HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 24, 1985 MINUTES "WORLD'S LARGEST RESORT CITY" Cn7COUNCIL MAYOR HAROLD BEISCHOBFR, Ai L-P VIC,E-MA YOR REBA S MCLANAN. P-.. A- B-Wh JOHN A. HAUM. Di.@. @k NANCY A. CREECH, At L-P ROBERT E. FENTRESS V@ B-A B-gh BARBARA M. @. P-" @A M. JACK JF"INGS, JR-, LY."-- @h LOUIS R. JONES. B.Y@ @h ROBERT G. JONN. At L-9. J. HENRY M.COY. JR.. K-N@ @h M@ E. OBERNPORF, A, @. 281 CRFY MALL BUILDING RUTH BODGFS SAfrFH, CMC, Cily @k CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MUNICI@ CENM VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA nw-no IM1427-4303 June 24, 1985 Virginia Beach City Council --------- ---- - K-nn VU B. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL C. MOTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM II. REGUIAR SESSION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers 7 PM A. INVDCATION: Elder Barnett Thoroughgood New Jerusalem Church B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA C. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL D. CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 1. Review of Consent Agenda E. MAYOR/COUNCIL - DISCUSSION OF PERTINENT MATTERS F. MINUTES 1. Motion to accept/approve the MinUteS of June 17, 1985. G. PRESENTATIONS 1. Resolution of Recognition to Herman -JR' Reid, Jr. R. PLANNING 1. Application of Warnie E. and Nita F. Conley for a WAIVER upon a conditional use permit granted February 6, 1984, for mini-warehouses on a 4. 915-acre parcel located along the west side of -Holland Road, north of Shipps Corner Road (Princess Anne Borough). City Council approved consideration of this amendment upon request of the applicant on June 10, 1985. 2. Application of Marriott Corporation for a conditional use permit for a 146-unit hotel on a 4.38-acre parcel located on the north side of Greenwich Road, west of Business Park Drive (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 3. Application of Gordon A. and Mareta K. Rudolph for a conditional use permit for an auto repair facilit on a 26,637-square foo parcel locatef at the nort eaE er of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Witchduck Road (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 4. Application of Donald J. Maggi, President, Independence Texaco, Inc., for a conditional use ermit for an auto repai r ficili ty on a 28,400-squ@re fo@ parcel located at the northeat corner of Independence Boulevard and Constitution Avenue (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City 14anager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 5. Application of Creative Designs for a conditional use permit for an outdoor advertising structure acre parce located on the ea prings Road, north of Aragon Drive (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for denial. 6. Application of Vincent W. Conduff for an AMENDMENT to a conditional use permit for a gasoline service station in conjunction with a Tinee Giant Convenience Grocery Store on a 3.99-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of Newtown Road and Broad Meadows Boulevard (Bayside Borough). City Council approved consideration of this removal upon request of the applicant on May 20, 1985. AND Application of Vincent W. Conduff for a change of zoning from B-2 Community-Business District to artment Distri t on a 4.32-acre parcel located at the northwest corner of Newtown Road and Broad Meadows Boulevard (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 7. Application of Se&board Developsent Corporation for a change of zoning from B-2 C7mmunity District to A-2 5,202. -square toot parcel located Apartment District on a 4@Business at the northern extremity of Darnell Road (Bayside Borough). a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 8. Application of Connie Lane Properties, a Virginia Partnership, for changes of zoning located south of Connie Lane, east of Lawrence Drive (Bayside Borough): From R-6 Residential District to A-2 Apartment District on an 8.92-acre parcel; AND From 1-1 Light Industrial District to A-2 Apartment District on a 2.26-acre parcel. a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 9. Application of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia for a change of zoning from R-7 Residential District to R-8 Residential District in a fifteen-block area bounded on the north by 15th St e@et, on the east by Mediterranean Avenue, on the south by Norfolk Avenue and on the west by the Virginia Beach Borough Line (Virginia Beach Borough). This application was deferred June 17, 1985, by City Council. a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 10. Ordinance to amend Article 1, Section Ill of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to automobile sales and rental; AND Article 2, Section 233.5 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to automobile sales and rental; AND Article 9, Sections 911(&) and 911(c) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to automobile sales and rental. a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 11. Ordinance to amend Article 5, Sections 560, 561, 563, 564 and 571 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the R-7 and R-8 Residential Districts to remove duplexes and garage apartments. a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 12. Ordinance to amend the Master Street and Highway Plan dated December 16, 1974. City Council deferred Numbers 2 and 4 of this Ordinance on June 10, 1985. a. Letter from the City Manager transmits the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval. 1. RESOLUTIONS 1. Industrial Development Revenue Bonds 'Resolutions approving the issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds: a. Ocean Village Apartments Limited Partnership $22,000,000 b. 140 Associates $6,000,000 c. Pipers Landing Associates $3,800,000 2. Resolution to accept the bid of Turner and Valentine for Obstetrical Care for Low Incoue Patients and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary agreement. J. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered in the ordinary course of business by City Council and will be enacted by one notion in the form listed. If an item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be discussed and voted upon separately. 1. Resolution of Recognition to Herman 'JR- Reid. Jr. 2. Resolution to amend Sectiou 10.5-2 of the City Code for renewal of emergency medical services agencies or vehicles and to establish the method of setting rates for: Eastern Virginia Ambulance Service Nightingale Air Ambulance City of Chesapeake Norfolk General Hospital Cath Lab Tidewater Ambulance Service Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters City of Norfolk 3. Resolution authorizing the enlargement of the nonconforming structure located at 205 51st Street (property of Richard A. Brugb and Margaret W. Brugh). 4. Ordinance approving the Landfill Gas Lease Agreement dated June 24, 1984 and authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute same. 5. Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 22-31 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to Display of Obscene materials; AND Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 21-371 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to Parking Space for the Handicapped; AND ordinance to amend and reordain Section 38-7 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to Sale of Hand Weapons; AND Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 21-338 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to Chouical Test for Alcohol Content. 6. Ordinance to authorize acquisition of property in fee simple for right-of-way for Ferrell Parkway Phase I-B Project and the acquisition of temporary and permanent easements of right-of-way, either by agreement or by condemnation. 7. Ordinance, on SECOND READING, to appropriate $32,000 from the Water and Sewer Fund to Project $5-832 Comprehensive Water Study. 8. Ordinance, on SECOND READING, to accept funds totaling $60,925 from the Virginia Housing Development Authority and to utilize $10, 228 f rom 9th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds and to appropriate these funds for the Section 8 existing Housing Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Program and Rental Rehabilitation Program. 9. Ordinance, on SECOND READING, to accept a Grant from the Department of Corrections totaling $122,800 and tp appropriate these Funds for the Virginia leach Co@nityl Diversion Incentive Progran. 10. Ordinance to accept and appropriate a grant of $9,685,684 from the U.S. Department of Education for Project #1-937 Salen Junior Righ School. 11. Ordinance authorizing tax refunds in the amount of $1,222.47. 12. Ordinance authorizing license refunds in the amount of $5,687.78. K. APPOINTMRNTS 1. Local Government Study Commission 2. Social Services Board 3. Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission 4. STAMA (Private Industry Council) 5. Tidewater Regional Group Home Commission L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Briefing on Indtgent Obstetrical Care 2. Community Development Land Use Plan: Planning Management Association, Joe Crass, Consultant M. NU BUSINESS 1. Interim Financial Statement for July 1, 1984, through May 31, 1985.. N. ADJO NT 1. Motion to adjourn. 6 Item II-F.1 MINUTES ITEM # 23855 Upon motioii by Couiicilmaii Baum, seconded bly CouLicilmaii McCoy, City Couticil APPROVED the Miiiute,5 of Juiie 24, 1985, with the followig correctiolls; ITEM # 23805 - Page 4 - IN MEMORIUM December 18, 1978 should correctly read December 31, 1978 as per the followiiig: "Mr. Webboii was City Clerk of Virginia Beach from September I,, 1968 uiitil Beeember-48T-+948 December 31, 1978. ITEM # 23823 - Page 20 - RELALIGN THE INTERSECTION OF FERRELL PARKWAY AND PRINCESS ANNE ROAD IN THE AREA NORTH OF THE MUNICIPAL CENTER As SHOWN ON MAPS ON FLLE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. The Vote was incorrect. J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. did iiot vote AYE, he was ABSENT. Robert G. Joiies voted AYE, as per the followiiig: Couiicil Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Mayor Harold Heischober, Louis R. Joiies, Robert G. Jones, and Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanaii, CouLicil Members Abseiit: Robert E. Fentress, tind H. Jack Jeiiiiiiigs, Jr., aiid J. HeLiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. Couiicil Members Voti,ig Nay: Barbara M. Heiiley, aild Meyera E. Oberildorf ITEM # 23833 - Page 30 - CONSENI AGENDA There was a TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR as per the following: ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 21-338 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINA, PERTAINING TO CHEMICAL TEK!E TEST FOR ALCOHOL CONTENT. The City Attoriiey's Office presented Couiicil today with a FURTHER AMENDED version of the aforementioiied Orditiaiice to comply with State Code Amendmelits effective July 1, 1985, alid thus the Ordiiiance ADOPTED June 24, 1985, will be DECLARED NULL AND VOID. July 1, 1985 M I N U T E S VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia Juiie 24, 1985 The Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia, was called to order by Mayor Harold Heischober i@i the Co@ifereiice Room, City hall Builditig, on Moiiday, Juiie 24, 1985, at 6:00 in the evening. Council Members Preseiit: Joh@i A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeiiiiiligs, Jr., Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClaLiaii, alid Meyera E. Oberiidorf Council Members Absent: Louis R. Joiies and J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. Cou@icilman Louis JOLIes entered the EXECUTIVE SESSION at 6:40 p.m. Councilmati McCoy entered the EXECUTIVE SESSION at 6:15 p.m. June 24, 1985 - 2 - ITEM# 23804 Mayor Heischober entertained a motiod to per permit Council to conduct its EXECU- TIVE SESSION pursuaiit to Section 2.1-344, Code of Virginia, as amended, for the following purposes, to be followed by the REGULAR MEETING. 1. PERSONNEL MATTERS: Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotioii, performance, demotion, saiaries, disciplining or resignation of public officers, appointees or employees. 2. PUBLICLY HELD PROPERTY: Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held property, of of plans for the future of an institution which could affect the value of property owned or desirable for ownership by such institution. 3. LEGAL MATTERS: Consultation with counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants, or attorneys, pertaiiiiiig to actual or potential litigation, or other legal matters withiii the jurisdiction of the public body. Upon motion by Councilwoman Creech, seconded by Couiicilman McCoy, City Council voted to proceed into the EXECUTIVE SESSION to be followed by the REGULAR SESSION. Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeliliings, Jr., Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClaiiali, and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Mmebers Voting Nay: Noiie CouTicil Members Absent: Louis R. Jones and J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. June 24, 1985 - 3 - R E G U L A R S E S S I 0 N VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL June 24, 1985 7:00 p.m. Mayor Heischober called to order the Regular Session of the Virgiiiia Beach City Council iii the Council Chambers, City Hall Building, on Monday, June 24, 1984, at 7:00 in the evening. Council Members Present; Jobn A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., aiid Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Absent: None INVOCATION: Elder Bartiett Thoroughgood New Jerusalem Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STAES OF AMERICA June 24, 1985 4 Item II-D.la IN MEMORIUM ITEM # 23805 City Council observed a MOMENT OF SILENCE In Memorium to: Richard J. Webboii Mr. Webboii was City Clerk of Virginia Beach from September 1, 1968 until December 18, 1978. Councilman McCoy expressed his sorrow aiid paid respect to the Memory of Richard Webbon. June 24, 1985 - 5 - CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Item II-D.1b. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23806 Councilman Louis Jones requested the Resolution for renewal of Et4ERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, AGENCIES or VEHICLES and to establish the method of setting rates be pulled for a separate vote (See Item 11-J.2 of the Consent Agenda). Item 11-D.2 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23807 Vice Mayor McClaiian requested the Resolutioii authorizng the ENLARGEMENT of the NONCONFORMING STRUCIURE located at 205 51st Street (property of RICHARD A. BRUGH and MARGARET W. BRUGH) be pulled for discussion (See Item II-J.3 of the Conaent Agenda). Item II-D.3 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23808 The City Manager referenced the Ordinance approving the LANDFILL GAS LEASE AGREEMENT dated June 24, 1984 and authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute same be pulled for a presentatiou (See Item II-J.4 of the Coiiseiit Agenda). 6 Item II-F.1 MINUTES IEM 23809 Upoii motion by Couiicilmaii Fentress, secotided by Councilman Baum, City Council APPROVED the Minutes of June 17, 1985. Votiiig: 11-0 Council Members Votiiig Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeniiiiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. HeDry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None Juiie 24, 1985 7 Item II-F.2 PRESENTATION ITEM # 23810 Mayor Heischober PRESENTED a RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION to: HERMAN "JR" REID, JR. This RESOLUTION recogiiized "JR" Reid for his athletic achievement, being the youngest recipient of the Virginia-Pilot/Ledger-Star "Tidewater Player of the Year", and named to the first team of the Tweiity-Ninth Aiiiiual PARADE "All-Americaii Basketball Team". This RESOLUTION was ACCEPTED by Hermati "JR" Reid, Jr. His family and coaches were in attendance. June 24, 1985 8 Item II-H.1 PLANNING ITEM#23811 Upon motioii by Vice Mayor McClanan, seconded by Couiicilman Fentress, City Council APPROVED a WAIVER of a condition iii the Ordinance upon applicatioli of WARNIE E. AND NLTA F. CONLEY for a Coiiditional Use Pemit for mini-warehouses. This Ordinaiice was ADOPTED by City Council oii February 6, 1984. The Conditioli WAIVED is as follows: "A 6-foot solid privacy fence shall eiiclose the storage area." Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jenniiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heilry McCoy,Jr.,D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberlidorf Council Members Voting Nay: Noile Council Members Absent: Naiicy A. Creech Juiie 24, 1985 9 Item 11-H.2 PLANNING ITEM # 23812 Senator A. Joe Canada, Jr., represeiited the applicaat Upoii motioii by Councilman Louis Jories, seconded by Couiicilman Feiitress, City Couiicil ADOPTED aii Ordi@iance upoll applicatioii of MARRIOTT CORPORATION for a Conditotial Use Permit as per the followi@ig: ORDlNANCE UPON APPLICATON OF MARRIOTT CORPORATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 146-UNIT HOTEL R0685755 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Orditiatice upoii applicatioii of Marriott Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for a 146-uuit hotel on certaiD property located on the north side of Greeliwich Road, 1070 feet more or less west of Busiiiess Park Drive. Said parcel co@itains 4.38 acres. Plats with more detailed iLiformation are available iii the Departmelit of PlailDing. BAYSIDE BOROUGH. The followiiig coiidition shall be required: 1. A dedicatioii of right-of-way aloiig the frontage oil Greeliwich Road is required iii order to provide for an ultimate 60-foot right-of-way. This Ordi@iance shall be effective upon the date of adoptio@i. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virgiiiia, oli the Twetity-fourth day of June, Niiieteen Hu@idred atid Eighty-five. Votil)g: 10-0 Council Members Votiiig Aye: Johii A. Baum, Robert E. Fetitress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jetinings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy,Jr.,D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberiidorf Couticil Members Votii)g Nay: None Couiicil Members Absent: Na@icy A. Creech June 24, 1985 - 10 - Item II-H.3 PLANNING ITEM # 23813 Gordon A. Rudolph, the applicaiit, represedted himself Upon motion by Councilman Louis Joties, seconded by Couiicilmati Feiltress, City Council ADOPTED aii Ordinance upon application of GORDON A. AND MARETA K. RUDOLPH for a Conditional Use Permit as per the following: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF GORDON A. AND MARETA K. RUDOLPH FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN AUTO REPAIR R0685756 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon application of Gordon A. and Mareta K. Rudolph for a Conditional Use Permit for an auto repair on certain property located at the northeast corner of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Witchduck Road. Said parcel is located at 5088 Virginia Beach Boulevard and contains 26,637 square feet. Plats with more detailed information are available in the Department of Planiiilig. BAYSIDE BOROUGH. The following conditioiis shall be required: 1. Approval is for a period of olie (1) year. 2. A privacy fence and buffer along the western property line is required. This Ordinance shall be effective upon the date of adoptioll- Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virgiiiia, oil the Twenty-fourth day of Juiie, Nineteeu Hundred and Eighty-five. Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeniiiiigs, Jr., Louis R. Joiies, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanaii, J. Henry McCoy,Jr.,D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Abseiit: Jutie 24, 1985 Nancy A. Creech Item II-H.4 PLANNING ITEM 23814 Doiiald J Maggi, President of Indepelideiice Texaco, Iiic., represented the applicant Attorney Robert Cromwell, represented Pembroke North Associates, the property owiier Upon motion by Councilman Louis Jones, seconded by Councilman Baum, Gity Council ADOPTED an Ordinance upon application of DONALD J. MAGGI, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE TEXACO INC. for a Conditional Use Permit as per the followng: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF DONALD J. MAGGI, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE TEXACO INC., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN AUTO REPAIR FACILITY R0685757 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGLNIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon application of Donald J. Maggi, President Indepetidence Texaco, Inc., for a Conditional Use Permit for an auto repair facility on certaiii property located at the northeast corner of Independence Boulevard aiid Conatitution Avenue. Said parcel is located at 628 In- dependence Boulevard and contains 28,400 square feet. Plats with raore detailed iiiformatioil are available in the Department of Plaiining. BAYSIDE BOROUGH The following coliditions shall be required: 1. Approved until September 30, 1985. 2. No obstruction of the visioii at the intersection 3. All cars iiot beiiig repaired or for sale are to be removed from the lot. This Ordinaiice shall be effective upoii the date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, oil the Tweiity-fourth day of June, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-five. Votilig: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heilry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., aiid Meyera E. Oberndorf. Couacil Members Votiiig Nay. None Council Members Absent: June 24, 1985 - 12 - Item II-H.5 PLANNING ITEM # 23815 Ed Miller, of Creative Dispalys, represeiited the applicant Opposition: B. H. "Pat"Bridges, represeiited the Virginia Beach Beautification Commission Mrs. Charlotte Dashiell, represented the Virginia Beach Gardeii Club Upon motioii by Couiicilman Louis Jones, secoiided by Councilmaii Jeiiniiigs, City Council ADOPTED an Ordinance upon application of CREATIVE DESIGNS for a onditioiial Use Permit as per the following: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICAIION OF CREATIVE DESIGNS FOR A CONDIIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE R0685758 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinaiice upon application of Creative Designs for a Coiiditional Use Permit for au outdoor advertising structure on certain property located on the east side of Diamond Springs Road, 130 feet more or less north of Aragon Drive. Said parcel contains 3.3 acres more or less. Plats with more detailed ill- formation are available in the Department of Planning. BAYSIDE BOROUGH The following condition shall be required: 1. Approval shall be for a limitatioil of twenty years. This Ordinaiice shall be effective upon the date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia, on the Tweiity-fourth day of June, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-five. Voting; 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberlidorf Council Members Voting Nay: Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 - 13 - Item II-H.6 PLANNING ITEM # 23816 Attorliey Robert Cromwell represented the applicant and requested DEFERRAL of thirty days due to site plan problems Robert Galewski, a resident of Worcester Drive, registered in opposition but was not OPPOSED to the DEFERRAL Upon motiori by Councilmaii Louis Joiies, seconded by Councilman Fentress, City Council DEFERRED until the City Couiicil Meeting of August 5, 1985, the application of VINCENT W. CONDUFF for a WAIVER to a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for a Gasoline Service Statioii in conjunction with a TINEE GIANT CONVENIENCE GROCERY STORE on a 3.99-acre parcel located at the iiorthwest cor@ler of Newtowli Road aiid Broad Meadows Boulevard (Bayside Borough) (Applicatioii of ROSSO AND MASTRACCO, INC. graiited by City Council oii October 8, 1984). A N D, City Couiicil DEFERRED until the City Council Meeting of August 5, 1985, an Ordiiiaiice upon application of VINCENT W. CONDUFF, for a Change of Zoning as per the following: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF VINCENT W. CONDUFF FOR A C @ GE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM B-2 TO A-2 Ordinance upon application of Vincent W. Conduff, for a Change of ZoiiinE District Classification from B-2 Commuiiity Business district to A-2 Apartment District on certaili property located at the iiorthwest corlier of Newtown Road and Broad Meadows Boulevard. Said parcel coiitains 4.32 acres. Plats with more detailed iiiformatiOD are availabe iii the Department of Planniiig. BAYSIDE BOROUGH. