a. ir tovirginia Be,,Ich: City Manager City of Virginia Beicil Municipal Center - City I-lall Building Virgini,i Beicli, Virginia 23456 b. If to Brunswick: County A(Imini,.;trator County or Brunswick Post Off@ice Box 399 Liiwrenceville, Virginiii 23968 Either p@irty m@iy lierciti@ter designtite in writing ,iny otlier lociition for its reccipt or sucli notices or commt)nic@itioils. 19. Nothing contaiilcd iii iiiis Contrict shall be constriie(i in ally minner to Ibridge, limit, or deprive citlier p;irty or any me;ins wliicli it would otherwise ii@ive or enforcing any reme(ly, ,it law or in equity, f()r bre@ieli or ziny of* tlie provisions liereof. 20. Tlic vitlidity, interpretittion, in(I performanceor this Contract shall be governed by the laws of tlie Commonwealtli or Virginia. 21. No off-iciil of Brtinswick or Virginia Betcli s[iiill receive @iny priv@ite I)cncfit tllat may in @iny w@iy @irise from tliis Contr@ict. 22. No w;iiver c)t' breitcli by either piirty of@ ziny or tiie provisions or this Contrict sliall be cc)tistrue(I is ii w@iiver of iny sut)gequent brcich, wliether or t[ic sinic or or a (Iii@l@erent provision of this Contract. 9 23. If aiiy piirt, section, subsection, sentence, cl-,iuse, or phritse of this Contr.,ict is ror @iny reason deciired to I)c unconstitutionit or invali(i by l COLirt of competent jurisdiction, such decision sliall not Irrcct tlie villi(lity of tlic rcm@tin(ler or tiiscontr,,ict. 24. Virginia Be@ieli an(i Brunswick hereby reprcscnt to eacii othcr that they htvc the powcr tc) enter into tliis Contrict is evi(tenceci by the attaclied Orclinance a(lopte(I I)y ilic City Council or tiie city of@ virginit Beach on August 16, 1999, :inci the iititche(I Resolution a(lopted by Llie Boar(i Of SLIpervisors or Brunswick County on August 16, 1989. IN WITNESS wliereof, the pirties set tlieir hiinds this 16th (lay of August, 1999. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACI-1, VIRGINIA City Manager ATrEST: City Clerk BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA Cli-,iirman, Bo,,Ir(i of Supervisors A,rrEST: APPROVED A,' TO CC)NTENTS SiGt k@ru,, Clerk to Bo@ir(I ot' Stipervisors DEPA@l,[N, AII)P,).DVED AS TO LEC;AL SUFFIC@E 10 i NCY AND FORM CIT, STATE OF VIRGINIA: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACII:, to-wit: 1, ti Not@iry Public in and for tlic Cityind Stlic aforcs,ii(l, do hcrcby certify tliit AUBREY V. WA'17S, JR., City Manager, for tiic City of Virginia Be,icli, Virginii, whose n,@imc as sucli is signcd to tilc foregoing Contrict, his acknowledged the same bcforc ine in my City and Stiitc @iforcsaid. GIVEN undcr my liand this (lay of 1989. Notary Public My CA)mniission Expircs: STATE OF VIRGINIA: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACI-I:, to-wit: 1, a Notary Public in and for the City and State afc)rcsai(l, do licrcby ccrtify that RUTH IIODGES SMITH, City Clcrk, for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, wliosc iiaiuc its such is sigiicd to ()ic foregoing Contriict, lias acknowlcdged the s,ime bcfc)re me in my City an(] Stite @iforesaid. GIVEN under my liand this _ day of 1989. Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA: COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, to-wit: 1, a Notary Public in and for tlic County and State aforesai(l, (lo liereby certify tliitt 1-1. PAUL I-IARRISON, Chtirmin, Bo.,ird of Supervisors, for the 11 County of Brunswick, Virgiiiit, whose name as such is signed to the foregoing Contrict, lias @icknowledge(i the same I)efore me in my Cotinty and Stite aforesaid. GIVEN under my h@ind this _ dtiy of 1999. Notiiry llul)lic My Commission Expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA: COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, to-wit: 1, ;i Notary Public in aii(i for tlie County iind St-,ite itforesiiict, clo hereby certify tlitit MARILYN 11. BRAMMER, Clcrk tc) Boarci of Supervisors, for the County of Brunswick, Virgini@i, wliose n,,Imc ,Is sucli is signed to ttic foregoing Contract, litis ,icknowle(ige(i tlie s@ime bet@ore nic in my CoLinty iin(I State aforesii(l. GIVE-N tinder my hanci tliis day of 1999. Not,iry Public My Commission Expires: KJC/cb 07/27/99 07/29/99 07/-31/89 08/01/89 09/04/89 08/10/89 08/11/89 08/14/99 08/14/89 p.m. 08/15/89 BRUNS.K2 12 7 Ttem I.G. ADJOURNMENT ITEM # 31672 Upon motion by Councilman Baum and BY CONSENSUS, City Council ADJOURNED the Meeting at 1:55 P.M- B y Chief Deputy City Clerk h Hodg.. S-lll,, CMC Mey&ral City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia