HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 2, 1982 MINUTES "WORLD'S LARGEST RESORT CITY" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, B.y@id, B .... gh VICE-MA )'OR BARBARA M. fiEVLEY, P..S. B .... gh JOI[N A. BAIJM, Blck..I,, B.@.Sh NANCY A. CREECH. Al L.,g, HAROLD IIEISCIIOBER, At L.,g, U. JACK JENNINGS, JR.. Ly..h.@@. B --- gb ROBERT G. ]ONES. A, L.,g@ W. Ii. KITCIIIN, lit. Vigi.i. B@.,b REBA S. M,CLAVAN. P,i@c@@@ A.@@ B.,-gb 1. HENRY A]CCOY. JR., K@.p.@ill@ B .... gb 212 CITY HALL BUILDING MEYERA E. OBERNDORF, Al L.,@ MUNICIPAL CENTER VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGIVIA 23456 RUTH HODGES SMITH. CMC, City Cilk (804) 427-4,303 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 2, 1982 ITEM I INFORMAL SESSION: 12:30 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Louis R. Jones B. ROLL CALL O'F COUNCIL C. MOTION TO RECESS INTO INFORMAL/EXECUTIVE SESSION D. PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION OF PERTINENT MATTERS 1. Matters for discussion by Mavor. 2. Matters for discussion by Colincil. E. CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: 1. Allocation of St truction Funds: Discussion. ITEM 11 FORMAL SESSION: 2:00 p.m. A. INVOCATION: Reverend Fritz Stegeman Open Door Chapel B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA C. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL D. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 1. Motion to accept/approve the Minutes of July 12, 1982. E. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Resort Satellite Communications, Inc. F. RESOLUTIONS 1. Recognition a. Rob Sessoms, Athlete 2. General a. Resolution Concerning City Council Stateinent of Policy on Seating krrange-ments for the CiLy Council. ITEM II F. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 2. General (Cont'd) b. Resolution - HJR 54, Virginia General Assembly: Local Taxation of Meals and Lodging. C. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement between Windsor Plaza Associates, City of Virginia Beach, and Wilkins/Katsias Associates Realty, Inc. for premises to house the Virginia Beach Branch Office of the Virginia Employment Cormission. G. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered in the ordinary course of business by City Council and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. 1. State-Local Hospitalization Contracts: Virginia Beach General Hospital Bayside Hospital Louise Obici Memorial Hospital DePaul Hospital Walter Reed Memorial Hospital Lake Taylor City Hospital (Gloucester, Virginia) Norfolk Community Hospital Virginia Beach Public Health Portsmouth General Hospital Departmetit (CLINIC) Riverside Hospital All clinic and emergency room University of Virginia rates Medical College of Virginia Children's Hospital of Kings Chesapeake General Hospital Daughters 2. Request of the City Treasurer for tax refunds in the amount of $15,647.84. 3. Raffle permits: Virginia Beach Sheriff's Virginia Beach Stars Association Softball Team Catholic Daughters of the Virginia Recreation and Americas Park Society 4. Low bid of Warbler Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $875,000, for the Newlight Street/Drainage Improvements CDA Project; AND, authorize the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements for the implementation of this project. 5. Low bid of A & W Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $253,897.31, for the Kempsville Road Water Main, Phase II; AND, authorize the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements for the implementation of this project. 6. Ordinance to amend and reordain Paragraph (-f) of the Ordi- nance leasing to and granting permission to Ocean Owners Council, Inc. to operate and maintain a bridge across Atlantic Avenue just north of 40th Street in the City of Virginia Beach upon certain conditions. 7. Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of Lands End Associates, for the closure of a 30-foot wide road crossing the property of the applicant from Indian Avenue on the east to the property of Hudgins Brothers, Inc., on the west. 8. Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of American Realty Trust, for the closure of the northern 15 feet of Laskin Road where it adjoins the property of the applicant. 9. Ordi.nance deleting a requirements under the application of Beechla@,ni Cliurch for a conditi.onal use perinil. Ll H. PLANNING ITEM 1. Application of G H F rties, Inc., for a c..ditional use 2ermit for a 20-slip private marina, on a 21.5-acre i)-arcrl located along the west side of Green hiii Road, ane (Lynnhaven Borough). (This 'j@) north of Moonraker L matter was deferred ,ntil today on July 12, 1982.) Letter from the City Manager transmits the a. recommendation of the Planning Commission for oval. ORDINANCES 1. Appropriatio@ $46,242 for additional @,tance to transfer funds of i ins and related appropriations in the City ttorney's office. (This matter was deferred on @j,,ne 21 and 28, 1982.) The City M-ager recommends oval. b. Ordi@nce to transfer funds of $25,000 within the rtment of Public Utilities for engineering ser- r,-es involving the County and Kempsville Utility systems. The City M@@ger recommends oval. on FIRST READING, to appropriate an amount C. ordin@ce, of 00,000 to the Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue aXd Fire Department, Inc. for the purchase of an to the Ocean Park "ambulance and an amount of $30,000 se of an ,'Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. for the purcha L/ ambulance and a crash and rescue truck. The City Manager recommends oval. 2. city code @Ments ain Article IV, Chapter a. or@nance to amend and reord Sections 4-87, 4-88 and 4-89 of the Code of the c@ity of Virginia Beach pertaining to bingo games vand raffles. The City Manager recommends ,,al. b. ordi to amend and reordain Sections 8-31 and 2 f the Cde of the City of Virginia Beach @8-3 s for building permits and p@@taining to permit fee on 8-186 pertaining to /@lumbing permits; and Secti cian's certificates. v I general requirements for electri The City Manager recommends val. 3. General - creation a. rlace to authori7.e the purchase of a re r t,_ on from Structures of Virginia, Inc. as per reement dated July 25, 1977 a.d amendment dated cembe, 17,,@9-81; AND, n establishing Great Neck Meadows Park as @esolutio capital project. The City @lanager reco-ends o,,al. ITEM II I. ORDINANCES (Cont'd) 3. General (Cont'd) b. Ordinance to authorize a temporary encroachment into a portion of the right-of-way of Weller Boulevard to Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership. The City Manager recommends approval. c. Ordinance to authorize a temporary encroachment into a portion of the right-of-way of Caspian Avenue to Gary M. Price, his heirs, assigns and successors in title. The City Manager recommends approval. d. Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement extending the franchise of the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier, Inc. for a period of five years under certain terms and conditions. The City Manager's letter transmits his request for authorization to execute the amended agreement. J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Advertising Selection Committee 2. Citizens Committee to Study Impact of State/Federal Legislative Actions on City Goverrunent 3. Committee to Review Bid Proposals Rose Hall Francis Land House 4. Housing Board of Appeals 5. Planning Commission K. UNFINISHED BUSINESS L. NEW BUSINESS M. RECESS: Appointee Evaluation. N. ADJOURNMENT 1. Motion to adjourn. M I N U T E S VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia August 2, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was called to order by Mayor Louis R. Jones, in the Conference Room, City Hall Building, on Monday, 2 August 1982, at 12:35 p.m. Council Members Present: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Absent: None - 2 - ITEM #18485 Mayor Jones entertained a motion to permit Council to conduct its INFORMAL SESSION to be followed by an EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose of discussing the following: 1. PERSONNEL MATTERS: Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, per- formance, demotion, salaries, disciplining or resig- nation of public officers, appointees or employees. 2. PUBLICLY HELD PROPERTY: Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held property, or of plans for the future of an instituion which could affect the value of property owned or desirable for ownership by such instituion. 3. LEGAL MATTERS: Consultation with legal Counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants or attorneys, pertaining to actual or potential litigation, or other legal matters within the jurisdiction of the public body. V o t i n g 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 4- CONFERENCES ITEM #18489 Mayor Jones advised that during the Mayor-City Manager Conferences with individual Members of City Council, Councilman Heischober suggested that INFORMAL SESSIONS of City Council be conducted in the Council Chambers which would be more comfortable for those attending and would allow all business to be conducted in a larger facility. The City Manager advised he will bring this matter back to Council on August 9, 1982 as he has several recommendations for Council's consideration concerning this matter. PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM #18490 Mayor Jones advised that in accordance with State Code Section 15.1-431, the Chair in the future will declare a PUBLIC HEARING for the presentation of all planning items involving changes of zoning, conditional use permits and amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. APPOINTMENT ITEM #18491 Mayor Jones advised he APPOINTED Donna Ponti to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dorothy C. Estes on the VIRGINIA BEACH CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION. SEVAMP REPORT ITEM #18492 Mayor Jones advised Council of the SEVAMP Annual Update in their agenda package and further advised of their Public Hearing August 12, 1:30 p.m., Conference Room, Koger Executive Building 16, Koger Executive Center and asked if any member of Council planned to attend. Councilwoman Oberndorf advised she would attend the meeting and make her presentation to Council on August 9, 1982. 8/2/82 - 5 - RESOLUTION ITEM #18493 Mayor Jones advised Council of a Resolution on the FORMAL AGENDA urging the General Assembly NOT to impose any ceiling on or eliminate any local revenue sources in the taxation of local meals and lodging unless they are replaced with equal or greater revenue sources. Mayor Jones asked if any member of Council planned to attend the Public Hearing in Richmond, August 11, 1982. Mayor Vincent J. Thomas and Sam Barfield, Commissioner of the Revenue, from Norfolk will attend. Councilman Jones will make every effort to attend the meeting in addition to Mayor Jones. Councilwoman Oberndorf advised she will attend if possible. BURTON STATION ITEM #18494 Mayor Jones advised Council of a letter received from Robert Knight, Burton Station, requesting an appearance before City Council regarding a "non-conforming use" in the industrial district. Mr. Knight has been referred to the proper administrative office to apply through the proper channels. WIDENING/KEMPSVILLE ROAD ITEM #18495 Mayor Jones made reference to a letter received from the City Manager advising the State Highway Department has scheduled a public hearing for the widening of Kempsville Road, Phase II, (Indian River Road to Centerville Turnpike) for Wednesday, September 29, 1982, at 7:00 p.m., in the Brandon Junior High School auditorium. The State has requested the City arrange to have an elected official attend the hearing and speak in support of the project, since Virginia Beach requested the improvement by Resolution and is participating financially in the construction. Councilman Jones and Dr. McCoy will attend the public hearing in behalf of the City of Virginia Beach. - 6- CANCELLED MEETING ITEM #18496 Mayor Jones advised that in previous years City Council has cancelled its regular meeting on the Third Monday in September to allow members to attend the Annual meeting of the Virginia Municipal League. This year the VML will be held in Virginia Beach and Mayor Jones requested the Council's pleasure on the matter. By consensus of Council this matter will be voted on during the FORMAL SESSION under NEW BUSINESS. M A T T E R S B Y C 0 U N C I L M E M B E R S REPORT/FALSE CAPE STATE PARK ITEM #18497 Vice Mayor Henley advised a "more polished copy" of the False Cape State Park Report has been received. Secretary Deiner will meet with Council to discuss the matter further and Vice Mayor Henley suggested the dates of either the 13th or 20th of August (both on Friday), 9:30 a.m., at False Cape State Park. It was the consensus of Council to request a meeting with Secretary Deiner for Friday, August 20, 1982, at 9:30 a.m., in False Cape State Park. "SHALLOW DRAFT BOATS" ITEM #18498 Councilman Jennings voiced his concerns on the access to False Cape State Park and asked if the ..shallow draft boat" solution had been considered and, if it had, would like to have a copy of the discussion. Councilman Jennings asked if the Council would be asked to endorse/support any solution from the Governor's Task Force Report. REFUND/MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ITEM #18499 Councilman McCoy presented a refund check to Mayor Jones from the U S Conference of Mayors in the amount of $250 as he was unable to attend the June Conference. The check represents the full refund of the Registration Fee. - 7 - POSEIDIA INSTITUTE ITEM #18500 Councilman McCoy requested legal advice as to the possibility of Poseidia Institute meeting with Council Members during an EXECUTIVE SESSION. Councilman Heischober suggested this matter be deferred to the EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion. Councilwoman McClanan advised the matter was in litigation. The City Attorney requested he and his assistants be permitted to meet with Poesidia Institute and report back to Council with recommendations. This matter was referred to the City Attorney for recommendations HUNT CLUB ITEM #18501 Councilwoman McClanan advised Council of the request from Mrs. Nancy Warren to utilize the Hunt Club on London Bridge Road as a "Bed/Breakfast" establishment and suggested perhaps the Planning Department can develop a zoning district for Council's consideration. This matter was referred to the City Manager/Planning Staff for recommendations to Council. PAPER WORK ITEM #18502 Councilman Baum requested Council be presented with less paper work in their Agenda packages. REGIONAL/CULTURAL ACTION PROGRAM ITEM #18503 Councilwoman Oberndorf made reference to a letter from the President of the Arts and Humanities Commission regarding the City participating in a Regional/Cultural Action Program. The City's share of the Program would be $7,000. This matter was referred to the City Manager for recommendations to City Council. -8- VML LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ITEM #18504 Councilman Jones advised he and City Attorney Bimson attended the Virginia Municipal League meeting on July 22, 1982 to advocate for Legislative changes and to determine priority items. Councilman Jones advised there are there things he would like to share with Council: 1. Mayor Vincent J. Thomas, Norfolk, is spearheading the Committee for Intergovernmental Tax Equity (CITE). The City of Portsmouth is providing $20,000 in funds and the City of Norfolk $20,000 to $25,000. 2. New Federalism whereby the Federal Government mandates to the State who in turn passes this onto local municipalities. The local municipality quite often has to "pick up" the lack of funding and assume the responsibilities. There have been 70 areas identified as State Mandated. The VML will make its report before the General Assembly prior to January 1983. The Citizens Committee to Study Impact of State/ Federal Legislative Actions on City Governments is a natural tie-in for the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (J LARC). 3. On Friday, August 6, 1982, there will be a Study Committee of the Virginia Highway Commission workshop concerning the allocation of funds. It is important the City of Virginia Beach attend the meeting to request additional funding for Virginia Beach.* ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ITEM #18505 Councilman Kitchin advised the City Attorney was requesting an appropriation for additional personnel in his office due to Court requests and at the same time the Council is requested to pay the Public Defender $30.00 for each case. *Mayor Louis R. Jones, Councilmen Robert G. Jones, and J. Henry McCoy, Jr., will attend the meeting. B/ 2 /82 - 9 - VPI EXTENSION ITEM #18506 Councilman Kitchin advised Council of a study through the Department of Agriculture (VPI Extension Service) as there could be some problems in the implementation of that program. OLD BEACH AND VIRGINIA BEACH WHAT KIND OF FUTURE? May 1982 LETTER/POLICE ARRESTS ITEM #18507 Councilman Kitchin made reference to a letter from Melvin A. Koch, President of the Tourist Bureau, advising the Council of several complaints hotels have received con- cerning eating on the beach and grass area, bicycles on the boardwalk, sidewalks and streets, and drinking in public. Mr. Koch also included in his letter to Council a letter mailed to Chief Wall. LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE ITEM #18508 Councilman Jennings requested the Legislative Package be prepared early to permit Council to thoroughly discuss the Package and advised perhaps the Package could be presented to Council in September or November. C I T Y M A N A G E R ' S A D M I N I S T R A T I V E I T E M S JLARC ITEM #18509 The City Manager advised that the City's 1982 Legislative Package included a recommendation for changing the existing formula for distribution for state highway construction funding. Presently, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) is studying the current statutory provisions for allocating highway funds. This study is a result of the City's efforts to change the formula. A public meeting will be held by JLARC on August 6, 1982, in the Norfolk City Council Chambers. Councilwoman McClanan advised one of the problems Virginia Beach faces is when highway funds are allocated the Norfolk-Virginia Beach Toll Road is included in the City's funds thereby making Virginia Beach's share seem higher than it actually is. -10- COX CABLE ITEM #18510 The City Manager advised he will be presenting all information requested by Council Members concerning Cox Cable during the INFORMAL SESSION of August 9, 1982. PUBLIC HEARIN@SC ITEM #18511 The City Manager advised Council of the Public Hearing regarding Resort Satellite Communications request for an expansion of their existing franchise to construct, operate and maintain a CATV system within the City of Virginia Beach to include all of the Beach Borough, plus 19th Street to Pavilion. City Council recessed into EXECUTIVE SESSION, (1:28 p.m.) -11- F 0 R M A L S E S S I 0 N VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia August 2, 1982 2 : 10 p m. Council Members Present: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Absent: None INVOCATION: Kenneth Huber Open Door Chapel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - 12 - M I N U T E S ITEM II-D.1 ITEM #18512 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council voted to APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 12 July 1982. Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Abstaining: Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None - 13 - P U B L I C H E A R I N G ITEM II-E.1 ITEM #18513 Mayor Jones announced the PUBLIC HEARING: RESORT SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS-Application for an expansion of existing facilities/franchise to construct, operate and maintain a CATV System within the City of Virginia Beach (Virginia Beach Borough and extending to 19th Street at the Pavilion). Mrs. Alice Mullen, President of Resort Satellite Communications, Inc., spoke in behalf of the request for expansion. Attorney Brantley Basnight, represented the applicant. There being no other speakers, Mayor Jones declared the Public Hearing closed. ITEM #18514 RESORT SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Councilwoman Oberndorf made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jones, to allow Resort Satellite Communications, Inc., to expand their existing franchise. DISCUSSION: Proposed Expansion of Franchise. Councilwoman Oberndorf WITHDREW her motion and Councilman Jones withdrew his second to that motion. Upon motion by Councilman Heischober, seconded by Councilman Jennings, City Council acknowledged the need and voted to allow Resort Satellite Communications, Inc., to expand their franchise in the Virginia Beach Borough and to 19th Street at the Pavilion, BUT that need not necessarily be confined to any future activity. Voting: 11-0 - 14- Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor garbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 1 5 - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N S ITEM II-F.I.a ITEM #18515 The City Clerk advised Council that Garland Payne, Vice Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission asked the City to recognize Rob Sessoms for his athletic achievements. Garland Payne introduced Rob Sessoms who was selected as one of eighteen (18) high school baseball players in the Country to represent the United States Olympic Baseball Federation at the World's Fair. The following appeared with Rob Sessoms: Robert Schmidt, Bayside High School Baseball Coach Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sessoms (Mr. Sessoms is a City Employee) Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Councilwoman Creech, City Council voted to ADOPT the Resolution in Recognition and present same to ROB SESSOMS. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None RESOLUTION IN RECOGNITION WHEREAS, the United States Baseball Federation (USBF) is the national governing body for all amateur baseball in the United States Olympic Committee and sponsored the 1982 ilorld's Fair Baseball Cham- pionships with the theme, "It's a SMall, Small World"; WHEREAS, lbb Sessoms, 1982 graduate of Bayside High School was the Virginia representative on the eighteen-man USA team which competed in the first ever World's Fair Championship play-offs and picked as the USA Tbam's utility infielder. The selection was made by a computer sorting thousands of naines recommended by selected high schc>ol and college coaches as well as pro scouts of athletes who were 19 and under high school seniors; WHEREAS, the World's Fair Thurnanent was a four-team Round- Robin Championship composed of teams frorft Mexico, Australia, Japan and the United States June 23-27, 1982, in Knoxville, @nnessee; WHEREAS, @b played shortstop and second baseman at Bayside, he spent most of the World's Fair tournament as the designated hitter for the United States. Of seven games, he started six and got a hit in each one. His biggest game was a 2-for-3 effort against AuStralia. In the championship game, he collected a double as the USA topped Japan 10-4. For the tournament, he scored 8 runs and stole 6 bases; WHEREAS, among the leading players on the USA @am, @b batted .368 and led the USA to the Gold Medal; and WHEREAS, Ebb Sessoms shared this honor, he has many of his O%lm. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sessoms of Virginia Beach, whose father is a city employee with Parks and Recreation. At Bayside, he was a 3-year Letterman in basketball; voted the Most Valuable Player in both basketball and baseball; one of the eight athletes "most likely to succeed" in sports in Tidewater; and, he took the position of short- stop in the First @am All Beach District and the First @am All Stars in Tidewater. Most recently (July 14) he played on the East-West All Star Baseball Team in Blacksburg. He has been accepted at Old Dominion University with a full baseball scholarship. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council recognizes ROB SESSOMS for his athletic achievements and pay tribute to him for his role in bringing national recognition to the City as Virginia Beach's represen- tative in state and national amateur baseball competition at the first World's Fair Championship Games. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this framed Resolution be pre- sented to Rob Sessoms and the Clerk of Council be directed to inco@rate a copy in the proceedings of this Formal Session of the Virginia Beach City Council. Given under my hand and seal this Second day of August, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Two. Mayor - 1 7 - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N S G E N E R A L ITEM II-F.2.a ITEM #18516 Upon motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilwoman Creech, City Council voted to ADOPT the Resolution concerning City Council Statement of Policy on Seating Arrangements for the City Council Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None .REQUESTED BY: COUNCILMEN JOHN A. BAUM AND HAROLD HEISCHOBER RESOLUTION CONCERNING CITY COUNCIL STATEIENT OF POLICY ON SEATING ARRAIIGEMENTS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, The Code and Charter of the City of Virginia Beach are silent concerning the seating of Council Members in the Council Chambers; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2-42 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach which states that in the absence of written policy the rules of parlimentary procedure shall govern; and lk'MREAS, the rule of parliamentary procedure was adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach in 1963 and carried forth from that point regarding the Council seating arrangement, and WHEREAS, the previous seating arrangement, set by precedent, called for the Chairman to be seated in the center with five members oi each side in order of seniority on both --ides, and WHEREAS, the Mayo r, elected on July 1, 1982, wishes to change the existing seating procedure to one that is more suitable to his needs and desires. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach confers upon the aforementioned Mayor the authority to rearrange the seating of Council Members as he so desires. JDB:jh 7/28/82 - 19- ITEM II-F.2.b ITEM #18517 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Henley, seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Resolution urging the entire General Assembly NOT to impose any ceilings on or eliminate any local revenue sources (meals and lodging) without replacing them with equal or greater revenue sources. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. dones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III,* Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None *Councilman Kitchin requested to qualify his vote "not to be misconstrued as in favor of the House Joint Resolution". 20 - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, local governments in Virginia rely totally upon State authority to raise local revenues, and WHEREAS, equity and fairness in municipal tax levys are dependent upon the variety of revenue sources available, and WHEREAS, the Virginia General Assembly has placed ceilings on certain local taxes such as the business license tax and the consumer utility tax, and WHEREAS, a joint subconunittee of the General Assembly is currently studying local taxation of meals and lodging with an eye towards eliminating or capping that tax source, and WHEREAS, local governments in Virginia need more flexibility from the General Assembly in raising local revenues rather than further restrictions of existing taxing powers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the joint subcommittee studying local taxation of meals and lodging and the entire General Assembly are urged not to impose any ceilings on or eliminate any local revenue sources without replacing them with equal or greater revenue sources. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That Members of City Council and the city administration are authorized to express this concern to the joint subcommittee and the General Assembly. Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of August, 1982. Louis R. Jones Mayor City of Virginia Beach - 2 1 - ITEM II-F.2.c ITEM #18518 Upon motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement between Windsor Plaza Associates, City of Virginia Beach and Wilkins/Katsias Associates Realty, Inc., for premises to house the Virginia Beach Branch Office of the Virginia Employment Commission; AND, ADOPT the Ordinance to transfer funds of $8,250 for the Virginia Beach Branch Office of the Virginia Employment Commission. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 22- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WINDSOR PLAZA ASSOCIATES, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, AND WILKINSIKATSIAS ASSOCIATES REALTY, INC. FOR PREMISES TO HOUSE THE VIRGINIA BEACH BRANCH OFFICE OF THE VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION WHEREAS, there exists a strong need in the City of Virginia Beach for a branch office of the Virginia EMployment Commission; and WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, desires to provide the office and rolated facilities for a Virginia Beach branch office of the Virginia Employment Commission; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Employment Commission has agreed to provide the personnel and equipment to operate a local office at the aforesaid location; and @7HEREAS, the City staff has negotiated the terms of a lease with Wilkins/Katsias Associates Realty, Inc. a copy of which is attached hereto labeled aS Exhibit A, for the premises located at 166F South Rosemont Road to be used for such purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Manager of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, be, and he hereby is, authorized to execute a lease agreement acceptable as to legal form by the City Attorney, with Wilkins/Katsias Associates for the above-referenced premises for the purpose of providing office facilities for the Virginia Employment Commission. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on August 2 1982. RHM/cb 7/22/82 (2) 31- AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDS OF $8,250 FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH BRANCH OFFICE OF THE VIRGINIA EMPLOYMENT CO@SSION WHEREAS, the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) closed its office in Virginia Beach due to cutbacks in the federal budget, and WHEREAS, VEC officials have developed a proposal to reopen an office in Virginia Beach with the condition that the city provide office space and utilities, and WHEREAS, suitable office space has been found on Rosemont Road at a cost of $500/month for rent and an estimated $250/month for utilities for a total cost of $8,250 for the remainder of the 1983 fiscal year, and WHEREAS, City Council desires to provide this office space for a Virginia Beach branch office of the Virginia Employment Coimnission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BF-ACH that funds of $8,250 be transferred from the General Fund Reserve for Contingencies to the Department of General Services to provide for office space and utilities for the Virginia Beach branch office of the VEC. This ordinance shall be in effect from the date of adoption. Adopted by t@e Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of 19 23- EXHIBIT A Agreement IS LEASE, made this day through the full te- of one (1) year(s) July 82 as above specif-ied. The Common Are3s and Demi!Cd f 19 -by and between Premise!; shall be deemed Teady for -enant's Windsor Plaza Associates possession, use and occupancy, ard the tenn of this lease snd the payment of rent hereunder shall com- ereinaft,er called "Landlord," mence %Yhen the Common Areas and Delnised city of Virginia Beach, a Premi-kes are substantially completed, and Agent or Landlord's authorized representative shall have given inunicipal corporation Tenant ten days written tiotice that it he.&, or within treinafter called "Tcnant," and ten days will have the Common Areas and Demised lkins/Ka-l@,ias Associates Realty, Inc. Premises s@bstan,ially conipieted. An),tl)ing in the reinaft,er called Agent.'@ --- foregoing to the contr@ not-%vi@tanding, tile tcrm of this lease shall coininence no later than the occupancy ITNESSETH:' of the Demi!sed Premises b3, Tenant. REMISES USE rst -Landlord does hereby letise to Tenant and Third - The Demised Premises are to be used for nant hereby leas" from Landlord the following Virginia Employment Comm-l'ssjon ace, lieteinafter called tlie "Demised Premises," in at certain off-ice building known as Virginia Beach Branch Offi_ce nd located at I 66F Sc)ut.h Roseinont Road and for no other butiness or purpose widiout the wr"t- t,en consent of Landlord. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 ereinafLer called the "Building": RENT nd containing approximately 1,000 Fourth -The reat for the Demi@ Premi3es f-ball bc quare feet. 3 6,000.00 per year, payable in month)y installments of s 50c) . 00 -each, in advance on thc first day of etch mo.'Ith during tlie GETHER with- the appurtenances, including, tt!rm hereof, or any rcnewtls, without derr,&nd therefor thout limitation. the right, in comriion with othert, being made, at the office of Arent or ftt i;uch other use for the respective purposes for which they are in. place as'Landlord shp.11 direct in @riting. If tlie ter m of nded. a, elek-&&A this leare begins on a date other than cn the first dny ublic and se,"ce portions of the buildin' of a month, rent from such date until Llie iirst day of g wliich Land. the following month Lhall be prorated and payable in ,s Tenants and invitees are permitted to use advance and the @rm of this lense sliall commence on treinaft.er collectively called "Common Areas").. the i-@t day of the month following that in which possession is given. R.M c!cond - This lease shall be for a term of RENEWAL one (1) year(s) Fifth - Uni@-, ni ler,t --- 2inet,,, (90) (9avs August 1, 1982 prior to Lhe end of tlie orif,'inal or any renewal term of this @se. Landlord gives 'I"enant or -i-enant gives nd ending JulY 31, 1983 Landlord notice of an intention to permil. this ),!nse to ut if the Dernised Premises and the Common Arens expire on its expiration date, @s leatt shall contintie e not availnble OT read), for Tenant's pos-,estion, use in effect st the rental and subject to all t-he co-.,enEnLi, lid D-upancy on ti@e datt nbc,ve mentioned its the c:ondition3 and pro%isions hcrein conlained. o,-i a ginriing dute- of Lhe tl-rm, then, beginning on ti@e fint motiLh-to-month basis, until tennini@lrd t;i ntov@ "Y of Lbe f-i@t rnonth folio-iiig whic)i thc Common provided. La!-,dlord or Agent slii)l lln%,c tlie igi,t tub. reas and l)-cmised Preinises shall be ready for sequent to any stich notice or terTninFLion to trittr LI)e tnant's pos,%c-@ion. use and occupancy. nnd exttnding Demised f'rernises st rent;onab;e times for tlie purtos, 24- in writing of showing the sarrie to prospective te 'h@,lI 'h,,,rwi.,e Clect a, lierein;xfter shiiii "I", , h ,aric %%ith reasoii,,ible disl)at,,h ilft,,@r 1),-ing ALTERATIONS @l,(.Ilzlllt ,f sticit (litniige. "ex(.Itl(lillg in- velitor)' of ativ t)'I)c, les.,e(-'s fixtur" & ftiri)ittir(- iiiid 1)rol)crtN- iii tht- (are, aiiii ,f tli, Sixth - Te-iant co%-enant,,; that it will lessee." . If tlie (lamage is ,uch that the I)eiiiise(i alterations, ad(liti()ns or iinl)roveinents to tlie Demised Premises are reii(ierecl tilit(@tl@itital)le, I)ttt are, iien,er- 1'remises withotit I,andior(I's prior written consent theless, rel);iii-e(i [)y Littidl,)i(l. the reiit sli:ill !)e fi@@iig ;t@ i !ii!kb, 1 It@ c(luital)ly itl)iited, a(-(oi-(Iing t,) I(,s, ,f f(,r tht- th GoAt FR@ ;kifi; t@, i"'141 t 'ii,i 1)erind (itiriilg whicli the I)eiiii.,ed Preiiii,,@., ,Iiiill ol;@;Q; s ea: PA;RR&4 1, arid all such beeti untetiantal)le; provi(lefl, however, tli@@t if sticii alterations, additions and iinl)roveinents shall become daninge is catised by the negligence or iml)),(,I)er coll- the propertv of Landlord tnd shall be surrendered duct of']'etiaiit, its ageiits, enil)l,)-%lees, or iii%,itee,. tlit@re along with tfke Demised Prenii.@s at tlie exl)iration or shall be iio sti(-h al).iteiiient tinless I.an(lior(i tc) earlier termination of this Lease. termiiiate tliis Lease, as hereinbelow I)r,)%,i(ivd. If Landlord, in its s()Ie discretioil, sliall decide, Nvithiii a reasoiiable tinic after tlle OCCL]i-reiice of ati@, stich t@ire TENANT'S REPAIRS or other cagiialty (even tliotigh the Demise(i 1'reillises inay not have beei) affecteci by stich fire or casualtv), Se.venth - Tenant coveninl, that during @,he term it to (iemolish, rebliil(l or recoii.triict the Bilil(ling con- will take care of the Demise(] Premises and tlie fixtures tainiiig the Deniised Pien)ises, then, ul)oii writteii and equipment therein and, at its sole cost and ex- notice given by l,aiidlor(I to Tenatit, this Leae stiall pense, keep the same in good condition and repair trmin6te oti a date, at least niiiet,, (90) da)-s hetice, t(, throughout the term, making such replacements as be specified in such iiotice as if sai(i (late had I)een ma.N, be necessary, and at the expiration of tlie term originally fixeci as the expiratioti date of tile term remo%,e an%, iti@tallations or inil)rovenients it made liereof, atid tlie reiit shall be a(ljtisted as f tlie tin)C (,f wl)ich Lan(liord wi1/2hes removec',, and deliver up the the occurrence of such fit-e or ,ther No Demised Premises iii as good order and condition as clamages, coiiil)ensation at)d clainis shall t)e 1)ayable tlie saine were in at the time possession thereof was by Landlord foi- inconveiiietice, ](,ss of busiiless ()r all- delivered to Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted' noyance itrisitig from afiy repait- or restorati(@n ,f atly All installations, repairs, restoratiolis an(i portion of tlie I)eniise(I Pi-(!niises, or of tlie IIL]il(liilg, replaceinents shall be equal iii quality to the original 1)rovicleil th.,it Lati(liord sliall use iLs best eff,)rt, t() ef- work. fCCt SLIch rel)air or restoratioii prt)rnl)tly ati(I iii such mantier as not to utireasoiiably interfei-e 'A-ith 1'eiiaiit's occul)ancy. LANDLORD'S REPAIRS CONDEMNATION Eighth - Latidlord sliall, at its own cost and ex- pense, make such repairs and alterations to and Tejith - In the event the 13uilding, incilidilig the replacements of the Common Areas and the structure, Deinised Premises, are taken in condemliation for roof and exterior, of the Building as sliall be public use under the power of eminent doinaiii or sold reasonably iiecessary,for Tenant's occupancy of, and pursuant to tllc tlireat of such takijig, this Lease shall conduct of business in, the Demised Premises and use fully terniinate on the date of such taking. 'I'iie cntire of the Common Areas, unless the need for such repairs award made for sucli taking shall belong to Landlord, is occasioned by the negligent or willful act of Tenant, it being agreed that Tenant shall have no right what- its agents, employees or invitees, in which event such soever to claim damages or to share in the award niade repairs shall likewise be made by Landlord but shall for such taking. Tenant shall have no claiiii against be ch-arged to Tenant. Anything iii the foregoing to the Landlord for the value of any unexpired term of the contrary notwithstanding Landlord shall have no Lease or renewal term, but the rent shall I)e at)ated as lial)ility for damage or injury to person or property as of the date of such termitiation. a result of its failure to make any such repair or replacement unless, within a reasonable time after being n tified by Tenant of the need therefore, LANDLORD'S LIABII,ITY Landlord sliall have failed to make such repair or replacement and such failure shall not have been due Eleventh - Landlord or Agent shall tiot be re- to. an@, cause beyond Landlord's control, including sponsible for any latent (lefect in, deteriortiti(@ll of, or without limitation, strikes and inability to obtain chatige in the con(litioii of, tlie 13uil(litig )r 1)@iiiise(i materials or equipment. Laticilord, its agents, em- 1'remises, or ft)r aiiy (laniiige resultilig tlleret'r(,ni, ployees and coiiti'actors, shall have the right, at any wliether to 1)erson or proi)erty. Landlord or Ag,@iit shall time, and from time to time, to enter the Demised not be liable for loss of any prol)Crty of l@enant, (iLs PremiFes for the purpose of inspect;oii or for thL pu,- agezit,@, sen-atits, ernl)IoN,e", o, i(- pose of inakiiig any of tile aforesaid rep airs or theft or iiiisl)laceiiietit. Laiidlord or Ageiit hiill rl(,t I)e rei)lacements. 'renant stiall not be etiticleli to any iiaule toi ally (letilli, iiijui-y, loss or daiii@ige to 1)ersotis redii(,tion in rent, or any claini for damages, by reasoii or I)roperty liowsoever callwd, wliether (%%,ithout c-f aiiy incon%,eniences, annoyance, injury to blisiness or limitation) caused by or restiltiiig from falliiig 1)laster, ],).,s ,f tiittiral liglit or %,eiitili@tion arising otit of any or 1,@;xk@ig,@ iii)(,ii ,r iiito tli(@ r@@I)airs, alteratiotis, (,r l,nii(]- litiii(iiiig or I)ciiiis(@(i l@till. 1,@r(I to tliis steniii, glis, or ,r )r ,I). ii) writing strilt,ti(,Il @)f J)il)(,s )r t)(ii(,r injilry, ]ob1/2@ )r (1:11nllg(, Flit E neglig(-ti(,e or willftil itcl ,i ,l ciiiiiiierati(,ii, iii tliis i'itriigt,iil)ll, of I,,i- Ninth ,,,e (,f (,f (@it- 1're - I,zi ii,i I,, i (i o i A g (- I I t sli;, I 1 1 1I,(. I i it 1) I,- i, 1 2 5 - d aII of iny of -he Landlord's or Agent's obligations I,r,,d,r iiclirred therefor, including a reasonable attonity's Lease. fee. Tenant shall pav ti "late charge" of 315.00 on any rent installment or additional charge wlien paid mote LANDLORD'S SERVICES than 10 days after the due date thereof. Twelfth - 41 4-4w". WAIVER tomary janitorial and cleani@n y throug F@ri L@-wtra@e elect:ricity not to exceed 50 Fifleenth - The failure of Landlord, in any one -P,- @. Landlord will fur. or rnore instances, to insist upon strict observance Of nish. upon t-he commencement of Llie term hereof, el--C. any term, covenant, condition or provision of this @c light bulbs for the lighting fixtures installed by it Lease. shall not be deemed a waiver of such or any in the L)emised Premises, and thereafter any necessary other terni, covenant, condition or pro@ion of this replacement of such bulbs shall be made by and at the Lease. expense of Tenart. Tenant shall not use any method of heating or cooling the Demised Premises other than @that provid-ld by Landlord. Landlord reseres the right to interrupt, curtail or suspend the services required to ASSIGNMENT be furnished undor this Paragraph when the necessity or advisability therefor arisas by r3abon of accident, Sixteenth - Tenant will not, . witliout the prior emergency, mechanical breakdown, tlie requirement of written con3ent of Landlor'd'assign, ttansfer, or en- any authority having jurisdiction, or for - any other cuml@er this Lease or sublet all or any pat-t of the cause beyond the control of Landlord. In the event of Demised Premises. Any consent by Landlord to 'Iny act int4rruption or ru@pension of any such sarvices, Land- of aasigntnent or subletting shall be lield to apply only lord &hall use due dili@ence to restore such ser%ices to the specific transaction thereby authorized, and such with reasonable dispatch, but aliall not have any consent shall not be construed as a waiver of Lhe dury responitibilif.y or liability for the interruption or of Tenant to obtain such consent to any other tissign- suspension of any such "rvice unlm ouch interruption ment or subletting. Any violation of any orovision of or suspension is due to Landlord's own willfiil act and @ Lease, whether by act or omission, by any assignoe, no abatement of rent shall be allo@7ed Tenant as a subtenant or other occupant under Tenant, shall be result tliereof nor shall this Lease or any of Tenant's deemed a violation of such provision by Tenant. obligations be in any way affected thereby. UNLAWFUL USE MARGINAL HEADINGS: PRONOUNS AND NOUNS Thirteenth. - Tenant covenants that it will comply wit.h all Federal, State or rnunicipal laws, or. Seventecnth - Erch marginal feading signi- dinances and regulations relating to tlie Demised fying the content of a Paragraph of this Lease is Premises, or the u--e conducted tl,.erein, and that it will for convenience only and is not part of this Lease or a not knowingly do or permit to be done nny act or thing limitalion of the scope of such PatagTaph. Each in the Demised Premises which will invalidate or be in pronoun uzed in this Lease shall be construed as of conflict with the terms of the fire insurance policies such number and gender, and the word "Tenant" shall covering the Building o'r whirh will incroase the rate of be construed as of such number, as the context may rjre and/or liability inaurance. require. DEFAULT SUBORDINATION Fourteenth - In the event of Tenant default for a period of ten (10) days in paying any installment Eighteenth - This Lease is subject ald subordi- rent due hereunder, additional charge, or in per- nate to all ground or underi3ing leases and to all forming any of the terms, covenants, conditions and mortgages or deedq of trust whicli may now or here- provisions hereof binding upon Tenant, or in the event after affect such lease-9, the Building or the land on Tenant goes into bdnkruptcy, voluntary or involun@, which the Building is situated, and to all renewals, or into receivership, or makes a general aazigriment for modifications, replacements and extension5 thereof. the benerit of their creditors, Landlord shall have the The foregoing provisions shall be salf-operative and no right, iR addition to all other rights and remedies further instrument of subordinrdon rhall be required provided by law, @r five (5) day3' written notice to by any mortgagee or other int-erested party; provided, Tenant, to re-enter the De!nised Premises, peaceably however, that in confin-nation of such subordiriation or by force. and to re-take pomession thereof and to Tenant shall, upon request of Landlord, execute and terminate this Lease. In the event of such termination, iri rcco:,dnble form, any instrunient of subor. Laildiurd tnay relet the Demised Premises, in whole or dination reque@d bv Landlord, ;Ind Tenp-nt i,-, P,.Art, fnr t"@,2 o; Lbe torrn hereof, constitutes and appoi'nts Landlord Tenant's Attorrcy'- and Tenant shall be oblirated to reimbur--e Landlord in-fact to execute any such subordination instruriient for any difference between the rerital payable fieroun- on behalf of Toriant. Anything in ti,e forff,,oing to the der and tlirt collected by Landlord through such relet contrary notwithstanding tlie event of r. forecto ' 1jr(! ,,in ting. Tenant waives the benefit of @iis homestead ex- under any such mortgnge or deed of tnitt, tlie ))older of emption as to this @ase. In case suit shall ba brought the noto secui-ed tlierchy or the I)urrhrv@r at fu@ for -covery of po&se&gion of -.he Deiii,-,eci Preinises, for foreclosure sale shall have tlie option to recognize thj.% the retovery of rent or any other amotint due tinder Lhe Lease, in which everit this Lease shall coritin .tie iii full provisions of tlli5 Lease, or because of the breach of force ati(i effect. Any stich mortgage )r leed of triiat any olher covenant herein contalned on the p(trt of may, at any time, dt tho request of tlie hol(lor of tl;n Tenant to I)e l@t@pt or perfoi-nied, afii ;i @,,reacil sliall t)e n I 26 - ,NOTICES Building, shall not constitute a waiver of such rules and regulations. The deflned words in the Lease, Nineteenth All notices herein provided for sliall whcre%,er used in said rules and regulations, shall ha%-e be in writiiig and shall be deemed given if and the same meanings as herein. when posted in ,he United States ceitified mail, and, as to Landl,@rd. %viien addressed to Landlord in care of Agent at the ziddress vhere rent is paid, and, as to PARKING Tenant. wheri addresed to TLnant at the Demised Premises. Either partn. mav, bv like notice, designate a Twenty-fourth - Tenant and its emplo@-ees and new address to which subsequent notices shall be invitees shall park in those areas or spaces desig- directed. nated by Landlord which designations mav be changed from time to time by Landlord. Landlord also reser-ves -the right to change the location of parking ADDITIONAL CHARGES areas and lots or to eliminate parking lots in favor of multi-level parking. Twentieth - In the event that the expenses ap- plicable to the building and the real property of which the building is a part, et seq.; insurance premiums; all INSURANCE taxes, assessments and charges against the land and impro%,ements; janitorial service; niaintenance. of the Twenty-fifth - Landlord shall maintain fire and ex- building and site iinprovements; and any other tended coverage insurance on the office building. operating expenses are increased after the. first calen- Tenant shall maintain fir@. extended coverages, ad- dar year of the term hereof, the Tenant covenants to ditional extended coverages plils vandalisin and pay to the Landlord, as additional charges hereunder, maliciqus mischief on office contents and any and all a proportioriate part of such increase or increases. The equipmerit owned by or in the care, custody & control Landlord shall pa-v the cost of electrical energy con- of lessee and located on demised premises. sumed based upon the rate in effect on the date of this shall, during the entire term hereof, keep in full lease. The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord, as ad- and effect a policy of public liability aRd erty ditional rent, a proportionate part of all rate increases damage insuraiiee with respect to the leas remises, and all surcharges (including fossil fuel charges) and the business operated anv sub- during the term of this lease and aiiy extension tenants of Tenant in the lea! which the thereof. The Tenant's proportionate part of such in- limits of public liability ess than creases shall be determined by di,,iding the total num- $300,000 per occurance a property ber of square feet in the demised premises by the total damage lia less than $25.000. The number of rentable square feet of floor space in the policy shall ny person, firms or cor- building to which the increases are applicable. Such porations d lord, and Tenant as in- additional charges shall be paid bv the 'renant to the sured, and se that the insurer will Landlord in equal monthly instailinents at the time not cancej4 nce Nvithout first giving and in the same manner as the rent for the demi fifteen days prior written notice. A copy of premises is paid. icy or certificate of insurance shall be furnished Tenant shall provide liability SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS insurance coverage for Demised premises under the City of Virainia Twenty-First - This Lease, and all the terms, Beach insurance program or adminis- covenants, conditions, and provisions herein contained tered by the City of Virginia Beach shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit o@ Division of Risk Management. the parties hereto and their respective personal representative, heirs, successors and any assigns pur- suant to Paragraph Sixteen. Q_UIET ENJOYINIENT Twenty-second - Subject to the other terms, pro- visions and conditions set forth in this Lease, Land. lords covenant that Tenant, upon performing all its oblig@tions hereunder, shall have and enjoy quiet and peaceable possession of tlie Demised Premises during the term hereol RULES AND REGUI,ATIONS Twenty-third Tenant, its agents, ser%,ants and APPRUVEL) invitees, shall observe faithfully and coniply s@rict- @iford- ly with the rules and regulations attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. Landlord shall liave the right, fr(,m tiine to tirne during tlie term of this Lea.