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Joiies, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClailan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Cou@icil Members Voting Nay: No@ie Council Members Absent: Noiie - 14 - Item II-H. 7 PLANNING ITEM # 23817 The followiiig represented the applicant: Bill Hall, President of Seaboard Development Corporation. Richard Bell, Vice President of Seaboard Development Corporatioll Upon motioii by Councilmaii Louis Jones, seconded by Councilmaii Feiitress, city Council ADOPTED an Ordinance upoii application of SEABOARD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION for a Change of Zoning as per the following: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF SEABOARD DEVELOPMENT CORPO- RATION FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM B-2 TO A-2 Z0685989 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordiiiance upon applicatioil of Seaboard Developmelit Corpo- ration for a Change of Zoning District Classification from B-2 Community-Buainess District to A-2 Apartment District on certain property located 360 feet more or less east of Diamond Springs Road at the northern extremity of Darnell Road. Said parcel contains 15,202.44 square feet. Plats with more detailed information are available in the De- partment of Planniag. BAYSIDE BOROUGH. This Ordinance shall be effective upon the date of adoptioll. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twenty-fourth day of Junb, Nineteea Hundred and Eighty-five. Votiiig: 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, and J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. Council Members Voting Nay: Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Abseiit: None Juiie 24, 1985 - 15 - Item 11-H.8 PLANNING ITEM # 23818 Attoriiey Robert Cromwell represented the applicaxit Opposition: C. W. Hutchinson, resident of Jefferson Boulevard, spoke concerning affect of this particular rezoniiig application on his property Robert Galewski, resideiit of Worcester Drive Upon motion by Couiicilmaii Louis Jones, secoiided by Councilman Fentress, City Couiicil ADOPTED Ordiiiances upoii application of CONNIE LANE PROPERTIES, A VIRGINIA PARTNERSHIP, for Changes of Zoiiiiig as per the followilig: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICAIION OF CONNIE LANE PROPERTIES, A VlRGINIA PARTNERSHIP, FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-6 TO A-.2 A-1 (AS MODIFIED) Z0685990 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordiiiance upoii applicatioii of Connie Lane Properties, a Virginia Partnership, for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Residential District to A-2 A-1 (AS MODIFIED) Apartment District on certain property located 1000 feet more or less east of Lawrence Drive at the Eastern extremity of Coniiie Laue. Said parcel colitains 8.92 acres. Plats with more detailed informatioii are avail- able iii the Department of Plaiining BAYSIDE BOROUGH. A N D, ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF CONNIE LANE PROPERTIES A VIRGINIA PARTNERSHIP, FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM I-I TO A-2 A-1 (AS MODIFIED) Z0685991 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon applicatioii of Coiinie Lane Properties, a Virginia Parntership, for a Change of Zonitig District Classification from 1-1 Light lildustrial District to A-4 A-1 (AS MODIFIED) Apartment District oD certaiii property located 200 feet more or less south of Connie Lane, 360 feet east of Lawrelice Drive. Said parcel contains 2.26 acres. Plats with more detailed infor- mation are available in the Departmelit of Planning. BAYSIDE BOROUGH. Prior to the changiiig of the official zoning maps, the following condition will be met: 1. Dedication of 70-foot of right-of-way through this site to provide for the extension of Baker Road iii accordance with the Master Street and Highway Plan and the Virginia Beach Bikeway Plan. These Ordiiiaiices shall be effective upon the date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, oil the Twetity-fourth day of June, Niiieteen Hundred and Eighty-five. June 24, 1985 Item II-H.8 - 16 - PLANNING ITEM # 23818 (Coiititiued) Voting: 7-4 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, H. Jack Jenniiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, aiid Robert G. Jones Council Members Nay: Barbara M. Henley, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClaliall, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Absetit: None June 24, 1985 - 17 - Item II-H.9 ITEM # 23819 PLANNING Upon motion by Councilman Feiltress, secotided by Couticilwomaii Creech, City Council ADOPTED ali Ordinaiice upon applicatioii of the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA for a Change of Zoning as per the followiiig. ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VlRGINIA, FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7 TO R-8 Z0685992 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordina@ice upon application of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virgiiiia, for a Chaiige of Zoniilg District Classification from R-7 Resideritial District to R-8 Residential District at the southwest corner of 15th Street and Mediterranean Aveiiue on Lots 1-8 and part of Lot 26, Block 115; Lots 1-21 aiid 33-42, Block 110; Lots 1-34 and 37-42, Block 105; Lots 1-7, Block 119; Lots 13-15, part of Lot 16, Lots 22-31 and Lots 35-36, Block 116; Lots 1-42, Block 111; Lots 1-23 aiid Lots 28-42, Block 106, Lots 1-30, Block 120; Lots 1-15 aiid Lots 27-41, Block 117; Lots 1-5, Lots 9-16 and Lots 19-42, Block 112; Lots 1-20, Lots 29-32 aiid Lots 37-40, Block 107; Parcel A, Block 122; Parcels I and 2; Lots 1-9, Block 121i, Parcel C; Lots 1-15 aiid Uiiits 1100-1106, Block 118; Lots 5-6 and Lots 9-18, Block 108; Lots A-B alid Lots 11-20, Block 6; Lots 1-16, Block 7, and Part of Parcel 199, Subdivisions of Lakewood aiid Piiiewood. Plats with more detailed iilformatioli area availabie i@) the Departmeiit of Planniiig. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH. This Ordiiiaiice shall be effective Lipon the date of adoptiol). Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twenty-fourth day of June, Nineteen Hundred atid Eighty-five. Voting: 9-2 Couucil Members Votitig Aye: John A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Robert E. Feiitress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClatiaii, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberildorf Couiicil Members Voting Nay: Barbara M. Heiiley, arid H. Jack Jeli@liligs, Jr. Couiicil Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 - 18 - Item II-H.10 PLANNING ITEM # 23820 Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, seconded by Councilman Fentress, City CounQil ADOPTED the following Ordinances AS AMENDED*: ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE 1, SECTION Ill OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DEFINITION OF AUTOMOBILE SALES AND RENTAL.* ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTLCLE 2, SECTION 233.5 OF THE COMPREHFNSIVE ZONTNG ORDIANCE PERTAINING TO AUTOMOBILE SALES AND RENTAL. AND, ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE 9, SECTION 911(a) AND 911(c) OF THE COITREHENSIVE ZONING ORDLNANCE PERTAINING TO USE REGULATIONS FOR AUTOMOBILE SALES AND RENTAL. *The word "automobile" shall be chaiiged to "motor vehicle" in all sectiolis of the above Ordiliances. *(a) and (b) under Sec. 233.5 Automobile Sales and Rental of an Ordinance to Amend and Reordain Article 2 of the Compiehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Automobile Sales and Reiital shall be AMENDED as per the following: (a) The @nimum lot size shall be 39TOOO-20,000 square feet. (b) No at2teifteb+ie motor vehicle shall be displayed for sale or rental withiu the first five (5) feet of any front yard or side yard abutting the right-of-way line of a street to be measured from the ptbpetty line to any displayed motor vehicle on premises. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. HeAry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberiidorf. Council Members Voting Nay: Noiie Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 AN OIDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE 1, SECTION Ill OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DEFINITION OF MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND RENTAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Article 1, Section 111, Definitions, of the C.Z.O. be amended and reordained in part as follows: Sec. 111. Definitions. Motor Vehicle la' es and R ntal. AU lot or establishment where three or more mto r venicies, s, and I sale -r rent. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 24 day of June 1985. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE 2 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND RENTAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Article 2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance be amended and re- ordained by addin@ Section 232.5 as follows: Sec. 232.5. Motor Vehicle Sales and Rental. In addition to general requirements, the 17le ing rely rrm nsts in !t t-: 'Ot'r Vhicl, sa !ow c!:' t and limitations shall apply to and r:PnZ. in whic t ey are generally pemitted: (a) The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet. (b) No motor vehicle shall be displa.yed for sale or rental within the f' 5ii eet of any f;ont @ard or side ardta ttng 'rst five f 'u y 6 be measured from the property the rght-,f-wa ne of a street t ro he Drl, line to any displayed motor vehicle on premises. (c) All i ln sha 11 be directed toward the interior of the site ' ght@ ' and away rom adjoining properties. (4) Where such establishment abuts a residential r rtme t 0 4@ld pr7y,cy zoning district, there shall be a six (6) f6ot s. fence, or other suitable buffering as requlred as a condition of t e use permit, installed along the property line. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 24 day of Juiie 1985. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE 9 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO USE REGULATIONS FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND RENTAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Article 9, Section 911(a), Principal uses and structures, of the C.Z.O. be amended and reordained in part as follows: (a) Principal uses and structures: (1) Auditoriums, assembly halls and union halls; @24 Aut@FReb*le-sales-aRd-rentali (2) @34 Boat sales; (3) @44 Business and vocational schools which do not involve the operation of woodwork shops, machine shops or other similar facilities; (41 kgl Business studios, offices, clinics and medical laboratories; (5) (64 Child care education centers; (6) (74 Commerci'al parking lots, parking garages and storage garages; (7) comercial recreation facilities other than those of an out- door nature. ProVided, however, that such facilities shall be pernitted only as a conditional use on a zoning lot in the B-2 Comunity-Business District where such zoning lot adjoins the side or rear yard of a zoning lot in a residential, apartment or agricultural district without an intervening street, alley or pemanent open space twenty-five (25) feet or greater in width; (8) 04 Day care centers; (9) @94 Eating and drinking establishments; provided that where there is an adjoining residential or apartment district without an intervening street, alley, or permanent open space over twent,v-five (25) feet in width and where lots separated by the district boundary haye adjacent front yards, the first lot within the B-2 Community Business District or one hundred (100) feet of such lot nearest the boundary (whichever is less) shall not be used for a drive-in eating and drinking establish- ment; (10) @144 Financial institutions; (11) @124 Furniture repair and upholsteri,ng, repair services for radio and television and household appliances other than those with gasoline engines; service and repair services for business machines; carpet and linoleum laying; tile setting, sign shops and other small service businesses; (12) @;34 Funeral homes; (13) @444 Greenhouses and plant nurseries; (14) @464 Laboratories and establishments for the production and repair of eyeglasses, hearing aids and prosthetic devices; (15) @164 Marinas, including facilities for storage and repair of boats and sale of boating supplies and fuel; (16) k474 Museums and art galleries; (17) @18J Newspaper printing and publi.shing, job and commercial printing; (18) (494 Nightclubs, bars, taverns, dance halls; (19) @294 Passenger transportation teminals; (20) @244 Personal service establishments, including barber and beauty shops, shoe repair shops, cleaning, dyeing, laundry, pressing, dressmaking, tatiloring and garment repair shops with process- ing on the premises; (21) @224- Private clubs, lodges, social centers, eleemosynary establish- ments and athletic clubs; (22)_ k234 Public buildings and grounds; (23) @244 Public utilities installations and substations including offices; provided storage or maintenance facilities shall not be per- mitted; and provided, further, that utilities substations, other than individual transfomers, shall be surrounded by a wall, solid except for entrances and exits, or by a fence with a screening hedge five (5) to six (6) feet in height; and provided also, transfomer vaults for underground utilities and the like shall require only a landscaped screening hedge, solid except for access opening; (24) @264 Retail establishments, including the incidental manufacturing of goods for sale only at retail on the premises; retail sales and display rooms and lots, provided that yards for storage of new or used building materials or yards for any scrap or salvage operations or for storage or display of any scrap, salvage or secondhand building materials or automobile parts shall not be allowed; (25) @264 Veterinary establishments and comercial kennels, provided that all animals shall be kept in soundproofed, air-conditioned buildings; (26) k274 Wholesaling and distribution operations, provided that such operations do not involve the use of: (i) more than two thousand (2,000) square feet of floor area for storage of wares to be sold at wholesale or to be distributed, or (ii) any vehicle rated at more than one and one-half ton capacity, or (iii) a total of more than five (5) delivery vehicles. That Article 9, Section 911(c), Conditional uses and structures, of the C.Z.O. be amended and reordained in part as follows: (c) Conditional uses and structures: Uses and structures hereinafter specified, subject to compliance with the provisions of Part C of Article 2 hereof: (1) Automobile and small engine repair establishments, provided that all repair work shall be perfomed within a building; (2) Automobile service stations; provided that, where there is an adjoining residential or apartment district without an intervening street, alley or permanent open space over twenty-five (25) feet in width and where lots separated by a district boundary have adjacent front yards, a six (6) foot solid fence shall separate the automobile service station use from the adjacent residential district and no ground sign shall be within fifty (50) feet of a residential or apart- ment district; (3) Borrow pits; (4) Bulk storage yards and building contractors' yards; provided that no sale or processing of scrap, salvage, or secondhand material shall be pemitted in such yards; and, provided further that such storage yards shall be completely enclosed except for necessary openings for ingress and egress by a fence or wall not less than six (6) feet in height; (5) Car wash facilities, provided that: (i) no water produced by activities on the zoning lot shall be permitted to fall upon or drain across public streets or sidewalks or adjacent properties; (ii) a minimum of three (3) off-street parking spaces for automobiles shall be provided for each car wash space within the facility. (6) Churches; (7) Heliports and helistops; (8) Hospitals and sanitariums; (9) Mini-warehouses, provided that the yard shall be completely enclosed except for necessary openings for ingress and egress by a fence or wall not less than six (6) feet in height; (10) Mobile home sales; (11) Motor vehicle sales and rental, provided the minimum lot size is 20,000 squ6re feet; (12) @144 Outdoor advertising structures, billboards, signboards and poster panels shall be allowed on unimproved property provided the regulations of Section (Part) B of Article 2 and Section 914 hereof are met and further provided that no outdoor advertising sign shall exceed three hundred (300) square feet of surface area; (13) @124 Public utility storage or maintenance installations; (14) kl34 Radio and television broadcasting stations and line-of-sight relay devices; (15) @144 Recreational and amusement facilities of an outdoor nature, which may be partially or temporarily enclosed on a seasonal basis with approval of City Council, provided that, in the development of such properties, safeguards are provided to preserve and protect the existing character of adjacent properties, except that riding academies and recreational campgrounds shall not be allowed as a conditional use or otherwise. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 24 day of June 1985. 18a - Item II-H.11 PLANNING ITEM # 23821 Ralph H. Ricardo, resident of Shore Drive, registered iii Oppostioli but WITHDREW this oppositioii Councilwoman oberndorf refereiiced a telephone call from Jim Kaiser's representative of the North Virginia Beach Civic League, requestiiig DEFERRAL. Upoii motion by Councilwoman Oberiidorf, seconded by Councilman Fentress, Council DEFERRED uiitil the City Council Meeting of August 5, 1985, aii OrdiiiaLlce to amend ARTICLE 5, Sectiolis 560, 516, 536, 564 and 571 of the COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE pertaiiiing to the R-7 and R-8 Residential Districts to remove DUPLEXES and GARAGE APARTMENTS. Voting: 10-1 Couiicil Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeiiiiiligs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanaii, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: Robert G. Jones Council Members Absent: None Juiie 24, 1985 - 19 - Item II-H.12a. ITEM # 23822 PLANNING Upon motion by Couiicilman McCoy, seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Couiicil DEFERRED for six (6) months the followiiig amendmelit contained in the Ordinance to amend the MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN dated December 16, 1974; REALIGN THE INTERSECTION OF INDLAN RIVER ROAD AND ELBOW ROAD AS SHOWN ON MAPS ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. This DEFERRAL will enable residents of the area involved to meet with the Planning Staff, and members of City Council and develop a Road Alignment that will not adversely affect atiyone but 5olve the particular problem. Votiiig: 9-0 Council Members Votilig Aye: Johli A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Robert C. Jones,Vice Mayor Reba S. McClauan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Votiiig Nay: None Council Members Absent: Robert E.Felitress, aiid H. Jack Jenniiigs, Jr. June 24, 1985 20 - CORRECTED COPY Item II-H.12b. PLANNING ITEM # 23823 Upoii motion by Vice Mayor McClanan, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council ADOPTED the following AMENDMENT of the Ordinance to AMEND the MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN dated December 16, 1974, as per the following: REALIGN THE INTERSECTION OF FERRELL PARKWAY AND PRINCESS ANNE ROAD IN THE AREA NORTH OF THE MUNI- CIPAL CENTER AS SHOWN ON MAPS ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. VotiDg: 6-2 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Mayor Harold Heischober, Louis R. Joiies, Robert G. Jones, and Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan Council Members Votiiig Nay: Barbara M. Henley and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Absent; Robert E. Fentress, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., and J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. June 24, 1985 - 20a - AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN DATED DECEMBER 16, 1974 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the Master Street and Highway Plan dated December 16, 1974, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Realign the intersection of Ferrell Parkway and Princess Anne Road in the area north of the Municipal Center as shown on maps on file in the Department of Planning. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 24th day of June, 1985. er 6- 2 5- 8 5 Jutie 24, 1985 - 21 - ltem II-I.I.a ITEM # 23824 Sam Houstoii, represented the elderly of Virgiiiia Beach, alid expressed appreciatioii to City Council coiicerning approval of Revenue Bonds for elderly citizelis Upon motion by Couiicilman Feiitress, secoiided by Councilman McCoy, City Council ADOPTED the Resolution approving the Issuance of INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority to the following: OCEAN VILLAGE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP $22,000,000 Voting; 7-3 Council Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Naticy A. Creech, Robert E. Felitress, Mayor Harold Heischober, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Joiies, atid Robert G. Jones Couiicil Members Voting Nay: Barbara M. Henley, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanati, aiid Meyera E. Oberiidorf Couiicil Members Abselit: J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. June 24, 1985 SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND 1. PROJECT NAME: Ocean Village Apartments Limited Partnership 2. LOCATION: one-quarter (1/4) mile south of the interesection of Dwyer Road and Dam Neck Road, Virginia Beach, virginia 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 424 unit residential rental apartment project 4. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSUE: $22,000,000.00 for two phases 5. PRINCIPALS: Dennis A. Laskin and Laskin Development, Inc. 6. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: a. Present zoning classification of the Property PDH-2 b. Is rezoning proposed? No 1 98 5 FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT OCEAN VILLAGE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1. Maximum amount of financing sought $ 22,000,000.00 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $ 22,000,000.00 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates $ 176,000.00 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates $ - 5. Estimated merchants' capital tax per year using present tax rates $ 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $ 1,020,000.00 7. Estimated number of regular employees on year round basis 4 8. Average annual salary per employee 10,000.00 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACHDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA By Authority.,'C@airman ov#l fis.c WI@ wo,E44 W.W.@ Cl i , W,I. N F@7 W,lk, S, 1-02 W.,., fi@ B m W :11, C, a 09 W: .. H.11 Rd Ga W.'.' L. G-05 W.@: W@,,... W@y E46 W. .@. C,, G-M w.il.., u, c 09 W.M@ C,, C 1 1 W., Ad.@,@l Rd C-07 W.Id A@. CO. W.Id Cl C@4 W.I.h.. cl H-M w .N c, C-M W:,.., S, c 10 R,d W...N S, Ca 6 W.,,,. PI H4? W.I..@ 01 H 09 W @hl.91.@ A@, L46 W:',, G@@ L. Fa F-M WW@:@ 10.@, R@d F N W. .1b.,y PI F 10 C. 0 09 Pi ca W.1.11.1d PI oa W.I.,'.wl D, L 07 W--l'Il.-I Col. L 06 W.I.It'.@' 01 L N Rd HO W.11,@ 01 F M W@Illll.g. Rd H@ W.11,@i@. Cl FOB W.""..@ C, M49 Pi Fm W@@.I.@y PI F@ W. .@ Rd X 07 W@@,,Iy D, G 07 v Afl..@. T ... b. 14 NAME OF PROJECT: Ocean Village apartments Limited Partnership PROJECT ADDRESS: 1/4 mile south of the intersecti of Dwyer Road and Dam Neck Road TYPE OF PROJECT: 424-unit residential rental apartment project A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at which a quorum was present, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Administration Building, on the 24 day of Jutie -, 1985. on motion by Councilmati Fentress seconded by C, o and voted upon as herein set forth, the adopted. T-oll.wi g OlLution was RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND FOR OCEAN VILLAGE APARTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority, whose address is 770 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200, Virginia Beach (the "Authority") has considered the application and plan of financing of Ocean Village Apartments Limited Part- nership, a Maryland limited partnership, whose address is 9000 old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (the "Purchaser"), for the issuance of the Authority's industrial development reve- nue bonds in an amount estimated at not more than Twenty-two Million Dollars ($22,000,000.00) (the "Bond") to assist in the financing of the Purchaser's acquisition, construction, equipping and furnishing of a 424 unit residential rental apartment project located on a parcel of l@nd of approximately twenty-nine (29) acres, being one-quarter (1/4) mile south of the intersection of Dwyer Road and Dam Neck Road in Vir ginia Beach, Virginia (said land and improvements collectively referred to as the "Project"), to be owned and operated by the Purchaser, and has held a public hearing thereon on June 11 1985 and; WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Council (the "Council") of Virginia Beach, Virginia (the "City") to approve the issuance of the Bond to comply with Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 915.1-1378.1, Code of virginia, as amended, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bond, subject to terms to be agreed upon and a reasonably detailed summary of the @ comments expressed at the public hearing, if any, have been filed with the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. The Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, approves the issuance of the Bond by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority, for 'the benefit of Ocean Village Apartments Limited Partnership, a Maryland limited partnership, to the extent of and as required by Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, to permit the Authorit@ to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. ihe approval gf the plan of financing, as required by Section 103(k), does not constitut6 an endorsement of the Bond or the creditworthiness 'of the Purchaser, but, pursuant to Chapter 643 of the Virginia Acts of Assembly of 1964, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the City nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys 2 pledged therefor, and neither the faith or credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth, the City, or the Authority shall be pledged thereto. 3. In approving the Resolution, the City of Virginia Beach, including its elected representatives, officers, employees, and agents, shall not be liable and hereby disclaims all liabi- lity for any damages to any person, direct or consequential, resulting from the Authority's failure to issue bonds for the Project for any reason. 4. Ihis Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adoption by a majority of a quorum of the Council of the City of virginia Beach, Virginia, on June 24 1985. Secretary ov#l res.c 3 - 22 - Item II-I.I.b. RESOLUTIONS ITEM # 23825 Upon motioii by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilwoman Creech, City Council ADOPTED the Resolutions approving the Issuance of INDUSTRIAL DEVELOFMENT REVENUE BONDS by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority to the following: 140 ASSOCIATES $6,000,000 PIPERS LANDING ASSOCIATES $3,800,000 Votiiig: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye; John A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Robert E. Felitress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeniiiiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert C. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, and Meyera E. Oberiidorf Council Members Votitig Nay: None Couiicil Members Absent: J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S. June 24, 1985 1 1/ 5/ 8 3 FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT DATE-. MAY 15, 1985 TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA PROJECT NAME: 140 ASSOCIATI,]S TYPE OF FACILITY: APPROXIMATELY 140-UNIT RENTAL APARTMENT PROJECT 1. Maximum amount of financing sought $ 6,_QOO 000 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $_4,400,000 3. Estimated real propertv tax per year using present tax rates $ 40,000 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates $ 11000 5. Estimated merchants' Capital (business .license) tax per year using present tax rates $ N/A 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $ 225.000_ 7. Estimated number of regular employees on year round basis 5 8. Average annual salary per employee $ 15,000 The information contained in this Statement is based solelv on facts and estimates provided by the Applicant, and the Authority has made no independent investigation with repect thereto. City of Virginia Beach Development Authority B Chairman SUMMARY SHEET 1. PROJECT NAME: 140 Associates 2. LOCATION: Virginia Beach Boulevard near the Pembroke area bordering the Thaiia Creek branch of the Lynnhaven River 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Approximately 140-Unit rental apattment complex, inc ng and- scaping and recreational amenities 4. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSUE: $6,000,000 5. PRINCIPALS: Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. 6. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: a. Present zoning classification of the Property B-4 b. Is rezoning proposed? Yes No X C. If so, to what zoning classification? PROJECT NAME: 140 Associates PROJECT TYPE: 140-Unit Rental Apartment Complex PROJECT LOCATION: Virginia Beach Boulevard near the Pembroke Area Bordering the Thalia Creek Branch of the Lynnhaven River RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR 140 ASSOCIATES FACILITY WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") has considered the application of 140 Associ- ates, a Virginia limited partnership, or any partnership or corporation of which Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. is a partner or shareholder (the "Company") for the issuance of the Authority's industrial development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000 (the "Bonds") to assist in the financing of the Company's acquisition, construction and equippinq of an approxi- mately 140-unit rental apartment complex, includinq landscapinq and recreational amenities, to be located on Virginia Beach Boulevard, near the Pembroke area, bordering the Thalia Creek Branch of the Lynnhaven River, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and has held a public hearing thereon on June 11, 1985; and WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the City Council (the "Council") of Virginia Beach, Virginia (the "City") to approve the construction of the additional housing and the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SS15.1-1378-1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, a copy of the Authority's Resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to terms to be mutually agreed upon, and a reasonably detailed summary of the comments expressed at the public hearing, if any, have been filed with the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. The Council of the City of Virqinia Beach, Virginia approves the additional housing to be provided by the Facility and the issuance of the Bonds by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority for the benefit of 140 Associates, or any partnership or corporation of which Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. is a partner or shareholder, to the extent of and as requir- ed by Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Facility. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by Section 103(k) does not constitute an endorsement of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Company; but, pursuant to Chapter 643, Virginia Acts of Assembly of 1964, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the City nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other co@ts incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefor, and neither the faith or credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth, the City, or the Authorit shall be pledged thereto. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED by a majority of a quorum of the Council of the 24 City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on June Ely, 1985. SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AU@HORITY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND PROJECT NAME: Pipers Landing Associates 2. LOCATION: southern terminus of Lisa Square ad3acent to and east u, @iie housing pro]ect currentlv und6r construction and owned by s@ qare ssc,.-@e-s-. 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Ac fa.qyl;etenconstru@t and equip a multi-- m tal ous-,ng pr63ec 4. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSUE: 3,800,000 5. PRINCIPALS: John W. Ainslie Jeffrev W. Ainslie @ames W. Gravelv 6. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: a. Present zoning clas@ification of the Property A-i b. Is. rezoning proposed? Yes No C. If so, to what zoning classification? FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND FINANCING DATE: May 14, 1985 TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA PROJECT NAME: Pipers Landing Associates TYPE OF FACILITY: Multi-Family Rental Iiousing Project 1. Maximum amount of financing sought $ 3,800,000.00 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $ 4,256,000.00 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates $ 34,000.00 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates $ 5. Estimated merchants' capital (business license) tax per year using present tax rates $ 960.00 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $ 210,000. 00 7. Estimated number of regular employees on year round basis $ 3 B. Average annual salary per employee $ 15,000.00 The information contained in this Statement is based solely on facts and estimates provided by the Applicant, and the Authority ha's made no independent investigation with repect thereto. City of Virginia Beach Development Authority By 2,,@ Cnairmanl(/ Bird p .H ;,j LI77LE mi Lu buti.. & rmati.. C.@ W. v F 3EACK HINKW LORE C FAIN' A ATA( JEN sou HEIG tA i"FIG@@YSLAE E H l@,,@o,o.o IT 16-W W- Jins Afap 22 CO@@.IG.T ... Ll @A ..I. 2.1@, PROJECT NAME: Pipers Landing Associates PROJECT ADDRESS: Southern Terriintis of Lisa SquarE adjacent to and east 6f the project currently under construc tion and owned by Lisa Square Associates. TYPE OF PROJECT: Multi -Family Rental Housing Rental Project A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Adminis- tration Building, on the 24 day of June, 1985. On motion bv Councilman Baum and seconded by -ullcliwoman ureecn the follow- ing Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Name Vote RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF RENTAL HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR PIPERS LANDING ASSOCIATES WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Development Authori- ty (the Authority), has considered the application of Pipers Landing Associates (the Company) for the issuance of the Authority's rental housing revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,800,000 (the Bonds) to assist in the financing of the Company's acquisition, construction and equipping of a 152 unit multi-family rental housing project (the Project), at least 20% of the units of which will be leased to persons or families of low or moderate income within the meaning of Section 103(b)(4)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (the Code), to be located at the southern terminus of Lisa Square adjacent to and east of the housing project currently under construction, and has held a public hearing thereon on June 11, 1985; and WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the City Council (the Council) of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia (the City), approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 103(k) of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the Virginia Code); WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to terms to be agreed upon, a reasonably detailed summary of the comments expressed at the pu@iic hearing with respect to the Bonds and a state- ment in the form prescribed by Section 15.1-1378.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, have been filed with the Clerk of the Council; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. The recitals made in the first preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted as a part of this Resolution. 2. The Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, approves the issuance of the Bonds by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority to assist in the financing of the Project for the benefit of the Company, to the extent of and as required by Section 103(k) of the Code and Section 15.1-1378.1 of the Virginia Code. 3. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by such Sections 103(k) and 15.1-1378.1, does not constitute an endorsement of the Bonds or the creditworthi- ness of the Company, but, pursuant to Chapter 643, Virginia Acts of Assembly of 1964, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the City nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefor, and neither the faith or credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth, the City, or the Authority shall be pledged thereto. 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on June 24 1985. 2 - 23 - Item II-1.2 RESOLUTIONS ITEM # 23826 Upon motion by Councilwoman Henley, secoiided by Councilwoman Creech, City Council ADOPTED a Resolutioii to accept the bid of TURNER AND VALENTINE for OBSTETRICAL CARE FOR LOW INCOME PAIIENTS; AND, AUTHORIZED the City Maiiager to execute the tiecessary agreement. Voting; 9-1 Council Members Votiiig Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeiinings, Jr., Robert G. Jones, J. Heiiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., aiid Meyera E. Oberlidorf Couticil Members Voting Nay: Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanaii Council Members Abselit: Louis R. Jones June 24, 1985 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE BID OF TURNER AND VALENTINE FOR OBSTETRICAL CARE FOR LOW INCOMF PATIENTS AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY ACRFEMENT WHEREAS, on March 18, 1985, City Council approved an ordinance to provide for contracting of indigent obstetrical care through private physicians on a fee for service basis at Virginia Beach General Hospital through the remainder of this fiscal year, and WREREAS, the City's Purchasing Agent has requested proposals (RFP) from potential providers for this same service for fiscal year 1985-1986, and WHEREAS, the following proposals were submitted by a single contractor: (1) A fee for service contract with separate billing for each patient at a monthly charge of $23,500 or $282,000 annually. (2) A flat rate bid of $18,500 per month or $222,000 annually. WITEREAS, it is recommended by City staff that the Citv accept tiie low bid of $222,000 with an additional provision tor i@elical record retreival administration of $5/patient, and WHEREAS, funding in the amount of $300,000 is available for ttiis program in the FY86 Operating Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of VIRGINIA BEACH that the low bid of $222,000 annually to provide indigent obstetrical care, submitted by Turner and Valentine, P.C. is accepted with an additional provision for medical r--cord retreival administration of $5/patient. Furthermore, the City Manager is authorized to enter into an agreement with Turner and Valentine to provide this service. Said agreement is attached hereto and the same is hereby approved. This Resolution is effective from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 24 day of June 1985. icm/VL/37 This contract made this 1st day of July, 1985 by and between the City of Virginia Beach (hereinafter referred to as "City") whose officers are at the Administration Building, Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456, and Turner and Valentine, P.C. whose address is Suite 1-D, IMA Building, 700 Independence Circle, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455, (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") - WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the respective undertakings of the parties of this contract, the "City" and the "Contractor" hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows: ARTICLE I - SCOPE OF SERVICE a. The Contractor shall provide or provide for the following services to eligible residents of the City of Virginia Beach at Virginia Beach General Hospital or the Contractor's office. 1. Obstetrical and related anesthesia and pediatric care to include spontaneous vaginal, induced vaginal, and cesarean sections, necessary anesthesia and in hospital obstetrical and pediatric neonatal patient care. 2. Scheduled delivery of at risk patients following referral by a health department physician. An office or hospital consultation by Contractor will be included as medically indicated. This includes the management of all hospitalized prenatal patients with obstetrical and medical related conditions which are usually managed at a Level II hospital. 3. Tubal ligation for sterilization for those patients who elect this procedure in the post delivery period (96 hours post delivery). 4. Management of post partum complications for two weeks. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS The following conditions and restrictions are applicable to all activity performed under this contract. a. "Eligible" Virginia Beach resident is defined as those who reside in Virginia Beach, require obstet- rical care or are neonates delivered of eligible residents, and meet income eligibility criteria for assistance according to State Health Department standards. This includes persons in income catego- ries A, B, C, D, and E. Persons who are in Income Category "F" are required to pay full fee for their care and are not eligible for assistance under this contract. b. Copies of hospital records of delivery and of other medical care provided must be forwarded to the City in order that: 1) the City may collect arnounts due from patients and; 2) develop an accounting system so an accounting of all services can be maintained. City will reimburse Contractor at a rate of $5.00/patient for this administrative function. C. The reimbursement provided by this contract is accepted by Contractor as full payment for services to eligible patients. Contractor will thus assist in providing that all third party payment be received or assigned to the City. ARTICLE II - TIME OF PERFORMANCE The services of the Contractor shall commence on July 1, 1985 and shall terminate on June 30, 1986, the period of performance being twelve months. By agreement of both parties the contract may be continued for an additional twelve months on July 1, 1986 and again on July 1, 1987. ARTICLE III - COMPENSATION The City shall reimburse the Contractor $222,000.00 yearly in twelve equal payments of $18,500.00, made on the last day of each month of the contract period beginning July 31, 1985. In addition a reimbursement of $5.00 per eligible patient provided care will be added for administrative expense resulting from required medical record provision. ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISIONS Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as authority for either party to make commitinents which will bind the other party beyond the Scope of Service contained herein. ARTICLE V LIABILITY The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, and when applicable, its employees and designated representatives, from any and all claims, suits, actions, liabilities and cost of any kind, caused by the performance by the Contractor of his/its work pursuant to this agreement. The Contractor shall provide such malpractice and/or liability insurance as may be necessary to protect him/her from claims for damages which may arise under this contract. A certificate indicating one million dollars of malpractice insurance is requried. ARTICLE VI TERMINATION 1. This contract may be cancelled by either party by giving thirty days written notice to the other, or 2. This contract shall be cancelled automatically in the event the local or State government fails to appropriate or allocate sufficient funds for the purpose of continuation of this agreement. 3. In the event of breach by the Contractor of this agreement, the City shall have the right immediately to rescind, revoke or terminate the agreement. In the alternative, the City may give written notice to the Contractor specifying the manner in which the agreement has been breached. If a notice of breach is given and the Contractor has not substantially corrected the breach within sixty days of receipt of the written notice, the City shall have the right to terminate this agreement. ARTICLE VII - INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Contractor and the Agency. No alteration, amendment or modifica- tion in the provisions of this agreement shall be effective unless it is reduced to writing, signed by the parties and attached hereto. ARTICLE VIII - NON-DISCRIMINATION In his/its performance of this agreement, the Contractor warrants that he/it will not discriminate against any employee, or other person, on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, age, or national oriqin. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicious places, available to ernployees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non- discrimination clause. The Contractor shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that such Contractor is an equal opportunity employer; provided, however, that notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rules or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this contract. ARTICLE IX - SEVEREABILITY Each paragraph and provision of this agreement is severable from the entire agreement; and if any provision is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain in effect. ARTICLE X - CONTINGENT FEE WARRANTY The Contractor warrants that he/it has not employed or retained any person or persons for the purpose of soliciting or securing this agreement. The Contractor further warrants that he/it has not paid or agreed to pay any other consideration, contingent upon the award or making of this agreement. For breach of one or both of the foregoing warranties, the Agency shall have the right to terminate this agreement without liability, or in its discretion, to deduct from the agreed fee, payment or consid- eration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of said prohibited fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. ARTICLE XI - AUDIT Contractor shall agree to provide to the City an annual report of all funds received by Contractor. The books of the Contractor shall, at all times, be available for inspection by authorized City personnel. CITY CONTRACTOR Thomas H. Muehlenbeck & Valentine, P.C. City Manager Date Date Hector Rivera, Assistant City Manager for Human Services APPROVR@, @-0 Co@4T.@:NT te - 24 - Item 11-I.3 ADD-ON ITEM # 23827 RESOLUTIONS Upon motion by Couiicilman Jenniiigs, seconded by Couiicilwomail Creech, City Council ADOPTED a Resolutioii AS AMENDED* iii Recognitioil of the Welfare of the WELFARE aiid RELEASE of the HOSTAGES who were aboard TWA Flight 847. The Hijackers seized the TWA Flight with 153 people aboard oil Friday, Julie 14, 1985. Couticilman Jennings introduced this Resolution recognizing June 24, 1985, as the Tenth day of the Ordeal of the Hostages. *This Resolution was AMENDED in the fourth paragraph as per the following: "WHEREAS, ofte-@-tite-elevert Robert Dean Stethem, who was stationed at Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base, has beeil murdered ai)d three others released; and Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeuniiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanati, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberadorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None AS AMENDED -24 a litfi jot :u till tt WHEREAS, on F@ay, June 14, 1985, kil-keu 6eized an Athen6- to-Rome TWA 6tight with 153 peopte aboa)Ed, moatty AmeAican6; and WHEREAS, the hijackeu have thteatened to kLU theit ho-6tage,6 anZe,6.6 th@ demanda ate met; and WHEREAS, oAiginaZty eteven o6 the pa6zengeu aboaLd TWA 6Ught 847 had been identi6ied aA Vixginian-6 o,% having .6ome connection with ouA State; and WHEREAS, one o6 the eteven ha4 been muAdeAed and t@e othe&6 ,tetea,6ed; and WHEREAS, some @o,%ty AmeAican-6 ate appa&entty stitt being hetd ho,6tage thxoughout B@ut; and WHEREAS, the AmeAicana .6titt being hetd inc&de at Zea6t .6even peopZe 6jLom Vaginia - 6ive ixom the Not6oZk and Vitginia Beach aaea; and WHEREAS, the hoatagez who axe ViAginia Beach iLezident6 aAe: JEFFREV J. INGALLS CLIWrON SUGGS TONV D. WALTON WHEREAS, today - June 24, 1985 - i6 the teah day o6 the o&deat 6o,t the.6e ho6tageA; and WHEREAS, the jamitie,6 oi tho.6e AmeAican6 ztzu being hetd hostage oAe anxiou4ty wazang Jo,% new4 oi the wet6oAe and tetea,6e o6 theia toved oneb; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ViAgi@ Beach City Counal joi" with the,6e 6amilie-6 in the hope,6 thei4 toved one,6 @ .6oon be )Letea6ed and thi4 o)Ldeat witt come to an end. 25 - Item II-J.. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23828 Upon motioli by Couiicilwomaii Creech, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council APPROVED in ONE MOTION Items I through 12 of the CONSENT AGENDA with the exception of Items 2, 3 a.d 4 hich e,, v,ted on separately. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Votiilg Aye: Johii A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanaii, J. Hetiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberiidorf. Council Members Votiiig Nay: None Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 - 26 - Item 11-J.1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23829 Upon motion by Councilwomaii Creech, seconded by Couiicilman McCoy, City Couiicil ADOPTED a RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION to: HERMAN "JR" REID, JR. "Tidewater Player of the Year" Votiiig: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Naiicy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Rarold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Joiies, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Noiie June 24, 1985 26 a - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 0 F R E C 0 G N I T I 0 N WHEREAS: Sports have always had a place in American life and competition has grown as individual athletes master their own skills, physical strength and stamina to compete in local, national and international events as well as for selection in higher institucions of learning; WHEREAS: HERnAN -JR" REID, JR. is seventeen years of age, a fraction taller than 6 feet 9 inches and weighs 220 pounds, he has excelled in basketball from his very first play on the Kempsville High basketball court. JR is five inches taller than any other player and has tremendous mobility. He was credited with being the "key force" behind Kempsville's 17-7 season in which the CHIEFS went 11-1 in the Beach DistricL to caplure the League's regular season title. In his first season of varsity basketball, JR averaged 20.5 points and 12.8 rebounds per game. He hit 59 percent of his shots from the field. His free-throw shooting was 61 percent for the season. He has unlimited potential and still keeps training. JR yearns to be the best and prefers the position of Forward; WHEREAS: JR Reid has become the youngest recipient of The Virgi7nian--Pilot/Ledger-Star "Tidewater Player of the Year'@, he is the first high school sophomore ever to earn this honor. He was recently profiled in "The Cats' Pause", a publication which serves the University of Kentucky, under the "Blue Chip Special". JR has been named to the first team of the Twenty-Ninth Annual PARADE "All-American Basketball Team". He has twice been selected to the Associated Press All-Group AAA Squad. For two consecutive years, JR has beeu honored by the Norfolk and Virginia Beach Sports Clubs as "Player of The Year" and has been selected for the @'Virginia All State Team"; and, WHEREAS: Honors and prestige have come easily and frequently to JR Reid, he has handled the early stardom well, yeL he has maintained a good scholastic average and still continues to keep his own room clean and do olher chores around the home. His coach described him as "Literally one in a million--an incredibly big man with a soft touch". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council recognizes "JR- Reid for his athletic achievement and pays tribute to his accomplishments so early in life with a copy of this Resolution spread upon the Minutes of this Regular Session of the Virginia Beach City Council this Twenty-fourth day of June, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five. Given Under My Hand and Seal, Mayor - 27 - Item II-J.2 IT#M # 23830 CONSENT AGENDA Upoii motiod by Councilwomaii McCoy, seconded by Councilwman Creech, CitY Council ADOPTED A Resolution in accordance with Section 10.5-2 of the City Code for reiiewal of EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, AGENCIES OR VEHICLES and to establish the method of settiiig rates for: Eastern Virginia Ambulance Service Nightingale Air Ambulance City of Chesapeake Norfolk General Hospital Cath Loab Tidewater Ambulaiice Service Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters City of Norfolk Voting: 10-0 Council Members Votiiig Aye: Joha A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeriiiings, Jr., Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Coulicil Members Voting Nay: None Couiicil Members Absent: None Council Members Abstaining: June 24, 1985 Louis R. Jones 27a - RESOLUTION i,IHEREAS, the following seven agencies in accorda.@ce with Section 10.6-2 of the Code of Virginia Beach have applied for renewal of their permit to operate an emergency medical services agency or vehicle in the city: 1. Eastern Virginia Ambulance service 2. Nightingale Air Ambularice 3. City of ChesapeaKe 4, Norfolk- General HosPital Catil Lab 5. Tidewater Ambulance Service 6. Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters 7. City of Norfolk WHE,@EAS, it is recommended by the Director and Medical Direcl,-@T., of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) that the renewal appl-;cac;-o-is be -arid wHERE,-s, it i-s also recoinmended by rl,,S tlat til-C, r@te tOr fixed fees ind charges for.- basic and advariced life E-LipticrT: B and C veli4.cles riot exceed the maximum prevailing @edicare rates charged in this Regional Medicare area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH that tbe renewal permits of the above agencies are hereby approved, BE IT FURTHER RESOI,VED that the rate for fixed feetj and charges for bdsic and advanced life support Class B and C vehicles not exceed the maximuin prevailing Medicare rates ciiai.-yed in this Regional Medicare area. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, VirgirLia on the .-- 24th day f __ June June 24, 1985 - 28 - Item II-J.3 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23831 Attorney Harry R. Purkey, Jr., represeiited the applicant and preseilted a petition approving the application (said petition is hereby made a part of the record). E. Spencer Wise, registered in OPPOSITION, but WITHDREW this OPPOSITION Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, seconded by Councilmaii Fentress, City Couiicil ADOPTED a Resolution authorizing the ENLARGEMENT of the NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE located at 205 51st Street (Property of RICHARD A. BRUGH AND MARGARET W. BRUGH). Votiiig: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeniiings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: NoDe Council Members Abseiit; None Juiie 24, 1985 - 28a - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE LOCATED 205 51ST STREET (PROPERTY OF RICHARD A. BRUGH AND MARGARET W. BRUGH) WHEREAS, Richard A. Brugh and Margaret W. Brugh desire to construct a 300 square-foot, two-story addition to one of two, single-family, detached dwellings located at 205 51st Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Said addition is shown as the hatched area on that certain survey entitled "PHYSICAL SURVEY LOT 4 BLOCK 14 UBERMEER M.B.7 P.150 LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH VIRGINIA BEACH, VA.' (the "Survey'), a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the existing structures do not conform to the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance because two, single-family detached dwellings on a single lot are not allowed in the R-8, Duplex District; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SS105(d) of the Comprehensive zoning Ordinance, City Council may authorize the enlargement of a nonconforming structure if Council finds that the structure as enlarged is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district than is the existing nonconformity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That City Council hereby finds enlarqement of the nonconforming single-family detached dwellinq, located at 205 51st Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia, shown as the hatched area on the Survey, is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district in which it is located than is the existing nonconformity; and the City Council hereby authorizes the enlargement of the nonconforming structure in the manner shown on the Survey. . Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, virginia, on June 24, 1985 CMS/CJ/da - 6/17/85 - (3) THIS is To CERTIFY THAT 1. ON 3 MAY 1979 SURVEYED T14L PROPCRTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. AND THAT THK TITLE LINES AND THE WALLS OF THE SUILD. INGS ARE AS SHOWN ON THIG PLAT. THE BUILDINGS STAND STRICTLY WITHIN THK TITLE LINES AND Tb4ERE ARE NO EP4CROACH- MENTS OF OTHIER BUILDINGS ON THE I-ROPERTY. KXCKPT AS 5 SIGIlrID 20, ALLEY tics-saw 0 ci ui ul s.n pi S 09- 5cts E PIN(..) ATLANTIC AVENUE (120' R/W) PHYSICAL SURVE-Y LOT 4 BLOCK 14 putt i. riiw UBERMEER CUT. b. M. B. 7 p 15 0 lip LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH ,b iv VIRGINIA BEACH,VA- SCALE f'- 30' 3 MAY 1979 MADE FOR RICHARD A. , MARGARET W. BRUGH GALLUP SURVEYING, LTD. 325 FIRST COLONIAL ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA I:! ?'3 23451 0 a - 29 - ltem 11-J.4 CONSNET AGENDA ITEM # 23832 C. Oral Lambert, Jr., Director of Public Works, in conjuiiction with Larry Hosmer, Consulting Engineer with Black and Veatch, respoiided to Councilman Jennings' iiiquiries regarding the Ordinance approving the LANDFILL GAS LEASE AGREEMENT dated June 24, 1984. There is a compensatioii clause contaiiied within the AGREEMENT which takes effect at the eighteeiith month. During that time any facility not operational will be subject to a $10,000 per month fee. The Base Period of the lease is seveiiteeti years after which there is a provisio for a renegotiated fee tied to the consumer price index. The Contractor does have the option of surrendiiig the lease and has three months to remove his facility from the property of the City. The BTU's are measured by a "flow meter". There is iio requiremeiit for the lessee to provide enviroiimental impact liability iiisuraiice, but are required to comply with the required State, Federal and Local regulatiolis. in the event the leesee becomes a Public Utility, it has the "right of release" of all obligatioiis and the lease is terminated. Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, secoiided by Councilman Fentress, City Council ADOPTED an Ordiiiance approviiig the LANDFILL GAS LEASE AGREEMENT dated Juiie 24, 1984 and authoriziiig and directing the City Matiager to execute same. Voting: 11-0 Couiicil Members Voting Aye: JohLi A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Feiitress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jenniligs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jaiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heiiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Couiicil Members Votiiig Nay: None Couuncil M&Mbers Abseiit: Noiie Jutie 24, 1985 29a - AN ORDINANCE APPROVIUG THE LANDFILL GAS LEASE AGREEMENT DATED JUNE 24, 1984 AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SANE, WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of the City of Virginia Beach has negotiated and finalized a landfill gas lease agreement with the American Gas Recovery Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been briefed and has reviewed the attached agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the agreement is in the best interest of the City of Virginia Beach. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL-OF-.THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH: THAT the attached lease agreement dated June 24, 1984, (Exhibit "A") is hereby approved. The City Manager is authorized and directed to execute the attached le4se agreement. ADOPTED: Jutie 24, 1985 JDB: er 6-19-85 LANDFILL GAS LEASE AGREEMENT This lease, made and entered into the day of 19 by the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, MUNICIPAL CENTER, VIRGINIA 23456-9002. h r AM AN BiACH, VIRGINIA ereinafter called he Lessor, and ERIC CAS RECOVERY CORPORATION, 1000 MAPLEWOOD DRIVE, KAPLE SNADE, NEW JERSEY 08092, hereinafter called the Lessee. WITNESSETH: ARTICLE I Lease Interest to Lessee, itS suc- i.t Lessor hereby grants and leases exclusively cessors and assigns, all rights Eo the landfill gas and constituent pro- which are produced and recovered from the exiseing landfilled area ducts . such landfill indicated on the landfill expansion plans for this purpose plans are entitied "Landfill No. 2 Expansion", dated 1982, and are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Virginia Beach. 1.2 In the solid waste disposal area so designated, active gas recov- ery can be initiated immediately; capping of the designated solid wasee will be completed by the Lessor within 18 months of the Notice to Proceed herein specified. The waste from which landfill gas wil-I be extracted is currently in place. 1.3 "Landfill gas" shall mean methane, carbon dioxide and other gases produced by the decomposition of solid waste within the landfill and shall include any form of energy produced or derived from landfill gas, including generation of electricity. 1.4 "Constituent products" shall mean any and all components or products, other than landfill gas, recovered in association with landfill gas and shall include any form of energy produced or derived from con- stituent products, including generation of electricity. ARTICLE II Exploration, Testing, and valuation Pro ram 2.1 Lesor hereby grants to Lessee the righe to explore, test, and evaluate the designated area of the landfill in order to determine whether landfill gas and constituent products can be economically recovered from the landfill in commercial quantities. Lessee at its sole expense and LA-1 I without liability to Lessor, will commence exploration, testing, and evalu- ation of the landfill for landfill gas and constituent products within 10 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed issued by the Lessor, and will complete such exploration, testing, and evaluation within four (4) months from the date of the Notice to Proceed. 2.2 In the event Lessee's exploration, testing, and evaluation pro- gram establishes in its sole judgment that the landfill is not suitable for the economic recovery and processing of landfill gas and constituent pro- ducts in commercial quantities, all rights under this Lease will revert Eo Lessor and this Lease shall terminate upon receipt of written notice from Lessee to Lessor of the results of the exploration. testing, and evaluation program, without further liability on the part of either party EO the other hereunder. 2.3 Should Lessee determine in its sole judgment that the results of the exploration, tescing, and evaluation program indicate that the landfill is suitable for the ecnomic recovery and processing of landfill gas and constituent products in coaunercial quantities, Lessee will issue wriEEen notice to Lessor of its determination. 2.4 Lessee's determination that the landfill is or is not suitable as referred to in Paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this Lease, shall be made and writEen notice of the detemination will be issued by Lessee to Lessor within five (5) months from the date of the Notice to Proceed. A copy of the exploration, testing, and evalaution report will be issued to the Lessor with the written notice. ARTICLE III Commencement of Operations 3.1 Upon issuing Lessor notice under Paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 above, Lessee will, at its sole expense, commence the engineering, design, obtain- ment of required governmental permits and authorizations, procurement of equipment, and construction of the necessary facilities for collecting, treating and processing the landfill gas. Prior to commencement of con- SEruction of any pipes or any other gas recovery facilities on the land- fill, Lessee shall submie to Lessor, for review and approval or disapprov- al, the proposed plans for said pipes and facilities. Lessor shall submit in writing to Lessee within 30 days of the receipt of said plans, a letter, approving or disapproving said plans. In the event Lessor disapproves said plans, it shall include in its letter an explanation, Eogether WiEh suggested revisions, and, thereafter, the parties shall meet to resolve any issues unresolved. Final approval of such plans shall be at the reasonable discretion of Lessor. After completion of the construction and necessary break-in of the facilities, Lessee Will Ehereupon commence the collection, processing a@d sale of the landfill gas and constituent products obtained from the landfill, subject to the provisions of this Lease. IA-2 3.2 If lissee has not completed the construction of the necessary facilities for collecting, treating, and processing the landfill gas and constituent products produced by the landfill within a period of 18 months from the date of the written Notice to Procded, or at a later date mutually agreed upon between the Lessor and the Lessee in the case of Force Majeure, the Lease shall be subject to termination, without liability on the part of either party to the other. Termination shali be effective thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice issued by Lessor to Lessee. However, if, on or before the end of such thirty (30) day notice period, Lessee shall have completed construction of said facilities, then this Lease shall not terminate under the provisions of this Paragraph. 3.3 Subject to the provisions of this Lease, Lessee shall develop the landfill gas and constituent products produced by the landfill as a reason- ably prudent operator, bUE in discharging this obligation, Lessee shall be responsible in its sole discretion for detennining all details of the collection, treatment, processing and marketing of the landfill gas and constituent products. Lessee shall conduct its testing program, construc- tion activities, and operations upon the leased premises designated on the landfill plans in such a manner as to not interfere with any public use which Lessor might determine to make of the landfill. It is expressly agreed that Lessor may, notwithstanding the existence of Ehis Lease, make any use of the surface of the landfill which is appropriate and not incom- patible with the operations of Lessee under this Lease. This Lease shall nOE be construed to convey the exclusive use of the surface of the landfill to Lessee. Lessee shall, however, take such action as is necessary to provide for the adequate security Of iES landfill gas processing plant (described in Paragraph 7.1 hereof) and to provide for the safety of the general public in and about such processing plant. 3.4 Lessee shall, in connection with its operations on the landfill hereunder, have the right, without cost to Lessee nor charge to Lessor, to return to the landfill, subject to Lessor's operating permits, any and all matter either solid or liquid (including condensate) removed, as a result of processing, from the landfill gas and constituent products recovered from the landfill. If the solid or liquid matter is not acceptable in accordance with the Lessor's operating permits, the Lessee is responsible for all costs to properly dispose of the solid and liquid matter in some other manner. 3.5 Lessee shall provide Lessor with a copy of the plans prior to the sale of any landfill gas or constituent products, updated as necessary, correctly depicting the location of all portions of the underground collec- tion system. 3.6 Lessee shall continuously monitor the quality of the landfill gas and constituent products, such as the colorific value of the gas and con- stituent products, and continuously record the parameters measured. LA-3 ARTICLE IV Te rm 4.1 This Lease shall become effective on the date hereof and shall, subject to the provisions hereof, continue for a tem of 22 years, or for a lesser period of time mutually agreed upon between the Lessor and the Lessee if the quantity and/or quality of the gas is deemed insufficient to warrant recovery. This Lease may be renewed annually thereafter upon Lessor's receipt of written notice of request for renewal from Lessee. The right of first negotiation will be granted to Lessee; however, Lessor will maintain the right to negotiate an agreemene with another contractor if Lessor and Lessee do not execute a Lease renewal. To be effective, such notice must be received by Lessor no earlier than 90 days and no later than 60 days prior to the termination of the current lease term and shall con- tain Lessee's best estimate of the value of royalties which will be paid to Lessor during the renewal term. However, if Lessor inakes a reasonable determination that renewal of this Lease is not in Lessor's best incerests, this Lease shall not be renewed. Such detemination shall be made con- sidering t:he following factors: the value of royalties whicii have been received by Lessor during the entire tenn of the Lease, particularly during the two (2) year period iminediately preceeding receipt of Lessee's notice of renewal; the estimate of the value of royaleies to be received by Lessor during the renewal term; the value of the property described on the land- fill plans and Ehe value of any other property used by or made available to Lessee by Lessor; and the highest and best use, in terms of the public benefit, which could be made, if this Lease is not renewed, of the property described on the landfill plans and the highest and best use in terms of the public benefit which could be made of any other properry used by or made available to Lessee by Lessor. Such determination shall be made by the governing body of Lessor and written notice of either the renewal or the non-renewal of this Lease will be made within 60 days after receipe of the request for renewal. ARTICLE V Surrender 5.1 Lessee may, at its sole discrelion, at any time or Eimes, surren- der and terminate this Lease, without liability hereunder, as to all or any part or parts of the landfill, if a suitable purchaser of landfill gas cannot be obtained or if landfill gas and constituent products in commer- cial quantities are not being or cannot be recovered therefrom and rhereby be relieved of all obligations as to the released landfill or part thereof (except as provided in Article VIII) upon receipt by Lessor of a release thereof. Upon any surrender of a part of the landfill, Lessee shall retain so long as the Lease remains in effect, such rights of way and easements over, upon and across the surrendered portion as shall be necessary or convenient for Lessee's operations hereunder on the portion of the landfill retained by Lessee. LA-4 Lila LLI L4 Lil LILC L @k;ll LLU llegULLd4.C 411 4rL7@.IlietIL LLLI ALIUL,L.L @UiLLLdCLUL @L Lessor and Lessee do not execute a Lease renewal. To be effective, such notice must be received by Lessor no earliet than 90 days and no later than 60 days prior to the termination of the current lease term and shall con- tain Less6e's best estimate of the value of royalties which will be paid to Lessor during the renewal term. However, if Lessor makes areasonable determination that renewal of this Lease is not in Lessor's best interests, this Lease shall not be renewed. Such determination shall be made con- sidering che following factors: the value of royalties which have been received by Lessor during the entire term of the Lease, particularly during the two (2) year period immediately preceeding receipt of Lessee's notice of renewal; Ehe estimate of the value of royalties to be received by Lessor during the renewal term; the value of the property described on the land- fill plans and.the value of any other property used by or made available to Lessee by Lessor; and the highest and best use, in terms of the public benefit, which could be made, if this Lease is not renewed, of the property described on the landfill plans and the bighest and best use in terms of the public benefit which could be made of any other properey used by or made available to Lessee by Lessor. Such determination shall be made by the governing body of Lessor and written notice of either tlie renewal or the non-renewal of this Lease will be made within 60 days after receipt of the request for renewal. ARTICLE V Surrender 5.1 Lessee may, at its sole discretion, at any time or times, surren- der and terminate this Lease, without liability hereunder, as to all or any part or parts of the landfill, if a suitable purchaser of landfill gas cannot be obtained or if landfill gas and constituent products in commer- cial quantities are not being or cannot be recovered therefrom and rhereby be relieved of all obligations as to the released landfill or part thereof (except as provided in Article VIII) upon receipt by Lessor of a release thereof. Upon any surrender of a part of the landfill, Lessee shall retain so long as the Lease remains in effect, such rights of way and easements over, upon and across the surrendered portion as shall be necessary or convenient for Lessee's operations hereunder on Ehe porlion of the landfill retained by Lessee. LA-4 5.2 After commencing the collection, processing and sale of landfill gas and constituent products and after receiving a written request from the Lessor, Lessee shall surrender and release any non-landfill gas and con- stituent product producing portion of the landfill property described on the landfill plans which is, in Lessee's sole judgmene, not reasonably necessary for Lessee's operations under this Lease. ARTICLE Vi Compensation 6.1 All work performed by the Lessee, its contractors or agents will be accomplished at no cost to the City and the Lessee will compensate the City as described in the following paragraphs. 6.2 Lessee hereby agrees to pay Lessor a royalty in the amount of 0.00035 dollars per 500 BTU of influent gas available at the facility for processing for the initial 17 years of the Lease term. Thereafter, the royalty shall increase on the anniversary date of the execution of this Lease, and annually thereafter, based upon the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for all urban wage earnings and clerical work- ers (revised CPI-W), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, over the prior one year period. The royalEY shall be paid by Lessor on or before the fourth day of each month based on the previous mdnth's metered flow volume. For purposes of this Lease, the Term "Flow Volume" shall mean all gas extracted from the landfill by Lessee and available for processing at the facility. 6.3 Lessee hereby agrees to pay Lessor a fee in the amount of $10,000 per month for every mdnth, or prorated share on a daily basis, that Ehe facility is not operational; this fee shall be due during all "not opera- rional" months or portions thereof commencing 18 months after the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. For purposes of this Lease, the term "Not Opera- tional" shall mean not able to collect, treat and process landfill gas due to incomplete construction and/or faulty performance, or for any reason other than the lack of landfill gas available for processing. 6.4 Subject to other provisions of this Lease, Lessee agrees to utilize its best efforts to develop the landfill gas produced by the land- fill in order for Lessor to receive the royalties provided in this Lease as early as possible. 6.5 Lessee shali make, keep and maintain such records as a reasonably prudent business would in the collection, treatment, processing and market- ing of landfill gas and constituent products. Lessor shall have Ehe right for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the monthly royalty payments to Lessor, to inspect the records of Lessee relating to the volume of landfill gas extracted and either processed or disposed. Such inspections shall be conducted during nor--l business hours ac the Lessee's place of business. Upon written notice, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor within thirty (30) days, certified copies of any records relating to the monthly royalty payinents paid to Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor, at no cost to Lessor, an audited annual report documenting the gas quality and quanti- ty. LA-5 ARTICLE VII Property Rights 7.1 Lessee shall be authorized and is hereby granted the use of that portion of the landfill and the area designated on the landfill plans, to the extent reasonably necessary for the facilities construceion and opera- tion by lessee of a landfill gas processing plant and related facilities, including the construction and maintenance of all necessary wells, pipe- lines and utility lines together with attendant rights-of-way and ease- ments, and the free right of ingress and egress at all times to and from said property, facilities wells, pipelines and utility lines. The location of such processing plant and related facilities in the designated area ohall be at 'a location mutually acceptable to the Lessee and Lessor. 7.2 Lessor hereby grants such rights-of-way and easements as may be necessary for the purchaser of the landfill gas and constituent products to accept delivery thereof aE Lessee's landfill gas processing plant. 7.3 Upon.request by Lessee, Lessor shall reasonably cooperate with Lessee in any proceedings, hearings or other procedures necessitated by any required environmental impact reports, governmental permits, authorizations and similar type requiremenES. related to Lessee's activities hereunder and the construction and operation of Lessee's wells, collection system and gas processing facilities. Upon request, Lessee shall reasonably cooperate with Lessor in briefing the officials of any governmental agency or body, or any other interested party, with respect to the status of the Project. 7.4 All landfill gas collection wells and pipelines shall be placed underground in the landfill so as not to interfere with Lessor's use of the landfill, unless Lessor otherwise consents. 7.5 This Lease shall not be deemed to grant to Lessee any rights to, or interest in any mineral, oil, natural gas, or other substance located under the landfill which is not produced by the landfill. 7.6 Lessor agrees to execute a waiver of landlords lien with respect to any equipment leased or financed by the Lessee and brought upon the subject property. ARTICLE VIII Removal of Facilities 8.1 Lessee shall remove all above-ground property, fixtures and improvements (collectively referred to as "property") which Lessee lias placed adjacent to the landfill within three (3) months after the expira- tion, termination or surrender of this Lease. So long as Lessee's obliga- tion continues in existence to remove the property, and to reSEore the surface, Lessee shall have the right of ingress and egress to the landfill and access to any portion of the landfill so that such obligation may be discharged as quickly as possible. LA-6 8.2 If the removal is not completed within three (3) months after tile expiration, termination or surrender of this Lease, Lessor may issue to Lessee written notice of Lessor's intent to remove all or a designated portion of the property which Lessee has placed on or adjacent to the landfill. Lessee shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice to complete removal of the property. If Lessee fails to complete reinoval of the property within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice, Lessor may, upon final notice to Lessee, do any or all of the following: 1) remove all of such property, fixtures and ituprovements or reinove only the desig- nated portion of such property, fixtures and improvements and rely on Lessee's continuing obligation to remove the remainder; 2) dispose of such property, fixtures and improvements at its sole discretion without liabil- ity to Lessee; and 3) require payment from Lessee for the actual costs incurred by Lessor in removing and disposing of said property, fixtures and improvements less any payments for salvage value received from the disposal of such property, fixtures and improvements. 8.3 Notwithstanding Paragraph 8.2, if the removal is not completed within three (3) months after the expiration, termination or surrender of this Lease, Lessor may issue to Lessee written notice of Lessor's intent to assume full ownership and control of any property, fixtures or improvements which remain on land owned or controlled by Lessor. Lessee shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice to complete removal of the property fixtures or improvements. Therefore, upon final written notice to lessee, ownership and control of such property, fixtures and improvements shall revert to Lessor, and Lessee's obligarion and right to remove, and all ownership rights to such property, fixtures and improvements shall be forever extinguished. 8.4 Lessee shall, upon expiration, termination or surrender of this Lease, restore tO Ehe extent reasonably feasible, the surface of the land- fill and any adjacent or contiguous area affected by its operations tO Ehe area condition at the co,@ncement of the Lease to the reasonable satis- faction of Lessor. 8.5 Upon the expiration, termination or surrender of Ehis Lease, Lessee's underground well and collection system in the landfill, except for the valve control system, shall become the properEY of Lessor, and Lessee shall have no further responsibility for, or ownership of said underground well and collection system. ARTICLE IX Compliance with Laws 9.1 Lessee shall, at its sole expense, obtain, maintain and comply wiEh all necessary governmental authorizations, permit and licenses requir- ed to conduct its operations under this Lease. 9.2 Lessee shall comply aE its sole expense with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and orders in. its oper- ations under this Lease. LA-7 which remain an land owned or controlled by Lessor. Lessee shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice to complete removal of the property fixtures or improvements. Therefore, upon final written notice EO lessee, ownership and control of such property, fixtures and improvements shall revert to Lessor, and Lessee's obligation and righe to remove, and all ownership rights to such properey, fixtures and improvements shall be forever extinguished. 8.4 Lessee shall, upon expiration, termination or surrender of this Lease, restore to the extent reasonably feasible, the surface of the land- fill and any adjacent or contiguous area affected by its operations to the area condition at the commencement of the Lease to the reasonable satis- faction of Lessor. 8.5 Upon the expiration, termination or surrender of this Lease, Lessee's underground well and collection system in the landfill, except for the valve control system, shall become the property of Lessor, and Lessee shall have no further responsibility for, or ownership of said underground well and collection system. ARTICLE IX Compliance with Laws 9.1 Lessee shall, at its sole expense, obtain, maintain and compl:y with all necessary governmental authorizations, permit and licenses requir- ed to conduct its operations under this Lease. 9.2 Lessee shall c6mply at its sole expense with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and orders in its oper- ations under this Lease. LA-7 ARTICLE X Force Majeure 10.1 The term "Force Majeure" as used herein shall mean any event beyond Lessee's reasonable control including, but not limited to an act of God, storm, lightning, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, public disorder; and the following events or conditions if their occurrence was reasonably beyond the control and wirhout the fault of Lessee: accident, fire, casu- alty, labor disturbances; unavailability or delays in delivery of any product, labor, fuel, service or materials; failure or breakdown of Les- see's equipment; rules, regulations, orders, laws, proclamations, or gov- ernmental action; or any other similar type event or condieion beyond the control of Lessee. 10.2 If Lessee's operations are at any time prevented or affeCEed by Force Majeure rhe performance of its operations to the exeent so prevented or affected shall be excused without liability hereunder, and this Lease shall continue in effect until Lessee is perraitted to resume its opera- tions, and for the balance of the specified term. ARTICLE XI Warranty to Title 11.1 Lessor hereby warrants and agrees to defend the title to the landfill and to the landfill gas and constituent products produced by the landfill. ARTICLE XII Termination 12.1 Subject to the provisions of Article X, Lessor shall have the right, upon final written notice, to terminate this Lease in its entirety and all rights ensuing therefrom if, upon the occurrence of any of the following conditions, Lessee fails to cure such condition within sixty (60) days after having received an initial written notice of such condition from the Lessor: (a) The occurrence of any act which operates to deprive Lessee of the rights, powers, licenses, permits and authorizations necessary for the proper conduct and operation of Lessee's activities authorized herein. (b) The abandonment or permanent discontinuance by Lessee of Lessee's operations undee this Lease. (c) The failure of the Lessee to perform, keep or observe any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease. LA-8 (d) The entering of any final judgment, order or wric against Lessor or Lessee enjoining the continuation of this Lease or declaring it to be unlawful. (e) The filing by or against Lessee of a petition in bankruptcy or an assigninent by Lessee for the benefit of creditors, or the com- plete cessation of the business operations of Lessee for whatever reason. 12.2 No action, taken by Lessor after the effective date of Ehe ter- minati6n of this Lease under Paragaph 12.1 in accepting one or more royalty payments or undertaking any other activity which would have been authorized by this Lease but for its terminacion, shall be construed as notice that this Lease is not teminated or as a waiver of the terniination. Termin- ation of this Lease under Paragraph 12.1 shall cause all rights, powers and priviieges of Lessee to cease (except as provided in Article VIII), and Lessee shall 'have no claim of any kind whatsoever against Lessor or its agents. employees, or representatives by reason of such termination or by reason of any act incidental thereto. However, Lessee shall remain under an obligation to make royalty payments to Lessor as provided in paragraph 6.2 for any extraction of landfill gas and constituent products even if processed after the termination of this lease. ARTICLE XIII Indemnification 13.1 Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all claims, penalties, proceedings, demands, actions, liability or losses of whatever nature (including reasonable aetorney's fees) for injury or death to person(s) or for damage or loss to property arising out of or caused by Lessee's operations or activities hereunder, unless and to the extent such injury, death, damage or loss is caused by the wrongful or negligent acts of Lessor. 13.2 I:essor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessee harmless from and against any and all claims, penalties, proceedings, demands, actions, liability or losses of whatever nature (including reasonable attorney's fees) for injury or death to person(s) or for damage or loss to properey arising out of or caused by Lessor's activities in conjunction with opera- tion and/or future development of the sanitary landfill, unless and to The extent such injury, death, damage or loss is caused by the wrongful or negligent acts of Lessee. 13.3 In the event. that either party brings an action to enforce the terms of this Lease or to declare its rights hereunder, the prevailing party in such action, or trial or appeal, shall be entitled EO its reason- able attorney's fees to be paid by the other party as fixed by the court. IA-9 ARTICLE XIV Insurance 14.1 Lessee shall, during the term of this Lease, maintain insurance coverages as follows: (1) Workmen's compensation insurance: Coverage A - meeting the statutory requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Coverage B - employers liability - $100,000. (2) Comprehensive general liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage for limits of not less than $1,000,000 com- bined single limits. This insurance shall include coverage for products/completed operations, contractual liability and expl6- sion, collapse and underground (X, C & U) dainages, and shall name the Lessor as an additional insured. (3) Automobile liability insurance for limits of not less than $500,000 combined sin-.1e limits. 14.2 The insurance coverages provided under subparagraph (2) above shall insure Lessee and Lessor against all claims for bodily injury, death, damage to or destruction of property which may arise out of or in connec- tion with Lessee's operations hereunder. These insurance policies shall provide for thirty (30) days' written notice to Lessor of cancellation or any material change in coverage. and shall be subject tO fUEure review and adjustment at the request of the City. A certificate of these insurance coverdges shall be delivered to Lessor prior to the start of any work. ARTICLE XV Lessee's Interests 15.1 Lessee is not a public utility and does not intend to dedicate to public use the landfill gas and constituent products produced by tlle land- fill or any of its facilities. Nothing contained in this Lease shall be deemed a dedication by Lessee to the public or any part thereof of any landfill gas and constituent products sold hereunder or of any of its facilities. If any regulatory body shall at any time assert jurisdiction over Lessee as a public utility by reason of this Lease, Lessee shall have ttie right at such time, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Lessor, to be relieved of all obligations hereunder (except as provided in Article VI, paragraph 6.2 and Article VIII hereof), and this Lease shall thereupon terminate. LA-10 ARTICLE XVI Assignment 16.1 Lessee may not without the prior written consent of Lessor, assign this Lease, or any interest hereunder, or sublet the premises or its property or facilities or any part thereof which is subject to tllis Lease. Consent to one or more assignments or subleases shall not destroy or waive this provision. Subtenants and assignees of Lessee shall become liable directly to Lessor for all obligations of Lessee under this Lease witliout relieving Lessee's liability ' This paragraph shall not be interpreted to apply to any assignment to a parent corporation, subsidiary corporation, affiliate of Lessee or joint venture, provided such parent corporation, subsidiary, affiliate, or joint venture, controls or is controlled by Lessee, or any bona fide plan by the Lessee involving any assignment of an interest hereunder to secure adequate debt financing to finance its opera- tions or facilities under this Lease. For purposes of this paragraph, "bona fide plan" shall mean an agreeinent between Lessee and one or more other parties, the purpose of such agreement being to provide sufficient financial resources to allow Lessee to conduCE its operations and to con- struct the necessary facilities under this Lease in a reasonable and pru- dent fashion. 16.2 Except as provided in paragraph 16.1 above, the provisions of this Lease shall inure to the benefit of aiid be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, successors, assigns and delegatees. 