@, to make reasonable changes in ,ind additions to said rules and regulations provided such changes and additir,ns do not unreasonably affect the conduct of Tenant's business. Any faillire b'v Landlord to enforce any of said rules and revulatiot-,s now or hereitter in effect, c-ither t,.gaiiist reiia,it or othl@r t,,n.iii i. tlie 2 7 - SECURITY DEPOSIT 1,N %VIT.NESS IVHEREOF. Twenty-sixth - For the purpose (,f securing the 0%,-tier, Windsor Plaza Associates proml)t and faitliful performatice I)%, Tenant if .111 Infl ha%-e cau,ed this Leaz_e to be executed singul,ir Tenint'@ agreements, c(,%-eii;int, ati(i ,)bligations herfunder. Tenant. tjl),,ti th,, hN- it@ General Partncr here,if ha., del),,,ite(i %%-itli l,anli.)rd the @kim .)f the Agent has c-atise(i thi., L@3se t,) be ex@uted iii its iiaine iind b@Iiiilf (S the receil)t bv its agent whereof is herebv acknowledged. which is t,) be held bv and Tenant, i@ afi -i(ii, @tas kerttlit!O @et Landlord during the term hereof in an account hand aiid seal; if a partners@.ip, ht@ cau@@(i e separate from Landlord's funds, an(i shall n6t be used to be executed in its name or.@ of its bv Landlord except for the purpose hei-ein seated. In. general partner aiion, has terest at the rate of four percent 14,;. ? per annum @hall caused thie cuted in its nan@e and be added to and be treated in the same manner as the behaif bv i c@ Presiden-, and iti cor- original securitv deposit. If and vhen all Tenant's por,,,@- a to be hereo affixed and attested bv its agreements, covenants and ot)ligations hereunder shall ha%-e been ta4ty M,- rd shall proniptly City of Virginia Beach by its City turn over to lia d securities,-if any. Manager .1 11 ti 1.@@ then comprisitig @ - '2@@irL posits. If Tenant default.% in performing any of Tenant's agreement.9, WINDSOR PLAZA ASSOTIATES covenanL,, )r obligations hereunder, Landlord may (but shall n,)t be rc-quired to), from time to time, use and -appi.v s(, MLIch )f said secirity deposit (including BY: Barry D. Ciark an%. income) as shall be necessarv to cure such default and in such event, Tenant sliall %vithin .5 days after demand therefor, re-store said fund to its original amount. It is intended and agreed that said security BY: Howard M. Weisberg deposit (including accretions) shall remain intact throughout the term and anv renewal of this Lease but nothing herein shall in an 'v wav alter, affect or impair BY: Landlord's right to coml)el the prompt and faithful Lawrence A. Sancilio perf,)rmance of all and singular Tenant's agreements, coveiianLs and obligations hei-eunder. WILKINS/KATSIAS ASSOCIATES NEALTY, INC. ,kTTACHMENTS BY: Twenty-seventh - Rules and Regulations Funding out Provision TENANT City of Virginia Beach, a municipal corporation City Manager /Attest: uity cierk Attest: -Attest: Approved As To Content: Approved As to Form: -28- TENANT- City of Virginia Beach, a niunicipal corr)orati-on BUILDING SUITE ADDRESS 166F South Rosemont Ro ad Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Rules & JL"tlegulations It is our intention and purpose to operate each S. Landlord shall ha%,e @e right to pre.,,crib, the building as an outstandiiig offi(-e building. We will weight, position ar)d maniier )f support of all safe, strive at all times to render prompt and efficient Safes, freight, furniture and other bulkv mitter shall service and to maintain the property in the best be moved on] 'v at such times. bv suc-h per,ons, and in possible condition. In an effort to tnaintain the such manner. as shall be established b%- Laiidlord's propert 'v. we ask your cooperation in observing management agent. Tenant s),.ail not place an%, )bject (he following rule3. Any expense Incurred by the upon an'v floor of the Building which wijl*cause the management 2 Sa result of vlolation of these rules floor load of such floor to ex(-eed thit whi,-h wR4 will in so far as feasible. be asses!led against the desikned for such floor or whi(-h is allowed b.v law. responsible tenant. Promptly notify the M 2nagement of any needed repairs to any of the equipment or fixtures. 6. Tenant shall turn off all lights and ],,,e an,] lo,-k %qare All all corridor drapes insta with -hite These rules become part of your lease agreement material. Al e@e'n@fiant)lin,i,. onlv in accordance with Paragraph Number 23. tho@e blinds al)proved 1)'v Landit)rd h;ill ll,- u.,e(i Blinds must be left in the Ittliv cxten(leti It all times. 1. The sidewalks, entrances, pa.%aages, hallwav,;. elevators and stair cases shall not be ob8tructed or used for aiiy other purpose.than ingre.-is and egress. 7. Without first obtaining Landior(l', writt(-n per. mission, Tenent shall.,Vu@in%qll,!-gituch (,r britig into the premis@ 2. No sign, advertisomen@ or notice shall be inf,.cribed . , @quipfn@@t,f@istrtimerit. (itict, refrigerator, AiK-@con'dit@Eii2o@ot@e ai)ljlian(-e whi,-h painted or afrixed by Tenant on any part of the outside will require the u.4e of electrical currl-nt )r water. or inside of the Building except on the entrance to the premises, and such door signs shall be of much size, color and ntyle as Landlord sha]l approve. S. Your building will be open during normal working hours, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Monday tlirough Friday, Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p m, nd red all day Sunday. Tenantszm@ Rai@ @.iy, 7:00 p.m. - No additional locks shall be placed upon any doors 1 1:00 p.m. by use of @@eii su night latch. of the premisek without prior approval from the At 1 1:00 p.m. dea-d'bo@@ @a-r-'e'set, tenants are requested Management. Landlord shall furnish to Tenant one to be clear of the building prior to this time. The kev to each lockset in the premises and any additional security sy,-,tem will be strictly enforced by the Roving keys shall be furnisheti at the cost and expense of Patrols. To report security incidents call 490-3141 Tenant@ Upon the expiration or earlier termination of after working hours call 490-1967. tfiin lea.@. Tenant shall surrender to Landlord ail kevs to the premi-ses. 9. All i,tit, ;it(. I,jt- ;,,id til .Ii ,t I., f... c .@ii. (,f,[ (,f l .... @iii 1,1, 4. Tenant shall riot do or 1)ermit anvthing to be done I@,(k% :o Wilkill.@/Katsiil% A!i,,,, i,'l t:)c- pi@.Iiise!; or iii tite Building wliicti will in an.v ;ill,l iii@iii t') S@lite 318, l,'joo ll,,ti.iti,i R,,.Id, way increase the rate pavable. or violate any provision. Viri@iiiit f@,-@ich, Virriiiiii ?3452. in respect of anv I)ollcy of tire insuran(e on the y ... ir ctl4l,:K. Ativ Building or Lanrllord'., prol)ertv ttierein: )t),truct or illk', witi. I't- interfere with the rights of other ter)anti. or unreasonable initire ,r ann,,v thliii; ericumi),-r )r ob- struct or depo,it rtit)bi.,h kinrl similiti sul),t@)ii,-es ill th,, C,)mmon Areas; bring or keel) anv aninials, or in- Ilarnrnable. (-omblistible or exl)lo@i,e substiii(es, t,) )r APPROV,,D in fill liijil,ling: involve tlie cooking ,f f ... (I; @.i,)I.Ite est@it)ltshe,l t)N, @)r iii @iil% .4!@Ll r l ty 2 9- ii.T@r.ar.Es arL :autioned against eniering an@@ nor- lockeci space i4izh %-oltages and delicaze macniner%- are pre5ent in the ,paces. The roof of the Building ts considered a locked space and ent-ance to ;t is not permitted. Periodic preventative maintenance inspections -ill be conducted. Prior notificalion will be given to thc tenant. however trie tenant's pre-3ence is not necessar.v ior the performance of the inspection. 13. -enants and their employees are encouraged to park as far awa)- from Lhi enrrances as possible. This will enable customers and ciients to enter and conduct business wi@hout undue inconvenience. as Reserved Parki@Claces. have been de5ignated Visitor Spaces will not be utilized fo@ant's or em. ployee's personal vehicle. @t,@ Spaces will be used onlv by auth ?r- p,-rsong. Viointions by the The observance of these rules will go far toAard tenant or his@'rovevs vtill subject the ta-,innt to a $10 - for each offense plus towing charges if making Rosemont Center pleasanl for ou. Thev h2ve been adopted to make vour occupanc% here more enjoyable. Your full cooperal@on is 14. No antennas will be installed on the exterior of the requested. office building bv the tenants or their agents without the written approval of the Landlord. If such antennas The Management reserves the right to make are installed. Ehev shall be Temoved at the tenant's ex. changes in these rules from time to time as con. pen!,e. ditions warrant such changes. WINDSOR PLAZA ASSOCIATES BY: Barry D. Clark BY: Howard M. Weisberg BY: Lawrence A. Sancilio WILKINS/KATSIAS ASSOCIATES Ri@AL,TY, INi BY: AUTHO TENANT City of Virginia Beach, a municipal corporation City manager /Attest: City Clerk Attest: Attest: A rov 30- FUNDING N Lessee represents that it intends to maintain this Lease Agreement in effect for the full period set fortb herein and to continue to use its best efforts to seek appropriation of sufficient funds to make all payments hereunder. Lessee may terminate this Lease Agreement in the event that the City Council of Virginia Beacb does not appropriate sufficient funds for the premises represented in this Lease Agreement. Lessee sball exercise its best efforts to give lessor written notice of sucb termination. It is understood, however, that this Addendum does not apply should the City decide to relocate the Municipal agency occupying the above suite to any other private or municipally-owned building.- APPROVED /leraqt Landlord - 3 2 - C 0 N S E N T A G E N D A ITEM II-G.1 ITEM #18519 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE the following State-Local Hospitalization Contracts: 1981-82 1982-83 Bayside Hospital $186.07 $215.35 Chesapeake General Hospital $205.61 $238.77 Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters $263.95 $308.57 DePaul Hospital $228.91 $266.36 Virginia Beach General Hospital $229.89 $250.88 Lake Taylor City Hospital $ 94.06 $106.02 Louise Obici Memorial Hospital $165.01 $182.52 Medical College of Virginia $226.52 $270.76 Norfolk Community Hospital $178.13 $228.39 Portsmouth General Hospital $204.50 $245.50 Riverside Hospital $162.43 $196.77 University of Virginia $226.52 $270.76 Walter Reed Memorial Hospital (Gloucester, Virginia) ------ $196.77 Virginia Beach Public Health Department (CLINIC) $ 15.00 $ 15.00 per visit All clinic and emergency room rates $ 15.00 $ 15.00 per visit The State pays 75% of the cost, with the municipality paying the remaining 25%. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 3 3 - ITEM II-G.2 ITEM #18520 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE the request of the City Treasurer for tax refunds in the amount of $15,647.84. Voti ng : I 1- 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None M NO. C.A. 7 34 - 7/20/82 AN AU-HCRiZi@G TAX FIEFU@.!Ds UPON C'--,@TAIIj PER,@ONS AND UPC,'L CERTIFICATION OF THE TREASUNER FOR PAY@%!'-NT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the following applications for ta,, refunds upop. certification of the Trtasurer are hereby approved: NAME Tix Type Ticket Exonera- Da(e Penaity lnt. Totai Year or Tax Number tion No. Paid Scott R Norton 82 Pkng 56748 6/7/82 6.00 Scott R Norton 82 Pkng 56749 6/7/82 6.00 John Schmidt 82 Pkng 11781 5/3/82 10.00 Estate of Paul @4 Wilson Jr N/A 14ills N/A 3/21/79 122.30 Julian L Perry Sr 82 PP 98788-3 6/4/82 6.90 Benjamin tl Royster 82 pp 8809-0 6/5/82 76.56 Marie @f Campbell 80 pp 17921 5/1'-I/80 83.04 Banner Buick Inc 82 pp 6626-5' 5/27/82 102.78 Banner Buick Inc 82 pp 6616-5 5127/82 73.50 Bant)er Buick Inc 82 pp 6624-7 5/27/82 88.rO Atlantic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4614-7 6/5/82 2e-5.12 Atlantic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4596-6 6/5/82 132.78 Atlantic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4645-6 6/5/82 132.78 Atlaiitic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4642-9 6/5/82 225.12 Atlantic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4641-0 6/5/82 213.00 Atlatitic Leasing Ltd 8@ pp 4640-1 6/5/82 213.00 Atlantic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4639-2 6/5/82 165.78 Atlan-ic Leasing Ltd 82 pp 4625-6 6/5/82 225.12 Tlie Russell House Inc 81 RE(2/2) 86459-7 6/5/81 8,268,34 The Pussell Ficuse Inc 81 RE(1/2) 65266-4 11/24/80 217.75 The Russell @ouse Inc 81 RE(2/2) 6-D266-4 6/5/81 217.75 Andi,e-,i & Virginia Toth 82 RE(1/2) 564-9 5/19/82 24.53 R & L Development Corp 82 PE(1/2) 48229-5 12/5/81 648.00 Doris S @lorrison 82 RE(1/2) 550-19-8 12/4/81 49.50 Total 11,534.15 J U L P@, -f-' L-AVV T[iis ordinance shall be effective fioin date of adoption. The Fibove abatement(s) totaling cer @5@l @ were approved by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach o.,i the 2 day of _A.@@s Approvcd as to Ruill llodges Smith CitY Clerk 3 5 7/l/@02 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX RC-:FUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF: GERTAIN PER3(j@s AND UPON GERTIFICATION C)F THE TRCASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE Cl-iY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the following applications for tax rafunds upon certification of the Treasurer are hereby approved: NAME Tax Type Ticket Exonera- Date Penalty Int. Total Year of Tax Nu.-nber tion No. Paid ames Aridas 82 pp 3678-3 6/5/82 118.74 arold M Saunders 82 pp 110789-0 6/5/82 34.50 atrick & Hayden McQuilkin 82 pp 84922-8 6/5/82 17.88 aioes T Benson 82 pp 10085-1 513/82 98.28 co Financial Serv Leasing 81 pp 4788 6/8/81 1,856.86 ohn J Foster Or 82 pp 43555-3 5/25/82 107.2P, ulian L Perry Sr 82 pp 98787-4 6/4/81 9.60 larence L Polk 82 pp 100573-9 5/13/'82 27.60 tto Szivak 82 pp 12353" -2 5/10/82 48.00 obert F Boyer 82 Pkng 2641 ' 5/11/82 12.00 ao.-,li Blood%,Iortli 81 RE(1/2) 6940-2 11/28/80 30.95 i'aop,ii Bloodworth 81 RE(2/2) 6940-2 5/21/81 30.05 teniio R & Lucy GMiller 81 R'C(1/2) 51781-0 11/12/80 134.42 entio R & Lucy Gt',iller 81 RE(2/2) 51781-0 6/1/82 301.92 lizabeth R Gresham 82 RE(1/2) 31309-4 12/4/81 91.00 obel't & Virginia Goetz 80 RE(I/I) 24093-1 11/14/79 14.64 bert & Virginia Goetz 80 RE(2/@2) 24C;93-1 6/5/80 14.64 bei,@@ & Virginia Goetz 81 RE(1/2) 2S455-3 12/5/80 24.68 obe),t & Virginia Goetz 81 RE(2/2) 28455-3 6/5/81 24.63 Total 3,000.62 JUL 1982 C)F- This ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. Tlig a'ove abatement(s) totalinq Ceri 3 , 000 . 6 2 were approvea by the Criuncil of t@e City of@i@nie Beach on th e_ u s day of Approved a Ruth [lodges Smith Ci',Y Clerk At toi tiey 36- 7/ 9 L@12 L L, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PER@ONS AND UPO.N CP-7qTlFlC,TlOt4 OF THE TREASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY TliE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VI.CTGINIA BEACH,.VIRGIN!A: That the following applications for tax refunds upon certificafion of the I-reasurer are hereby approved: NAME Tax Type Ticket Exonera- Date Penalty lnt. Total Year of Tax Nuniber tion NO. Paid bert & Virginia Goetz 82 RE(1/2) 29490-7 11/18/81 28.32 bson Equipment Co 82 RE(1/2) 28778-2 11/19/81 74.34 es & Ella Gatlin 82 RE(1/2) 28146-7 11/12/81 16.20 rebees Inc 82 RE(1/2) 24949-5 12/5/81 1.50 rebees Inc 82 RE(2/2) 24949-5 5/19/82 1.50 nie Mae Heath 82 Rr-(1/2) 34452-3 12/3/81 32.40 rrie F Ridg%vell 79 RE(1/2) 56908-1 12/5/78 70.51 rrie F Ridgwell 79 RE(2/2) 56508-1 6/5/79 70.50 rrie F Ridgwell 80 RE(1/2 78120-4 12/5/79 61.51 rrie F Ridgwell 80 RE(2/2@ 78120-4 6/5/80 61.51 rrie F Ridgwell 81 RE(1/2) 63478-3 12/5/80 64.83 rrie F Ridgw-111 81 RE(2/2) 63478-3 6/5/81 64.83 erican Realty Trust 77 RE(6mo) 7941-5 6/10/77 199.70 erican Realty Trust 78 RE(1/2) 8508-7 12/1/77 182.71 erican Realty Trust 78 RE(2/2) 8508-7 5/11/78 182.71 Total 1,113.07 32 JUL -PT D" C)F L-A@W This ordinance shall be effecti ve from date of adoption. Thp @bove ,@a!ement(s) totqli@g Certif end @s@o -Ll l 3. 0 7 We're approved by the Council of the City of Virgi'iii'a Beac@, on tlie 2 day of -A4-LUS-t c SOTI, Fititil tiodges Smith City Clerk - 3 7 - ITEM II-G.3 ITEM #18521 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE the following Raffle Permits: Virginia Beach Stars Softball Team - Raffle Catholic Daughters of the Americas - Raffle Virginia Recreation and Parks Society - Raffle Virginia Beach Sheriff's Association - Raffle Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McC]anan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 38- ITEM II-G.4 ITEM #18522 The following bids have been received for the Newlight Street/Drainage Improvements CDA Project: Warbler Construction Company, $875,000-00 Inc. Vico Construction Company $884,096.86 Suburban Grading & Utilities, $939,264.70 Inc. Asphalt Roads and Materials $995,448-19 Company, Inc. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $934,125-50 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE the low bid of Warbler Con- struction Company, Inc., in the amount of $875,000-00, for the Newlight Street/Drainage Improvements CDA Project; and, authorized the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements for the implementation of this project. Voting: 1 1 - 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 39- ITEM II-G.5 ITEM #18523 The following bids have been received for the Kempsville Road Water Main, Phase II (CIP 5-932): A & W Contractors, Inc. $253,897-31 Central Builders, Inc. $269,735.80* Vico Construction Company $277,253.49 Carter-Bell Corporation $286,780.10 Inner-View, Ltd. $286,882.86 M. E. Wilkins, Inc. $290,915.01* A. Stanley Mundy & Company $311,617.05* Suburban Grading &Utilities, Inc. $318,887.91* A. Stuart Bolling Company, Inc. $346,913.00 Warbler Construction $353,441.94* ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $321,021.00 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE the low bid of A & W Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $253,897.31 for the Kempsville Road Water Main, Phase II (CIP 5-932); and, authorized the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements for the implementation of this project. V o t i n g :I 1 - 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None *Corrected Bid Amount - 40 - ITEM II-G.6 ITEM #18524 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to amend and reordain Paragraph (f) of the Ordinance leasing to and granting permission to Ocean Owners Council, Inc., to operate and maintain a bridge across Atlantic Avenue just north of 40th Street in the City of Virginia Beach upon certain conditions. Vo ting: I 1 - 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None -41- Requested by: Department of Finance AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN PARAGRAPH (f) OF THE ORDINANCE LEASING TO AND GRANTING PERMISSION TO OCEAN 014NERS COUNCIL, INC. TO ORERATE AND MAINTAIN A BRIDGE ACROSS ATLANTIC AVENUE JUST NORTH OF 40TH STREET IN THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH Ul'ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That paragraph (f) of the ordinance adopted January 14, 1980, leasing to and granting permission to Ocean Owners-Council, Inc. to operate and maintain a bridge across Atlantic Avenue is amended and reordained as follows: (f) The Owners Council shall pay to the city annually for the privilege herein granted a sum equal to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for lease of the area over Atlantic Avenue occupied by the bridge. Said sum shall become due and payable on the first day of each calendar year the bridge is in existence. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the Second day of -August 1982. APPROVED TO CUi@T4NTS, DEPARTMENT A@, -4 C- - 43 - ITEM II-G.7 ITEM #18525 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of Lands End Associates, for the closure of a 30-foot wide road crossing the property of the applicant from Indian Avenue on the east to the property of Hudgins Brothers, Inc., on the west. Voting: 1 1- 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 44 - ORDINANCE APPOINTING VIEWERS WHEREAS, LANDS END ASSOCIATES, a Virginia Limited partnership, afterwards referred to as the Applicant, has given due and proper notice, in accordance with the statutes for such cases made and provided that they will on Augttst 2,1982, apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgina, for the appointment of Viewers to view the property after- vyards described, and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of the Viewers, any, and if any, what, inconvenience would result from the discontinuance of that portion of the street afterwards described, and has filed such application with said Council. N014, THEREFORE, be it ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: THAT C. Oral Lambert Robert J. Scott and David M. Grochmal are hereby appointed to view the below described property and report in writing to the Council on or before 1982 whether in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result in the discontinuing and vacating of that portion of the street located in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, more particularly described as follows: ALL of that certain portion of a 301 wide road situated in the Lynnhaven Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, crossing the property of LANDS END ASSOCIATES, a Virginia limited part- nership, from Indian Avenue on the East to the property of Hudgin Bros., Inc., on the West, as shown on that certain plat entitled "PLAT OF PART OF LOTS 9, 12, & 18 PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF COL. L. D. STARKE'S FARM AT VIRGINIA BEACH", dated May 27, 1982, Scale: 1" = 100', prepared by Wilfred P. Large, Surveying and Planning, Virginia Beach, Virginia, a copy of which plat is attached to a deed to the applicant dated May 28, 1982, and is recorded contemporaneously with the Deed in Deed Book 2204 at page 484, that certain portion of the 30' wide road being more particularly bounded and des- cribed by reference to the plat as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the southern right of way line of Norfolk Avenue and the western right of way line of Indian Avenue; then running S. 06* 35' 00" W., a distance of 501.50' to a point, marked by a ORDINANCE APPOINTING VIEWRS -45- Page 2 pin; then turning and running S 83' 251 00" E., a distance of 10' to a point, marked by a pin; then turning and running S. 06* 35' 00" W., a distance of 238.51' to a point, marked by a pin; then turning and running S. 14* 00' 00" W., a distance of 208.14' to a point, marked by a pin, being the point of beginning; then turning and running S. 11* 17' 31" E., a distance of 33.18' to a point, marked by a pin; then turning and running N. 76* 01' 00" E., a distance of 311.07' to a point, marked by a pin; then turning and running N. 33* 03' 29" W., a distance of 44.02' to a point marked by a pin; then turning and running S. 76* 01' 00" E., a distance of 329.12' to the point of beginning. All the above is shown upon the plat pteviously referred to, which plat is attached, made a part of, and intended to be recorded with the Ordinance closing the street. - 46 - ITEM 11-G.8 ITEM #18526 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of American Realty Trust, for the closure of the northern 15 feet of Laskin Road where it adjoins the property of the applicant. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 47- ORDINANCE P-PPOI-NTING VIEVIERS WHEREAS, the American Realty Trust has given due and proper notice, in accordance with the statutes for such cases made and provided that they will on the day of 1982, apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below- described property and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion-of said Viewers, any, and if any, what incon- venience would result from the discontinuance of the hereinafter described portion of that certain strret, and has filed such application with said Council. I NOW, THEREFORE, be it ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: THAT C. Oral Lambert Robert J. Scott and David M. Grochmal are hereby appointed to view the below described property and report in writing to the Council on or before whether in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result in the discontinuing and vacating of a portion of that certain street 16cated in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: ALL that cerEain 15 foot wide parcel of land, lying on the North side of La--kin Road in the City of Virginia Beach, Virainia, shown on a certain Plat Gailoo, Surveyor, 6ated Anril made by Bruce B. 23, 1962 entitled "Plan o@' Property Showing a 15' Wide Parcel Lying on the North Side of Laskin Road to be Vacated", and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGII@NING at a point on the northern side of Laskin @oad, which said coint is located Nor-@h 82@ 7' O" East 77.39 @'eet -rom a certain pin loca-led on the northern side o@@ Laskin Road in the dividing line between Parcels One an6 T-@,o as shown on Saia Plat, and fron said I point of becinning Nor-,h 07@ 53' East alona the line of Las',-,in Road @ifteen (15) f7eet to a ooint; -,hence North 82' S' 24" --ast 1010.46 'eet to a poinf; thence South 07@ 54' 36" East fifteen (15) feet to a point; thence South 82' 051 24" West 1010.5 feet more or less to the point of beginning (the portion of Laskin Road to be vacated is cross hatched on the Pla- described above). All o' the above as shown on that certain clat entitled "Plan of P,oper-ly Showing a 15' @-.-ide Parcel Lying on the T@orth Si6e of I,-,si-,in Road to be Vacated", 7ac3e by a 0 Su,-ve,or clated -1 ril 23 1982. 7 48- All of the above as shown upon that certain plat entitled "Plan of Property Showing a 151 Wide,-Parcel Lying on the North Side of Laskin Road to be Vacated", which plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof and intended to be recorded with the ordinance closing the aforedescribed street. -2- - 49 - ITEM 11-G.9 ITEM #18527 Upon motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance deleting a requirement under the application of Beechlawn Church for a Conditional Use Permit. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 50- AN ORDINANCE DELETING A REQUIREMENT UNDER THE APPLICATION OF BEECHLAIIN CHURCH FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: THAT the ordinance upon application of Beechlawn Church for a conditional use permit (Application #4092) is amended and reordained as follows: That item number seven (7) is hereby deleted. This ordinance shall be in effect from date of adoption. ADOPTED: August 2, 1982 JDB:er 7-26-82 - 5 1 - P L A N N I N G I T E M S P U B L I C H E A R I N G ITEM II-H.1 ITEM #18528 Mayor Jones announced the PUBLIC HEARING: G H F PROPERTIES, INC., for aconditional use permit for a 20-slip private marina on aTl-.5-acre parcel located along the west side of Green Hill Road, north of Moonraker Lane, in the Lynnhaven Borough. Timothy Barrow, Tim Barrow Associates, represented the applicant and advised he was part-owner in the Company Delegate William R. O'Brien represented the opposition. The following registered in opposition: Mr. Principe, Chelsea/Green Hill Farms Civic League Bill Franklin George Stagg Frank Bernard Mrs. Franklin Gene Walters Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, seconded by Councilwoman Creech, City Council voted to DENY the application of G H F PROPERTIES, INC., for a Conditional Use Permit as per the following: Ordinance upon application of G H F Properties, Inc., for a Conditional Use Permit for a 20-slip private marina on certain property located on the West side of Green Hill Road beginning at a point 163.71 feet North of Moonraker Lane, running a distance of 1100 feet more or less along the West side of Green Hill Road, running a distance of 240.49 feet in a Northwesterly direction, running a distance of 125 feet in a Northeasterly direction, running a distance of 149.15 feet in a Northwesterly direction, running a distance of 280 feet in a Northeasterly direction, running a distance of 500 feet more or less along the Southern boundary of Broad Bay, running a distance of 1600 feet more or less along the Western property line, running a distance of 151.64 feet in an Easterly direction, running a distance of 225.85 feet in a Northeasterly direction and running a distance of 302.74 feet in a Southeasterly direction. Said parcel contains 21.5 acres. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. - 52 - Voting: 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: (for denial) John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: Robert G. Jones Council Members Absent: None The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. 5 3 - 0 R D I N A N C E S A P P R 0 P R I A T I 0 N S ITEM II-I.I.a ITEM #18529 Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to transfer funds of $46,242 for additional positions and related appropriations in the City Attorney's office. Voting: 8-3 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: Harold Heischober, W. H. Kitchin, III, and Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None 54- AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDS OF $46,242 FOR ADDITIONAL POSITIONS AND RELATED APPROPRIATIONS IN THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE WHEREAS, in adhering tO strict rules of evidence and court procedures, in the General District Courts, the Chief of Police has requested that police officers obtain the assistance of the City Attorney's Office in the prosecution of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Hit and Run cases and other offenses which in the past have been presented in the courts by police officbrs, and WHEREAS, this new directive by the Chief of Police will require the direct involvement of attorneys in the City Attorney's Office in order to assure that these cases are properly presented; such cases being handled on a request basis in the past, and WHEREAS, the Police Department has estimated that these cases will exceed 1,200 in num6er in a calendar year, and WHEREAS, the City Attorney is requesting one additional attorney, a secretarial position, and related costs totaling $46,242 in order to render the additional assistance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH that one attorney position and one secretarial position are hereby approved for the FY 83 Operating Budget of the City Attorney's Office and funds of $46,242 are hereby transferred from the General Fund Reserve for Contingencies to the City Attorney's Office as follows: Personnel (I attorney and 1 secretary) plus fringe benefits $37,800 Related costs (capital outlay and office supplies 8,442 Total Appropriation 46,242 This ordinance shall be in effect from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 2nd day of August 1982. JDB/er/re 6/16/82 (MISC) - 5 5- ITEM II-I.I.b ITEM #18530 Upon motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Heischober, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to transfer funds of $25,000 within the Department of Public Utilities for engineering services involving the County and Kempsville Utility systems. Voting: 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None 5 6- Requested by: Department of Public Utilities AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDS OF $25,000 WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES INVOLVING THE COUNTY AND KEMPSVILLE UTILITY SYSTEMS WHEREAS, on June 29, 1982, City Council authorized the purchase of the County and Kempsville Utility systems and indicated its deisre to integrate these systems with the city's comprehensive water and sewer system, and WHEREAS, engineering services are required to design facilities to connect the County and Kempsville Utility systems to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District system, and WHEREAS, the engineering services will include the design of two sewer pump stations and two sewer force mains and preparation of specifications and bid documents at an estimated cost of $25,000, and WHEREAS, funding is available by transfer within the Department of Public Utilities from reserve for contingencies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH that funds of $25,000 are hereby transferred within the Department of Public Utilities for the engineering services required to design facilities to connect the County and Kempsville Utility systems to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District system. This ordinance shall be effective from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on Second day of August 1982. - 5 7 - ITEM II-I.l.c ITEM #18531 Upon motion by Councilman Heischober, seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and APPROVE ON FIRST READING the Ordinance to appropriate an amount of $30,000 to the Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue and Fire Department, Inc., for the purchase of an ambulance and an amount of $30,000 to the Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc., for the purchase of an ambulance and a crash and rescue truck. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McC]anan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 58- Requested by: City Mwiager AN-ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE AN AMOUNT OF $30,000 TO THE CHESAPEAKE BEACH VOLUNTEER RESCUE AND FIRE DEPARTME14T, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN AMB@7CE @'D AN AMOUNT OF $30,000 TO THE OCEAN PARK VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN AMBULANCE AND A CRASH AND RESCUE TRUCK WHEREAS, the C@esapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue and Fire Department, Inc. has identified the need to acquire an ambulance and the Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. has identified the need to acquire an ambulance and a crash and rescue truck; and WHERFAS, these vehicles will better serve the needs of the citizens within the service areas; and WHEREAS, the Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue and Fire Department, Inc. and the Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. have requested $30,000 each for these purposes; and WHEREAS, City Council considers it appropriate to make these amounts available for such purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That funds be appropriated from the General Fund Balance for interest- free loans in the amount of $30,000 to the Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue and Fire Department, Inc. for the purchase of an ambulance and in the amount of $30,000 to the Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. for the purchase of an ambulance and a crash and rescue truck. It is anticipated that these funds will be repaid on the following schedule: Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue and Fire Department, Inc. Squad, Inc. Date Due Amount Due Date Due Amount Due August @1983 $10,000 January 1, 1983 $ 5,000 August 1, 1984 10,000 July 1, 1983 5,000 August 1, 1985 10,000 January 1, 1984 5,000 $30,000 July 1, 1984 5,000 January 1, 1985 5,000 July 1, 1985 5,000 $30,000 The City Manager is hereby authorized to obtain notes from the rescue squads as evidence of indebtedness. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after date of adoption. FIRST READING: 2 August 1982 SECOND READING: AP - 5 9 - C I T Y C 0 D E A M E N D M E N T S ITEM II-I.2.a ITEM #18532 Upon motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to amend and reordain Article IV, Chapter 4, Sections 4-87, 4-88 and 4-89 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach pertaining to bingo games and raffles. V o t i n g : 1 1 - 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 60 - Requested by Assistant City manager AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN ARTICLE IV, CHAPTER 4, SECTIONS 4-87, 4-88 AND 4-89 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH PERTAINING TO BINGO GAMES AND RAFFLES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 4-87, 4-88 and 4-89 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach are hereby amended and reordai,,d to read as follows: Section 4-87. Permit. Application for the permit required by section 18.2-340.2 of the Code of Virginia shall be obtained from and be filed with the chief of police. Such application shall be acted upon, by either approval or disapproval, by the city manager, within sixty (60) days from the date of filing thereof, after a reasonable investigation has been conducted to determine whether the applicant is in compliance with the provisions of sections 18.2-340.1 through 18.2-340.12 of the Code of Virginia. Inaccurate information contained in such application shall be automatic grounds for refusal or revocation of the permit. The application for the annual permit shall be accompanied by a check in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25) payable to the City of Virginia Beach for processinq. Section 4-88. Annual report of receipts and disbusements; additional reports. An annual report of all receipts and disbursements Shall be filed pursuant to section 18.2-340.6 of the Code of Virginia by every organizaticn con@ucting biiigo games and raffles in the city. Such annual report shall be filed with the director of finance on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a permit has been issued. However, any organization whose gross receipts exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) during any calendar quarter -61- shall be required to file an additional accounting of its receipts and disbursements during such quarter no later than sixty (60) days following the last day of such quarter. -'All such reports so filed shall be audited by the director of finance or his designee-uniess-audited-by-a-eerti-fied-publie Section 4-89. Audit Fee. An audit fee of one-half of one percent on-the-first of gross receipts which an organization reports pursuant to section 4-88 of this article and section 18.2-340.6 of the Code of Virginia, is hereby imposed; providedT-heweverT-4f-an emeeed-E finaneev For any organization which has gross receipts less than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), the audit fee is hereby waived. Adopted by the Council of the City of virginia Beach on the 2nd day of August 1982. MES:sm 5/10/82 5/4/82 4/22/82 (A-1) 2- - 6 2 - ITEM 11-I.2.b ITEM #18533 Upon motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to amend and reordain Sections 8-31 and 8-32 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach pertaining to permit fees for building permits and plumbing permits; and Section 8-186 pertaining to general requirements for electrician's certificates. Voting: 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None 6 3 - REQUESTED BY: CITY MANAGER/PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTIONS 8-31 and 8-32 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGIRIA BEACH PERTAINING TO PERMIT FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND PLUMBING PERMITS; AND SECTION 8-186 PERTAINING TO GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICIAN'S CERTIFICATES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 8-31, 8-32, and 8-186 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach are hereby amended and reordained as follows: Section 8-31. Permit fees - Building permits. (a) It shall be unlawful to construct, enlarqe, alter, or demolish a building or structure for which provision is made or installation of which is regulated by the Uniform Statewide Building Code without obtaining the required buildinq permit therefore, and payinq the permit fees as hereby established and set out in the following subsections of this section, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 114.0 of the buildinq code. (b) The minimum fee for any building permit shall be ten dollars ($10.00). (C) For the construction of any building or addition thereto where the floor area is increased and for the installation or erection of any industrialized building unit, the fee shall be based on the floor area to be constructed, as computed from exterior building dimensions at each floor, as follows: (1) Residential: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including tWO 6 4- thousand (2,000) square feet, the fee shall be five-dallars-+$579" six dollars ($6.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. er For two thousand (2,000) square feet up to and including tWe-thOUSand-f2TGGG@ five thousand (5,000) square feet, the fee shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) for the first one two thousand (2,000) square feet plus five dollars ($5.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. c. d7 For five thousand (5,000) square feet er-moret to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet, the fee shall be nimety-dellare-f$9070@ two hundred seventy dollars ($270.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three dellars-+$3709@ four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof.7 W4:theut-lirn@t7 d. eT For one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be three four thousand seventy dollars ($4,070.00) for -2- -6 5- the first one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet plus three dollars ($3.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. (2) Business and mercantile: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including two thousand (2,000) square feet, the fee shall be seven dollars ($7.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For two thousand (2,000) square feet up to and including tWO-thOUS&Md-+2TGGG+ ten thousand (10,000) square feet, the fee shall be one hundred forty dollars ($140.00) for the first one C-hoUgand-++7GGG+ two thousand (2,000) square feet plus six dollars ($6.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. C. For ten thousand (10,000) square feet up to and including twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, the fee shall be n-inety-(3ollars-f$99799+ six hundred twenty dollars ($620.00) for the first two-thousanel-+.27999+ ten thousand (10,000) square feet plus three-elellars +$3vGG+ five dollars (@5.CC) per square feet or fraction thereof. -3- 66 - d. For twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet up-te-and feet7 or more, the fee shall be one one thousand three hundred seventy dollars ($1,370.00) for the first five-thousand +57999+ twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet plus four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereoft, without limit. -4- 6 7 - f4+ (3) Institutions: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including one thousand (1,000) square feet, the fee shall be seven dollars ($7.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For one thousand (1,000) square feet up to and including five thousand (5,000) square feet, the fee shall be seventy dollars ($70.00) of the first one thousand (1,000) square feet plus six dollars ($6.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. C. For tWe-theUS&nd-k2799G+ five thousand (5,000) square feet up to and including three-thousand-f37GGG@ twenty thousand (20,000) souare feet, the fee shall be -5- 6 8- three hundred ten dollars ($310.00) for the first tWo-thed9and-f2TOGG@ five thousand (5,000) square feet plus five dollars ($5.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. d. For three-thedSdnd-f37GG9* twenty thous nd (20,000) square feet.or more, ttLD square-feetT the fee shall be one-hundred one thousand sixty dollars ($1,060.00) for the first twenty thousand (20,000) square feet plus four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. -20-,GGG@-squaL-e-.f eet- -6- 6 9- fsi- (4) Assembly: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including one thousand (1,000) square feet, the fee shall be six-dollare +$6799+ seven dollars ($7.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For one thousand (1,000) square feet up to and including tWO-th6USand-f27909@ five thousand (5,000) square feet, the fee shall be seventy dollars ($70.00) for the first one thousand (1,000) square feet plus six dollars ($6.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. c. For five thousand (5,000) square feet up to and including fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, the fee shall be three hundred ten dollars ($310.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet plus feur-dollers +$4799+ five dollars ($5.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. d. For fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be two-liundred-tiliety eight hundred ten dollars ($810.00) for the first -five thousend-@57OGO+ fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet plus three-dellars f$37GO-Y four dollars ($4.00) per hundred -7- 7 0- square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. +6+ .(5) Storage: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including two thousand (2,000) square feet, the fee shall be three-dollare +04709+ four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For two thousand (2,000) square feet up to and including fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, the fee shall be eighty dollars ($80.00) for the first two thousand (2,000) square feet plus 'two three dollars ($3.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. C. For fi-ve-thettsand-f57G99+ fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.or more, up eqeare-feetT the fee shall be one-hundred four hundred seventy ($470.00) for the first five fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet plus ene-dellar two dollars ($2.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereofT, without limit. SElUare-faet6L'-Ereet4!(3n-thereef T-without 9: i-m i. t- 7 1- f4+ (6) Industrial: a. For one hundred (100) square feet up to and including two thousand (2,000) square feet, the fee shall be fatir-dallar5 +$4r6" five dollars ($5.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For two thousand (2,000) square feet up to and including five thousand (5,000) square feet, the fee shall be e+ghty one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first two thousand (2,000) square feet plus three-dollars +$3@G0@ four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. c. For five thousand (5,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be one-hundred-seventy-dallars-+$-I-70799+ two hundred twenty dollars ($220.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet plus three dollars ($3.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereoft, without limit. f8+ (7) Hazardous storage or occupancy: a. ror one hune'red @'lCO'@ squarc .@eet up -lo and including five thousand (5,000) square feet, the fee shall be three dellars-+$3700@ four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. -9- 7 2- b. For five thousand (5,000) square feet up to and including ten thousand (10,000) square feet, the fee shall be one-hundred two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first five thousand (5,000) square feet plus twe three dollars ($3.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. C. For ton thousand (10,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be two-hundred-fifty three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) for the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet plus one two dollars ($2.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. (8) Alterations, repairs, private piers, bulkheads, pools, elevators, commercial interior finish, miscellaneous structures: a. Where-the For a valuation of less than floes-not-exeeed one hundred dollars ($100.00), no fee shall be required, unless an inspection is necessary, in which case there shall be a fear-dollar +$4vGg+ ten dollar ($10.00) fee. b. The minimum fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00). c. For a valuation ever-one-hundred-de+lars f$+99799+ up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), etnd-ineluding-fifteen the fee -10- 7 3- shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per thousand or fraction thereof. d. For a valuation up to and including twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) plus five dollars ($5.00) for each additional one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or fraction thereof. e. For a valuation ever-fifteen-theuganel up to and including one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), the fee shall be s+xty elellars-f$60799+,one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for the first f4fbeen twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) plus three four dollars ($4.00) for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. f4+ f. For a valuation over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), up-to-and-ine+ueling f$SOOTGGGTGG+T the fee shall be three four hundred forty-five dollars ($445.00) for the first one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000-00) plus twenty-five-eents f$9725+ three dollars ($3.00) for each additional thousand or fraction thereoft, without limit. 7 4 - ereeted7 (9) Residential garages, porches, decks, and similar accessory residential buildings: a. Up to and includinq one thousand (1,000) square feet, the fee shall be four dollars ($4.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For one thousand (1,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be forty dollars -12- 7 5- ($40.00) for the first one thousand (1,000) square feet and two dollars ($2.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. (10) Farm buildinqs: a. Up to and including two thousand (2,000) square feet, the fee shall be three dollars ($3.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof. b. For two thousand (2,000) square feet or more, the fee shall be sixty dollars ($60.00) for the first two thousand (2,000) square feet, plus one dollar ($1.00) per hundred square feet or fraction thereof, without limit. (11) moving of buildings or structures: a. For the moving of a building from one location to another location on the same lot or parcel of land, when such move does not require it to be moved on a street, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). b. For the moving of a one-story garaqe or a one-story accessory building with no living quarters, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). c. For the movinq of anv building from one location in the City to another location in the City, the fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). d. For the movina of any btyi]-ding throlinh the City from a location outside the City to another location outside the City, the fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). -13- 7 6- e. For the moving of any building from a location within the City to a location outside the City, the fee shall b6 two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). f. For the moving ;f any building from a location outside the City to a location within the City, the fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). (12) Demolitions: a. For the demolition of any residential accessory building or garaqe, the fee shall be five dollars ($5.00). b. For one and two family residences, the fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00). c. For all other buildings or structures, the fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00). (13) Septic @ank installation fee: The permit fee for the installation of a septic tank system shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (14) Signs: a. The Fees fer-a-permit for the erection, painting, placing, replacing, hanging or rehanging of signs not otherwise specified in this section shall be based on the area of total sign faces as follows: Under 25 square feet ...... $4799 $8.00 25 to 49 square feet ...... 