16.3 No change or division in the ownership of the landfill or assign- ment of the royalties shall operate to enlarge the obligations or diminish the rights of Lessee; and no change or division of such rights shall be binding upon Lessee until thirty (30) days after Lessee has been furnished with the original or a certified copy of the recorded instrument evidencing the same. ARTICLE XVII Notices 17.1 Any notice to be issued under this Lease shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly issued and received when delivered in person to the authorized representative of the party to whom the notice is addressed, or on the date received as indicated on the return receipt when sent by prepaid certified or registered mail, return receiPE requeSEed, to the party to be notified ac its address as follows; LA-11 LESSOR: LESSEE: Either party must provide written notice to the OEher party of any change of address at which it is to receive notice. ARTICLE XVIII Designated Representative 18.1 Foi purposes of this Lease, shall be the Lessor's Designated Representative. 18.2 The Lessor's Designated Representative shall be authorized to interpret and enforce the provisions of this Lease and to make all neces- sary arrangements with Lessee with respect to matters relating to the operations and activities of Lessor and Lessee hereunder. 18.3 Lessor may change its Designated Representative by written notice of such change to the Lessee. ARTICLE XIX Taxes 19.1 Lessee shall, during the term of this Lease, pay all taxes that may be levied upon or assessed against the facilities, equipinent and improvements constructed or installed by Lessee in, on, or adjacent to the landfill under this Lease, or which may be levied by reason of the sale, transportation or existence of processed or unprocessed landfill gas or constituent products, or the operation of its business. LA-12 ARTICLE XX General 20.1 The proposal as executed on September 24, 1984, is hereby part of this Lease Agreement. 20.2 This Lease is intended by the parties to constitute a complete and exclusive expression of their agreement with respect to Ehe subject matter hereof. 20.3 This Lease shall not be changed or modified excepr. by a sub- sequent agreement in writing signed by all parties. 20.4 The waiver by either party of any failure on the part of the other party to perfonn in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Lease shall not be construed as a waiver of any future or coneinuing failure, whether similar or dissimilar thereto. 20.5 It is expressly agreed that the Lessor makes no representations to the Lessee concerning the surface or subsurface condition, content or composition of the landfill, landfill gas, and constituent products, or of any adjacent or contiguous property. 20.6 The Lessee shall not store landfill gas and constituent products upon the Leaged premises or any adjacent or contiguous property unless authorized in writing by Lessor's DesignaEed Representative. 20.7 No remedy or election hereunder shall be deemed exclusive but shall, wherever possible, be cumulative with all other remedies at law or in equity. 20.8 If Lessee is a corporation, each individual executing this Lease on behalf of said corporation represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of said corporation, and that this Lease is binding upon said corporation. 20.9 Nothing in this Lease shall be construed as creating a joint enterprise between the parties hereto nor being for the benefit of third parties for any purpose including, without limitation, establishment of any type of duty, standard of care or liability with respect to third parties. 20.10 It is not the intention of the parties in entering into this Lease to create, nor shall this Lease be construed as creating, any part- nership, joint venture or agency relationship between Lessor and Lessee. 20.11 This Lease shall be deemed to be executed and to be performed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and its provisions shall be construed pur- suant to the laws of Virginia. All parties hereby give their consene to be sued with respect to any cause of action arising hereunder in any court of proper jurisdiction and venue which is locaeed in Virginia. LA-13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly exeCUEed this Lease as of the day and year first above written. LESSOR Witness: By: Name: Title: LESSEE American Gas Pecovery Cori@oration Witne@- BY: Z/;@, Name: DaviA Ph,lich Title: Treasurer APPROVED AS -10 COrifL-idl- DEPARTMENT APPROVED AS TO FORM SI"ATURE C@ ATTCRNEY LA-14 - 30 - Itern 11-J.5 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23833 Upon motion by Councilwomaii Creech, secoiided by Couiicilman McCoy, City Council ADOPTED the followiiig Ordiiiances: ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 22-31 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO DISPLAY OF OBSCENE MATERIALS: AND ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 21-371 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO PARKING SPACE FOR THE HANDICAPPED; AND ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 38-7 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINLNG TO SALE OF HAND WF.APONS; AND ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 21-338 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 2ERTAINING TO CHEMICAL TEXT FOR ALCOHOL CONTENT. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None June 24, 1985 Council Members Absent: None AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 22-31 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO DISPLAY OF OBSCENE MATERIALS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 22-31 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, are hereby amended and reordained as follows: Section 22-31. Display of obscene materials at business establishments open to juveniles. it shall be unlawful for any person to knowinqly exhibitt eNpese-or display or for commercial purposes in a manner estabiishment-frequented-by juveniles-or whereby juveniles may examine or peruse: are-or-may (1) Any picture, photograph, drawinq, sculpture, motion picture film or similar visual representation or image of a person or portion of the human body which depicts nudity, sexual conduct or sadomasochistic abuse and which is harmful to juveniles, or (2) Any book, pamphlet, magazine or printed matter, however reproduced, or sound recording which contains any matter enumerated in paragraph (1) above, or explicit and detailed verbal descriptions or narrative accounts of sexual excitement, sexual conduct or sadomasochistic abuse and which, taken as a whole, is harmful to juveniles. This Ordinance shall become effective July 1, 1985. Adopted this 24th day of June 1985, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. RMB/da 10/29/84 10/30/84 6/17/85 (MISC) APPROVED AS TO COfl.;TE! IT SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT AST OP@A/- C,/,, CITY @4,Y AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 21-371 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO PARKING SPACE FOR THE HANDICAPPED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 21-371 of the Code of the City of Virqinia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to parking space for the handicapped, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 21-371. Parking in space reserved for handicapped persons. (a) It shall be unlawful for a nonhandicapped operator of a motor vehicle to park in a parking space reserved for the handicapped on public property or at privately owned parking areas, unless such operator is using the motor vehicle to transport a handicapped person who has obtained a special vehicle parking permit from the division. Such special vehicle parking permit must be displayed in the front windshield of the motor vehicle when such vehicle is parked in a parkinq space reserved for the handicapped. Spaces reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by above-grade siqns. (b) Any operator of a motor vehicle parked in violation of this section in a parking space reserved for the handicapped on public property or at a privately owned parking area shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor and may be issued a summons by a police officer, without the necessity of a warrant being obtained by the owner of the such private parking area. This Ordinance shall become effective July 1, 1985. Adopted this 24th day of June 1985, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virqinia. RMB/da (B) 6/17/85 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT SIGNATURE DEPARTI@.,INT 6 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 38-7 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO SALE OF HAND WEAPONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 38-7 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to sale of hand weapons, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 38-7. Sale, delivery, etc., of blackjacks, metal knucks, switchblade knives and similar weapons. If any person shall sells or barters or exhibits for sale or for barter, or gives or furnishes or causes to be sold, bartered, given or furnished, or have has in his possession or under his control, with the intent of selling, bartering, giving or furnishing, any blackjack, brass or metal knucks, any disc of- whatever configuration having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, switchblade knife or like weapons, such person shall be quilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. The havinq in one's possession of any such weapon shall be prima facie evidence, except in the case of a conservator of the peace, of the intent to sell, barter, give or furnish the same. This Ordinance shall become effective July 1, 1985. Adopted this24th day of June 1985, by the Council of the City of Virqinia Beach, Virginia. RMB/da (B) 6/17/85 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT SIG,NATURE NT TOI R DECLARED NULL AND VOID AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 21-338 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO CHEMICAL TEST FOR ALCOHOL CONTENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 21-338 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virqinia, pertaining to chemical test for alcohol content, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 21-338. Chemical test to determine alcoholic content of blood. (a) As used in this section, "license" means any operator's, chauffeur's or learner's permit or license authorizing the operation of a motor vehicle upon the hiqhways. The term "division," as used in this section, means the state division of consolidated laboratory services. (b) Any person, whether licensed by the state or not, who operates a motor vehicle upon a public highway in this city shali be deemed thereby, as a condition of such operation, to have consented to have a sample of his blood or breath taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, if such person is arrested for a violation of section 21-336, within (2) hours of the alleged offense. Any person so arrested shall be required to have either the blood or breath sample taken in the discretion of the arresting officer. This provision shall not serve to prevent such person from having a blood test performed at his own expense in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d). If the arresting officer elects a breath test, then the arresting officer shall advise the accused in writing of his riqht to have a blood test at his own expense. However, it shall not be a matter of defense if the blood test is not available. (c) If a person, after being arrested for a violation of section 21-336 and after having been advised by the arresting officer that a person who operates a motor vehicle lipon a public highway in this city shall be deemed thereby, as a condition of such operation, to have consented to have a sample of his blood or breath taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, and that the unreasonable refusal to do so constitutes grounds for the revocation of the privilege of operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this city, then refuses to permit the taking of a sample of his blood or breath for such test, the arresting officer shall take the person arrested before a committing magistrate - If he again so refuses after having been further advised by such magistrate of the law requiring a blood or breath test to be taken and the penalty for refusal, and so declares again his refusal in writing, upon a form provided by the division, or refuses or fails to so declare in writing and such fact is certified as prescribed in subsection (n) of this section, then no blood or breath sample shall be taken even though he may thereafter request same. (d) Only a physician, registered professional nurse, graduate laboratory technician or a technician or nurse designated by order of a circuit court acting upon the recommmedation of a licensed physician, using soap and water to cleanse the part of the body from which the blood is taken and using instruments sterilized by the accepted steam sterilizer or some other sterilizer which will not affect the accuracy of the test, or usinq chemically clean sterile disposable syringes, shall withdraw blood for the purpose of detemining the alcoholic content thereof. No civil liability shall attach to any person authorized to withdraw blood as provided herein as a result of the act of withdrawing blood from any person submitting thereto, provided the blood was withdrawn according to recognized medical procedures.t-and-prev,iEled-fuL-titeP7-t@at The foregoing shall not relieve any such person from liability for neqligence in the withdrawing of any blood sample. (e) Portions of the blood sample so withdrawn shall be placed in each of two (2) vials provided by the division, which vials shall be sealed and labeled by the person taking the sample or at his direction, showing on each the name of the accused, the -2- name of the person taking the blood sample and the date and time the blood sample was taken. The vials shall be placed in two (2) containers provided by the division, which containers shall be sealed so as not to allow tampering with the contents. The arresting or accompanying officer shall take possession of the two (2) containers holding the vials as soon as the vials are placed in such containers and sealed, and shall transport or mail one of the vials forthwith to the division. The officer taking possession of the other container (hereinafter referred to as second container) shall, immediately after taking possession of the second container, give to the accused a form provided by the division which shall set forth the procedure to obtain an independent analysis of the blood in the second container, and a list of those laboratories, approved by the division, and their addresses.-F-apLa"ved-15y-tlte-divi-ei-env Such form shall contain a space for the accused or his counsel to direct the officer possessing such second container to forward that container to such approved laboratory for analysis, if desired. The officer having the second container, after delivery of the form referred to in the preceding sentence (unless at that time directed by the accused in writing on such form to forward the second container to an approved laboratory of the accused's choice, in which event the officer shall do so), shall deliver the second container to the chief of police or his duly authorized representative. The chief of police or his representative upon receiving same shall keep it in his possession for a period of seventy-two (72) hours, during which time the accused or his counsel may, in writing, on the form provided for hereinabove, direct the chief of police to mail such second container to the laboratory of the accused's choice chosen from the approved list. (f) The testing of the contents of the second container shall be made in the same manner as hereafter set forth concerninq the procedure to be followed by the division, and all procedures established herein for transmittal, testing and -3- admission of the result in the trial of the case shall be the same as for the sample sent to the division. (g) A fee not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be allowed the approved laboratory for making the analysis of the second blood sample, which fee shall be paid out of the appropriation for criminal charges. If the person whose blood sample was withdrawn is subsequently convicted for violation of section 21-336, the fee charged by the laboratory for testing the blood sample shall be taxed as part of the costs of the criminal case and shall be paid into the general fund of the state treasury. (h) If the chief of police is not directed, as provided in this section, to mail the second container within seventy-two (72) hours after receiving such container, he shall destroy such container. (i) Upon receipt of the blood sample forwarded to the division for analysis, the division shall cause it to be examined for alcoholic content and the director of the division or his designated representative shall execute a certificate which shall indicate the name of the accused, the date, time and by whom the blood sample was received and examined, a statement that the container seal had not been broken or otherwise tampered with, a statement that the container was one provided by the division and a statement of the alcoholic content of the sample. The certificate attached to the vial from which the blood sample examined was taken shall be returned to the clerk of the court in which the charge will be heard. The certificate attached to the container forwarded on behalf of the accused shall also be returned to the clerk of the court in which the charge will be heard, and such certificate shall be admissible in evidence when attested by the pathologist or by the supervisor of the laboratory approved by the division. (j) When any blood sample taken in accordance with the provisions of this section is forwarded for analysis to the division, a report of the results of such analysis shall be made -4- and filed in that office. Upon proper identification of the vial into which the blood sample was placed, the certificate, as provided for in this section, shall, when duly attested by the director of the division or his designated representative, be admissible in any court, in any criminal or civil proceeding, as evidence of the facts therein stated and of the results of such analysis. (k) Upon the requ-est of the person whose blood or breath sample was taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood, the results of such test or tests shall be made available to him. (1) A fee not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00) shall be allowed the person withdrawing a blood sample in accordance with this section, which fee shall be paid out of the appropriation for criminal charges. If the person whose blood sample was withdrawn is subsequently convicted for a violation of section 21-336, or is placed under the purview of a probational, educational or rehabilitational program, as set forth in section 18.2-271.1 of the Code of Virginia, the amount charged by the person withdrawing the sample shall be taxed as part of the costs of the criminal case and shall be paid into the general fund of the state treasury. (m) In any trial for a violation of section 21-336, this section shall not otherwise limit the introduction of any relevant evidence bearing upon any question at issue before the court, and the court shall, regardless of the result of the blood or breath test or tests, if any, consider such other relevant evidence of the condition of the accused as shall be admissible in evidence. The failure of an accused to permit a sample of his blood or breath to be taken for a chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood is not evidence and shall not be subject to comment by the prosecution at the trial of the case, except in rebuttal; nor shall the fact that a blood -5- or breath test has been offered the accused be evidence or the subject of comment by the prosecution, except in rebuttal. (n) The form referred to in subsection (c) of this section shall contain a brief statement of the law requiring the taking of a blood or breath sample and the penalty for refusal, a declaration of refusal and lines for the signature of the person from whom the blood or breath sample is sought, the date and the siqnature of a witness to the siqninq. If such person refuses or fails to execute such declaration, the committing justice, clerk or assistant clerk shall certify such fact, and that the committing justice, clerk or assistant clerk advised the person arrested that such refusal or failure, if found to be unreasonable, constitutes grounds for the revocation of such person's license to drive. The committing or issuing justice, clerk or assistant clerk shall forthwith issue a warrant charging the person refusing to take the test to determine the alcoholic content of his blood with violation of this section. The warrant shall be executed in the same manner as criminal warrants. Venue for the trial of the warrant shall lie in the court of the city in which the*offense of driving under the influence of intoxicants is to be tried. (o) The executed declaration of refusal or the certificate of the committing justice, as the case may be, shall be attached to the warrant and shall be forwarded by the committing justice, clerk or assistant clerk to the court in which the offense of driving under the influence of intoxicants shall be tried. (p) When the court receives the declaration of refusal or certificate referred to in subsection (o) of this section, together with the warrant charging the defendant with refusinq to submit to having a sample of his blood or breath taken for the determination of the alcoholic content of his blood, the court shall fix a date for the trial of such warrant, at such, time as the court shall designate, but subsequent to the defendant's criminal trial for driving under the influence of intoxicants. -6- Upon request, the defendant shall be granted a trial by jury on appeal to the circuit court. (q) The declaration of refusal or certificate under subsection (o), as the case may be, shall be prima facie evidence that the defendant refused to submit to the taking of a sample of his blood or breath to determine the alcoholic content of his blood as provided hereinabove. However, this shall not be deemed to prohibit the defendant from introducing, on his behalf, evidence of the basis for his refusal to submit to the taking of a sample of his blood or breath to determine the alcoholic content of his blood. The court shall determine the reasona- bleness of such refusal. (r) If the court or jury finds the defendant guilty as charged in the warrant issued under this section, the court shall suspend the defendant's license for a period of six (6) months for a first offense and for one (1) year for a second or subsequent offense or refusal within one (1) year of the first or other such refusals. The time shall be computed as follows: The date of the first offense and the date of the second or subsequent offense; however, if the defendant pleads quilty to a violation of section 21-336, the court may dismiss the warrant. (s) The court shall forward the defendant's license to the commissioner of the division of motor vehicles of Virginia as in other cases of similar nature for suspension of license, unless the defendant appeals his conviction. In such case the court shall return the license to the defendant upon his appeal being perfected. (t) The procedure for appeal and trial shall be the same as provided by law for misdemeanors; if requested by either party, trial by jury shall be as provided in article 4 of chapter 15 (section 19.2-260, et seq.) of title 19.2, Code of Virginia, and the city shall be required to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. -7- (u) No person arrested for a violation of section 21-336 shall be required to execute, in favor of any person or corporation, a waiver or release of liability in connection with the withdrawal of blood and as a condition precedent to the withdrawal of blood as provided for herein. (v) The court or the jury trying the case shall determine the innocence or the guilt of the defendant from all the evidence concerning his condition at the time of the alleged offense. (w) Chemical analysis of a person's breath, to be considered valid under the provisions of this section, shall be performed by an individual possessing a valid license from the division to conduct such tests, with a type of equipment and in accordance with the methods approved by the division. Such breath-testing equipment shall be tested for its accuracy by the division at least once every six (6) months. Any individual conducting a breath test under the provisions of this section and and as authorized by the division shall issue a certificate, which will indicate that the test was conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, the equipment on which the breath test was conducted has been tested within the past six (6) months and has been found to be accurate, the name of the accused, the date, the time the sample was taken from the accused, the alcoholic content of the sample and by whom the sample was examined. Such certificate, when duly attested by the authorized individual conducting the breath test, shall be admissible in any court in any criminal proceeding as evidence of the alcoholic content of the blood of the accused. The officer making the arrest, or anyone with him at the time of the arrest, or anyone participating in the arrest of the accused, if otherwise qualified to conduct such test as provided by this section, may make the breath test or analyze the results thereof. A copy of such certificate shall be forthwith delivered to the accused. -8- (x) The steps set forth in this section relatinq to the taking, handling, identification and disposition of blood or breath samples are procedural in nature and not substantive. Substantial compliance therewith shall be deemed to be sufficient. Failure to comply with any one or more of such steps or portions thereof, or a variance in the results of two (2) blood tests, shall not, of itself, be grounds for finding the defendant not guilty, but sball go the weight of the evidence and shall be considered as set forth above with all the evidence in the case, provided that the defendant shall have the right to introduce evidence on his own behalf to show noncompliance with the aforesaid procedure or any part thereof, and that, as a result, his riqhts were prejudiced. This Ordinance shall become effective July 1, 1985. Adopted this 24th day of June 1985, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. RMB/da (B) 6/18/85 APpROVCD AS'TO CONTENT -9- - 31 - Item 11-J.6 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23834 Upon motion by Councilwomaii Creech, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Couiicil ADOPTED ali Ordinance to authorize ACQUIS11ION of property in fee simple for right-of-way for FERRELL PARKWAY PHASE I-B PROJECT and the ACQUISITION of temporary and permaiient easemetits of right-of-way, either by agreemeiit or by condemnation. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Heiiley, H. Jack Jeiinings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heiiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 31a AN ORDINANCE TO ALJTIIORIZE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN FEE SIMPLE FOR RIGfrf OF WAY FOR FERRELL PARKIIAY PHASE I-B PROJECT AND THE ACQUISITION OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENTS OF RIGHT OF WAY, EITHER BY AGREEMENT OR BY CONDEMATION. I'AiEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a public necessity exists for the construction of this important roadway to provide transportation and for other public purposes for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, and for the welfare of the people in the City of Virginia Beach: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section 1. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation pursuant to Sections 15.1-236, et seq., 15.1898, 15.1899, and Section 33.1-89 et seq., Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, all that certain real property in fee simple, including temporary and permanent easements of right of.way as shown on the plans !entitled, Ferrell Parkway Phase I-B Project, CIP 2-936, these plans being on file in the Office of Real Estate Department of Public Ilorks, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Section 2. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to make or cause to be made on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, to the extent that funds are available, a reasonable offer to the owners or persons having an 'interest in said lands, if refused, the City Attorney is hereby authorized to institute proceedings to condemn said property. Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ;ordinance shall be in force and effect from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on @@the 24 day of June 19 8@ .@,PROVED AS TO CONTENT E L)EPAR.'MENT FORM Juiie 24, 1985 3 2 Item 11-J.7 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23835 Upoii motion by Couilcilwoman Creech, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council ADOPTED aii Ordinance, on SECOND READING, to appropriate $32,000 from the WATER AND SEWER FUND to Project #5-832 COMPRERENSIVE WATER STUDY- Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeniiiiigs, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Couiicil Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 32a - AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE i,:: $32,000 FROM THE WATER AND SEWER FUND TO PROJECT #5-832 COMPREHENSIVE WATER STUDY WHEREAS, the present Capital Improvement Program includes project #5-832 Comprehensive Water Study for an engineering analysis of the water system including a computer operated mathematical model of the system, and WHEREAS, this project is scheduled to receive funding from the Water and Sewer Fund including $32,000 for the current fiscal year, and WHEREAS, Public Utilities has requested that the $32,000 be made available now to fund the vulnerability study and model conversion costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH that funds in the amount of $32,000 are hereby appropriated from Water and Sewer Fund Reserve for Contingencies to the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund to provide additional funds to project #5-832 Comprehensive Water Study. This ordinance shall be effective from the date of its adoption. First Reading: June 17, 1985 Second Reading: Juiie 24, 1985 24 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the day of Juiie 19 85 Juiie 24, 1985 RATS 16/ORD27 - 33 - Item 11-J.8 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23836 Upon motion by Councilwomaii Creech, seconded by Couiicilman McCoy, City Couiicil ADOPTED aii Ordiiiance, on SECOND READING, to accept funds totaling $60,925 from the VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and to utilize $10,228 from 9th YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FLJNDS aiid to appropriate these funds for the SECTION 8 existing HOUSING PROGRAM, MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM AND RENTAL REHABILITATION. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heilry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Obertidorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None June 24, 1985 33a Requesced byz The Department of Housing atid Co-unity Development AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT FUNDS TOTALING t,60,925 FROM THE VIRCINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMLNT AUT110itl'ry ,%ND TO UTILIZE $10,228 FROM g,rH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND ro Ai'PROPRIATE -rHESE FUNDS FOR THE SECTION 8 EXISTIN(; HUUSING PROCRM MODERATE REHABILITATION PROC@ AND Rr-N,rAL ItE@1LITKrlON PROGRAM WHE@ , the City of Virginia Beach has participated and wisties to continue its participation in the Section a Existitig Housing Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Program and Rental Rehabilitation Program; and wHEREAS, the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) has submitted a proposed Administrative Services Agreement and applicable addendum for the implementation of a Housing Assiatunce Payments Pro&rLun for Existing Housing, the Moderate R @ bilitation Program and che Rencal Rehabilitation Program; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has been desigaated to administer the programs. which will assist in housing low and moderate income persons; and WliEREAS, the total budget to administer the Section 8 Existing Housing Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Program and Rental Rehabilita- tion Program is $71,153, with VitDA providing $60,925 of the prograill cost and $10,228 being provided from the City's Conununity Developmenc Block Granc Budget NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OFLDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Manager is hereby authorized to accept funds for the City, and funds are hereby appropriated for the City's Section 8 Existing Housing Program, Moderate Rehabilitation Program and Ciie Reacal Rehabilitation ProCram in the amount of $71,153. HE IT FURTHER ORI)AINED rhat chree personnel positions are hervby authorized for che duration of the funding, to be paid by VHDA and supplementcd by DHCD as indicated on ttie attached sheet labelled "Exliibit A." AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into an Admini.strative Services Agreement with VHI)A 33b - for implementation Of a Housing Assistance Payment Program for Existing Housing. Said agreement and addendum are accached hereto and incorporated by reference. FIRST READING: June 17, 1985 SECOND READING:, June 24, 1985 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on this 24 day of June 1985. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Us ck. Hous d Com=n pment APPROVED AS TO FORM David S. Hhy, Assistant City Attorney DSH/ntf 6/4/85 (C) VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT SECTION 8 EXISTING THIS AGREEMENT, dated this First da-Y of July 193L. by and between VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ,and the Vi@ginia Beach 'ou sn and nt e nt g f of q Co-u v ha@reinaft,r frre to as ta 'A"e n t a n agency of the City of Virginia Beach, a political subdivision of the Coomnwealth of Virginia. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to undertake the administration of the Housing Assistance Payments Program for Existing Housing (hereinafter referred to as the "Program") pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended by the Housing and Comunity Development Act of 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), and for purposes thereof qualifies as a Public Housing Agency as defined in the Act and the Regulations promulgated thereunder; and WHEREAS, the Authority has submitted its application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter referred to as "HUD") for Annual Contributions from HUD to cover Housing Assistance Payments (hereinafter referred to as the "Payments") and other allowable expenses under the Program; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid application having been accepted by HUD and an Annual Contributions Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "ACC") having been entered into by and between HUD and the Authority on the day of , 19-, for housing assis ance under the Program for @ousing located in the City of Virqinia Beach Virginia; and it is necessary and desirable for the Authority to contract for the performance of certain administrative services reqyired to be performed by or on the behalf of the Authority pursuant to the tems and provisions of the ACC: and WHEREAS, the Agent is willing to undertake on behalf of the Authority and to perforrn the requisite adniinistrative services and is empowered and authorized and hereby represents and warrants that it is empowered and authorized to enter into this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the p6rties hereto do hereby agree as follows: . 1. The tem of this Agreement shall be for a period Of comencing upon the effective date on page I hereof;,Provided, ho. shall continue in full force and effect upon the expiration of the initial tem upon the same tems and conditions for a successive term or tems, no one of which shall exceed one (1) year. The tem of this Agreement, however, shall not extend beyond the tem of the ACC, as extehded. This Agreement inay be terminated at the end of the initial term or any such renewal term by the giving of ninety (90) days' prior written notice; provided, however, this Agreement may be terminated by the Authority at any time for just cause, as determined by the Authority, upon the rendering of thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the Agent. In any event, the Authority shall not be subject to liability for any loss, damage or expenses caused by termination by the Authority of this Agreement. For the purposes hereof, the temination of the ACC shall be deemed to be just cause, as well as serious violations of the provisions of this Agreement. July 1, 1978 37-01 Ju'ly 1, 1979 37-02 July 1, 1980 37-03 July 1, 1981 37-04 8-140-1 Page I of 6 5/85 2. Prior to comencement of the initial tertn hereof, the Agent shall have submitted to, and received approval from, the Authority for its projection of anticipated expenses and administrative costs to be incurred by it in the adillinis- tration of this Agreement during the initial term. Upon each renewal term, the Agent Shall submit to the Authority by February 15 for review and approval its pro- jection of anticipated expenses and administrative costs to be incurred by it in the administration of this Agreenient during the period of such respective term; and for renewal terms only, shall submit those actual costs incurred during the previous term along with leasing projections and projections of expenses to be incurred through the end of the fiscal year. Upon approval by the Authority, such projection shall constitute the basis upon which the Authority shall reimburse the Agent as set forth in Paragraph 3 and or Paragraph 30 hereof provided, however, that in the event the Agent does not adhere to the agreed-upon leasing schedule, the extent to which the Authority shall reimburse the Agent shall be limited to the extent reim- bursement is made available to the Authority by HUD. 3. The Authority shall reimburse Agent for all reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred by Agent in the performance of its duties and responsibilities hereunder and as may be approved by the Authority, provided, however. except under circumstances clearly warranting further reimbursement, the Authority shall not reimburse Agent for any such costs or expenses in excess of the aggregate amount thereof set forth in the approved projection as provided in paragraph 2 hereof. 4. The reimbursement shall be made monthly, in arrears, by the Authority upon the subrnission by the Agent of proper requisition therefor in such fom as may be prescribed by the Authority and supported by detailed invoices. The reimbursement due and payable with respect to the expenses and costs incurred in any particular month during the initial term or any renewal term hereof shall be made by the twentieth working day following receipt of the requisition. All requisitions shall be submitted to the Authority no later than the tenth (10th) day of each such succeeding month in which reimbursement is expected except for the month of June. In June, requisitions are to be submitted by June 15 accruing costs through the end of the month. Documen- tation of those expenses anticipated for June are to be forwarded as nomally required. Requisitions more than 60 days delinquent could be grounds for non-payment of such requisitions. No requisitions will be paid if not submitted by June 15. 5. At such time as HUD shall have remitted to the Authority the allowance, in the amount approved by HUD, for preliminary costs of administration as provided for by section 1.4(b) (2) of the ACC, the Authority shall remit an amount, not to exceed the amount approved by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for preliminary costs, to the Agent to cover its portion of the preliminary costs of admini- stration with respect to this Agreement. It is understood that this payment shall be made in 12 installments, monthly, during the initial term hereof and reflects the initial expenses incurred in commencing administration under the Program. Further, inasmuch as the amount paid to cover preliminary costs will be subject to audit by HUD, any adjustments required to be made by HUD in the amount paid to the Authority for pre- liminary costs will result in commensurate adjustments being made in the corresponding amount Paid to the Agent hereunder. . 6. The Agent shall faithfully and promptly perform the administrative services hereinafter set forth in paragraphs 7 through 21, inclusive, in full com- pliance with the requirernents of the Authority as cqntained in the VHDA Section 8 Existing/Mod Rehab Operations Manual and any subsequent mefnorandums made a part thereof and the Act and Regulations promulgated thereunder the ACC. Virginia Housing may request that the Agent be 'replacid if documentation @eveals their failure to perform. 7. The Agent shall publish and disseminate to the general public and interested parties appropriate information concerning the availability and nature of the housing assistance provided under the Program in accordance with Authority guide- lines. Such infonnation shall conforfn to the programs specified in the Authority's Equal Housing Opportunity Plan and shall include publication in a newspaper of general circulation and the utilization of appropriate minority media. The inforniation shall specify (a) the availability and nature of tlie housing-assistance and that it may be used in connection with presently occupied housinq units, (b) the location of the place at which applicants may apply for a Certificate oi Family Participation (hereinaft'er referred to as the "Certificate"), (c) that the residents of public housing and applicants on waiting lists for public housing must niake separate applications for Certificates under the Program, and (d) applicants on public housing waiting lists will not lose their place on such wai,ting lists. All outreach efforts (including advertising, presentations to community groups, brochure placement, etc.) will be doc- umented and must be maintained in an outreach folder for periodic review by the Authority or its designee. The information published and disseminated pursuarit to paragraph 7 hereof shall be subject to the priot approval of the Authority. Further. the Agent shall provide the Authority with a statement of the methods of publication used and copies of all published notices and other information for remittance to HUD. 9. In connection with the dissemination of the information required above, .the Agent shall take such steps as may be necessary or appropriate to effect invitation to owners of suitable housing units to make such u'nits available for leasing under the Program. 10 The Agent shall determine, in accordance with applicable regulations and such ichedules and criteria as may be established by HUD and the Authority, the eligibility of applicants to receive Payments. 11. The Agent shall receive and review applications for Certificates for eligibility. The Agent shall deterynine eligibility of applicants and shall notify those applicants determined to be eligible, initially with prior Authority approval, and to whom the Agent shall issue Certificates. In the event that an applicant is determined to be ineligible, the Agent shall so notify the applicant by written correspondence stating the reasons for ineligibility and advising that the applicant may request, within a reasonable period of time, which shall be stated in the correspondence, an informal hearing with the Authority. In the event that there are more eligible applicants than can be assisted, the Agent shall niaintain a waiting list, notifying applicants in writing that they have been placed on the waiting list and indicate the approximate date upon which Certificates might be issued, if such date can reasonably be determined. Should the Agent deten.,iine that the waiting list is such that there is no reasonable prospect that additional Certificates could be issued within the ensuing year, the Agent shall so notify the Authority and request Authority approval to suspend the taking of applications, and if approved by the Authority, the Agent shall, through publication in a newspaper of general circulation as well as through minority media and other suitable means, publish no tice of the suspension of taking further applications. Such suspension shall be effective as of the date stated in such notice. 12. All records of application, notification letters and similar matters shall be retained by the Agent in safekeeping during the term of this Agreement and any renewals or extensions thereof and, upon termination, shall be remitted to the Authority for appropriate disposition. All such applications, notices and other such records shall be subject to inspection and copying by the Authority or HUD at all reasonable times. Records will be retained as specified by the Authority or HUD. 13. The Agent shall select applicants according to such selection priorities as shall be established jointly by the Agent and the Authority from time to time when issuing Certificates. The total number of applicants selected within any particular category as may be established shall at all times be consistent with the Authority's application to HUD. Upon a determination by the Agent that any particular applicant is eligible and qualifies for issuance of a Certificate, the Agent shall transmit the executed Certificates to the approved applicant. Initially, all applications for Certificates must be approved by the Authority before a Certificate can be issued. In the event that the Agent shall be unable to allocate the total number of Certificates available within any particular category, the Agent will so notify the Authority in writing and request a redistribution. In the event the Agent is unable to satis- factorily utilize those Certificates made available, the Authority may effect a redistribution to other localities. 14. At such time Certificates may be issued to eligible Families, the Agent shall deliver to such Families copies of the Certificate Holder 's Packet. Upon delivery of the Certificate and the Packet, the Agent shall provide alsistance to the family in finding a suitable unit and in understanding the Family's responsibilities and those of the Owner of the unit under the Program by providing a full explanation of those matters set forth in 24 CFR 882.209(c) (1) through (8). inclusive. 