6799 10.00 50 to 74 square feet ...... 8TGG 15.00 75 to 99 square feet @-.GG 20.00 100 to 299 square feet ... 20709 35.00 300 square feet and over . 26voo 50.00 Repair of existinq siqns ....... 8.00 -14- 7 7 - b. The fee for a permit to erect a sign on the roof of a building shall be twenty twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each sign so erected. c. The fee for a permit for the repair of a billboard shall be ten dollars ($10.00). 15. Penalty: If any cofistruction, alteration, repair, or other work requiring a permit under this ordinance is commenced before sueh said permit is secured and the fee paid for same, a penalty of twenty-five-+25@-pereent fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be added to the fee due. Sueh-penalty-shall-nat-be-less-than Payment of such penalty shall not in any way relieve the violator of any criminal prosecution. fk+ 16. Exemption: No fees will be required for permits for churcheS7 or buildings used for governmental purposes, and no fees will be required for permits nor or for certificates of occupancy. 17. Tents: Tents and other temporary structure permit fee shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). 18. Reinspection fee: There shall be a minimum of ten dollars ($10.00) additional fee charged for each reinspection. 19. Appeal: The fee for submitting an appeal to the Board of Building Code Appeals shall be wenty-five -15- 7 8 - dollars ($25.00). Such fee shall be paid by the appelj.ant. (20) Reconnect or change of use: There shall be a minimum fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for each inspection. Section 8-32. Same - plumbing permits. (a) The fee for a permit for plumbing work, as required by the building code, shall be ten dollars ($10.00) and, in addition thereto, the following: (1) Each plumbing fixture, floor drain or tap: four dollars ($4.00). (2) Each house sewer connection: -f4:ve-dellers fr75799+ ten dollars ($10.00). (3) Each house water connection: E4:ve-dollers fOS790f ten dollars ($10.00). (4) Each septic tank or drainfield: five-dellars f-05799+ twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (5) On site sanitary sewer collector lines, per building: fifty dollars ($50.00). (6) On site portable water distribution lines, per building: fifty dollars ($50.00). (b) The fees prescribed in this section shall be in addition to the sewer and water connection fees and charges provided for in chapters 28 and 37 of this Code. Section 8-186. General requirement. (a) Any person performing any work toward the installation, replacement, repair, alteration, or addition of any electrical system or equipment shall obtain a permit from the director of the department of permits and inspections, hereinafter referred to as director, unless such person is specifically exempted therefrom under the provisions of the article. -16- 7 9 - (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to do any electrical work in the city unless he has a current certificate of competency covering the type of work performed and issued pursuant to this division, or unless such person is specifically exempted therefrom under the provisions of this division. fb+ (c) The person in charge of the electrical installations for any person engaged in business as an electrical contractor shall possess a current certificate of competency as a Level II electrician. f@ (d) It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee or agent or any person having any authority or duty in connection with any building or premises to employ any person to do any electrical work in any such building or premises unless the electrical work done by such person I's under the control of a Level II electrician, holding a current certificate of competency as such. fd+ (e) A violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. This Ordinance shall be effective on and after the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2nd day of August 1982. RJN/da 6/16/82 (B) APPROVED AS TO Co',ITENT EIARTPA@N I - 80 - 0 R D I N A N C E S G E N E R A L ITEM II-I.3.a ITEM #18534 Upon motion by Councilman Jennings, seconded by Councilman Heischober, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to authorize the purchase of a recreation reservation from Structures of Virginia, Inc., as per agreement dated July 25, 1977, and amendment dated December 17, 1981; AND, ADOPT a Resolution establishing Great Neck Meadows Park as a capital project. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A RECREATION RESERVATION FROM STRUCTURES OF VIRGINIA, INC. AS PER AGREEMENT DATED JULY 25, 1977; AND AMENDMENT DATED DECEMBER 17, 1981 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in Section 15.1-897,Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the City Managey of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia is authorized to execute the City of Virginia Beach's option to purchase a certain 10.8-acre recreation reservation from Structures of Virginia, Inc.. That the purchase of the 10.8-acre recreation reservation is to be in accordance with the provisions of an agreement between the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and Structures of Virginia, Inc., dated July 25, 1977 and amendment dated December 17, 1981, and further that the 10.8-acre recreation reservation is more particularly describ@d as follows: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land together with the improvements thereon belonging, lying, situated and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, designated and described as: "NOW OR FORMERLY, STRUCTURES OF VIRGINIA, INC. D. B. 1617$ P. 499$ M. B. 117, P. 14 10.800 AC." as shown on that certain plat entitled: "PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH FROM STRUCTURES OF VIRGINIA INC. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH - VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA BUREAU OF SURVEYS AND MAPPING ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA DATE: JUNE 21@ 1982 SCALE: 111=100"', to which refer- ence is made for a more particular description. It being a part of the same property acquired by Structures of Virginia, Inc. from John Ray Potter, et ux, et al by deed recorded in Deed Book 1617, page 499 in the Clerk's Office of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 2nd day of August , 1 9 8 2 APP"OVED AS 0 COII'REN" DEPAI,Zl @AENT 82 - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, on January 11, 1982, City Council. by ordinance requested that the Director of Finance not expend any funds in excess of $100,000 for the construction of, or addition to capital facilities without the project having been authorized by City Council; and WHEREAS, the following project had not been listed as a part of previous bond authorizations or allocations of revenue sharing: 4-807 Great Neck Meadows - This project is for the acquisition and development of 10.8 acres for use as a park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, that the project listed above is recognized and approved as a capital project under Section 1-208(c) of the Virginia Beach City Code. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Second day of August 1982. APP;ZOVED,U, TO COt4TENT -@@P,,\RIMFNT A 0 F i -7 83 - - 84 - ITEM II-I.3.b ITEM #18535 Upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to authorize a temporary encroachment into a portion of the right-of-way of Weller Boulevard to Kempsville Lake No. 1 PartnershiP- Approval is subject to the following: 1. The property owner agrees to remove the encroachment, if necessary, at his own expense and holds the City harmless of any liability. 2. The property owner agrees that any vegetation used in landscaping the area around or near this encroachment shall be approved by the Division of Landscape Services. 3. This Ordinance shall not be in effect until such time that the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership executes an agreement with the City of Virginia Beach encompassing the afore-mentioned provisions and other provisions deemed appropriate by the City Attorney. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None 85- Requested by: Department of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT INTO A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WELLER BOULEVARD TO KEMPSVILLE LAKE NO. 1 PARTNERSHIP BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in Section 15.1-893, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership is authorized to erect and maintain a temporary encroachment into a portion of the City right-of-way of Weller Boulevard. That the temporary encroachment herein authorized is for the purpose of community identification sign and landscapinq and that said temporary encroachment shall be erected in accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Department's specifications as to size, alignment and location, and further that such temporary encroachment is more particularly described as follows: An area of encroachment into a portion of the City's right-of-way known as Weller Boulevard, as shown on that certain plat entitled: "LANDSCAPE PLAN for KEMPSVILLE LA" by Moore," a -copy f which is file Fn the Virginia Beach Department of Public Works and to which reference is made for a more particular description. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the temporary encroachment herein authorized shall terminate upon notice by the City of Virginia Beach to any officer of Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership and within thirty (30) days after such notice is given, said community identification sign and landscaping shall be removed'from the City right-of-way of Weller Boulevard by the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership, and that the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership shall bear all costs and expenses of such removal; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that it is expressly understood and agreed that the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Virginia Beach, its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees iii case -86- it shall be necessary to file or defend an action arising out of the location or existence of such community identification sign and landscaping; and PROVIDED FURTHER, this ordinance shall not be in effect until such time that the Kempsville Lake No. 1 Partnership executes an agreement with the City of Virginia Beach encompassing the afore-mentioned provisions and other provisions deemed appropriate by the City Attorney. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2 day of August 19@. MES/re 4/5/82 6/3/82 (29C) APPFZOVED AS TO COKITENT SIG@4ATU!<E -2- -8 7 - ITEM II-1.3.c ITEM #18536 Upon motion by Councilman Kitchin, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the City Manager and ADOPT the Ordinance to authorize a temporary encroachment into a portion of the right-of-way of Caspian Avenue to Gary M. Price, his heirs, assigns and successors in title. Approval is subject to the following: 1. The owner agrees to remove the encroach- ment within 30 days, at his own expense, when notified by the City to do so. 2. The owner agrees to keep and hold the City harmless of any liability as a result of this encroachment. 3. The owner agrees to maintain this encroach- ment so as not to become unsightly or hazardous. 4. This Ordinance shall not be in effect until the execution of an agreement with the City encompassing the above provisions. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None -88- Requested By Department of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT INTO A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY CASPIAN AVENUE TO GARY M. PRICE, HIS HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESORS IN TITLE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in Section 15.1-893, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Gary m. Price, 700 Winston Salem Avenue, his heirs, assigns and successors in title is authorized to construct and maintain a temporary encroachment into the right-of-way of Caspian Avenue. That the temporary encroachment herein authorized is for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a floating dock and that said encroachment shall be erected and maintained in accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works DePartment's specifications as to size, alignment and location, and furthe r that such temporary encroachment is more particularly described as follows: An area of encroachment into a portion of the City's right-of-way known as Caspian Avenue on the certain plat entitled: "PROPOSED FLOATING DOCK IN RUDEE INLET AT VIRGINIA BEACH", a copy of which is on file in the Department of Public Work and to which reference is made for a more particular description. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the temporary encroachment herein authorized shall terminate upon notice by the City of Virginia Beach to Gary M. Price, his heirs, assigns and successors in title and that within thirty 30 days after such notice is given, said encroachment shall be removed from the City right-of-way of Caspian Avenue and that Gary M. Price, his heirs, assigns and successors in title shall bear all costs and expenses of such removal. 89- AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, that it is expressly understood and agreed that Gary M. Price, his heirs, assigns and successors in title shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Virginia Beach, its agents and employees from and against all clai-,ns, damages, losses, and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees in case it shall be necessary to file or defend an action arising out of the location or existence of such encroachment. AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, that this ordinance shall not be in effect until such time that Gary M. Price executes an agreement with the City of Virginia Beach encompassing the afore-mentioned provisions. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2 day of August 1982. MES/re 7/13/82 (29A) APPROVED AS TO CO@ITEIIIT SIGNATU@',E -2- 90- CITY ENG!.Iqf,@'S C),FICE CITY ()f Vi2GiNiA -rr,ACH CA5PIiluj la #,i.@ 50' APR 29 CITY D\'GINEE;Z CITY C)F VIRGIN 14zz 1/2q,,P-l Li 0 C I c tar C)FTICE ].Y C: V..K--INIA BEAcji 7o @,4--@, D ce-,t I. I 1, 4 . . II :@, i .. I I 14 I i I 9 1- 9 El w APR 29 1982 CITY ENGINEF.-N'S O.MCE CITY OF VIPGINIA LEACH APR 1 3 -Lc'3'. Cl'ry ENGTN[LR'S OMCE CjTy D,,Gil@IER" OFFICE V-114 f f,e. 1 @,,4 C,Ty OF VIRGII,41A BEACH CiTy Of VIRGINIA UA@ 6 L F7o @/,i Iv 14 - P,? cl - 9 2 - ITEM 11-I.3.d ITEM #18537 Attorney Richard Brydges represented Mr. Elkin Lachman owner of Ocean Eddies Attorney Grover C. Wright, Jr., represented the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier, Inc. Attorney Stanley A. Phillips, representing Sand Castle Motel, Inc., (John Vakos), spoke in opposition. Councilman Kitchin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jennings to ACCEPT the Agreement with the following changes as outlined by the City Attorney: Section 9 - It is hereby agreed and expressly understood that on and after December 31, 1982, the Pier and Amusement Company will not itself conduct or operate or allow others to conduct or operate any loud speakers, or dancing on the pier period. Additionally, on and after December 31, 1982, no music shall be played on the pier through radio or any other device which is audible outside the buildings or structures located on the Pier. Councilman Jones offered an AMENDMENT to the MAIN MOTION to read as follows: Section 9 - It is hereby agreed and expressly understood that on and after December 31, 1982, The Pier and Amusement Company will not itself conduct or permit nor allow others to conduct or permit any nuisance, dancing, music, noise or other sounds which are audible outside the buildings or structures located on the Pier. The main motion reads as follows: Upon motion by Councilman Kitchin, seconded by Councilman Jennings, City Council voted to ADOPT the Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement extending the franchise of the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier, Inc., for a period of five (5) years under certain terms and conditions; AND, ACCEPT an amendment to Section 9 of the Agreement to read as follows: "It is hereby agreed and expressly understood that on and after December 31, 1982, The Pier and Amusement Company will not itself conduct or permit nor allow others to conduct or permit any nuisance, dancing, music, noise or other sounds which are audible outside the buildings or structures located on the Pier." Voting: 10-0 - 9 3 - Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Abstaining: Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley Council Members Absent: None 94- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT EXTENDING THE FRANCHISE OF THE VIRGINIA BEACH FISHING PIER, INC. FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS UNDER CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Manaaer is authorized to execute the franchise agreement attached as Exhibit 'A' between the City of Virginia Beach, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier, Inc., a Virginia stock corporation, which owns and operates a wooden fishing pier structure that projects into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean at 15th Street in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the .2 day of August 1982. JDB/sm 7/28/82 (MISC) 0 0 - y 111, 1962 2:30 P.,14. A Special l@octing Of tlle COtillcil of '@h, lity Of l'i"ginizi Beach:was h,ld i, tlie Council. Cliam.')ers oil I.',Onday, l@lty lb, 19(1? at 2:"O P.M. Ul tile councilriien were On notion by 1-ir. Tarr--3-1, seccr,,ded by @'x. ';,IoCoribs, and by unanin-ous vo@e open bids on the Virginia B each Fishing Pier were carried ovr until 10:00 A.T. L l-'aY 15, 1962. The nee,in, las adjourn d until --sday, Ti, l@!aY 15, 1962 at lo..C)o A.If. .One-bid Tas received on Fisiling or I-r<)Yr lirgi a B each Piei,;,ird Anu@erlent Company. An iniitation to bid as follows- The Cit-@y Council of the City of Ilirginia Bea-li asks bids on tlie roiistruction and o,)er,,,tibn of a fishir.,@. and aruserent pier in the Ci@v of Vi.r.,j.ma B-cach oti the ocean':, rotit wi@hin tlie'areL betweezi I)Ith and 15th Street ad ccrrren,@-,,, at Ocean Avenue, ',Torth ar)- proxir,.ately 100 feet fro,-,' the northeas@@ coriler of Illth Stree@ and Oceaii Avenue, thence eastward',y into the Atlantic Ocean. t.: Any.franciii--e a@7arded Linder this i.nvi@@ati.on shall be subject to- 1. 