15 The Agent shall render such assistance as may be necessary or appropriaie to aid Families in locating suitable units for rental under the Program within the period of the Certificate. Should any Family be unable to locate a suitable unit within such period, and a request for extension of the Certificate shall have been submitted, the Agent shall review the request for extension and notify the family of its decision. 16. At such time as a Family shall have selected a unit for rental and submitted to the Agent a Request for Lease Approval and a COPY Of the proposed Lease. the Agent shall (1) detemine whether the type of housing selected can be approved (e.g., not owner-occupied or public housing) and whether the proposed rent is reasonable and is within applicable HUD Regulations pertaining to li@itations on rents; (2) inspect the proposed renta I standards as set @orth in the Act; and (I unit for compliance with housing qua ity 1 3) review as to form and content all proposed N under the Program. Such leases shall confom to all applicable In the event that the inspection required by (2) above disclose@ a ficiencies which must be corrected in a unit in order for the same ti and sanitary, the Agent shall so advise the Owner and reinspect t@ leasing to ascertain that the necessary work has been performed ai is decent. safe and sanitary. Reports of every inspection aild r4 he Agent pursuant to the pro-visions hereof shall be prepared and maintained n the files of the Agent and shall specify any defects or deficiencies which must be corrected in order for ihe unit to be made decent, safe and sanitary, and any other defects or deficiencies w ich may be discovered on any such inspection or reinspection. No leases can be approved or renewed until the units are brought into compliance with the Housing Quality Standards. 17. In order to assure compliance with such applicable schedules and the amount of Payments to be made on behalf of Families, the Agent shall maki by HUD and all applicable Regulations concern ng criter'ia as may be established appropriate deteminations of rental contributions required of participating e such aS May be requisite. Families 18. After such time as a Housing Assistance Paynents Contract may have been executed with respect to any unit and such unit occupied. the Agent shall inspect such unit at least annually to assure the same is decent, safe and sanitary and that Oil agreed upon utility and other services are being provided A summary report of inspection conducted and confinnations of continued occupancy shall Le subrnitted to the Authority in such manner and at such times as shall be required by the Authority. Should the Owner of any rental unit fail to make any necessary repairs, the Agent shall promptly notif_y the Authority in writing. 19. The Agent shall, frofn time to time, review and report to the Authority, in a fom prescribed bv the Authority, its recommendation with respect to the reason- ableness of the unit rentals and applicable Allowances for Utilities and Other Services as defined by the Act. Should changes in utility rates or other circumstances neces- sitate changes in such Allowances, the Agent shall recommend to the Authority appropriate adjustments thereto. 20. The f-.gent shall re-exariine, at least annually, Family incor,.e, cor,;position and the extent of medical or unusual e@-penses and advise the "uthority @oit.i res,-ect to its recommendations as to appropriate adjystrnents in the amounts of Family contri- butions and payments. 21. In performing its duties and responsibilities hereunder, the Agent and VHDA hereby assure and certify that: a They will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352 ) ;nd regulations pursuant thereto (Title-24 CFR Part 1) which states that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives financial assistance; and will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this Agreement. With reference to the real property and structure(s) thereon which are provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the applicant, this assurance shall obligate the applicant, or in the case of any transfer of property, the transferee, for the period during which the real property and structure(s) are used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. 8-140-1 Page 4 of 6 5/85 b. They will comply with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 as amended, which prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, s6& or national origin, and administer its programs and activities relating to housing in a manner to affimatively further fair housing. C. They will comply with Executive Order 11063 on Equal Opportunity in Housing which prohibits discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin in housing and related facilities provided with Federal financial assistance. d. In establishing the criteria for the selection of tenants, neither VHBA and its Achninistrative Agent nor the Owner will utilize preferences or priorities which are based on (1) the identity or location of the housing which is occupied or proposed to be occupied or (2) upon the length of time the applicant has resided in the jurisdiction. VHDA and its Administrative Agent and the Owner shall treat non- resident applicants who are working, or have been notified that they are hired to work, in the jurisdiction as residents of the jurisdiction. e. If the proposed project is to be located within the area of a local Housing Assistance Plan (HAP), the Agent will take affi mative action to provide opportunity to participate in the Program to persons expected to reside in the com- munity as a result of current or planned ernployment. 22. The Agent's authority and responsibilities shall be limited to existing housing located within the geographical boundaries of the rity of Virginia Reach , Virginia. 23. The Agent shall furnish such infomation or reports with respect to the administration of this Agreement as the Authority may from time to time deem necessary or appropriate. 24. No mL4nber, officer, employee of the Authority, no member of the governing body of the locality identified in paragraph 23 hereof, and no otherpublic official of such locality who exercises any functions or responsibilities with re- spect to the units leased under the Program and the ACC, during his tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or any proceeds or benefits arising therefrom. 25. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Agent without the prior written consent of the Authority. 26. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended in any respect except by writing executed on behalf of both parties hereto. 27. This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 28. Non-expendable equipment purchased and expensed solely for the Section 8 Existing Housing and/or Moderate Rehab Program must be turned over to VHDA or the new Administrative Agent should 'i' ' ' " I'll 'If e-q u-ip e par_@nt elect to discontinue participation 1'n' t@he a"mf f i CRPE i fb u r s' @ft "I tially utilized by both the Existing Housing and/or Moderate Rehab Program and local programs will be determined based upon the amount of expense charged to such equipment as prescribed and calculated by VHDA. 29. As compensation for its services rendered hereunder, the Authority shall pay to the Agent a fee of $ 18.93 per unit under lease all or part of the preceeding month, which may be revised by Addendum to this Agreement. The fee payable with respect to any particular month shall be due and payable during the following , month. The monthly fee is based on anticipated expenses and number of units estimated to be under lease. Since Virginia Housing will consider adjustments to this fee, if necessary during the tem of this Agreement, it is the Agent's responsibility to maintain accurate records of expenses incurred. Although income earned from adminis- trative fees is not cost certifiable, expenses may be audited by VHDA staff and/or its designees to ensure their reasonableness and their relationship to housing and housing programs locally. A surplus of fees earned by the Agent will be utilized to offset estimated expenses at the renewal of this Agreement. 3Q A penalty of $18_93 will be imposed for each lease packet which is submitted for approval after the esfablished deadline (unless prior approval is obtained) and for packets that contain errors. In the event the Agent habitually submits leases after the 'established deadline, VHDA reserves the right to impose administrative remedies or additional monetary penalties. All notices required hereunder shall be in writing and delivered by hand or by mail , postage prepaid, and, if to the Authority, drawn to the attention of Thomas W. Schneider, CPM, Assistant Director of Housing Man@, - t for lpecial ro rams, Y thority. 13 bo uth Ti@7,rt:e"th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, and if to the Agent, drawn to tile attention of IN WITN@SS WIIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers or agents as of the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO CANTENT: VIRGIN@A,HOUSING DEM@OPME ORITY , USL@ -luT@H BY: By: 5 F- F M@yi-n. @tick, Dirkctor AcL.- JamLs F. Kelly, CPM Depal@ of Housing an Conimunity Development Title: nirprtnr nf HOil5iAg t4.,A@nilloAt DATE: Date: APPROVFD AS TO FORti: AGENT BY: D3@ s L . - @kl-. D@vid S Hay, City Attorney By: City of@virqinia Beach Title: Thonsas H. Muehlenbeck, City flana(ler City of Virginia Beach Date: SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAM ADIIINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT ADDEf'Out-I C This Addendum to the A dministrative Services Agreement dated the @irst. day of by and betvieen VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPI-I fiT AUTHORITY an Ag co ecified in the hal The following specific provisions apply to the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (hereinafter referred to as the "Moderate Rehab Program") in addition to those included in the Agreement: 1. The provisions regarding publishing and disseminating infor'mation for the Existing Housing Program as delineated in paragraph 7 of the Agreement shall not apply to the @toderate Rehab Program. For the Moderate Rehab Program, the Agent may be directed to have published and to disseminate only Authority provided information. Any such publication of information shall conform to the Authority's Equal Housing Opportunity Plan and the Agent shall have all publication charges invoiced to the Authority. 2. The Agent shall receive and review applications for eligibility from: (1) tenants in residence at the time the owner's proposal is subinitted to the Authority and as directed by the Authority; (2) applicants to Moderate Rehab units from the locality's waiting list; (3) applicants to Moderate Rehab units from the owner, as applicable; and (4) tenants who have moved in during the period which the Agreement to Enter into the Housing Assistance Payments Contract (AHAP) is in force. The Agent shall receive and review applications for eligibility. The Agent shall determine eligiblity of appli- cants and shall notify those applicants determined to be eligible, initially with prior Authority approval. In the event that an applicant is determined to be ineligible, the Agent shall so notify the applicant by written corres- pondence stating the reasons for ineligibility and advising that the applicant may request. within a reasonable period of time, which shall be stated in the correspondence, an infornial hearing with the Authority. 3. The Provisions of paragraph 13 of the Agreement regarding issuance of Cert- ificates according to selection priorities in the Existing HC)using Program shall not apply to the Moderate Rehab Program. For the Moderate Rehab Program, tenants occupying Moderate Rehab units at the time the "Housing Assistance Payments Contract" is signed will be assisted in accordance with the effective date of *.he Contract, if still detemined eligihle. Vacant Moderate Rehab units will belfilled by procedures outlined in the Equal Opportunity liousing Plan. 4. The provisions of paragraph 14 of the Agreement regarding the supplying of Certificate Holder's Packets to eligible families shall not apply to the Moderate Rehab Program. For tenants eligible under the Moderate Rehab Program, the Agent shall conduct a tenant briefing advising the tenant of his responsibilities and those of the owner of the unit under the Moderate Rehab Program by providing a full explanation of those matters set forth in 24 CFR 882.514(d) (1) and (2). 5. The provisions of paragraph 15 of the Agreement regarding rendering of assistance to families shall apply to the Moderate Rehab Program when 'Moderate Rehab units become vacant. 8-140-lC Pa e I of 2 6. The provisions of paragraph 16 of the Agreement regarding the selecting of a unit by tlie fainily shall not apply to the I-loderate Rehab Program. However, usage of VHDA's model lease for I-loderate Rehab units is required. VHDA approval of any addendums to the lease is also reqilired- 7. The provisions of paragraph 18 apply, however, not to the effective date of the Housing Assistance Payments Contract but instead to the effective date 6f the lease. S. The provisions of paragraph 19 regarding the reasonableness of unit rentals shall not apply to the Moderate Rehab Program. 9. The provisions of paragraph 30 of the Agreeinent apply except that the fee for tloderate Rehab units is $ 18.93 for each unit under lease per month. 10. A penalty of $ 18.93 will be imposed for each lease packet which is submitted for approval after the established deadline (unless prior approval is obtained) and for packets that contain errors. In the event the Agent habitually submits leases after the established dead- line, VHDA reserves the right to inipose adiiiinistrative remedies or additional iiionetary penalties. VIRGI ING DEVE@PPMENT AUTHORITY By: (,j By: i@ James F. Kelly, CPM Thomas H. Muehienbeck Title: City Manager Titl6: pirector of @irig Management Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY: BY: @ /ff marya Direct David V Ha-, tity Attorney rLetick y Depa f Housing & Community Development City of Virginia Beach Exhibit A Section 8 Program Administration Budget 85-86 tou Cost Sub Total Total SALARIES a) Program Specialist $26,510.00 b) Program Technician 17.108.00 c) Clark - Typist I 10.805.00 $54.423.00 LEGAL -0- -0- TRAVEL 447.00 447.00 ACCOUNTING -0- -0- OFFICE RENT -0- -0- SUNDRY Telephone 1.460.00 b) Office Supply 252.00 c) Central Store Charges 72.00 d) Print Shop 331.00 4) Postage 500.DO 2.615.00 MAINTENANCE AUTO 6 TYPEWRITER 395.00 395.00 INSURANCE 209.00 209.00 E)VLOYEE BENEFITS a) FICA 3,838.00 b) Health & Hospitalizatlon 2,088.00 c) Group Insurance 572.00 4) City Rettramoot 6,566.00 13.064.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT -0- -0- 1) OFFICE FURNITURE -0- -0- AUTOMOTIVE -0- -0- $71.153.00 Fee Inc $60,925.00 CDOG Supplement Funds $10.228.00 TOTAL @il.153.00 - 34 - Item 11-J.9 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23837 Upon motion by Councilwoman Creech, seconded by Couiicilmaii McCoy, City Couiicil ADOPTED an ordinance, on SECOND READING, to accept a Grant from the DEPARTMENT OF CORRECIIONS totaling $122,800 a.id to appropriate these funds for the VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNLTY DIVERSION INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Johii A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClaiiati, J. Heliry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Votiiig Nay: None Couiicil Members Absent: None Juiie 24, 1985 - 34a - AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS TOTALING $122,800 AND TO APPROPRIATE THESE FUNDS FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DIVERSION INCENTIVE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Virginia General Assembly has enacted the Community Diversion Incentive Program which makes funds available to jurisdictions within the Comonwealth for the purposes of diverting qualified non-violent offenders fi:om the State penitentiaries for the purpose of rehabilitating these offenders and allowing them the opportunity to make restitution for their crimes; and WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach is currently operating such a program; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Corrections has approved the necessary funding to continue the Virginia Beach Community Diver- sion Program from July 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986 to accomplish the objectives stated above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TliE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRC-INIA BEACH: That the City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the grant for the City and funds are hereby appropriated for the following purposes: Estiniated Revenue Tr.Cal Total fran oth encies match Appropriations CDI Prc>grarn $122,800 $0.00 $122,800 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that two personnel positions are hereby authoiized for the duration of the grant to be paid from the grant with the classes of the employees to be determined by the City Manager. FIRST READING: June 17, 1985 SECOND READING: Juiie 24, 1985 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 24 day of ii,n@ 1985. APP%@ ip@NTENT SirNATURE DEPARTMENT - 35 - Item II-J.10 CONSENT AGENDA ITE14 # 23838 Upon motion by Couiicilwoman Creech, seconded by Couiicilman McCoy, City Council APPROVED an orditiance, on FIRST READING, to accept and appropriate a grant of $9,685,684 from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION for PROJECT #1-937 SALEM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Voting: 11-0 Couiicil Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jetiliings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Joiies, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Mmebers Absent: None Juiie 24, 1985 - 35a - AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE A GRANT OF $9,685,684 FROM THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR PROJECT #1-937 SALEM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach School Board has applied for and received approval of a grant from the United States Department of Education for construction of a junior high school along Recreation Drive which is designated as project #1-937 Salem Junior High School, and WHEREAS, the amount of the federal grant is estimated at $9,684,685, and WHEREAS, in order to properly account for these funds, it will be necessary to record the grant as revenue and to appropriate the funds to project #1-937. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA that the grant of $9,684,685 from the United States Department of Education is hereby accepted and the funds are appropriated to project #1-937 Salem Junior High School in the School Capital Projects Fund. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the appropriations be offset by an increase of $9,684,685 in estimated revenues in the Engineering and Highways Capital Project Fund. This ordinance shall be effective from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the day of 19 June 24, 1985 FIRST READING: SECOND READING: June 24, 1985 - 36 - Item II-J.11 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23839 Upon motion by Councilwoman Creech, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Couiicil ADOPTED an Ordinance Authorizitig Tax Refunds iii the amount of $1,222.47 upon applicatioli of Certaiii Persons aiid upon Certification of the City Treasurer for PaymeDt. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye; John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jeliliings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClanan, J. Heiiry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Council Members Votiiig Nay; Noiie Council Members Absent: None Jutie 24, 1985 FORM NO. C.A- 7 6/11/85 EMC AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE TREASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the follovving applications for tax refunds upon certification of the Treasurer are hereby approved: NAME Tax Type Ticket Exonera- D ate Penalty lnt. Total Year of Tax Nuiiiber tion No. Paid Charles Wyatt 85 pp 176695-5 5/15/85 9.00 John L Foil 85 pp 53789-3 5/15/85 30.00 Vernon J Lawson Jr 84 pp 190098-9 12/5/85 210.00 Craig S Rentz N/A Pkng 46942 5/29/85 10.00 Weaver Brothers Inc 85 RE(1/2) 87358-3 11/23/84 24.17 Allstate Enterprises Mort 85 RE(1/2) 44234-4 12/5/84 26.17 Sovran Mortgage Corp 82 RE(1/2) 42141-3 11/18/81 13.62 Sovran Mortgage Corp 82 RE(2/2) 42141-3 5/27/82 13.62 Sovran Mortgage Corp 83 RE(1/2) 43523-8 12/3/82 15.88 Sovran Mortgage Corp 83 RE(2/2) 43523-8 5/26/83 15.88 Sovran Mortgage Corp 84 RE(1/2) 45802-4 12/5/83 19.40 Sovran Mortgage Corp 84 RE(2/2) 45802-4 6/5/84 19.40 Otis C Barber 85 RE(1/2) 4513-0 12/4/84 106.00 Otis C Barber 85 RE(2/2) 4513-0 5/16/85 106.00 Allstate Enterprises Mort 82 RE(1/2) 34653-0 11/27/81 5.76 Allstate Enterprises Mort 82 RE(2/2) 34653-0 6/5/82 5.76 Allstate Enterprises Mort 83 RE(1/2) 35808-0 12/5/82 6.40 Allstate Enterprises Mort 83 RE(2/2) 35808-0 6/5/83 6.40 Allstate Enterprises Mort 84 RE(1/2) 37679-1 11/22/83 6.40 Allstate Enterprises Mort 84 RE(2/2) 37679-1 6/5/84 6.40 Allstate Enterprises Mort 85 RE(1/2) 40479-6 12/5/84 6.40 Earl T Hayden 83 RE(1/2) 35350-2 12/5/82 10.00 Earl T Hayden 83 RE(2/2) 35350-2 6/5/83 10.00 Earl T Hayden 84 RE(1/2) 37205-4 12/5/83 12.00 Earl T Hayden 84 RE(2/2) 37205-4 6/5/84 12.00 Earl T Hayden 85 RE(1/2) 39978-4 11/26/84 14.00 Total $720.66 This ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. The above abatement(s) totaling --- $720..66 were approved by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 24 day of Juiie, 1985 Approved as t rm: Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk n, City Attor e@@ FORM NO. C.A. 7 6/4/85 EMC AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE TREASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the following applications for tax refunds upon certification of the Treasurer are hereby approved: NAME Tax Type Ticket Exotiera- Date Penalty lnt. Total Year of Tax Number tion No. Paid Willie E Johnson 84 pp 80357-9 3/22/85 165.59 C K Rockefeller 84 pp 129707-1 6/5/84 55.86 Wickes Companies 83 pp 186935-5 4/30/85 187.48 Collateral Investment Co 85 RE(2/2) 53213-0 12/5/84 92.88 Total 501.81 JUN 6 1.%S DEPrT- OF LAW This ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. The above abatement(s) totaling $ 5n I - A I ---- were approved by the Council of the City of V inia i,9 24 ine, 1985 Beach on the--.-day of Approved as t Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk le-@imson'City Attorney 3 7 Item II-J.12 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 23840 Upon motion by Councilwoman Creech, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council ADOPTED an Ordinance Authorizing License Refulids in the amount of $5,687.78 upon applicatioii of Certaiii Persons and upon Certification of the Commissioner of Reveiiue. Voting; 11-0 Couiicil Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Robert E. Fentress, Mayor Harold Heischober, Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Louis R. Jones, Robert C. Jones, Vice Mayor Reba S. McClaiiaii, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Couiicil Members Voting Nay: None Couiicil Members Absent; None June 24, 1985