'fhat the ccnstruction be in accordazice u-ith plans proved and specifications 'uriiished t, tiie City 'ngireer and ap by said City Enpireer prior to onening of bids. 2. That such bidder sh2li furni,sh with th@ bid, approval of the United Stat-s Corps of En2ineers for 5ucli constrt,.ction. 3. That the nairi@@enance arid oz)@ratioli of tlie pier sliil.1 be 'I c of the -]ty of Vir@,@i-:, B ach iii accoi,d ance with t'r,,e orclitin es I i e and tlie l@iws of the Co,i,,@,oni,e@ith cf Virginil. Th@it t-he Ci-ty Er.@.@ireer ani other Cd.ty cfficials shall be alloi-iod to enter unozi sa@-d pier to inspect tl)e pier and its facilities at a,-@y and al@ t-@res. 5. That all pilin@.- shall be niide of stee.1 iiicluding all re- placcn:ent pilings, iiniess other-Kise aD .proi@ed bv the City Fn"incer. 6..I'hat tlie Dier shall dui,ir@ the entire r)ei,iod of the-said f.i,anchise be kent -,nd naintained in gocd piiys,"cal ordei,, upon the penalty of forfei@ure of @@he said fra-chise at any tir.-.e bv resol- of the Couticil o- tlie City of V@-rgirda Lleach if @'he san.-e is i; in tlieir opinicn irmrc,-erly nciinta4.rcd, a-d if for any reason the said pier is discon@ini-,ed or not fu-ther used, the franchisee hereby covenants to reriove the same. 7. Tliat all necess-,rv -,rd i)ro,,)er 14.cciase be obtained and all special taxes rea dred by the City of Ilir,inia Peach be Drorijtly paid. 8. That the franchisee i.!ill Day to the City prc,-,Mtl@ in ac- cordance with tlie a.,reect terr.,@s the sum bid -,or the franchise. 9. Tha-@ the -f'rar@cl,,isce sl,all provi@-e adequate off-.,@@reet parl-dn,l irrrediately adjacent to the pier site. IO.T"nat cons'@ruction will be crr,,rienced ,,@thin fifteen (15) days of the aiiardin@. of '@-hc franc@ise ard e@,ediously ccnioleted.. II Tiiat the franchi--ee a-,re@-,- to ard hol@- City of Vir,,@ nia --Ileic)i fi-ee itid harmlegs fi,CT.-, 3,,-ab-,'--@,i@@V on @iccoi,,,-It of inji-,i-3, and daj,.a,c to oerson or p-odel,ty out of the oncra- tic,n ol- -tlic on sai-11 or h,@ -ca7,,@n of @l,,c 3,@d in the even'@- tl-@at ,3,jit '--e brou,,-.%t i:-aitist tFe C.i@.tv of @.-,ach or joiritl-i ,i,i-,,h L@i@l L;. 011 ;, c; 0IlilL, of tni-s f'l,,illci)i3e, the said .,Irarchisce i,,ill c!r--or;cl 4!ic Ci-@ly iii iny ,3ucl,. suit at @rz,,nchis(.,Ols cost ar,.cl iiill I)ay aiiy jildr,r.!@i'ctit @:),,ich 1,@,y bc @-,,2cu,,ed the City ei-thc,,r -irc sc@c or joiiitly i,7-'It@i arcl f'iii,lli@@r t!iat r, , hi. wi -i c c, @ I , )p, ny t@l('. Ci.i@y 'l poaj.c, cf ili,i:ra, ',i so: io r --.c c@r I to tiic (;iti to tli(, Ci Fil @ii 12. 'i'li@,t be@@ci,o rirl.i@s or 7i,ztn',.,-d hci,edii are by tol"@c Ci.t%- o@ in ti@@- oi@ cc): @:,Cl 1 0 1 - tc=:-, c" -,.@,d in ou'@ *@hc! f 'C@ise is t,o extend fcr a pcr4-cd cf twen'@y (20) yel-@s or t:ltil S,-l-- @-c re,,-c)',:ed fcr fail,@l-C to ccr.@,ly ifith tli@ *@@r-cs o-- fo-, o@!icr gLDl c-vse. ,ra@@ if tl,,L C, 4-y f Vir-'Il-: t,i.@t the ex-is- teiice of a pie- at tllis location tli-n--Iers t!,c@ iorri:,l I'lrw o@@ s,-@d aloii,- 4 the beach front, he franchisee a,,rees to sach nc.-cessary col-rec-c' ticns as the City r.-.ay require. The City reserves the right to refuse all bids. All bids shall be--eturnable to the Clc-,rl' of the City Coiinc,@:L on or be- fore l'ondav, "@Y IL,, 1962, at 2:30 O'c'ocl p.r,,.., at w@iich t-i.-le all b@-ds will be cpened. Approved for advertisement by %'ii-giv-ia @-,icli City Coinci.1 b/2/62. CITY OF V-IRGIlaA BFJCH Leiiis F. Sn,,ith 'The following bid is from the Ilirginia @-acli Picr and Ah@sement CCT,-..Oany: Virginia 13cach Picr and ATusrnen+. Comoan-,, rubl,.its its b@d t, co-,istrtict @nd operate a t-isliing and Amusement @er in the City of lli-rgirda Beach on the oc-an front,.witliin the area bet@,,een Ilith and 15th Streets, in t@e City of Virgir-ia Beacli, cc,7nencil,,7 on Ocean kveniie north ai)lDro)@-- rqately one hiirdred (1001) feet fro-.q the nort,heast ccrner of 11-,th Street and Ocean -Ivc,-tic; t'lence eas'l-e-ly into tlie Atlaiitic Ocean; and agrees that i@- a;.,P-rded tl,.e franciiise tha@@ it idll copf-@truct a Dier in a ccordaiice .,ith i)lans and sdeci 1-iciitio,:s fvrrisled by the Ci@@y En@.ineers and statbs tliat it has subriiitted its plai)s to the City r-n- gir.eers. TI-TAT it has aDDroval of t)ie ArTrv Eiigincers, and tliat it will oner@ille ' i,e i)icr in accard'ance wit!! the or(-@ nances of the .City and m-iintain t I of Virgini.a REach and -@h-- laws of '@he Coir.,ron@,ealth of Vii-l-sinia, and that it will co,7,oly with all tlie condit4-cns 1!ld provisi-ons S-t forth in the in%ritation to b@-d tlie sa.,re as if inccrDol-ated in this bid, @%tid that i@, i.,ill i)ay to tlie Ci+.y cfr the franci@@s- in additicn to @he coti- pliance uith the i)rovisiozis of the in@,ita@,,ion, the sum of 7'rlree Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars Dervear, and uay in addition thereto the same fees and other ccsts as atdlicable to ail other T-.crchants o-De.-atin@ si.@lar businesses in the City of Virginia E@-,cli, -!,.al@ all -9,,ch c-ts an.,-,' fe c, e ,!th tl,e -es and regul-aticns Dersu-ibed by L) -ghall- be in acc rdan >,. the City Courcil fo.- the City of Vir.@ina @-elch or its @uly designated -0 representatives. This bid is irade in accordance i;ith the invitation duly published bv ,the City of Virginia @e@,ch and if this bid is accepted,.th-- unaer- signed a@.rees to ccrp-@.ence work prc-r)lly and r)rosecute the const.-uctioi of the T)ier to ccmidlel-@on prom[)tl@,, in accordarce with the ini-ital@i-or. 0 IrIROIr!:A -3-@Ci! PI-t2 A"'D CO. City of Ilirgiria @e-,ch vi. ilisseil iiaLc,,;ci7 city N YnotJ.on of ?.r. Citon, !-,,iconcled 1)@i "',r. Tirr.All and by iii),ininoiis vote I,I!e I)i(i D(,ach i@'icr ii!ici -,icc(,.pt(l(i. 9 5 - THIS AGREEMEN-T, made this day of 1982, by and between the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of tlie Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter calle@ the City, and VIRGINIA BEACH FISHING PIER, INC., a Virginia stock corporation, which owns and operates a wooden fishing pier structure which projects into tlie waters of the Atlantic Ocean at 15th Street in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and VIRGINIA BEACH AMUSEMENT COMPANY, a Virginia general partnership, which owns certain real property located at 15th Street and Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Be.ach, Virginia. Both companies hereinafter collec@lively referred to as the Pi,r and AMLIsement Company; WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, in settlem ent of a controversy between the City and the Pier and Amusement Compaiiy which has its ro,ts in a franchise issued to the Pier and Amusement Company's predecessor in title by the City Council of the City oli May 14, 1962 (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is marked "Exhibit A") perniitting the construction and operation of a pier at said location, same being a replacement structure for a pier which had existed and been operated by tlie Pier and Amusemeiit Company prior thereto, the controversy involving, among other things, franchise fees due the City by the Pier and Amusement Company and the validity of the May 14, 1962 grant; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, having compromised, settled and satisfied all matters in dispute between them, do hereby set forth a written memorial of that agreement, and hence do agree as follows: 1. The Pier and Amusement Company acknowledqes the riglits of the C.ity and of the public to the use of tbe beach area between the platted lot lines of the propertv of the Pier and Amusement Cornpany and the Atlantic Ocean and the right of the City to reasonably regula te same in the public interest, same being recognized as having been dedicated as a public recreation easeniont. 9 6 - 2. Except as may be amended herein, the parties acknowledge and agree to be hound and obligated by the terms, conditions, limi-tations, riqlits and duties stated in the invitation to bid and the bid (hereinafter called "franchise.) contained in the minutes of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on May 14, 1962, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully stated herein, and is marked "Exhibit A'. 3. The parties aqree that pursuant to Section 15.1-314 of the Code of Virqinia 19tO as amended, the franchise d--scribed in "Exhibit A," which was to expire and terminate on May 14, 1982, shall be extended for a t6rm of Five (5) years, uritil May 13, 1987, and that during the period of the extension of the franchise the parties shall be subject to the provisions of "Exhibit A" as well as this contract. 4. The Pier and Amusement Company agrees to pay to the City the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00), which sum represents unpaid and past due franchise fees. The Pier and Amusement Company further agrees that it will pay the City the sura stated in this paragraph, without demand, immediately after this contract has been signed by the parties hereto. 5. The City hereby rele ases the Pier and Amusement Company from clai-ms for any remaining past due'franchise fees in excess of the sum stated in paragraph Four (4) above, the parties recognizing that any past due fees in excess-of that su,.n are barred by the statute of limitations. 6. The parties agree that during the term of the extension of the franchise, the Pier and Amusement Company shall pay to the City a fee of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) annually. The said annual 11-ee shall be paid, without demand, to the Treasurer of the -2- 9 7 - installments on or before the following dates: Date fee @@o bc may 14,' 1982 thru May 13, 1983 May 14, 1982, or immediately after this contracl. is signed by the parties hereto (whichever is later) May 14, 1983 thru May 13,- 1984 May 14, 1983 May 14, 1984 thru may 13, 1985 May 14, 1984 May 14, 1985 thru May 13, 1986 May 14, 1985 May 14, 1986 thru May 13, 1987 May 14, 1986 7. The Pier and AMusement Company acknowledges tliat in addition to the aforesaid franchise fee its operations are rubject to all other applicable laws, including, but not limited to state and municipal ordinances relating to noise and nuisances, permits and licensing, license taxes, admissions taxes, and sales taxes. 8. The Pier and Amusement Company hereby agrees and it is distinctly Understood that no business activities shall be allowed or conducted or operated on the pier except the following: a) rental and sale of tackle and bait for fishing, both natural and artificial. b) restaurant, the space of which shall not exceed an area of forty-four (44) feet by fifty-three (53) feet. 9. It is.hereby agreed and expressly understood that on and after December 31, 1982, The Pier and Amusement Company will not itself conduct or permit nor allow others to conduct or permit any nuisance, dancing, music, noise or 6ther sounds which are aud4-ble outside the buildings or structures located oii th, pier. 10. It is hereby agreed and expressly understood that the rights, duties and privileges, and interest granted herein, shall not be assignable wi@thout the consent and prior writteri approval of the City of Virqini-a 13cach. 98- 11. If any provision(s) of this contract is declared invalid by any tribuiial, the remainiftg provisions of the contract! sliall not be affected thereby. 12. Tliis contract represents the complete agreement of the parties dnd may not be changed, modified, amended, enlarged or extended unless so stated in writing, and signed by the parties, and where required by law, approved by the City Council of the City of Virgi.nia Beach. WITNESS the follow-ing signatures and seals. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By Thomas H. Mu City manager Attest: Rutli H s Smith City Clerk VIRGINIA BEACH FISIIING PIER, INC. By Sam Lachman, resfa nt VIRGINIA BEACH AMUSEMENT COMPANY By Albert I.,. Bonney General Partner STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit: I, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid do here!:)y certify ThOMAS H. MUEHLENBECK, City Manager, and RIJTH liODGES SMITH, Clerk, for th City e City of Virginia Beach, whose names as such are signed to the foregoinq v7riting bearii'lg date on the_ day of 19-1 have acknoivledged tlie same before me iii iny City and State aforesaid. -4- 99 - Given under my hand this day of 1982. Notar@ Public My Commission-expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit: I, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid do hereby certify that SAM LACHMAN, President of the VIRGINIA BEACH FISHING PIER, INC., whose name as such is signed lEo tlie foregoing writing bearing date on the _ day of , 19-, has ackiiowledged the same before me in my City and State aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of 19-. Notary Public My Commission expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit: a Notary Piablic in and for the City and State aforesaid do herebv certify that ALBERT L. BONNEY, General Partner of the VIRGINIA BEACH AMUSEMENT COMPANY whose name as such is signed to the foregoing writing bearing date on the day of 19 has acknowledged the same before me in my City and State aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of 19-. Notary Public (A-48.12) 5/26/82 - 10 2 - A P P 0 I N T M E N T S ITEM II-J-2 ITEM #18538 Upon nomination by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Council APPOINTED Councilman Robert G. Jones to serve as Chairman of the CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY IMPACT OF STATE/FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS ON CITY GOVERNMENT. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 103 - ITEM II-J.3 ITEM #18539 Upon nomination by Councilman Heischober, City Council APPOINTED Councilwoman Nancy A. Creech and Councilwoman Reba S. McClanan to the COMMITTEE TO REVIEW BID PROPOSALS ROSE HALL - FRANCIS LAND HOUSE.** Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr.,* Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None *COUNCILMAN JENNINGS VOICED A VERBAL "AYE". **The balance of the Committee will be appointed August 9, 1982. - 104- C A N C E L L E D M E E T I N G ITEM II-L.1 ITEM #18540 Upon motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf, City Council voted to CANCEL the Regular Council meeting on the Third Monday in September (September 20, 1982) to allow the Members to attend the Annual Virginia Municipal League which is being hosted by the City of Virginia Beach. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr.,* Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. Mcclanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None *COUNCILMAN JENNINGS VOICED A VERBAL "AYE" - 10 5 - E X E C U T I V E S E S S I 0 N ITEM II-M.1 ITEM #18541 Upon motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman McCoy, City Council voted to RECESS into EXECUTIVE SESSION (5:13 p.m.), for the purpose of discussing Personnel Matters, Legal Matters and Appointee Evaluations, after which to adjourn. Voting: 1 1- 0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech, Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, Reba S. McClanan, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None - 1 0 6 - A D J 0 U R N M E N T ITEM II-N.1 ITEM #18542 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Henley, City Council adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Diane M. Hickman, Deputy City Clerk RAth Hodge!r Smith, CMC, City Clerk Mayor Louis R. Jones City of Virginia Beach, Virginia 2 August 1982 dmh/asd